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Post #368356

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If Lucas did a proper oot restoration for blu ray and dvd would he be forgiven for the special editions and the prequels?
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Date created
3-Jul-2009, 4:51 PM
Anchorhead said:

I wasn't addressing you specifically as a hateful fan.  I was speaking more to the handful of fans that vomit hate all over the board because they feel Lucas owes them. I've edited my post to reflect that.

Anchor, I also don't like the people that spew hate on the internet, espeically those people on www.aintitcool.com, as you have to read some of those talkbacks about Lucas!  Just to give you an example, "Fuck you Lucas and all of your fat chins you fucking ruined Star Wars!"

In saying that, this is the internet, and as long as people are able to hide behind their computers, and not show their faces, then you are going to get an element that is harsh and negative.

I kinda take those people with a grain of salt, because I GUARANTEE if we all sat down in an focus group and were asked to describe our thoughts on the SW movies, it would be much more civilized, and much more constructive.  But as long as you can just type away and nobody knows who you are, then you are going to get idiots who say, "Lucas is a fat fuck!"  and then other idiots who say, "Attack of the Clones should have won the Academy Award for Best Picture."  That was from ObiRobKenobi2 from www.theforce.net

What I try to do is just engage with people like you Anchor, and others here who I know just want to debate and have an honest debate, as I have walked away here many times when morons have taken over the boards like Gomertonic and a few others who are just trolls.