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Post #359188

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Abrams is Destroying Star Trek like Lucas has Destroyed Star Wars
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Date created
10-May-2009, 8:42 AM
vote_for_palpatine said:

How convenient, posting all those other site comments. What an immense, unreal burden it would be to track those down myself.

Thanks, Hater6.

"vote_for_palpatine", I really hate the Lemmings who use the word "hater". Saying Hater is just for the Hype-Lemmings not to think about things. The People on TF.n use the word "Hater" all the time.
"vote_for_palpatine", Conformity is not a good thing in life because it can blind one.

At first, I copy the comments in word file for myself and I was not planning to post them on here, that is way there are no links. I changed my mind because I started to see that the over-hypeness and post the word file version of comments. 

The comments are here:
 The ones which look like this: (384. Bobo - May 8, 2009)
Are here:

Warning Trekmovie.com is a known shill site like TF.n, just like numb pointed out:

639. numb - May 8, 2009
You just lost me for the next movie, anthony. I watched you delete quite a few comments here that said nothing out of line, just what they found was copied from another film or just very observant against it. granted, lots of posts here were not deleted, but for some reason, you discriminate. I have just told other people not to see it based on how you handle your site, though i didnt mention your site. and now, include me out for the sequel. you are VERY UNPROFESSIONAL, ANthony Pasquale. VERY ANTI-TREK ideal,. just a cog in the payroll, you are. you sell out others and sell your soul. I will never return to this site.

Now, the others you will have to track those down yourself at:
