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Post #358974

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Abrams is Destroying Star Trek like Lucas has Destroyed Star Wars
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Date created
8-May-2009, 11:07 PM

My Thoughts on Star Trek (2009):

So I had two free movie passes and used them on this film.

First I am going to talk about the classic TOS Star Trek.
When I first watched TOS, I saw it like most people which is only the surface.
I had the the Star Trek stereotype vision just like most people. I thought Kirk had slept with the Orion green skin chick, Kirk was a womanizer who slept every woman he came across, Spock had no emotions, that kirk had a shoot to kill lust, Only the Red Shirt died, it was a dumb show and so on. Then I started the watch TOS more, My views of TOS changed because I started to see things clearer and not just on the surface. I started to see that the Star Trek stereotype was a lie (The same thing happened with Star Wars: OOT). What I saw was TOS for what it really is.
Kirk never jump in bed with an Orion green skin chick, Kirk was not a womanizer who slept every woman he came across but was more like a spy seducing a person to get information, Spock did have emotions which were deeply painful, that kirk did not have a shoot to kill lust, Not only the Red Shirt died and so on....

Now enters Star Trek (2009) which is the Star Trek stereotype vision of TOS. Now in this dumb-down version of TOS in which the old myths of TOS play out like Kirk slept with the Orion green skin chick, Kirk was a womanizer who slept every woman he came across, that kirk had a shoot to kill lust, Only the Red Shirt died and so on. Because of this film just having Star Trek stereotype vision it truly becomes just a dumb show filled with more Plot holes then all the Episodes of TOS' Plot holes put together.
Now to show to a star wars fan just how this film feels to an TOS fan.
   Picture this, A Star Wars Film in which Emperor Roan Fel in a World Devastator travels back in time and kills Luke Skywalker's father before Luke is born. This one action changes the time-line. Now 25 years later, Luke Skywalker and Leia Skywalker grows up on Tatooine with his mother and step father Lando Calrissian. Luke Skywalker has grow up to become a rebel like Lando Calrissian. Emperor Roan Fel attacks Tatooine and Leia Skywalker dies in the attack. Luke Skywalker, his mother and Lando Calrissian escapes Tatooine with the help of Republic Alliance captain Han Solo on his (redesign) Millennium Falcon. Tatooine is then Destroyed by Emperor Roan Fel. Emperor Roan Fel then heads for the Republic Alliance death star. Han Solo sick of Luke Skywalker's rebel ways kicks him off the Millennium Falcon and on to the ice world of Dagobah. On the ice world of Dagobah, Luke just happens to met an old Han Solo from the future (play by Harrison Ford who is the only one from the OT to be in the movie) and Chewbacca. Old Han Solo aids Luke and tells him how to piss off his younger self. Luke, Old Han Solo and Chewbacca leaves the ice world of Dagobah on a (redesign) x-wing. They board on Millennium Falcon which is goes thru hyperspace. Luke piss off Young solo and takes command of the Millennium Falcon. Luke leads the Millennium Falcon to save the Republic Alliance death star from Emperor Roan Fel. Luke and the Younger Solo becomes friend and work together to defeat Emperor Roan Fel. 
Now let say is new Star Wars did not feel or did not have as good of writing as the OT had or that this new Star Wars is the only future for Star Wars.

The New Star Trek Film is Star Trek version of the Star Wars prequels.
The New Star Trek Film has the same affect on Trek-fans just like The Star Wars prequels had on Star Wars fans.
Some think it great like the most of people on TF.n feel about The Star Wars prequels and Some think it is a horrible nightmare like most of the people on OT.c feel about The Star Wars prequels.