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Idea: My Perfect Original Trilogy DVD Release


Agree? Disagree? Suggestions?


Disc One

  • 1977 Theatrical Version - No Changes (as in, no garbage mattes or ANYTHING “fixed”)
  • 16:9 Anamorphic Widescreen (2.35:1)
  • 1977 crawl and 1981 crawl as selectable angles (1977 crawl is default)
  • 1977 Theatrical Mono Mix - 1.0 - English - Dolby
  • 1977 Theatrical Surround Mix - 2.0 - English - Dolby (space-saving issue)
  • 1977 Theatrical 6-Track Mix - 4.1 - English - Dolby
  • 1985 Remastered Surround Mix - 2.0 - English - Dolby
  • 1993 Remastered Surround Mix - 2.0 - English - Dolby
  • English subtitles
  • Spanish subtitles
  • French subtitles
  • Interactive Menus

Disc Two

  • 1997 Theatrical Special Edition Version and 2004 DVD Version (Seamless Branching)
  • 16:9 Anamorphic Widescreen (2.35:1)
  • 1997 Theatrical Dolby Digital Mix - 5.1 - English - Dolby (Only on 1997 version)
  • 1997 French Surround Mix - 2.0 - French - Dolby (Only on 1997 version)
  • 2004 DVD Dolby Digital Mix - 5.1 - English - Dolby (Only 2004 version)
  • 2004 DVD French Surround Mix - 2.0 - French - Dolby (Only on 2004 version)
  • 2004 DVD Commentary - 2.0 (Either Version)
  • English Subtitles
  • Spanish Subtitles
  • French Subtitles
  • Interactive Menus
  • DVD-ROM Content



Disc 1

  • 1980 Theatrical 35mm version and 1980 Theatrical 70mm version (seamless branching)
  • 16:9 Anamorphic Widescreen (2.35:1)
  • 1980 Theatrical 35mm surround mix (35mm version only) - 2.0 - English - Dolby
  • 1980 Theatrical 70mm 6-track mix (70mm version only) - 4.1 - English - Dolby
  • 1985 Remastered Surround mix (35mm version only) - 2.0 - English - Dolby
  • 1993 Remastered Surround Mix (35mm version only) - 2.0 - English - Dolby
  • English subtitles
  • Spanish subtitles
  • French subtitles
  • Interactive menus

Disc Two

  • 1997 Theatrical Special Edition Version and 2004 DVD Version (Seamless Branching)
  • 16:9 Anamorphic Widescreen (2.35:1)
  • 1997 Theatrical Dolby Digital Mix - 5.1 - English - Dolby (Only on 1997 version)
  • 1997 French Surround Mix - 2.0 - French - Dolby (Only on 1997 version)
  • 2004 DVD Dolby Digital Mix - 5.1 - English - Dolby (Only 2004 version)
  • 2004 DVD French Surround Mix - 2.0 - French - Dolby (Only on 2004 version)
  • 2004 DVD Commentary - 2.0 (Either Version)
  • English Subtitles
  • Spanish Subtitles
  • French Subtitles
  • Interactive Menus
  • DVD-ROM Content



Disc One

  • 1983 Theatrical 35mm version and 1983 Theatrical 70mm version (Seamless Branching) (I believe there were some visual differences here as in ESB)
  • 16:9 Anamorphic Widescreen (2.35:1)
  • 1983 Theatrical Surround Mix (35mm version only) - English - 2.0
  • 1983 Theatrical Six-Track Mix (70mm version only) - English - 4.1
  • 1985 Remastered Surround Remix (35mm version only) - English - 2.0 (if there are differences)
  • 1993 Remastered Surround Remix (35mm version only) - English - 2.0 (see 1985 remix)
  • English subtitles
  • Spanish subtitles
  • French subtitles
  • Interactive Menus

Disc Two

  • 1997 Theatrical Special Edition Version and 2004 DVD Version (Seamless Branching)
  • 16:9 Anamorphic Widescreen (2.35:1)
  • 1997 Theatrical Dolby Digital Mix - 5.1 - English - Dolby (Only on 1997 version)
  • 1997 French Surround Mix - 2.0 - French - Dolby (Only on 1997 version)
  • 2004 DVD Dolby Digital Mix - 5.1 - English - Dolby (Only 2004 version)
  • 2004 DVD French Surround Mix - 2.0 - French - Dolby (Only on 2004 version)
  • 2004 DVD Commentary - 2.0 (Either Version)
  • English Subtitles
  • Spanish Subtitles
  • French Subtitles
  • Interactive Menus
  • DVD-ROM Content



  • Empire of Dreams (16:9 anamorphic and all that jazz)
  • From Star Wars to Jedi
  • Classic Creatures: Return of the Jedi
  • Return of the Ewok
  • Deleted Scenes for All Three Films (including original, pre-CGI SW Jabba scene, and all Lost Cut material)
  • Original Theatrical Trailers for All Three Films
  • Any Other (officially produced!) documentaries, etc you can think of, I’ll add to Bonus Material section


Not sure if this thread is worth anything, and if it isn’t then just let it die - I thought I’d do this for fun and to see what others think, plus possibly inspiring future preservation projects when this isn’t what we get (and it won’t be.) For the record, this is what I think we’ll get:

  • Optional crawl selection for SW
  • The 1993 Surround remixes for all three films
  • 16:9 widescreen
  • English, Spanish, French subs
  • Menus
  • The exact same discs we got in 2004, repackaged once again as disc two of this set

So anyways - any suggestions? Ideas? Again, if this is a pointless thread, ignore it, but - it’s here if it’s not pointless.

This is an awesome thread. I made a thread like this awhile ago but it disapeared lol. Sense the OOT is getting released it would be fun to compile this kind of collection jsut minus the 04 versions.

Angelus, you scared the shit outta me! For a sec I thought the OUT was coming out in a real release.

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em


That sounds wonderful. Except the 04 and 97 SE should be on seperate discs instead of branched because the colors are completely different-and the 04's should be destroyed anyway :)

VADER!? WHERE THE HELL IS MY MOCHA LATTE? -Palpy on a very bad day.
“George didn’t think there was any future in dead Han toys.”-Harrison Ford
YT channel:


Earth to Captainsolo....this is a 3 years old thread buddy.....

I love everybody. Lets all smoke some reefer and chill. Hug and kisses for everybody.


This is a great idea. The discussion is just as valuable now, since we still haven't gotten an official DVD set of the original unaltered trilogy with high picture quality. :)

It would be great to have a multi-disk set with the unaltered trilogy and then choices of which audio mix to use for each movie. But that would eat into the video bit-rate if you had more than 2 and in English only on a disk. So better to have two disks for each unaltered episode, which would be the same expect for different audio mixes available on each disk to allow plenty of room for the video. :)

Then another set for the 1997 SE of the trilogy. Just because it would be interesting to have it on DVD. :)

What details would you guys like to see in such an ultimate Star Wars DVD set? :)

The Star Wars trilogy. There can be only one.


To be fair, V, he wasn't the one who revived it. Might as well add to the discussion now that this thread has had Reborn the Monster activated on it.*

*YGO Abridged. If you don't get it... well, you're not as nerdy as I am. don't hurt me!

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em


I'd take barebones anamorphic with the original theatrical mixes.  With DL there should be enough bitrate even for a 4.1 (downmix from 4.2), 2.0 and 1.0 track on the same DVD for Star Wars.  I think there are only 2 theatrical mixes for the other two.

High: 448/256/256 (960 kbps)
Low: 384/192/96 (672 kbps)

"Right now the coffees are doing their final work." (Airi, Masked Rider Den-o episode 1)


No, those are great specs to hope for!

Except we'd have to wait for the final final final final FINAL special edition that'll be coming to BR that George is probably working on, tweaking the OT yet again.

Cleaning up the FX and the sound, yet again.

Hopefully we'll just get ALL lightsabers properly re-rotoscoped this time.

( Millenium Falcon training scene anyone???? )



Wow, way to drag up a 3-and-a-half year post!  I'd forgotten I've been here for that long ...

My points still stand, though.  Now I'd probably change it - for practical purposes - to be disc 1 super ultra final cut, disc 2 1997/color-and-audio-fixed 2004 cut, disc 3 original 1977/1980/1983 theatrical cut with selectable crawl for SW and 70mm seamless branching for ESB (I'm fairly certain now that there never were any 70mm differences for Jedi).  Then disc 4 is all trailers, deleted scenes, etc.

Granted, I'd never put in discs 1 or 2, but it'd be nice to get the Blade Runner/CE3K treatment for each film, no?

To go even further than an OOT set, I give you the complementary PT set:

Disc 1
- Super Ultimate CG-Yoda Cut
- New Surround Mix
Disc 2
- Seamless-Branching 1999 Theatrical/2001(?) DVD cut
- Original 1999 5.1 for theatrical cut
- DVD 5.1 for DVD Cut
Disc 3
- All 2001(?) DVD features, plus new ones

Disc 1
- Super Ultimate Cut
- New Surround Mix
Disc 2
- Seamless-Branching 2002 35mm/2002 DLP/DVD/IMAX Cuts
Disc 3
- All DVD features, plus new ones

Disc 1
- Super Ultimate Cut
- New Surround Mix
Disc 2
- 2005 Theatrical Cut (only difference between theatrical and DVD is one cut vs. wipe transition)
Disc 3
- All DVD features, plus new ones

Not that I'd buy any of those 3, but there you have it.  I'd also like to add that I'd never buy a 6-film set - they should keep it as two separate 3-film sets, PT and OT.


Your PM box is exploding Chainsaw, can't reply to you anymore...



The EMPIRE STRIKES BACK Score: "All-Sourced" Restoration & Sonic Achievement.


Heh, yeah, sorry about that.  I'm about to delete a bunch right now.


Don't forget the commentaries from the 1993 laserdisc set. Even though they only talked during 50% of the movies, I found them more interesting than the 2004 ones.

I'd also like to see an ultimate box set have a lot of features or tributes to the fans and star wars fandom in general. Maybe includes some of the better spoofs and parodies (like Troops) if possible.

There aren't many film franchises where it could be justified having over 3-4 discs of bonus materials but Star Wars is one of them.

Take back the trilogy. Execute Order '77



I don't see the point of all those legacy soundmixes. Give me the original mono and stereo and a remastered 5.1 mix and I'm good.


Perfect Blu-Ray for Star Wars 77


BD1- 1080p Theatrical Cut, 1997 SE, Ultimate Cut with seamless branching

Visual Commentary with several people involved (Including GL I guess but I dont particularly like listening to him), including concept sketches, storyboards, outtakes etc.

Visual Fan "Geek" commentary with major industry people. JJ Abrams? Kevin Smith? Kyle Newman? Simon Pegg? Dave Filoni?

1.0 Lossless theatrical mono, 2.0 lossless theatrical stereo, 4.1 lossless 6-track mix, 5.1 lossless 97 mix, 7.1 lossless remastered Blu mix



Deleted Scenes- EVERYTHING including the Luke and Biggs scenes and the original Jabba and Cantina scenes. With or without introductions by GL

Several minidocs- editing, sound, scoring, characters, how things changed from the original ideas, woes on set and budgetary problems, technology and spaceships, practical effects 101, making the ultimate cut etc.

Empire of Dreams doc or something similar. It would be nice to see a similar doc for each film.

Some kind of unnecessary game that is barely playable with a BD remote

Some kind of unnecesary BD-Live tie in to SW.com


I'd want something similar for each movie


Octorox said:

Perfect Blu-Ray for Star Wars 77


BD1- 1080p Theatrical Cut, 1997 SE, Ultimate Cut with seamless branching



 Can't be done. Too much CGI and other tweaks. The bitrate and disc space would go to hell.

Same goes for the sound, I don't think a 100gb BD would fit all of that...

 1 disc for each version in that case


Ever heard of seamless branching?

That many lossless audio tracks might add up a bit, though.  And Blu-Rays are 25GB single-layer, 50GB dual-layer, not 100.


ChainsawAsh said:

Ever heard of seamless branching?

That many lossless audio tracks might add up a bit, though.  And Blu-Rays are 25GB single-layer, 50GB dual-layer, not 100.

Yeah doesn't Blade Runner have like 5 cuts on one disc?

The audio might add up but the mono and stereo mixes are only a few channels and wouldn't even add up to the size of a 5.1 mix.

Besides, They could lose the 97SE And I wouldn't care too much, as long as the theatrical is there.


ChainsawAsh said:

Ever heard of seamless branching?

That many lossless audio tracks might add up a bit, though.  And Blu-Rays are 25GB single-layer, 50GB dual-layer, not 100.

You could have different edits with seamless branching that were like each of those editions, but don't forget that the SEs, and the DVDs, were cleaned up and coloured in different ways, so even a shot that hasn't been otherwise tweaked with new effects will be different in each edition.



Darth Editous said:

ChainsawAsh said:

Ever heard of seamless branching?

That many lossless audio tracks might add up a bit, though.  And Blu-Rays are 25GB single-layer, 50GB dual-layer, not 100.

You could have different edits with seamless branching that were like each of those editions, but don't forget that the SEs, and the DVDs, were cleaned up and coloured in different ways, so even a shot that hasn't been otherwise tweaked with new effects will be different in each edition.


It's the cut that matters, everything else is restoration. I think color timing is part of the restoration and not the edit. The 2004 set was just badly color timed. Cleaning up and even re compositing is also part of restoration IMO.


ChainsawAsh said:

Ever heard of seamless branching?

That many lossless audio tracks might add up a bit, though.  And Blu-Rays are 25GB single-layer, 50GB dual-layer, not 100.


There are way to much edits for this to be seamless. Pretty much any effect shot is enhanced in some way for the SE.

I know that 100gb doesn't exist, I was just proving my point.


1 disc for each version is the only way to go.


Octorox said:

Yeah doesn't Blade Runner have like 5 cuts on one disc?


 all 4 versions had one disc each + the 5th for the extra shit


budwhite said:

Octorox said:

Yeah doesn't Blade Runner have like 5 cuts on one disc?


 all 4 versions had one disc each + the 5th for the extra shit

Oh, It must have been Close Encounters I was thinking of, that had three cuts on one disc I believe. A Blade Runner-like set would be neat.


For BR the final cut is one disc, the workprint is one disc, and the other three cuts (Director's/Theatrical/International) are seamlessly branched. They were essentially the same footage with minor things changed so no big one there.

The 97SE and 2004 editions are whole different animals. There really is no way to effectively present them seamlessly branched as the footage is entirely different (color wise not to mention different effects, soundmixes, and tweaks).

VADER!? WHERE THE HELL IS MY MOCHA LATTE? -Palpy on a very bad day.
“George didn’t think there was any future in dead Han toys.”-Harrison Ford
YT channel: