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RedLetterMedia's Revenge of Nadine [TPM 108 pg Resp. [RotS Review+RotS Preview+ST'09 Reveiw+Next Review Teaser+2002 Interview+AotC OutTakes+Noooooo! Doc.+SW Examiner Rebuttal+AotC Review+TPM Review] — Page 8


no, no, no.  Vader is the Empire's Official Tonsil Checker.  Yes it's part of EU, but it's there, check the wiki.


none said:

no, no, no.  Vader is the Empire's Official Tonsil Checker.

hahahaha  I bet he has that on a T-shirt.   


i dont careif the jokes are like "no taste" or whatever, but i just dont think this dude is funny


Vaderisnothayden said:

Humor doesn't excuse absolutely everything and nor does playing roles or whatever shit a person might want to try. What you find worthy of being presented as humor says something about you. And some things should not normally be used for humor.

Showing a guy with a tied up woman is his basement only shows that some guys are weird and dangerous. That is not humor against women, it's pretty much the opposit. And here the humor comes from the fact that the shot of this girl takes us by surprise, not because it is good fun to watch a woman crying.


I'm sorry but that's just nonsense. It's misogynistic to get a laugh out of jokes about murdering women and tying them up in your basement and remarks about "complaining like a woman". You can rationalize it back and forth and find all sorts of clever rationales and ways of looking at it to reinterpret it and excuse it, but when you're done the essential truth remains. And I hate when people try to excuse unacceptable humor by trying to explain that it has such and such mentality that isn't offensive and is meant to be looked at such and such way. Last year a comedian made a joke that not enough Jews were killed in the Holocaust and all sorts of excuses were made to defend his joke and make it out to be ok, but really it was just an anti-semitic joke. 


Well, I will not feel guilty because I laughed and you don't. But really, I did not laughed AT the poor women, I laughed of the situation and the way it comes from the left field in a Star Wars review. Humor often comes from the way you present the subject, not the subject itself.

But at the same time I'm not saying that you're wrong. You just did not feel the same, and I fully understand.


Whoaho!  We've opened up new Unecceptable territory!  In my country there is problem...


I still dont see why you guys are going on about the "humor" in this review.  We are here to discuss the Star Wars movies and ways to make them better.  Not here to discuss a fan edit of a hardly known, fan-made review of TPM.  Lets take his good points out of his review, and move them into dicussion on this thread.  Who cares about the other stuff.

If anything, we should all be glad he made this review, its a little step toward a potenial watchable edit of TPM.  ;)


Ghost said:

I still dont see why you guys are going on about the "humor" in this review.  We are here to discuss the Star Wars movies and ways to make them better.  Not here to discuss a fan edit of a hardly known, fan-made review of TPM.

Not everyone is here for the reason you are here.


Ghost said:

I still dont see why you guys are going on about the "humor" in this review.  We are here to discuss the Star Wars movies and ways to make them better.  Not here to discuss a fan edit of a hardly known, fan-made review of TPM.  Lets take his good points out of his review, and move them into dicussion on this thread.  Who cares about the other stuff.

If anything, we should all be glad he made this review, its a little step toward a potenial watchable edit of TPM.  ;)

No we're not here to discuss ways of making the Star wars movies better. Trying to "make them better" is wrong. They should be left as they were when first released or as close to that as possible. Fucking with the movies is what Lucas has done that has bothered so many people. This is a thread for discussing this review. The humor is a relevant topic. 


Hasn't it been done to death by now?

BTW I wasn't saying the humour was of the same quality as Charlie Chaplin but just as Charles was not being a Nazi in The Great Dictator this guy isn't being a misogynist in this review.

As far as I'm concerned this aspect of the conversation about these reviews is closed.

I've made my case and I no longer feel the need to go any further with it.


Bingowings said:

Hasn't it been done to death by now?

BTW I wasn't saying the humour was of the same quality as Charlie Chaplin but just as Charles was not being a Nazi in The Great Dictator this guy isn't being a misogynist in this review.

Doesn't work. This situation isn't like Great Dictator at all. It's a case of a particular taste in humor being misogynistic. It's misogynistic to put that stuff forward for a laugh no matter how many levels of irony or role-playing are invoked as an excuse. The is not an issue of simply taking things ar face value or not. The issue is that certain things are misogynistic if they are a component of a piece of humor, whether or not the joke is intended to be taken at face value. And humor is often cover for putting forward offensive stuff that is meant to be taken as not prejudiced but which actually has prejudice behind it. To me this looks like a case of that.


So I'm going to take this off topic...

...and mention that I watched RLM's Star Trek Generations review, as well as some of the First Contact review.  You can tell it was done before his TPM review, as it doesn't seem as polished (if that's the right word).  It's still pretty good, but it drags a bit more.

BTW, none, I'm enjoying the constant changes to the thread title. :-)


He called it the worst movie of all time lol.

He called First Contact something like the 5,679th worst movie, but still way better than Generations.

Oh, and he made references to killing his ex-wife.

(sorry none!)


He's still on about killing his ex-wife? Jeez. Sounds like quite the obsession. lol Doesn't he know when a joke's worn out?


Bingowings said:

Hasn't it been done to death by now?

BTW I wasn't saying the humour was of the same quality as Charlie Chaplin but just as Charles was not being a Nazi in The Great Dictator this guy isn't being a misogynist in this review.

 Chaplin used humor to ruthlessly skewer Naziism and intolerance.

This dude,  'I hate Star Wars and by the way, look, a woman being tortured in my basement. Isn't that funny?' He never even made a joke or a point, or a humorous observation. It was nothing but a cheap shock. I think humor and satire can make a lot of offensive stuff acceptable, but its not just that this dude isn't funny, it's that what he puts there isn't even trying.

Imagine if he said "I hate The Phantom Menace, and I'm molesting kids in my basement."


Vaderisnothayden said:

He's still on about killing his ex-wife? Jeez. Sounds like quite the obsession. lol Doesn't he know when a joke's worn out?

Those reviews came before, he did every TNG film before he did TPM and he is appears he will be doing critiques of every PT film in the same idiom.

So if you are so offended by it don't watch them.

Boost I've already posted about what he is satirising by adopting this style (it's not as important a target as the terrors of Nazi fascism but it's still a worthy target as this thread illustrates).


The main point of the Star Trek reviews is how the TNG television show is dramatically different then the movies  Their treatment of Picard. (TV show = Thoughtful, Movie = Action BadAss)  Also how the movies show a general disrespect for the ideals of Star Trek in general, from plots not being thought through to the worse level of cost cutting, the reuse of special effect shots.  are what stand out for me.

And each times in around 40 minutes so there's lots of examples, many cross cutting clips from the original show and how the movies tweaked the characterizations.  The do tend to be slower and less techniques are used in the review process.  (the quick cut audio transition into the next chapter for instance is used everywhere)  RLM's crafting his work. 


Bingowings said:



Boost I've already posted about what he is satirising by adopting this style (it's not as important a target as the terrors of Nazi fascism but it's still a worthy target as this thread illustrates).

Then I think the crux of our disagreement is whether he's actually satirizing anything. I see it as just a cheap shock with no bearing on anything, but I do suppose it's possible he's tying to make some kind of humorous point (although even if he is, in my opinion he fails miserably).

I can agree to disagree on this, comfortable in the knowledge that neither of us are actually for murdering women.


TheBoost said:

Bingowings said:Boost I've already posted about what he is satirising by adopting this style (it's not as important a target as the terrors of Nazi fascism but it's still a worthy target as this thread illustrates).

Then I think the crux of our disagreement is whether he's actually satirizing anything. I see it as just a cheap shock with no bearing on anything, but I do suppose it's possible he's tying to make some kind of humorous point (although even if he is, in my opinion he fails miserably).

I can agree to disagree on this, comfortable in the knowledge that neither of us are actually for murdering women.

That was pretty much what I've been suggesting all along.

No one (even RLM70) has suggested that they are actually for the murder of anyone of any gender or that they have any particular prejudice towards any particular group.

It really boils down to if you find his comedy funny or tasteful and I shan't be drawn into commenting on that.

The points he makes about the films and television shows he reviews are a separate issue from his chosen method of framing them and really those should be the main focus of this thread.

The manner of his presentation has been covered in enough depth to satisfy any sensible person.



Bingowings said:

Vaderisnothayden said:

He's still on about killing his ex-wife? Jeez. Sounds like quite the obsession. lol Doesn't he know when a joke's worn out?

Boost I've already posted about what he is satirising by adopting this style (it's not as important a target as the terrors of Nazi fascism but it's still a worthy target as this thread illustrates).

So what do you think he's satirizing?

And I've already expressed my view that satire is often cover for bigotry. It's not just my view alone.


Bingowings said:

Vaderisnothayden said:

He's still on about killing his ex-wife? Jeez. Sounds like quite the obsession. lol Doesn't he know when a joke's worn out?

Those reviews came before, he did every TNG film before he did TPM and he is appears he will be doing critiques of every PT film in the same idiom.

Are you telling me that in all his reviews he cracks jokes about killing women?