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Post #360101

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The ANH:SE Redux Ideas thread (Radical Ideas Welcome).
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Date created
14-May-2009, 12:43 PM

What's still bugging me about ANH sometimes is the imperial forces in general and Darth Vader in particular. Everything from his voice to his helmet to his characteristics and place in the chain of command. Lucas has mentioned that Vader is an equal of Tarkin. I don't know how this could be done, but something to make Vader seem like less of a flunky would be nice. He rooms around the Death Star corridors too much, he brings Leia to Tarkin like some kind of security guard, he allows officers to bad-mouth him, etc. Aside from that, his helmet is dull, lacking the shiny quality of the sequels and his voice is poor. Adywan improved it for the DVD 9 but it still sounds like he's just a dude with a helmet on. In all the other movies, the voice sounds as if it's generated by the life-support system. But I doubt anything short of a re-dub would completely get rid of this problem.

Aside from that, I find the ANH rank badges ilogical, random and impossible to decipher. I feel a switch to the ESB style badges would be preferable here. Making Tagge and Motti Moffs would be good too. Admirals and generals having such influence in the desision-making process doesn't mesh with the way they are treated as pawns in ESB and ROTJ.