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Star Wars THX "Faces" DVD Covers (Finished)


I always thought that the 1995 "Faces" Laserdisc and VHS covers were cool, so I wanted to make some DVD covers with the same style. I have the first one finished, Empire and Jedi to come soon.

EDIT 5/3/10: Okay, they're all finished! I've made some finishing touches, and saved them all as JPEGs in CMYK color for accurate printing. The smaller preview JPEGs are in RGB so as to display correctly in your browser.

Low-res Previews (Scroll down for downloads):

High-res downloads:

Star Wars: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=GLMRP6OZ

Empire: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=D6C7S106

Jedi: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=KKUOAH90

"I just got this bucket back together, I'm not gonna let something tear it apart!"


I actually like your DVD covers better than the original VHS ones. They are the same, yet yours are a lot cleaner.

"The other versions will disappear. Even the 35 million tapes of Star Wars out there won’t last more than 30 or 40 years. A hundred years from now, the only version of the movie that anyone will remember will be the DVD version [of the Special Edition], and you’ll be able to project it on a 20’ by 40’ screen with perfect quality. I think it’s the director’s prerogative, not the studio’s to go back and reinvent a movie." - George Lucas

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Why did you post it as a PDF?  Can you post a normal JPG version?

My outlook on life - we’re all on the Hindenburg anyway…no point fighting over the window seat.


Those look great!  I look forward to seeing what you do with the other two in the set.  Welcome to the boards.


Ziz said:

Why did you post it as a PDF?  Can you post a normal JPG version?

When I finish the rest I'll post them all as JPEGs, also.

"I just got this bucket back together, I'm not gonna let something tear it apart!"



Thanks for posting these! Easily my favorite of the officially released covers.



Not a big fan of Empire's spine logo.  I don't like the split horizontal(vertical) bars.

Other than that, they're fantastic!  Excellent work!


Thanks for these....I know I have the TR-47 set as well and those are cool too.



Nice job!

These have always been my least favorite of the covers. Yoda in particular is horrible, and I hate the "fat" Jedi titles. 


Well, had been the least favorite until the shitty PS jobs came out on the new DVD releases (LENS FLARE!).


However, you did capture them exactly, so well-done.


I signed up on OT.com specifically to ask about these. With Megaupload not being around anymore, I can't get to the full-resolution DVD covers based on my favorite Star Wars cover art. Does someone around here have these?


Boter said:

I signed up on OT.com specifically to ask about these. With Megaupload not being around anymore, I can't get to the full-resolution DVD covers based on my favorite Star Wars cover art. Does someone around here have these?

I second this request. I'd like to see these available as well.

A picture is worth a thousand words. Post 102 is worth more.

I’m late to the party, but I think this is the best song. Enjoy!

—Teams Jetrell Fo 1, Jetrell Fo 2, and Jetrell Fo 3


There have been multiple people that have recreated the Faces covers. Might be worth a look in the ginormous DVD covers thread to see if other versions are still around.

I had either Falle's or Coov's Faces set at one point, but that collection died with my last tower computer :/

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em


172 pages is pretty intimidating for a newbie... don't suppose it's indexed. I'll see if I can find a search function around here...


I don't know what to tell you. I tried skimming through it to see if I could find any of the old hubs to download cover art, but it was a lost cause. Good luck is about all I can say, I couldn't even find anything on google sitesearch.

edit-AH! I knew I had a set like this at one point! Hell, I even uploaded them for someone. These aren't as well done as doublex's, but you can find a faces set here. Right off the bat you'll notice that instead of the logos from the faces set whoever did them substituted them for a gold-embossed look. I'd recommend toying with them yourself a bit if you want to use them, they look pretty amateur in some spots (the black levels and compression artifacts are all over the place.) Upping the contrast even just a little bit gets rid of the worst of it but that's kind of a crap fix.

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em


They'd definitely need a lot of work, there's no bleed room around the edges either. Thank you for finding it though, and your input :) I'm not that good with photoshop but I might end up just doing it on my own anyway, see if I can get some scans of the laserdisc covers I have and the VHS tapes back at my parents' place.


Sorry guys, but I lost the original files :/ If anyone happens to have them, hopefully they can post them here.

If not, maybe I'll make some new ones eventually.

"I just got this bucket back together, I'm not gonna let something tear it apart!"


Awesome! Thanks so much! Definitely something to look through.


Those are indeed better than the ones I found if only because of the logos but I really prefer how the text doesn't get in the way of the faces on doublex's. If I had the talent I'd take a crack at making a copy myself. I've always really liked these covers for some reason. Very elegant and restrained, even though they're much like the photoshop jobs people despise so much today.

edit- does anyone have those stylized THX/Lucasfilm logos in high res? I've made my own custom versions of this set but the spine looks a little empty without them. I'd of course be happy to share if anyone's interested with the finished project, but it's a pretty quick fix. I just upped the contrast so the black levels were consistent and took the fronts from Mackey's folder & the backs from the set I had.

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em


Bump. I edited this post a good while after I posted it, so it probably got ignored.

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em


bkev said:

Those are indeed better than the ones I found if only because of the logos but I really prefer how the text doesn't get in the way of the faces on doublex's. If I had the talent I'd take a crack at making a copy myself. I've always really liked these covers for some reason. Very elegant and restrained, even though they're much like the photoshop jobs people despise so much today.

edit- does anyone have those stylized THX/Lucasfilm logos in high res? I've made my own custom versions of this set but the spine looks a little empty without them. I'd of course be happy to share if anyone's interested with the finished project, but it's a pretty quick fix. I just upped the contrast so the black levels were consistent and took the fronts from Mackey's folder & the backs from the set I had.
Stylized how? You can find vectors of both logos pretty easily. I think I have them saved in 5 different areas of my hard drive.

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is it possible to make these for the despecialized editions, like blu-ray case size?


The ONLY "Faces" artwork I have are the old Dr. Gonzo, TR-47, and RickWJ324 sets.

Not sure if I snatched this before the links died.  I may have, I'll check.


EDIT: I lied, I have d_j's old VHS & LD Faces covers too. Oooooops ...... ;)

I love these.  Could you do a Blu Ray version?

looking for HDTV of the  Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith.  Also HDTV of The Lord of the Rings trilogy