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Rad (1986) (Released) — Page 11


I have wondered the same.

Although, this is STARKILLERs thread and CMG just added to it with his own 'preservation'. It's a little sad though to do that and show everyone in this thread, who are probably big fans of the movie, your version and what it will look like only to not release it. I thought this was the purpose of this site and threads like this.

Maybe he will have a change of heart or maybe just not reply anymore and keep it to himself. I know he worked hard on it but so did STARKILLER and he released his.

I doubt this will ever be released officially so I do thank STARKILLER for for releasing his which is awesome. I would have liked to see CMGs copy though as it looked really good.


To update since many people are wondering and sending PMs, which Ill answer here

No the project is not dead, and No the project is not finished.
Yes I have the menus done and Yes I have a beta script written.

Why is this taking so long when I said it would be done by Christmas?
Well, I thought I would have got the menus sooner than I did and I would be able to complete it before Christmas but this was not the case, and now in the new year, time is limited. I have been preoccupied with moving and some other obstacles that have came up. I dont get a chance to even check the site every day like I used to be able to and I have been busy with many house hold chores and re-organizing things/moving, on top of work.

This project has been on my mind, its just finding the time to do it....and since this new DVD doesnt use the same script as the last one that means I have to re-write it, even tho I can use the old one as a base starting point
Just for those interested, the trailer alone is over 100 lines long, which is longer than Gspots script.....and I have to go thru the entire movie again to find those points just so they will match up in the trailer

Once life gives me some time, which may be sooner than later, when I get all this shit in my house situated and moved and put away, then Im going to get back to it
All the files are on my main drive, nothing has been lost, I just need the hours to go thru the files and write the final script

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Thank you for your response CMG :)

Does this also mean it will be shared for the fans?


Just checking...any updates?   Thanks, CMG, for your work on this.  Everyone I know loves this film, and any work to preserve it is appreciated!


Thank you for all your hard work CMG!!!!!

If there is any news in regards to this project we would LOVE to hear about it!!!

Is there any thing WE can do to help you? I know a lot about video editing (probably not as much as you) if there is any tedious work that others could help you with please dont hesitate to ask. I would happily dedicate any time I have to the cause. As we all know, there are literally tens of thousands of people who will praise this project once complete.




Look, I've been following this thread for the last year anonymously and at this point I'm pretty much of the belief that CompMusicGuy is full of crap and registered an account just to say as much. I used to be excited that he was going to release something worthwhile but at this point it's a worthless hope.

So let's be real for a second: I'm a massive fan of Rad and the the 1080i capture from Starkiller's original post 4 years ago seems to be long lost. Does _anyone_ have it or know where to get it? Just getting a 720p release out of the original 1080i capture would be good enough at this point. I've been searching for it for 2 years and following CMG's drama for the past year and I've had enough. So, fans of RAD, help me: where do we get a HD version of this?


@ SoulAssassin

First, if you read anything, I had released a few encodes to some people on this board. YES, real life caught up with me, I dont have as much time as I once did. But to say that nothing has been done is just plain wrong. I had made an encode and sent it to a few people with the delogo done, it has since been improved. The delogo filter is tricky along with the inverse telecine and chroma and all that stuff.

People like you dont make it easier, and seeing that you joined today just to post this one comment after trolling for a entire year just shows how inconsiderate you are

Also, some of my motivation toward this has been lacking because of the current tread of movies getting DVD releases. Almost all of the movies I have capped and encoded and made DVDs out of have been released on DVD now thru the WAC and other companies offerings. Thus if I put this work in and then a couple months later it gets released to DVD (like some other movies I did) it seems kinda moot

@ everyone else besides a$$hole

3 weeks, HARD deadline

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Dear CompMovieGuy and SoulAssassin:

I understand where both you guys are coming from.

CMG: you are doing all the hard work on the actual edit, so like with Ady's EMPIRE:R, all us fans can do is just wait patiently and watch other movies until you post something, if anything at all.  I would not put this away, as even if RAD is released it probably won't look nearly as good as what you have (compare the HOWARD THE DUCK 720p HDTV release provided by Dark Jedi to the current dvd release).

SA: I'm with you to the degree that it would be nice if there was an eventual TP page to RS or MU links, and it is quite frustrating when you see some people (not necessarily CMG) who post threads about edits they are doing along with the statement that they have no intent to post it for others to see.  If you're going to do something just for yourself, there is no point in telling other people about it.  In other words (I guess this goes for everybody, including myself):


 “You people must realize that the public owns you for life, and when you’re dead, you’ll all be in commercials dancing with vacuum cleaners.”

– Homer Simpson


CompMovieGuy said:

@ everyone else besides a$$hole

3 weeks, HARD deadline

Are you saying your planning on having it done in 3 weeks? ((**excited**))




SoulAssassin said:

Look, I've been following this thread for the last year anonymously and at this point I'm pretty much of the belief that CompMusicGuy is full of crap and registered an account just to say as much. I used to be excited that he was going to release something worthwhile but at this point it's a worthless hope.

Who is CompMusicGuy?


Yes, 3 weeks or earlier, its a hard deadline

I had to reinstall all the software back on the PC since I never did since I reformatted
I finished the script for the movie
Ill work on the trailer script tonight, I have most the values written down but I have to go back and double check and make sure they match up, this 90 second trailer is probably going to take me several hours just to get the precision right, the end quality of it wont be great since Im not going to reproduce it from scratch, the source will be a wide VHS capture

Then Ill have to run a few trials to make sure the script looks right and probably a full trial script encode, then Ill have to run it for real and hope the size doesnt become an issue since the final encode will probably take a few days, thus why Im saying 3 weeks

If everything goes 100% without problems or hiccups, it could be 1 week, but this is typically never the case

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I finished the trailer script tonight, only took me several hours, frame by frame (not scene by scene), complete overhaul and many values adjusted to be frame perfect.

Next on the list is some test runs to make sure the scripts are good to go
~60MBs for the trailer
~3MBs for the menus
~5MBs for the DVD_ROM
~4410MBs for the feature

Ill probably do the trailer first (also my wording was a bit misleading last post, the trailer was reconstructed from the HD source with the same delogo as the main feature, but the end of the trailer was taken from a wide VHS, as Im not going to reproduce that part from scratch)

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Hell yea CMG!! I cant wait to see it!!


I ran some tests and they came back good, it looks like these scripts are good to go.

The trailer is complete, it comes in at 60MBs @ 5500kbps CCE 6pass+VAF (90 seconds). The end 10 seconds looks terrible since its from VHS but everything is sync'd up and I didnt have to mess with anything, its a 1 to 1 copy of how the original trailer was

Once the encoding is finished, the authoring will take me a few to several hours to make sure everything is 100% how I want it to be
Once that is done, I will touch up the artwork again, so a few hours on that

The delogo looks good, its not perfect and it never will be but it seems like the best it will be, better than I previously thought and is only noticeable on fast-paced scenes where artifacts on the capture were present (nothing can be done for that), thanks goes to Moth3r for his input on this
The flickering on the 2 that was previously discussed and that was seen by some people has been for the most part eliminated

Encoding/syncing the main feature will take anywhere from 4 days to two weeks depending on if CCE will work with me and output the size I want and how many trys it will take to get it right.

Output will only be DVD5, DVD9 is unnecessary

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Im leaving town for the weekend

Improved artwork has been made and will be included when project is finished

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Ive completed a trial encode, just a simple one 3 pass CCE at 6000kbps to see how the entire movie looks and how the size is going to be

So far everything looks good, i had to make a few adjustments on the script, nothing big just some things I noticed when I blew the image up

Now I just need to do the final encode, mux items together, author it, double check it, and pack it

Hopefully the final encode will only have to be done once to get the right size

Edit (6/30/10): I did another encode, 2pass at 6100, just to check size and see if there was any problems with any corrections I made with the script....the final encode will be started tonight or tomorrow, release date is looking like sometime between the July 5th week

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Hows it goin CMG? Hope you had a RAD 4th of july! ;D


Im working on it right now

What I believe to be the final encode is finished and I am just doing a mux of the video tracks and the audio tracks, I will then check it out and see if I am overall satisfied with the results. Im pretty sure I got the sizing right, I just have to check everything

I went back thru the trailer in the meantime and made a couple corrections in frame #'s and will encode another trailer. The total number of frames is exactly what it should be but it seems sometimes while splicing these scenes together a stray frame gets into a scene every now and then, but I went back thru it and there was only 4, I re-editied the script and Im about to encode another trailer and see if that one is 100% frame to frame from the source I have

After I check everything, then I will author it.....might be a day or two, then send out samples for others to check to make sure I didnt miss anything, and so on and so forth

Edit: Went thru trailer again after encode, its a perfect 1:1 copy, same exact frame numbers, I went thru it again and made sure each scene has the same number of frames and that they were cut right, its perfect....60MBs

Last movie encode is at 4405MBs
That leaves 16MBs for the menu and artwork, Im going to be cutting it close but I think Im going to hit it right on.....and I think, after I get verification, this should be ready relatively soon

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So right now Im about 1 week overdue on my 3 week deadline, but of course unforeseen problems did occur, and while they have been resolved, in resolving them I had to trash the previous encodes and start to make new ones

But after these new encodes are finished, this should come together pretty quick since I have most everything else done and written down

Once I get all the encodes done and the samples sent out, you should see a massive update on everything

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New thread created specifically for my preservation of Rad, link is below
Rad - Helltrack Edition

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