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sketchrob said:



:p upgrades look super sweet Ady!


I still perfer the Obi and Any final battle to 'Starbuck takes on 8' from nBSG sound track.

Bear McGrady always seemed like he wanted to do SW.


The Golden Idol said:

No. This is completely unnecessary. Besides, it would not fit into the film at all.


But I always did feel a Kung-fu master apperance sence was missing with Luke doing the saber style moves in slow motion either watching/following Yoda or with Yoda looking on.

To give it that Holy Shit he really is learning to be kung fu/mythical warrior magican.


At the beginning of Episode V when Luke is talking to Han you can see the crew on Luke's green glasses can you rmove them? And can you make it look like Yoda takes a bite out of Luke's food as well

TK99 said:
sketchrob said:


:p upgrades look super sweet Ady!

I still perfer the Obi and Any final battle to 'Starbuck takes on 8' from nBSG sound track.

Bear McGrady always seemed like he wanted to do SW.

Dude  I don't know what you're talking about, if you are referring to the music towards the end of that clip its from the "Lady in the Water" OST by James Newton Howard.

TK99 said:

But I always did feel a Kung-fu master apperance sence was missing with Luke doing the saber style moves in slow motion either watching/following Yoda or with Yoda looking on.

To give it that Holy Shit he really is learning to be kung fu/mythical warrior magican.

Yeah agreeing it should have been done is one thing, coming up with footage that doesn't exist for the edit is another.

tireeg said:

At the beginning of Episode V when Luke is talking to Han you can see the crew on Luke's green glasses can you rmove them? And can you make it look like Yoda takes a bite out of Luke's food as well

*Ahem* I refer you to page 1, post 1. When you are done please come back and enjoy the party.



In the Works - TMNT:Return to New York -





tireeg said:

And can you make it look like Yoda takes a bite out of Luke's food as well

I always loved the way he noms on lukes taquito. That is what looked like. LOL it was cute.


"The other versions will disappear. Even the 35 million tapes of Star Wars out there won’t last more than 30 or 40 years. A hundred years from now, the only version of the movie that anyone will remember will be the DVD version [of the Special Edition], and you’ll be able to project it on a 20’ by 40’ screen with perfect quality. I think it’s the director’s prerogative, not the studio’s to go back and reinvent a movie." - George Lucas

<span> </span>

EyeShotFirst said:
tireeg said:

And can you make it look like Yoda takes a bite out of Luke's food as well

I always loved the way he noms on lukes taquito. That is what looked like. LOL it was cute.



Haha lol, yeah I see what you mean. Poor Yoda though, he was stuck in his swamp for a long time and had no-one to play with, and Obi-Wan's force ghost might not have made regular visits. Though I'm betting when Yoda got his 'visitors', they were his old Jedi chums Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan.

Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan and Yoda will have had a few meetings prior to Luke's arrival, plus they may have had drinking games, though Yoda would be the only one who got pissed, lol :D 

Not to mention Yoda would tease Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan that he was nearly 900 years old and was still alive, and this probably made him more lonely in the end because both Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan got annoyed with their little green friend. :D


- Anyway this is off topic and ANH related - but on all versions of ANH have any of you noticed the twinkle in Luke's right eye as he says 'You fought in the Clone Wars?' to Obi-Wan in Obi-Wan's hut? I only noticed it lol, and I've watched the film countless times.

I’m gonna be a father! - ETA December 24th 2017


I've just read the changes on page 1 for the first time since its last revision, and WOW!

I can think of nothing else I would possibly change. And most of the stuff I wouldn't have even noticed, but again, I approve of.

This is going to be EPIC. I just feel bad that I have nothing to contribute :(

As far as I can tell, Ady is covering everything.


Just stay close to Chewie and Lando. Adywan's taken care of everything.

Bobocop said:

Just stay close to Chewie and Lando. Adywan's taken care of everything.


Luke said that right before his famous "force kick" scene.

I wonder what Boba's doing back there. XD

Read about it here.

We are a way for the cosmos to know itself.

-Carl Sagan


Enigmas said:

Man I hope Ady fixes this come ROTJ:R

Sorry, off topic, I know :)


brash_stryker said:
Enigmas said:

Man I hope Ady fixes this come ROTJ:R

Sorry, off topic, I know :)


bobba flies a little two straight. and that kick is going to get on my nerves if i keep looking at it



I didn't see this covered, but I apologize if I've missed something.

I've always been annoyed at the voice telling 3PO "Who are you" sounding so unlike a strom trooper. I mean, I do understand that the intention behind it was probably to not ruin the reveal for the audience that the Empire was already on Bespin. But the voice just sounds a bit silly, all gruff and weird. Besides, I don't think a normal storm trooper voice would be immidiately recognizeble, especially since they haven't been heard since ANH, so I don't se any harm in adding that.

Or, if keeping the reveal at all costs is a high priority, the voice could be changed to a normal person's voice, implying that the line is spoken by an imperial officer. I'd be happy so long as anything is done to it.

Chrille said:

I've always been annoyed at the voice telling 3PO "Who are you" sounding so unlike a strom trooper.

I was just thinking about that line, and it came to me that he sounds like an angry, possibly chain-smoking, version of Fozzy Bear. Yes/no? :p Bear in mind I'm just hearing it in my head, not watching the movie at the moment.


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I always thought it was an Ugnaught, and the Ugnaught's "Who are you?" alerted a nearby stormtrooper, who shot Threepio.

Chrille said:

I didn't see this covered, but I apologize if I've missed something.

I've always been annoyed at the voice telling 3PO "Who are you" sounding so unlike a strom trooper. I mean, I do understand that the intention behind it was probably to not ruin the reveal for the audience that the Empire was already on Bespin. But the voice just sounds a bit silly, all gruff and weird. Besides, I don't think a normal storm trooper voice would be immidiately recognizeble, especially since they haven't been heard since ANH, so I don't se any harm in adding that.

Or, if keeping the reveal at all costs is a high priority, the voice could be changed to a normal person's voice, implying that the line is spoken by an imperial officer. I'd be happy so long as anything is done to it.

Or perhaps a Stormtrooper with his helmet off? Stormtroopers gotta have some down time now and then, right?


“Lifes a song you don’t get to rehearse, and every single verse can make it that much worse”

ChainsawAsh said:

I always thought it was an Ugnaught, and the Ugnaught's "Who are you?" alerted a nearby stormtrooper, who shot Threepio.

Hey, that's an interesting thought. You never know. It may be stated definitely somewhere (book, interview, whatever) who/what was supposed to have said that line. Or maybe someone could give Kershner or Kurtz a call? ;)


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Chrille said:

I didn't see this covered, but I apologize if I've missed something.

I've always been annoyed at the voice telling 3PO "Who are you" sounding so unlike a strom trooper. I mean, I do understand that the intention behind it was probably to not ruin the reveal for the audience that the Empire was already on Bespin. But the voice just sounds a bit silly, all gruff and weird. Besides, I don't think a normal storm trooper voice would be immidiately recognizeble, especially since they haven't been heard since ANH, so I don't se any harm in adding that.

Or, if keeping the reveal at all costs is a high priority, the voice could be changed to a normal person's voice, implying that the line is spoken by an imperial officer. I'd be happy so long as anything is done to it.

This is being fixed. The original voice is being restored. To hear how it will sound in Ady's ESB:R, watch from 3:36 in this video:




Interesting - I haven't seen the SE in ages, and (obviously) never the 70mm version, so I never knew the voice had changed.  I've always known it to be the "original" version.


I'd never heard that voice before (although I have seen Building Empire a while back- must have forgotten). Definitely a better voice for it and I'm pleased this is being addressed. The current version does sound a bit silly.


4. Restoring original "Who are you?" Stormtrooper line.


pg. one....

oh_riginal said:
adywan said:

No. In ANH we see it power up and you see the rear of the falcon from the moment it is taking off. In the Bespin platform shot we don't see the engines power up as the Falcon is facing the camera then turns to fly off, but by this time the engines have already powered up.

Don't forget that the engine sound effect was only added for the trailer because i had to add new sound FX because i couldn't use the movies soundtrack due to the music in that shot.. this isn't how it appears in the movie

Damn, I actually liked the new placement of the sound effect, and thought that you were changing the audio for that shot. It sounds logical to have it there.

Okay, here's my final attempt to sway you, Ady... in ANH:R (which I just watched a bit ago to search for other examples of how the engine glow works) there is the sequence of the Falcon lifting up, going into reverse, and turning around, as Han and co. are escaping the Death Star after Obi Wan's self-sacrifice. In THIS shot, the glow is full while the Falcon turns around, BUT... when it boosts off, the glow intensifies quite a bit... so, could there at least be a similar change in the intensity of the engine glow as the Falcon finishes turning around and boosts off from the Bespin platform? This may also require adding that sound effect placement from the trailer... but I like where it is placed in the trailer, so that wouldn't bother me one bit.

My logic for being so strong behind this idea is that the Falcon is not casually lifting up, turning around, and flying away. If it were, then no intensifying of the engine glow wouldn't bother me so much. But like the Death Star take-off sequence, the Falcon is trying to escape, so it would seem like the Falcon would be in a hurry to fly off just the same as before.

Sorry if I'm being buggy about all of this. If you say no, thats cool. Just thought it would be worth a try.

BTW, awesome to hear you're upgrading the boost effect in the Avenger chase sequence!



Since my final attempt to convince Ady has gone unanswered, I will take this opportunity to back it up with a visual demonstration/comparison. No disrespect to Ady or anyone that disagrees, I just want to show what I'm trying to say.

(Note: The Falcon's engine sound effect was added, since I had sound issues with the clips I used, but I tried to place the engine sound effect as close to the place where Ady added it in the ESB:R trailer)


Thanks for watching.

“Lifes a song you don’t get to rehearse, and every single verse can make it that much worse”

RoccondilRinon said:

I agree, OR. A nice subtle boost is all that's needed — no need to show the "grille" effect, something more resembling the Death Star escape is more appropriate.


I agree with no grill visual, as Ady had a good argument against using it in the other shots, since the engine had already been on long enough to be more lit up... but the Death Star escape still convinces me that the Bespin platform escape could use a little tweaking with the Falcon blasting off.

I think the engine looks so lit up already in the Bespin shot, that it just has to be downplayed and toned down while the Falcon is lifting off the ground, then blow back up to the original look as it is taking off. I don't know how possible that is to do with the existing shot, but someone like Ady could probably figure out a way to do it (but only if he wanted to.)

“Lifes a song you don’t get to rehearse, and every single verse can make it that much worse”


I didn't see this listed as a fix listed anywhere so...

I noticed, while rewatching the Falcon floating amongst the trail of garbage in space, that just before it turns its engines on (yeah, I was watching the shot originally for more engine goodness), it seems to freeze in "mid-air" for a few frames, as if it stopped floating before the engines even came on, which doesn't make any sense to me.

Should the Falcon not have kept floating until the engines caused it to move? The engine isn't even on yet, and the Falcon freezes.

Anyone else besides me see this as an issue?

One way to fix this would be to either have the engine light up sooner (but not blast off yet) to explain why the Falcon suddenly stopped floating, OR to make it so that the Falcon continues to float along for that extra few frames before blasting off.

Your thoughts, Ady?

Also, (and this might just be me), I can't seem to find Slave 1 among the garbage in the shots of the garbage floating from the Star Destroyer, and in the shot of the Falcon blasting out of there. I understand Han and co. are supposed to be fooled by not noticing Boba's ship among the debris, but as far as continuity goes, should we as the viewers not be able to see the shape of the ship in the earlier shots?

Or did I just see the ship and was completely unable to recognize it?

I'm starting to feel like I'm getting really nitpicky here....

“Lifes a song you don’t get to rehearse, and every single verse can make it that much worse”


its just a grill man..

Before SE you shouldnt see the grill or the barbeque or whatever


Not really is wise to show boba's craft in the previous shot. Thats the magic of cinema.

is well hidden no need to show and indicate it like the PT :)


Im concern more about the yellow engines and the transparent copckit rather the slave 3

I want rick ollie to say THERE is Slave 3!

