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Post #400276

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RedLetterMedia's Revenge of Nadine [TPM 108 pg Resp. [RotS Review+RotS Preview+ST'09 Reveiw+Next Review Teaser+2002 Interview+AotC OutTakes+Noooooo! Doc.+SW Examiner Rebuttal+AotC Review+TPM Review]
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Date created
1-Mar-2010, 11:14 AM

TheBoost said:

Warbler said:


Vaderisnothayden said:Without emotional depth you've got jack shit in terms of art. The problem is there are some pretty mistaken ideas about art and what's of artistic value.    

in your opinion

Vaderisnothayden said:

Oh there are other criteria for evaluating movies, sure, but artistic value and emotional depth is the big one.

in your opinion

Warb, you're missing the point. VINH doesn't express opinions (if he even has such lowly feelings). He reveals fact.  

Bullshit. All I do is believe in my opinions. I do nothing that everybody else doesn't do. Or do you argue things while believing they're wrong or automatically count your opinions as mistaken just because somebody tells you they are?

Surely you have the intelligence to realize it's low-down to join in attacking somebody who is being abused?

Warbler said:

first of I want to apologize for my part in derailing this thread.    I saw Vaderisnothayden's comments on the Star Treks movie and just couldn't keep myself from commenting.   Sorry.    This will be my last post in this thread as 1. the discussion between VINH and myself isn't going anywhere.  We just disagree and that's that.  2. I no longer wish to contribute to the further derailment of this thread.    

Vaderisnothayden said:Without emotional depth you've got jack shit in terms of art. The problem is there are some pretty mistaken ideas about art and what's of artistic value.    

in your opinion

Vaderisnothayden said:

Oh there are other criteria for evaluating movies, sure, but artistic value and emotional depth is the big one.

in your opinion

Vaderisnothayden said:

I'm not going to list a top ten movies, because that sort of list is too hard to make up. There are movies I like more than others, but the list changes and there are different ways to judge such a list. For example, there are movies I think are great and movies I like a lot and while the two lists overlap they are not the same.

ok, how about listing say 5 movies that you feel are great and 5 movies that you like a lot?   



first of I want to apologize for my part in derailing this thread.    I saw Vaderisnothayden's comments on the Star Treks movie and just couldn't keep myself from commenting.   Sorry.    This will be my last post in this thread as 1. the discussion between VINH and myself isn't going anywhere.  We just disagree and that's that.  2. I no longer wish to contribute to the further derailment of this thread.  

Thank you for not being like certain other people. You have not insulted me at any point on this thread and for that I thank you. We can agree to disagree, no problem. :)

in your opinion

in your opinion

Well of course it's my opinion. I wouldn't be saying it if it wasn't. I never see the point in people saying "In your opinion", except for people to say "I think you're mistaken" without actually saying those words. I never claimed it was anything other than my opinion. It is my opinion, my opinion which I believe is right because I have thought it out very carefully and found it solid, same as you believe your opinions are right. Same as most people believe their opinions are right.

ok, how about listing say 5 movies that you feel are great and 5 movies that you like a lot?   

Maybe some other time. Right now, our discussion doesn't seem to be thrilling everyone on this thread, so I'd rather just draw it to a close.

TV's Frink said:

It's time for everyone to stop this pointless bickering

I agree. I am done with all that now.