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Post #659

Rebel Scumb
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Date created
23-Mar-2003, 3:55 AM
yeah I've emailed everyoen I know about it, it doesn't help exponentially, but if even half of them forward it to other people, and if even half of those people forward it, etc, hopefully it helps at least a bit.

I think one thing that could help sell the idea to LFL is that the OE OT could be released without a lot of extra features, because the people who are really out to get it want it specifically for the movie, thus LFL could release the dvd with relative easy and at a low cost, which will help tide people over (in their eyes at least) until the big SE OT with tons of extras comes out and all the new added scenes and FX.

AotC benefitted from TPM's dvd coming out shortly before the marketing began for it. But the AotC disk came out so fast after its theatre run that there will be no similar venue to help hype up ep3.

But this would be the perfect vehicle for that, they could tie in the promotion of the last SW movie ever with the historical release of the the original trilogy in its original form.

Roger Ebert is also someone who should be contacted at some point, and has any effort been made to reach the film historian/preservationist who was quoted in that Entertainment weekly article a few weeks back about the OT dvds???