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Info & Ideas: ESB and ROTJ Wishlist — Page 196


Ripplin said:

Darth Venal said:

You got it, doc.

I think you mean prof.

Just jokin' around. You can go about your business. ;)

Well, he does have an IQ of 197 and works in academia.  I'm sure he has a PhD in there somewhere. :)

O.T. or No T., baby!

ANH:R Cover Art

ESB:R Cover Art



Haha you're right, it's Prof!.

I wish I had some business, kinda at a loose end today.


Ripplin said:

Darth Venal said:

You got it, doc.

I think you mean prof.

You must be thinking of my brother, Professor Frink.  I'm in the TV biz.


Re: ROTJ cut scenes and alternate cuts to Luke's rescue scene:

Here is a script snippet from a later draft of ROTJ. Was this filmed? I don't know. BUT, I do know that ILM's Frank Ordaz did a matte painting for this location AND ILM storyboarded it for optical.



Here's the script segment courtesy of the Starkiller script site:

Luke snaps awake from a sound sleep, his head still ringing with Vader's words. It takes a moment for him to focus on his surroundings. He is in a small rundown, tavern. Two vile, little dirty Jawas; ATETU and TWEETU, stare at him from across the room. They shake their cloak-covered heads and go back to cooking an odorous stew.

The howling wind outside blows the door open with a loud crash. Luke reaches for his pistol, the Jawas hide. Out of the dust cloud emerge two familiar shapes, SEE THREEPIO and ARTOO DETOO. Luke relaxes as the angry Jawas come out of hiding, scolding the robots for not closing the door. Atetu waddles to the door and strains against the wind to close it.

Master Luke, I beg you not to send us
out in weather like that again…it's
unbearable out there.

Artoo whistles his agreement.

Were you able to get
everything I asked for?

An impossible task, but yes
we have all of it...Artoo?

Artoo beeps and one of his tiny arms pokes out of its hatch carrying a small box. The door to the hovel bangs open again giving everyone a start, including R2 who drops the box of parts.
Out of the cloud of dust comes LANDO and CHEWIE. Atetu is very angry and starts yelling at Lando and Chewie. The little Jawa storms over to Chewie and screams at the Wookiee (in his gibberish language), shaking his fist. Chewie stares at him blankly, then shrugs and closes the door. Atetu continues to vent his anger on Luke, then waddles back to his cooking.

Next time I'll try to get us better
accommodations, but trustworthy innkeepers
are hard to come by around here.

Chewie barks and puts several small parts before Luke.

What did you find out?

He survived the unfreezing process but
I couldn't get any report on his condition;
but we're going to have to hurry, the
execution has been set for tomorrow.

Threepio picks up a small micro chip.

Master Luke, I beg your pardon,
but how can these micro parts help
rescue Capt. Solo?

Luke holds up an odd looking box.

When it's finished it will be our ticket
into the palace. But first, we must
send this JABBA the HUTT a message.
That's where you two can help.

At your service.

Tweetu calls out and points to the bowls of steaming food on the table. Chewie barks and heads for the table followed by Lando.

Better get something to eat, Luke,
we may not get another chance.

You go ahead, I still have some things
to do first. (motions to R-2)
Come over here, Artoo.

Threepio follows Chewie to the table and asks Tweetu something. The creature answers and goes to a cupboard. Threepio sits at the table. On the far side of the room Luke stands before Artoo and recites a message. A beam of light from Artoo passes over him as he speaks. Tweetu brings Threepio an oil can, and Threepio starts oiling his joints.

A few more trips outside
and I'll surely short circuit.

Chewie barks and Lando passes him some food.

It's a miracle that Han survived the
unfreezing process. I just hope he's
still in one piece.

Chewie barks his agreement. Luke and R-2 come over to the others. R-2 begins to beep at 3PO.

We have to leave?!? What are you
talking about? I'm not going out in
that storm again!

3PO, I need you to go
with him to the palace.


He's going to need your help.


Artoo beeps at Threepio again.

All right, I'm coming. I'm coming.
I was afraid of this. Master Luke,
are you sure...

I'm depending on you.

Yes, Master Luke.

Artoo and Threepio leave the Inn as the wind howls madly outside. Luke grabs some food off of the table and goes back to his work.

What makes you think those droids
will ever get in to see Jabba -
let alone deliver the message.

Greed. It's Jabba's weakness.
With this phony spice extractor and
his greed, we'll make contact with Han as
soon as I finish. You and Chewie are going
to have to make the next visit
to the palace.

You mean just walk right in??
They'll kill us.

Not when you present Jabba with
this little gem, and tell him we have
a hundred more just like it.
You'll be all right.

But we don't have another hundred
just like it. I think this plan of yours leaves
a lot to be desired.

Listen, Lando, you know we couldn't get
Han out of that stronghold even if we had an
army with us. Our only hope is to get
Jabba to take him out of there, for us.

Then what?

Then you leave the
rest to me.

Lando shakes his head in disbelief.

I sure hope you know
what you're doing.

Chewie concurs, as Luke goes back to working on his gift.




This is the Ordaz matte. The black, unpainted spot is where the live-action droid element was going to be inserted. This was after Luke had placed the saber inside R2 and sent them on their way.


A bit of clarification from my post up above. That script was from the revised draft. I don't *think" it was filmed. But this other stuff was from the shooting script. They even went so far as to commission a matte for it and shot live action elements. Was it ever composited together and finished? I don't know. But the pieces were done.

#16 is the Ordaz matte with the live action element included. You can see the droids at the entrance.


Hi everyone! I've been lurking round these parts for quite some time...and I thought I'd share with you an admittedly radical idea I've had for ROTJ, one which *might* not be very well received, as it does take emphasis (and perhaps prominence) away from the original trilogy, but hey, I'll give it a shot! 

This idea hinges on bringing all six movies together into a cohesive unit, utilizing ideas 'established' (yeah, I know...) in the prequels. It's an idea for the finale, which, for all its group-shot photo op charm, has always struck me as a weak conclusion, particularly serving as an end to the entire saga. What may not sit well with many is the fact that, rather than eliminating Hayden from ROTJ, I want to expand on the idea of using this younger incarnation of Anakin's spirit...

Basically my thought is to conclude the story on the image of Anakin and Padme reunited and embraced, with their children present and looking on (both of them!)....Don't boo me off the stage yet! Lemme continue rambling for a bit...This idea stems from (at least my interpretation of) Padme's death in ROTS. The whole 'broken heart' line uttered is really just a (perhaps superfluous) reiteration of 'we don't know'. Padme's life force (forgive me) had become intertwined with that of Anakin, due to his immense power as the Chosen One, and his overwhelming emotional attachment to her. Thus when Anakin 'died', so too did Padme. 

Following through to the end of the proceeding trilogy with this idea of death and resurrection, not to mention the motif of redemption through love, it seems appropriate to me that Padme should also have a manifest resurrected form, and that Anakin be at last allowed to experience true happiness with his family. Luke AND Leia. It always bothered me that Leia doesn't seem to notice her father as Luke does, and this would be a nice conclusion following her conversation she had about her mother. 

Now, I can foresee problems with this. As mentioned, this could take away from the accomplishments of Luke (and the rest of the OT crew). And unless handled delicately, it could turn out completely 'un-star-warsian', and an overload of cheese. Also the fact that many have problems with the characterizations of the prequel characters (myself included), and that instead of being moved by a glimpse of them, it could just leave a bad taste in the mouth. 

I believe I'll end this rambling post now. Tell me what you think, and be gentle! I'm new!


I think it might be better to not show Luke flying out of the DSII at the last second. Maybe show the shuttle small and in the background as Lando flies out (or just as the DS explodes if Lando doesn't make it) but it would add to tension if we last see him grieving over his father as the station is under attack and we're not entirely sure that Luke makes it out ok until Leia's "I can feel it" line. Up until then the audience could be left to wonder, since because Leia's alright that means Luke may yet be expendable.

And responding to the aforementioned ghost idea, I'd still prefer it to stay as the 3 Amigos at the end (Yoda, Anakin, and Obi-Wan.) They're the ones who knew Luke, and it would seem that at that point Luke is the only one who can see them, either by their choice or his ability.


First off, hello and welcome. It's an interesting idea, albeit one I don't see being used in ROTJ:R or any other forthcoming edit at the moment. Most of us aren't complete prequel-haters — the attitude of most of us is that they're not irredeemable, just in need of improvement. Personally, I think George Lucas is fairly good at plotting, and great at worldbuilding and visuals, but he doesn't do dialogue well and he's not great at working with actors. Given that, the prequels are more than salvageable.

From a plot point of view, I frankly don't think Anakin deserves to have his family returned to him. He was the second-baddest guy in the galaxy for over 20 years, and while he did redeem himself in the end, it's at least as important that he was defeated as that he was redeemed. While I don't particularly want to see his force-ghost removed or anything, I don't think his ending needs to be any happier than it already is.

The Hobbit: Roadshow Edition


Welcome to the asylum The Concierge. May your stay be long and fruitful.

Thats not by any means a bad start at all, and open to futher debate.


Hullo and welcome to the mad house The Concierge, hope you will enjoy your stay here.

When and where did you find Star wars: Revisited? and did ya like it?

Nice message there and yes would be nice with a bit more skywalker drama with the shuttle and all, not so sure about the ghost stuff though.



Star wars: Revisited. is now on facebook :)



It's important to remember that the only Ady exculisve threads are the ones he started, many of the ideas on here or on other threads may not appeal to him and may appeal to other people.

The sandstorm scene only really exists as a few frames in an early trailer and few still images.

There may be more footage stuck in the Lucasfilm vaults so how much was filmed and remains is a bit of a mystery but that's all we have to play with.

Back in 1999 I wondered if the inclusion of the rather undramatic sandstorm scenes in TPM were originally going to be a revival of the idea (George likes to recycle ideas for one film in the others).

I can't see how it could be done with so little visual and no audio elements to play with.

Similarly the cave scene was never filmed.

There is a matte painting and a bit of a music cue but that's all.

SSWR's placing of Ben's ghost in the desert or my idea of sticking him in his hut carries some of the idea over but that's as close as I think we could get with the materials available.

Welcome The Concierge, your idea is interesting I'm not sure how to work it in to ROTJ, could Padme become a Force ghost when Mace couldn't? It could be a dying dream of Anakin but that might get in the way of the pacing of those crucially fast paced scenes.

I'll have a think about how it might be done.


Bingowings said:

Welcome The Concierge, your idea is interesting I'm not sure how to work it in to ROTJ, could Padme become a Force ghost when Mace couldn't? It could be a dying dream of Anakin but that might get in the way of the pacing of those crucially fast paced scenes.

I'll have a think about how it might be done.

In my silent edit I just used some few frames of Padme crying (from ROTS) when Vader is looking at Luke when the Emperor is killing him.

That way we can connect with the PT (although it is not the taste of everybody) without having to show another silly ghost. It shows that Vader still remember her and it could even work without the PT because of all the talking about Luke's mother before. The audience should guess this "new" character have to be Luke's mother and the lost love of Anakin.


The force ghost scene is an easy target to manipulate after George massicared it in the SEs.

Although maybe a force ghost may be only visible to a Jedi who has had a direct link with a fallen Jedi. Yoda may have been able to talk to Maces force ghost in Empire but Luke wouldnt be able to see him (in the same way Leia couldnt see the force ghosts at the end of Jedi).

Wait, what?


Bingowings said:

It's important to remember that the only Ady exculisve threads are the ones he started, many of the ideas on here or on other threads may not appeal to him and may appeal to other people.

The sandstorm scene only really exists as a few frames in an early trailer and few still images.

There may be more footage stuck in the Lucasfilm vaults so how much was filmed and remains is a bit of a mystery but that's all we have to play with.

Back in 1999 I wondered if the inclusion of the rather undramatic sandstorm scenes in TPM were originally going to be a revival of the idea (George likes to recycle ideas for one film in the others).

I can't see how it could be done with so little visual and no audio elements to play with.

Similarly the cave scene was never filmed.

There is a matte painting and a bit of a music cue but that's all.

SSWR's placing of Ben's ghost in the desert or my idea of sticking him in his hut carries some of the idea over but that's as close as I think we could get with the materials available.

Welcome The Concierge, your idea is interesting I'm not sure how to work it in to ROTJ, could Padme become a Force ghost when Mace couldn't? It could be a dying dream of Anakin but that might get in the way of the pacing of those crucially fast paced scenes.

I'll have a think about how it might be done.

That's not entirely accurate. Daniel's himself confirmed that his portion was completed at least. Hamill's we dont know. And I'm sorry but you don't create a fx storyboard for the optical department in Jan. of '83(mere months before release) and create a matte painting, expensive, without having completed some live action elements. And you certainly don't score it with music.


I guess those elements are sitting in a vault somewhere slowly rotting away too but we can't get at them (a bit like all those unseen PT bits and pieces like Padme sticking the plating on See-Throughpio).


Trust me on this: they are not rotting away in a vault. They are in the Lucasfilm archives in a temperature and humidity controlled room.

But you are right. We may never see them just like we may never see the CG Yoda for TPM ILM did years ago.


shanerjedi said:

But you are right. We may never see them just like we may never see the CG Yoda for TPM ILM did years ago.

 Actually, more clips of that are on the way via Star Wars in Concert.


rpvee said:

shanerjedi said:

But you are right. We may never see them just like we may never see the CG Yoda for TPM ILM did years ago.

 Actually, more clips of that are on the way via Star Wars in Concert.

Really? I didn't know they were using that.


I'm back. Updated the wishlist and threw this together:


I like the "Revisit the..." idea. Revisit the Hope, Revisit the Strike, Revisit the Return, Revisit the Menace, Revisit the Attack, Revisit the Revenge, etc.

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First off, thanks for the warm welcome, everyone! Now to business....

Bobocop said:

And responding to the aforementioned ghost idea, I'd still prefer it to stay as the 3 Amigos at the end (Yoda, Anakin, and Obi-Wan.) They're the ones who knew Luke, and it would seem that at that point Luke is the only one who can see them, either by their choice or his ability.

I really can't argue with this, the further complication of adding Padme may just be plain unnecessary. The one thing I think *could* be worked in without much difficulty is a reaction from Leia to the ghosts. Sure, she didn't have much contact with the stranger who was her father (other than unpleasant memories of torture and genocide...), but after the revelation of her familial relation, it might just warrant her getting a noticeable peek.

RoccondilRinon said:

First off, hello and welcome. It's an interesting idea, albeit one I don't see being used in ROTJ:R or any other forthcoming edit at the moment. Most of us aren't complete prequel-haters — the attitude of most of us is that they're not irredeemable, just in need of improvement. Personally, I think George Lucas is fairly good at plotting, and great at worldbuilding and visuals, but he doesn't do dialogue well and he's not great at working with actors. Given that, the prequels are more than salvageable.
From a plot point of view, I frankly don't think Anakin deserves to have his family returned to him. He was the second-baddest guy in the galaxy for over 20 years, and while he did redeem himself in the end, it's at least as important that he was defeated as that he was redeemed. While I don't particularly want to see his force-ghost removed or anything, I don't think his ending needs to be any happier than it already is.

I agree with that whole-heartedly! No, this being a controversial idea to begin with, I never imagined Adywan or anyone else to rushing to fit it into their own personal projects...just throwing it out there! And yes, I also believe much can be salvaged from the prequels, probably more than the average bear, but certainly retooled to have more effect and more (emotional) impact. But, I guess this doesn't belong on this thread!

Anakin not deserving everything to be handed to him on a silver platter after all his atrocities...you certainly have a point. It's hard to say. After bringing balance to the Force, saving his family (for once) and destroying the Sith by sacrificing himself...perhaps he does deserve an extra supernatural treat? But yes, this all might be waaay too sweet and sentimental. You can get sick from that.

Ganamae said:

When and where did you find Star wars: Revisited? and did ya like it?

Ah, I found that absolute gem about 1.5 years ago...this place must have been fundamental to that discovery. And I've been a stalker in the shadows ever since! Yes, SW:R has taken complete precedence over George's special editions...close to perfection!

Bingowings said:

Welcome The Concierge, your idea is interesting I'm not sure how to work it in to ROTJ, could Padme become a Force ghost when Mace couldn't? It could be a dying dream of Anakin but that might get in the way of the pacing of those crucially fast paced scenes.
I'll have a think about how it might be done.

It does put stress on the internal logic of the whole Force ghost idea...but I think dramatically, at least, it makes much more sense to show Padme to the audience again over Mace. Perhaps to reinforce the logic behind her appearance emphasis could be added to key points earlier in the saga (I could only imagine this in AOTC or ROTS) showing Anakin's 'mystical' bond with Padme through the Force...   


Stalkers. Im not laying easy with that. To all other stalkers out there, just sign up and join the crazys.

Double 0, thats neat. Though you should pay a mention to the original artist out of respect though fella ;-)

Done abit of "revisiting the throne" myself after a night on the pop, and a Kebbab of poison last night.


Darth Solo said:

Stalkers. Im not laying easy with that. To all other stalkers out there, just sign up and join the crazys.

Double 0, thats neat. Though you should pay a mention to the original artist out of respect though fella ;-)

I forgot to credit either of us. oops. Don't worry, that's just a mini-version. I'll update it in a few minutes.

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