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Making our own 35mm preservation--my crazy proposal — Page 15

DarthPlagueis said:

I don't know if you even read my offer, or are even considering it,....<snip>......if you'd just scan these prints and in whatever way get the digitized copies to me

And I don't know if YOU even read MY response to the last time you said this... the problem is not what to do with the scanned prints.  The problem is getting the prints scanned in the first place.  Have you read any of the preceding thread?

"Close the blast doors!"
Puggo’s website | Rescuing Star Wars


Ady's news is great news.  I would love if this was available as both a faded version and a color-corrected version, in the far future of it possibly happening.  Just to remind people of the current state of the print:

Of course, these are flatbed scans by -1 by hand and are by no means perfect.  And this is only Reel 6, who knows about the state of the rest.

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Puggo - Jar Jar's Yoda said:
DarthPlagueis said:

I don't know if you even read my offer, or are even considering it,..........if you'd just scan these prints and in whatever way get the digitized copies to me

And I don't know if YOU even read MY response to the last time you said this... the problem is not what to do with the scanned prints.  The problem is getting the prints scanned in the first place.  Have you read any of the preceding thread?


 it's all good..

i pm'ed darthPlagueis, and he's excited, but now understands

the situation.


be seeing you


[no GOUT in CED?-> GOUT CED]


This is wonderful news, much thanks to negative1 and adywan!! :)

While it would be extra cool if these mods needed for the scan could be done to the newer scanner, I understand if can't be done that way (would these mods change the scanner permanently?). Full anamorphic DVD resolution is just fine! :) Or perhaps the scan would take place at a little higher than DVD res for the preservation/restoration work with the reference files, and then be brought back down to DVD video res specs for release after the work is done?

Imagine the GOUT with it's pre-1997 SE accurate colors, but with full DVD res and much better clarity, detail and general image quality! :)

The Star Wars trilogy. There can be only one.

Puggo - Jar Jar's Yoda said:
DarthPlagueis said:

I don't know if you even read my offer, or are even considering it,..........if you'd just scan these prints and in whatever way get the digitized copies to me

And I don't know if YOU even read MY response to the last time you said this...

I have read all posts made since I made this remark, and there certainly wasn't any response coming from you to anything I've said. If there was - which would prove I'm blind lol - please prove me wrong. 

But since I'm quite certain there isn't any, I don't see any reason why you'd be so ... rude? I'm not offended, but please do not post these things without any thing to base it on.

the problem is not what to do with the scanned prints.  The problem is getting the prints scanned in the first place.  Have you read any of the preceding thread?

I'm sorry, but I don't have the time to read every thread from the first to the last page until I reply to it. If I would need to do this before replying to for example the Adywan Empire Revisited thread that would mean I'd have to read about 500 pages of information before being able to add my voice to the conversation. Sorry to disappoint but I just don't have the time to do that. I'm very sorry to disappoint if you expect otherwise.

I did do a quick skim through and I seemingly overlooked the fact negative1 didn't own the means to digitize these prints himself. I really was under the impression that he owned a TC machine. I was wrong and I admit it.

No offense meant and no offense taken.

P.S. I really admire your work. I hope to get my hands on one of your preservations one day.

~ Darth Plagueis

Who's the more foolish... the fool who makes or the fool who buys this crap?

   - George Lucas on the 2004 SE DVD's

Dunedain said:

This is wonderful news, much thanks to negative1 and adywan!! :)

While it would be extra cool if these mods needed for the scan could be done to the newer scanner, I understand if can't be done that way (would these mods change the scanner permanently?). Full anamorphic DVD resolution is just fine! :) Or perhaps the scan would take place at a little higher than DVD res for the preservation/restoration work with the reference files, and then be brought back down to DVD video res specs for release after the work is done?

Imagine the GOUT with it's pre-1997 SE accurate colors, but with full DVD res and much better clarity, detail and general image quality! :)

Unfortunately it wouldn't be possible to use the new scanner. For this mod he is having to rip the old one apart and make some major modifications. Something i don't blame him not wanting to do to his very expensive new one.

I haven't any updates because i'm waiting to hear back from him as to how the mod is going. One thing though is that i'm not going to mislead you into thinking that this is 100% going ahead and will be done this year. In all likelihood it could take a year at least to get this done. If the mod to the scanner fails to work good enough then we are back to square one. Now  there would be another option which would be using the film adapter for the new scanner. but this only takes up to 50 frames or so at a time so the print would have to be cut into 50 frame sections. As you can understand this would not be an option ever.

One thing i want to say though is that the guy who has the scanner and is doing the mod work will NOT be doing the scanning of the print. I will be handling that side of things. The less people that are involved with this the better.






Yes, that's the best way to handle it, sounds good. :)

The Star Wars trilogy. There can be only one.

DarthPlagueis said:
Puggo - Jar Jar's Yoda said:
DarthPlagueis said:

I don't know if you even read my offer, or are even considering it,..........if you'd just scan these prints and in whatever way get the digitized copies to me

And I don't know if YOU even read MY response to the last time you said this...

I have read all posts made since I made this remark, and there certainly wasn't any response coming from you to anything I've said. If there was - which would prove I'm blind lol - please prove me wrong. 

But since I'm quite certain there isn't any, I don't see any reason why you'd be so ... rude? I'm not offended, but please do not post these things without any thing to base it on.

My response wasn't a post... I had sent you a PM.  <<edit>> - After reviewing my outbound PM box, I can't find my outbound PM to you.  So it looks like something went wrong and my PM never was sent.  If that's true, I apologize for my post.

"Close the blast doors!"
Puggo’s website | Rescuing Star Wars


That's strange. The only PM i've had came from negative1 and dates from august 14th... that's the last one.



Really strange. Perhaps one of the mods could check this out for me please? I must say I was expecting some replies to PM's i've sent recently, and none came through.

Maybe you have to make sure the right letters are uppercase. So you'll have to type DarthPlagueis instead of darthplagueis. Can that be the solution?

Please, if I didn't get your messages... send them again, if possible.

And Puggo, very sorry for the inconvenience. As you see I didn't get your message so I couldn't read it. I guess our little misunderstanding has been sorted out, then? You don't have to resend your message as I now get the point. (Except for if something else was in it that you wanted to let me know)

~Darth Plagueis

EDIT: I was still writing my original post when you edited yours. Yeah, I didn't get any message. Perhaps the uppercase problem? I don't know. But anyway, apology accepted, captain Puggo. I hope I didn't come off too rude either... Not my intention.

Who's the more foolish... the fool who makes or the fool who buys this crap?

   - George Lucas on the 2004 SE DVD's


sorry again,

i know i was bad at updating the status of this..


i hope to have some good news next monday..


adywan/l'll let you know once things advance further


be seeing you


[no GOUT in CED?-> GOUT CED]


I'd hate to be the party pooper but...damn.  SD only is a serious bummer.  DVD is so ridiculously backwards.  My interest in this just dwindled to nil. 

Don't think that i don't appreciate the time and effort of those involved but is it really worth it for just a DVD version?

Shouldn't we wait to do the real "work" when the job can be done properly and the best that it can?  What if something happens to one of the reels on an SD-only project?  Wouldn't it seem like an "all for nothing" situation if it were ruined for a DVD?

Just my thoughts.  I dont' mean to offend.

digitalfreaknyc said:

I'd hate to be the party pooper but...damn.  SD only is a serious bummer.  DVD is so ridiculously backwards.  My interest in this just dwindled to nil. 

Don't think that i don't appreciate the time and effort of those involved but is it really worth it for just a DVD version?

Shouldn't we wait to do the real "work" when the job can be done properly and the best that it can?  What if something happens to one of the reels on an SD-only project?  Wouldn't it seem like an "all for nothing" situation if it were ruined for a DVD?

Just my thoughts.  I dont' mean to offend.

yes, a HD version would be the ideal, but lets face it we have to be realistic here. No professional transfer house will touch this with a barge pole. Even a DVD version will still be better than what we have now: the GOUT.





A nice DVD of this would be awesome, and if youre not interested then sorry

Something of better quality would be great too as well but if a DVD is gonna be it I would still be interested

And nyc, the capture is/would be the same (if I read it right on what is being done) so if the reel messed up during the capture it would make no difference if it was for an SD or HD project....cause if theyre using a modded scanner, then the scans are gonna be in HD

Moth3r said: No, there is no video embedding option in this forum software (thank god!)


adywan said:

yes, a HD version would be the ideal, but lets face it we have to be realistic here. No professional transfer house will touch this with a barge pole. Even a DVD version will still be better than what we have now: the GOUT.


Well, obviously it's not something we'd be able to do in the open.  Personally, I think we've talked about this far too much out in the open as it is.  We'd just have to find someone who knew someone who knew someone...and go from there.

We'd also need someone who lives in a major city that would have something like this available to them.


CompMovieGuy said:
And nyc, the capture is/would be the same (if I read it right on what is being done) so if the reel messed up during the capture it would make no difference if it was for an SD or HD project....cause if theyre using a modded scanner, then the scans are gonna be in HD


 I'm not talking about the actual scan process.  I'm saying something stupid happening like a reel being lost...or torn...or someone spilling something on it.  There are any number of things that can screw up when these prints are handled.


So how is the scanning gonna be then? Most new studio transfers are 4k and then downconverted to 1080 for blu and 480 for DVD.

It really is a pity with all the resolution of the 35mm print. No offence.


That said, I'm looking forward to this project anyway. And great works guys.


Sorry if this is a stupid question, but it is something I have been wondering about.  I have an older high quality Epson flatbed scanner that came with an adapter that can be used to scan film negatives and slides.  I have never used the adapter and I am not even sure I couldn't just put the film negatives and slides directly on the scanner and get the same result.  I have some slides in the garage, so I guess I should just try it. 

Anyway, my question is this:  If I were to have access to a 35mm film, couldn't I just lay the film on the flatbed scanner and scan the film at a high DPI and get several frames at a time with each scan and just keep feeding it through for each set of frames?  I know it would take a long time to scan the whole movie, but if that worked, I would be more than willing to take the time to do it.  It wouldn't cost anything and I wouldn't need any special equipment.  I also have that adapter mentioned above if I needed that to make it work.

As others have mentioned, I am glad this is finally happening at least in a quality DVD format, but I am disappointed that it won't be in HD.  I would be willing to help if my idea would work.  Now I am curious about my slides, so I guess I will go get one and try scanning it to see what happens.  It should be essentially the same as a 35 mm film frame since both are projected on a screen.



Ok, I just tried scanning a slide and it worked perfectly.  So in theory, this could be done.  I scanned a standard sized slide (very small) at 1600 DPI and it came out to 2216x1508 (roughly cropped to the edges).   A 35mm frame would be larger than these little slides, so my scanner is more than capable of making an HD scan of the movie.  According to wikipedia, 35mm film is 16 frames per foot.  My scanner can scan up to a foot at a time.  Of course I would probably have some overlap so lets say I do 12 frames at a time to make calculations easy.  It would take me two scans for every second of film.  Assuming the movie is 121 minutes long, that would be 7260 seconds or 14520 scans.  If I did 100 scans a day on average, it would take me about 145 days to complete the whole movie.  I would probably do a lot more than 100 scans at a time, but not every day.  The only thing left would be to cut and paste the scanned frames into single pictures and digitally remove any blemishes using photoshop or whatever if desired and resize/stretch them to the proper resolution and aspect ratio and save them in a lossless format such as .PNG, then import the pictures into Vegas or whatever, correct the color, and make the AVCHD movie.

Am I crazy, or would this work?



Thorr, if it could be done that easily, it would have been done already.

You're talking about a HELL of a lot of time, effort, work, and hard-drive space. The framing/positioning of every frame would have to be absolutely perfect, and that's hard enough to do with a hand full of frames...nevermind almost 15000 of them !

So, in short........you're crazy. :D

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So how about putting a team of people together to do it: 

- One person scans the frames to a server that the rest of the team of like 30 people has access to via terminal services so they don't have to download all of the images to their own computer.  There could be more than one person doing the scans as well (one person and server for each reel of film), but they should all use the same type of scanner and same scanning settings to keep the look consistent.

- The rest of the team meticulously positions, crops and resizes each frame and saves it to another folder with a filename of the frame number like 00000.png.  They could also do a quick rough crop of each frame that includes some extra around the edges and save that to another folder as a backup just in case any of the frames are messed up in the final product.

- Once all of the frames are created, import them into a tool such as Vegas and do the color correction and export the AVCHD.

Disk space is cheap, so I don't see that as an issue.




The only way this would ever work as HD is if you scan ONLY the non-SE footage to replace the SE footage, and then combine it with the existing HD broadcast of the 'unaltered' remainder. And even that would be a huge undertaking- just replacing a few minutes of SE footage would consist of thousands of frames. 

Scanning every single frame in HD (over 180,000 of them)......never gonna happen.

Sorry to be a Debbie Downer, but I'm just being realistic.

adywan said:

 Even a DVD version will still be better than what we have now: the GOUT.

A SD scan would hardly be worth the effort, IMO. I don't think the results would be even close to the tremendous results G-force & dark_jedi are getting from the GOUT with the stabilization scripts.




Also, please consider the fact that for proper film scanning, the LAST thing you want to use is a flatbed - any diffusion between the film and the CCD or CMOS, such as, say, a plane of glass, will reduce the quality of the resulting scan.  I used to run into this pretty regularly when working with 35mm negs vs. medium format negs; the 35mm stuff was done on a Nikon film scanner (no glass), but the medium format stuff had to be done on (a very nice I'll admit) Canon flatbed.  No comparison at all.

The issue with the GOUT isn't just the stabilization.  There's also been a hell of alot of damage done by the NR smearing and odd interlacing.  No amount of processing is going to fix that stuff (I've done all three movies through the 4.02 script, and, while a great improvent, you can't create detail where none exists).


semi noob here...I was on this forum a couple years ago, and stopped coming once they put out the dual discs with the  OOT on the bonus discs.   That's kept me satisfied for now, but like everyone else, I really feel like the OOT deserves better treatment (Criterion would be amazing).

That being said....has anyone actually tried asking one of the professional transfer houses?  Obviously the answer is going to be no.  Let me ask it a different way...has anyone asked someone who works at a transfer house?  There are Star Wars fans everywhere.  

And come to think of it...has anyone contacted Criterion?  How does that work, does Criterion usually approach the person who holds the rights?  Or the other way around?  That would be the best thing that could happen.  I know for Repulsion, Criterion scanned three seperate 35mm prints, and combined them to remove dust/scratches/splices.  That's a lot of work.  And it shows.


The difference is that Repulsion (though a masterpiece) isn't a current multi-million dollar concern.

There is not a chance in hell that Lucasfilm and Fox will hand over a cash cow like Star Wars to a company like Criterion.


A SD scan would hardly be worth the effort, IMO. I don't think the results would be even close to the tremendous results G-force & dark_jedi are getting from the GOUT with the stabilization scripts.




 Intresting point

budwhite said:

A SD scan would hardly be worth the effort, IMO. I don't think the results would be even close to the tremendous results G-force & dark_jedi are getting from the GOUT with the stabilization scripts.




 Intresting point

Not really.


I love everybody. Lets all smoke some reefer and chill. Hug and kisses for everybody.