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Here I think this is pretty close Bingo. I did raise the brightness a little too much but it isn't terrible. Ady could whoop my ass at Colour Correcting this shot.

"The other versions will disappear. Even the 35 million tapes of Star Wars out there won’t last more than 30 or 40 years. A hundred years from now, the only version of the movie that anyone will remember will be the DVD version [of the Special Edition], and you’ll be able to project it on a 20’ by 40’ screen with perfect quality. I think it’s the director’s prerogative, not the studio’s to go back and reinvent a movie." - George Lucas

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Yeah! Great job, mate!

The new colors - being more diverse - are much easier on the eyes, too.

Who's the more foolish... the fool who makes or the fool who buys this crap?

   - George Lucas on the 2004 SE DVD's

The Golden Idol:

"Very, very nice mockup, Darth Venal. I do think that the Death Star should point lower, though. Can you post a video clip of this?"


Actually, it's nowhere near finished and I only stuck the Death Star in to show where it will be. There will also be at least two ships flying away from the reverse of Alderaan but getting obliterated by the debris. If our tests go well, we'll also be putting in an insert of an aged Bail Organa on one of the ships (probably a Blockade Runner, even though it's not the Tantive IV).

One thing about the Death Star, though; in the original scene, the beam is clearly coming down at Alderaan at an angle, and to match that with the firing dish makes the Death Star look like it's off axis. Maybe that's why you don't see it in the same shot when it fires. Hmm, I'll see what I can do...

Oh, about this being the wrong thread, I wasn't sure where to put it! Sorry, bit new to all this, not sure what goes where just yet.



These are a little more on topic I hope...

I love those McQuarrie Health Spas and Tibana Mines.


I'm gonna go ahead and guess the matte work there is yours, excluding the original Cloud City painting.  And I have to say it is AWESOME.

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em


Thanks! Yes, it's all mine except the Cloud City painting, although I did touch it up. I absolutely love that original painting so I didn't see much point redoing it for that shot, beyond a bit of recolouring and shading. I have created a new Cloud City for my other Bespin mattes, but with that particular concept I'd use the original whenever possible.


The spa mockup is a very nice evocation of Ralph McQuarrie's original design painting :

Floaating spa

It really captures that retro-futuristic hot air balloon look, I like the way that the far one appears to be tilting in a breeze.




Yeah those spas do have that retro-future thing down pat, don't they? That's what I love about anything Bespin, the whole thing has that retro-futuristic vibe. And I tell you, it was an absolute nightmare to recreate. From the reduced image I posted it looks almost the same, but the model I made is very highly detailed, same for the tibana mines. I hope to show you the HD versions soon.

Bingowings said:

That looks so much better EyeShotFirst.

Thanks you very much


Yeah! Great job, mate!

The new colors - being more diverse - are much easier on the eyes, too.

Not to toot my own horn but I like it because it looks more OTish. The colouring looks like it was put there in 1980. That was what I was going for. I can't wait to see what Ady will do to the orange cloud city scenes

Very, very nice, ESF! :)

Thanks. Wow I am happy now LOL.

I am starting to think about colour correcting films from now on. I guess that could be my role in the OT.com


"The other versions will disappear. Even the 35 million tapes of Star Wars out there won’t last more than 30 or 40 years. A hundred years from now, the only version of the movie that anyone will remember will be the DVD version [of the Special Edition], and you’ll be able to project it on a 20’ by 40’ screen with perfect quality. I think it’s the director’s prerogative, not the studio’s to go back and reinvent a movie." - George Lucas

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don't often comment here, but those mattes are really great!


Well that's very kind of you to say. I've got something of an obsession for anything Bespin/Cloud City. Always have, ever since I was a kid. I'm trying to do a couple of nice sunset mattes too, but the lighting is so much harder to pull off.

And anyway, Adywan is just going to blow me out of the water when his edit is done hehe. I wish I had the patience he's got. I'm glad I can work pretty fast because I don't have the patience for big projects.


"I like the way that the far one appears to be tilting in a breeze."

Yeah, it does. I remember toggling it trying to decide how much to rotate it because it adds a tiny amount of movement into a pretty static image. It was only 1 degree in the end, yet it offset it just enough.


The tilt (though slight) does make the structure feel more like something light and floaty.

There would have to be some kind of counter balance for the interior structures or people inside would be thrown from one side of the room to the other or at the very least get cloud sick.

It would be nice to see the refinery platforms at night as their bright reds do distract from the very pale and more important city in the clouds (perhaps during the escape near the end).


Funny, I really like the fact that the red refineries are so strong. I am working on night and evening mattes, too. The evening one is trickiest because of the lighting, the night one shouldn't be too hard.


The Falcon could swoop over a refinery as it escapes the city and pass over it again as they come back to pick up Luke.

That would be a mockup I'd love to see.


Hm, now I like that idea. I won't have time to do any mock-ups till Thursday, I'm working 15 hour days at the studios, so I'll try to get something done Wednesday night or Thursday morning. They don't take long to do, which is definitely a bonus.

EyeShotFirst said:

Yeah! Great job, mate!

The new colors - being more diverse - are much easier on the eyes, too.

Not to toot my own horn but I like it because it looks more OTish. The colouring looks like it was put there in 1980. That was what I was going for. I can't wait to see what Ady will do to the orange cloud city scenes

Yes, of course! The OT feel was the primary reason why I liked it, too! Just wanted to say that because the colors are more diverse they're easier on the eyes. I don't really like the (lasy?) color correction done in the prequels. For example in Obi vs Anakin or on Geonosis. In either one of them, they just seemingly tinted the whole thing in one color. This doesn't only lack the OT feel and doesn't look too good, but it's also much harder for the viewer to discern the different objects/persons in the scene.

Oh and BTW, Darth Venal, awesome job on the mockups!


Who's the more foolish... the fool who makes or the fool who buys this crap?

   - George Lucas on the 2004 SE DVD's

doubleofive said:

The Golden Idol said:

I definitely like the SE shot better, as it actually shows Cloud City instead of blank and dull clouds. I hope Ady keeps this shot.

Maybe I should have clarified that this isn't a pre-SE/post-SE comp; these are both from the DVD.  The top is the shot while the Cloud Car pilots tell Han not to deviate from his present course.  The bottom is the SE Approach shot where they reused that same plate for the expanded footage.  This is fine, I never noticed they were identical, I was just searching for where they got this plate.

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress


We've probably all seen the 'Empire:R' trailer (linked to on page one of this thread) by now, but in addition to the great screenshots also seen on page one, it's great to see the comparison shot breakdown that doubleofive has also done, which really shows off how terrific this is looking so far.  Thanks for doing that!

It's now linked to in his 'signature', but here it is for any that haven't seen it yet -  http://picasaweb.google.com/doubleofive/ESBRTrailerComparison#


By the way, did everyone see Adywan's 'off the cuff' comment on the ANH:R thread today?....  ;)



I don't know. Commentary tracks can be a hard thing to do. Some tracks will have the participants just talk about what's going on during the movie as they watch it as if we weren't watching it ourselves. 

Arnold Schwarzenegger watching Conan:

Here's the making of the sword.....That's me when I was young.  The whole place is burning..... Look at that!......Look at her with the snakes. See how she holds the snakes.......now there's the ghosts. You see that?..........Oh! This is where the orgy takes place!.........Look at this when he becomes a snake.....Now we're taking her.......Ya, she's gona. She's gona die now.....Now I get hypnotized. See how I'm looking down?......Now I'm carrying her off.......

Some participants even make wacky comments that they'll probably wish they didn't make during the recording session, as is the case AGAIN involving Arnold Schwarzenegger and John Milius. 

John: Uh, I'm Arnold Schwarzenegger!

Arnold: And I'm John Milius the great. And if you believe that, he also believe there's little Richard Simmons Juniors running around! Hahahaa!

Ok, enough of Arnold! For this occasion, the one commentary track that I would recommend listening to for reference would be the Episode I: The Phantom Cut commentary track. Not only does our heroic editor talk about what was changed and why, but also provides many entertaining stories when he explains his reasonings, like when Qui-Gon tries in vein to sneak the Queen off of Naboo in the Hanger and why the Jar Jar "My give up! My give up!" scene was cut not just because it had Jar Jar being unfunny. He goes into much more detail in explaining his reasons without resorting to "I just didn't like it" or "It wasn't in the other films" (Adywan, I hope you're listening).

One website I visit frequently to get the latest reviews on commentary tracks is www.ratethatcommentary.com. Give it a spin and check out the "worst commentary tracks" section for all the bad ones.


Woot? V2 of SWR? For gods sake dont become another Star Wars tinker man!


Hang on, we aint stung in the pocket for every re-release :-)

Id love to say i had the new updated edition to people who have revisted already (just for those in the know ;-)).

Darth Solo said:

Woot? V2 of SWR? For gods sake dont become another Star Wars tinker man!


Hang on, we aint stung in the pocket for every re-release :-)

Id love to say i had the new updated edition to people who have revisted already (just for those in the know ;-)).

I find all this V2 of SWR a bit anal, and also insulting to Adywan who spent over two years of his life correcting mistakes and tinkering with effects to make them better - for free!!!

No matter what Adywan did, some people were never satisfied with what they got, and feel the need to go one step further with the ultimate 'Revisited' edit. Even then they'll complain or want to change something else. Any edit past the 'Revisited' edit by Adywan is a totally different edit and therefore shouldn't be called a 'Revisited' revisited edit.

Its done, dusted and best left as is, and that is a masterpiece. Thank-you Adywan!

And I thought it was Anakin that was whiny.



I am a kite dancing in a hurricane …