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Help: looking for... "Daywatch" - the 'International Cut Theatrical' version


I was recently re-watching “Nightwatch” (getting into the Halloween spirit) a quirky, but cool Russian vampire movie. I haven’t yet seen the sequel “Daywatch” but want to.

I was looking up the official DVD from Fox, but apparently many were disappointed with it. The original movies (the “International Cut” at least) were in Russian with subtitles, but the subtitles were animated and had various tricks (appearing and disappearing into the background, turning colors, fading into “blood” trails, water effects, etc based on the mood, like a comic book… quite cool). Apparently the DVD of Daywatch is not the theatrical international cut, and so it just has boring plain white subtitles.

A lot of reviewers on amazon say this detracts from the experience.

So I was wondering if there is any available copy of the theatrical “International Cut” of Daywatch out there, and if not, if anyone is working on a preservation.

Thanks in advance!


I would be interrested in an theatrical Cut Edition with animated subs, too. I only know the true uncut Version (russian theatrical version) because I hated the de-russianisation of the Movie "Night Watch".

so I bought the Estian DVD early 2006, and put some fansubs from the internet under it, so I never had to watch the crippled international theatrical cut.

If it won't be for such kind of funny subtitles, I would never be interested in the international cut. :)

It seems that for the theatrical cut of Night Watch such kind of humourous Subtitles exists also.

The UK 2 Disc Special Edition (of Night Watch) seems to have the "enhanced subtitles" (see comparison image 1 of the different UK Versions)

But never heard something like this officially existing for Day Watch...

"I kill Gandalf." - Igor, Dork Tower


The Netflix Streaming version of Day Watch has the "animated" subtitles, but to my knowledge no DVD exists of the film with said subtitles.

I don't know anything about the edit differences, though.


I only found something on the edit differences of Night Watch.

Its a German page, specializied in reports about cuts in movies between different Versions (mostly because There are sometimes multiple versions of a movie in germany, like the uncut 18+ and cutted 16 editions, or cuts in television. For Example: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets was cut about 3 minutes in German Cinema and on DVD, so it got an rating for 6 years and above, and not, like the uncut would have gotten an 12+ rating... so that more families want to watch it in cinema. It was first seen uncut in germany on Television years after and with HD releases...)

"I kill Gandalf." - Igor, Dork Tower


I'm an NTSC region 1 kinda guy here, so I wanted my experience of the sequel to be as much in continuity as my experience with the (International Cut Theatrical) Nightwatch experience on DVD...


So right now Netflix is my best bet? Pity I don't have Windows XP...


Why do you need Windows XP?  I have Mac OS X (Leopard), and when they first added the "instant streaming" on Netflix I couldn't use it, but a couple months later they added OS X support.  I'd try it out just to make sure - maybe you can use it now.

Of course, you have to have a Netflix account.


Not quite what you are looking for, but I had the same fan subs as MrBrown and found them to reek of babelfish.  I went through and corrected them to some degree and synced them to the DVD for playback in Zoom Player.  It was always my intention to burn them to DVD, but I ran out of steam on the project.  I rented the US DVD later and didn't care much for the translation- especially since it was missing the animated subs.

That being said, I'll have to check out the Netflix Streaming version.

I have my other subs somewhere if anyone if interested.


"[George Lucas] rebooted the franchise in 1997 without telling anyone." -skyjedi2005

"Yeah, well, George says a lot of things..." a young 1997 xhonzi on RASSM

"They're my movies." -George Lucas. 19 people won oscars for their work on Star Wars (1977) and George Lucas wasn't one of them.

Rewrite the Prequels!



ChainsawAsh said:

Why do you need Windows XP?  I have Mac OS X (Leopard), and when they first added the "instant streaming" on Netflix I couldn't use it, but a couple months later they added OS X support.  I'd try it out just to make sure - maybe you can use it now.

Of course, you have to have a Netflix account.

I have win2kpro and I use firefox. I couldn't use the Netflix streaming feature when I had it (granted, it was over a year ago) unless I used another computer with that setup.


Somebody could preserve the Netflix streaming version then I suppose?


I wouldn't know how to do that.  I'm sure someone else here would be able to, though.