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SW Episode III - Reign of the Dark Side (* unfinished project *) — Page 25


mrbenja0618 said:

Now, it doesn't seem stupid that Obi-Wan jumps down all stupid-like for no reason.

No one can kill a Jedi.



Ok need some input, cause I've been watching this for awhile now, and I need to know how odd this part is. right now I'm immune to it after working on re-editing it for a 6th time.

The opera scene. Some things to note while watching...

1. I know I used the same shot twice, one of the duplicate shots will be changed later.

2. The audio is not complete, what i need to peoples thoughts on the conversation. If it works, I'll go in and clean up the audio.

3. The Idea here is that Palpatine starts the conversation talking about The Sith, to test Anakins reaction. After Anakin shows some interest, he then moves onto telling him about the Jedi plot, then he ends the conversation linking the Jedi and Sith as really being pretty much the same.

4. I'm trying to be change the flow because I always remeber this as the scene that I would head up to get a drink or hit the bathrrom, cause I really cant stand it.

5. This scene is a very hard scene to edit based on the which way the actors are facing, otherwise this wouldnt be to hard to making into something great. So if you make a suggestion for a cut, keep in mind the actors positioning.

I'm running with a new 1080p version now, so make sure to bump up the resolution. Woot! 8)



 My Episode 3 Edit Reign of the Dark Side


Ok, here are my thoughts -

- remove Anakin answering "No" and then Palpatine saying "I thought not". If Anakin doesn't say anything, we can only guess that maybe he has read or heard something about that legend and that he is keen to know more about it.

- remove Anakin's "He could actually... save people from death?" and also Palpatine's "Darkside is a path to many abilities some consider to be... unnatural."  It is unnecessary for Anakin to ask this, because Palpatine already said it and then later he mentions it again, "How ironic... he could save others from death...".  3 times is just too much and a bit stupid.

And also, the thing is, Hayden is a good actor. George just wrote an awful dialog for him. Take a look at this scene, for example, Hayden's acting is good - you can see that there are some dark thoughts running through Anakin's head, but that whole imagine gets destroyed when he asks those stupid questions. If you remove couple of Anakin's lines, then he becomes more dark, mysterious  and interesting.

The dialog then would look something like this -

P: "You ever hear a tragedy of Darth P. The Wise?... It's a sith legend. Darth P. had such a knowlage of the Dark Side he could even keep the ones he cared about... from dying."

A: "What happened to him?" (definitely keep this line)*

P: "He became so powerful..."

And then the rest of the scene plays out just like you edited.

*A cool thing about Anakin's, "What happened to him?", is that it's the 1st line Anakin says and it shows us that he can't sit there quiet anymore and that he's very interested in learning this power, but, at the same time, he is concerned about consequences. 

English isn't my 1st language - I'm sorry for spelling mistakes. These were just my 2 cents. I hope this helps.


Excellent work. I've always thought it should end on "and the Jedi don't?"

Still can't stand the name Darth Plagueis though.

Have you considered changing it to "Darth Vader"? That way, it suggests that Anakin is stepping into this ancient sith's shoes to learn this power. And Palps dubbing him Darth Vader later on doesn't seem so random and based on nothing.

Palpatine: Henceforth, you wil be known as Darth.........um.............Vader. Yeah Darth Vader

Anakin: You're really pulling these names out of your ass aren't you? 


Youtube teasers look good...!

One thing I've always wanted to see corrected the prequels is the Venator Star Destroyers firing GREEN lasers that match the Imperial Star Destroyers in the OT.  Plus have the Clonetroopers have red lasers like the stormies.

But that could be an impossible task!


Cyberbeagle said:

But that could be an impossible task!

It's not impossible. I used to bul....

oups wrong quote..

Its just need great amount of time. Bob proved that he can do great stuff with awesome results.





I only have one problem with this......I don't know whether it's a mistake. But the part where he says "Good is a point of view Anakin"......the Anakin is cut off and indiscernable.


Looks great! Maybe cut the Palpatine bit right after he says "ironic"...could be cool if he seems to just let his thoughts wander, leading the audience to wonder if he's reminiscing when he killed Plagueis.


I appreciate that Bob may be trying for a different angle but the subtextual reference to Palpatine killing his former Master seems important to me.

For one thing it's one of the few moments of convincing subtlety in the whole PT as well as setting up the interesting Master/Slave relationship between Vader and Palpatine in the OT in a single line.

Palpatine always keeps his apprentices down because he knows what will happen to him if they get too strong and he will drop them the moment they become too weak or look like they will gain a strong apprentice of their own.

The opera scene is one of the best moments of the PT but I'm still for improving it and seeing alternate takes but I would be careful of cutting out what works.

It's so rare that PT functions the moments when it happens should be enshrined as proof of how good these films could have been if the people responsible had used a bit of thought and discernment.


I'm thinking that the last clip I posted will be what the final version is. It still has one or two hard transitions but those will be ironed out.

ATM, there's only one scene that has no cuts to it, and that's the conversation between Anakin and Padme that ends with. "Hold me like you did on the lake, etc, etc"

While I'm not a huge fan of that scene, I wont cut it entirely. Due to the fact that it shows that Anakin and Padme are still having problems between their views of governmental rule. But that is IMO the hardest conversation to edit into something a bit more serious. I'll be rewatching that part tonight in hopes that I can find something to tweek and add to that.

 My Episode 3 Edit Reign of the Dark Side


Keep an eye out for somewhere to recycle the line "Not from a Jedi" it's a well delivered line and may be useful elsewhere if it's to be cut from the opera scene.


Opera scene is one of the best in the prequels. I thought it was great as is but you've done a nice job improving it. I like the ending "And the Jedi don't?"


Well the thing about the "not from a Jedi line" was not so much finding a place to work it back in at the time, but more of an audio issue. Right at the very end of that line, there is an increasing amount of background music. So I decided to just leave it out and work around it.

But after looking the scene over, Even if I could grab a clean version from the Star Wars Soundboard. I'm still not sure where that line could be worked back in other than right after "Is it possible to learn this power?"

So at that point it would be two different close up shots of Palpatine delivering two different lines. And that just wouldnt look right. I love that line also, so trust me I tryed to get it back in there. I'll keep thinking of ways and see if something works.


The thing I'm liking best about this cut is the fact that now Palpatine's selling point has changed a bit. He plays to Anakins personal wants first. The first time he really grabs Anakins attention is when me mentions the word Powerfull. And now Anakins head is up and he's all ears. And removing the line "He could actualy save people from death" sells the idea that maybe Anakin isnt just curious because he's trying to find a way to save Padme. That just happens to be a nice perk.

Let me see if I got this right....

Power greater than a Jedi .... check

No Jedi restrictions ...... check

Dont have to sit in the council mettings, taking hard ass stares from Mace Windu and Obi-wan for something I just said .... check

I can be married .... check

And I can also save my wife from certain death?

Hell, where do I sign??

 My Episode 3 Edit Reign of the Dark Side


Dude, I think you got it. It's great. I wouldn't change that scene any other way. Seriously. You nailed it.


^Nice have you tried having the prune face slightly morph in (as in Captain Howdy off The Exorcist). Also aren't Palps eyes more orangey yellow in ROTJ?



Bingowings said: Do you want to see the project finished as a playable film or a flick book?