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Abrams is Destroying Star Trek like Lucas has Destroyed Star Wars — Page 23

Hunter6 said:

I thinking like with other JJ Abrams' work that as time goes maybe a week or a month that more and more people will turn on this film. It was like that with MI: III and Cloverfield.


Another Bad Review for Star Trek (2009) has came in as The New Film is about to come out.

He (kirk) is played here by Chris Pine, who struggles with a screenplay, written by Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman, that could have been downloaded from a software program entitled “Make Your Own Annoying Rebel.”  

-Anthony Lane from the the new yorker on Star Trek (2009)


Again, it doesn't even compare with those two movies. You're picking the tiny handful of negative reviews out of hundreds of others. Not one movie ever released, even the classics, went without a few negative reviews.

MI: III (147 positive reviews, 64 negative reviews) barely managed 70% on Rotten Tomatoes and Cloverfield is a few points below 80 as well (145 positive to 44 negative.)


Also, MI III was miles better than the previous MI movie, way better. MI III wasn't a bad movie, MI II was a bad movie. Never saw Cloverfield.

Star Trek, already with the vast majority of reviews already in, 94 % on Rotten Tomatoes, is at 127 positive reviews and only 8 negative reviews. This is an overwhelmingly positive critical response that very few movies match. Anything that stays above 90 is considered virtually universally positively reviewed.

It seems like you're just Hell bent on hating the movie under any circumstance. Where were you for the last 26 shitty Star Trek movies? Even if this movie had been the worst piece of shit in film history (and for all I know I might think it is when I get around to seeing it, who knows) it's not as if it could kill the brand,  the franchise was already long-dead. The previous Star Trek movie got nearly twice the number of negative reviews as it got positive ones. As a franchise it was well past just running on fumes.

Harrison Ford Has Pretty Much Given Up on His Son. Here's Why

Hunter6 said:
HotRod said:

Right girls....don't get upset....The film is......

Bloody good!!

Like Johnny boy, I won't go into details...But I loved it. It's just a great big sci-fi epic that never lets up.

"It's Trek Jim, but not as we know it"

Great stuff!!

I knew you would love this "type" of film.



And what "type" of film would that be??


An enjoyable sci-fi romp, a big summer blockbuster, an engaging story, actors who can actually act....Yeah, sure, I like that "type" of film.


As stinky said...Star Trek was long time dead...No one gave a shit about Star Trek..Even the fans were fed up.... This, if anything, has at least brought a new lease of life to an otherwise old, dated franchise.


I'll be going again, even my missus wants to see the film.





I left this thread a while ago because I couldn't deal with the wealth of violent negativity toward a film no one had even seen, or even given a chance.

I came back for one reason, and after this post I'll be gone again.

I just got back from the midnight showing of "Star Trek" ... and it was fantastic.  I can't see anyone, even hardcore Trekkies, not liking this film.  Nearly everything about it was good.

What wasn't?  Possible spoilers ahead:

- Spock and Uhura as a couple - felt forced and wasn't needed.
- Scotty's little midget frend - WTF?
- Scotty getting stuck in the ... um ... fuel tube?  Coolant?  Whatever it was.
- How Kirk randomly happened to get marooned on the same planet Nimoy-Spock was on
- The weird creatures on said planet
- Tyler Perry

What did I like?

- Karl Urban as McCoy.  PERFECT.
- Chris Pine as Kirk.  Took the essence of Shatner's performance and stripped away the cheese and overacting.
- Zachary Quinto as Spock.  PERFECT.
- Oddly enough, Simon Pegg as Scotty.  While he was used mostly as comic relief in this, I enjoyed his performance and think he'll get a better chance to shine in future installments.
- The way they handled the "alternate universe" stuff.
- The "origin story" aspect, which, for once, didn't feel forced at all
- Eric Bana as Nero (who is criminally underused in the film)
- Captain Pike


- The destruction of Vulcan, which shocked me and angered me at first ... but then I realized that that was exactly the emotional response that I should have had to it.  I wasn't angry at the writers for deciding to do this - I was angry at Nero.  Plus, it worked very well to establish the fact that in this "Trek" universe, nothing is "safe."


All in all, I think this sums it up best:

A friend of mine, who had never seen any "Star Trek," who is a die-hard "Star Wars" fan, who detests the very idea of "Star Trek," walked out of the movie with me saying, "That was really good.  Do you have the old TV show?  I'm actually kinda interested now."

If that's not a testament to the success of this film, I don't know what is.  If it can get new fans interested in the original show, I can't see how the argument that this film will ruin the franchise or anything like that holds any water at all.

Highly recommended to everyone, "Trek" fan or no.

Oh, and in case you're wondering - this is now #2 of my favorite "Trek" films, right behind "Khan" and just a hair better than "Undiscovered Country."  I can't wait to see what the next films have in store (though I do hope they return to the themes of exploration and discovery, which were vaguely touched upon in this film and heavily foreshadowed at the end).


Something I hadn't thought of while watching the film, Kirk listening to 'Sabotage' [Beastie Boys] - I wonder if that was a sly dig at William [Sabotaj] Shatner at all?



Saw it last night, and liked it very much. Not an instant classic film, but very enjoyable.  Glad I went to see it. Sure it has it's problems, but nothing that made me groan too much.  I'm looking forward to the next installment.  I enjoyed it in the same way I did "Galaxy Quest". What more can I say?

“First feel fear, then get angry. Then go with your life into the fight.” - Bill Mollison


ChainsawAsh said:

A friend of mine, who had never seen any "Star Trek," who is a die-hard "Star Wars" fan, who detests the very idea of "Star Trek," walked out of the movie with me saying, "That was really good.  Do you have the old TV show?  I'm actually kinda interested now."

A similar situation has happened with me.  There's a girl at work who bears an uncanny resemblance to Zoe Saldana.  In passing the other day, I nerdily joked “are hailing frequencies open, Uhura?” – the look on her face should have been accompanied by the sound of crickets.  She had absolutely no idea what I was talking about.

I explained I was just goofing on how she looks like Saldana - to which she replied “someone walked up to me on the street a few days ago and said the same thing”. She knew of Saldana, but not anything about Star Trek. As I was walking away, I said “see you later Uhura”.  I was floored by her next reply – “oh, is that the character’s name?”  Apparently, when she said she didn’t know anything about Trek – she really meant it.

Since then, I occasionally send her a blurb or two about Trek or make unnecessarily nerdy comments, knowing she has no idea what I’m talking about. She takes it in stride and seems amused at the silliness. A few days ago, I sent her an email with two pictures.  One of Nichols as Uhura, with the ear communicator - and one of Saldana with the same ear piece. I mentioned that I dug the nod to the original. This is a quote from an email she sent me a few moments later;

I should really get into the show.  How do I get into it??

She wants to start with the original show and also wants a couple of recommendations on the 80s films, so that she understands what’s going on in the new film.

I’m with Chainsaw on this one.  The new film seems to be getting people interested in the original show  - the universe of Star Trek.  The original show is where those themes of exploration and discovery were born  - and from the sound of  Chainsaw’s review (and a few others), it appears they will be prevalent in the next film. To me, that’s a very positive aspect of this new film. New fans will be looking forward to “Boldly going where no one has gone before” – and that’s really where Trek lives.

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My wife and I loved the movie (my review will be here soon, with a spoiler companion piece here).  The wife has only really seen Voyager and a few of the movies, but she has a working knowledge of Trek.  However, on the way home, she too said she wanted to see some of the old stuff again.

It's working.

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I was soooo looking forward to this fil. I was BEYOND hyped to see it...now I have seen it.

This movie is crap. It doesnt feel like Trek in any way shape or form. With all the early reviews this film was getting I was expecting this big epic thing. It never happened. I was almost bored. Nero is our badguy? A ex miner who lost his wife and now he....whatever Im done. This movie was swill, its not Trek.


edit: Oh I almost forgot, the musical score is awful. It was distracting for both my wife and I. Product placement and the fucking Beastie Boys in a Trek film. Has the world simply gone mad? How the hell did this movie get such good reviews?

"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect." - Mark Twain.
"A myth is a religion in which no one any longer believes"...James Feibleman (1904-1987)
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Harrison Ford Has Pretty Much Given Up on His Son. Here's Why


Actually, it's refreshing Star Trek and breathing new life into the franchise. Hunter can go suck a turd.

"Fuck you. All the star wars movies were excellent. none of them sucked. Also, revenge of the sith is the best."

- DarthZorgon (YouTube)


Last edited on May 8, 2009 at 6:44 PM by Moth3r (Reason: Removed crap posted from MS Office that was breaking thread display on MSIE)


Thank you

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Stinky-Dinkins said:



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No DF! You can go suck a turd! ;)

Just saw it. I have to say, it was a hell of a lot better than I expected it to be. That said, there were a lot of things in it that were absolutely unbearable that kept pulling me out of the movie. 

It took me a while to get used to Spocklar, but once I did he worked fine for me. His relationship with Uhura just felt pushed though.

I never got used to Pine as Kirk, and actually really disliked the character throughout. Scotty was awful, but fortunately played a small enough part in the movie, but all the bits he was in were pretty cringe worthy (midget, water pipes).

The action scenes tended to drone on and get boring. Especially the fight dangling from Nero's ship, and the stupid scene where Kirk gets chased by CG beasts in an obvious homage to TPM.

Another thing that really bugged me was Chekov's accent, it was one of the over the top things from the original series we really didn't need carried over. It felt extremely out of place in this modern film, while an old sixties sci-fi show can be forgiven for it. I have a few Russian friends with fairly poor English, and they don't sound half that bad. Chekov's accent belongs in a parody poking fun at Russians, not in this film.

Ultimately, I felt the time travel thing worked well enough. Nero was a pretty lame villain, and was way under used. The fact that his entire backstory fit into a couple of sentences says a lot. Also not sure why they changed the look of the Romulans. I always kind of liked the way they looked before.

"Every time Warb sighs, an angel falls into a vat of mapel syrup." - Gaffer Tape


The majority of fans and non-fans are saying it was great. Considering this franchise has been dead in the water for such a long time, there's nothing to lose. The positive fan reactions are only that much more beneficial for the franchise's future. Hell, it even has the Leonard Nimoy stamp of approval.

So I have no idea what's being "destroyed." To compare the PT with Star Trek is erroneous. They're two completely different situations.

"Fuck you. All the star wars movies were excellent. none of them sucked. Also, revenge of the sith is the best."

- DarthZorgon (YouTube)

DarkFather said:

Hell, it even has the Leonard Nimoy stamp of approval.


Oh my gosh! The Leonard Nimoy stamp of approval! That is most impressive!

From the exact same Leonard Nimoy who brought us the album Mr. Spock's Music From Outer Space, the fine single The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins, and the masterpiece photography book The Full Body Project (featuring photographs of fat women in the buff, taken by good ol' Leonard himself).

Mr. Nimoy has brought us some fine products in his time, glad to see he is still at it.


C3PX said:
generalfrevious said:

Transformers to me represents the zeitgeist of our era, despite being hardly a good film.


Really? I don't know. I have never seen it, nor have I any interest in seeing it. And all my friends who have seen it have basically told me to give it a skip. To me it looks nothing more than your typical summer blockbuster, and carries no more or no less hype than typical. I think zeitgeist may be a little exteme of a word to use. The summer blockbuster has been around forever, and will continue to be.


Generalfrevious, I have to retract my comments. After going to see ST today and sitting through the trailers. The orgasmic squeals of delight and the "OMG! I can't wait!"s from the audience as the trailers for Transformers 2, G.I. Joe, and Terminator Salvation played on the screen I was suddenly reminded of your post. Zeitgesit is absolutely the perfect word to describe these movies after all. I have never heard people getting so excited during the trailers in front of a movie before, not since the days of the Phantom Menace anyway.

"Every time Warb sighs, an angel falls into a vat of mapel syrup." - Gaffer Tape


It makes sense.

Escapist entertainment is a precious thing in today's society. It's also at a premium.

"Fuck you. All the star wars movies were excellent. none of them sucked. Also, revenge of the sith is the best."

- DarthZorgon (YouTube)


Were people really having orgasms? Was it sexy? Did you have an orgasm? I just had an orgasm.

Harrison Ford Has Pretty Much Given Up on His Son. Here's Why


Oh my gosh! The Leonard Nimoy stamp of approval! That is most impressive!

From the exact same Leonard Nimoy who brought us the album Mr. Spock's Music From Outer Space, the fine single The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins, and the masterpiece photography book The Full Body Project (featuring photographs of fat women in the buff, taken by good ol' Leonard himself).

Mr. Nimoy has brought us some fine products in his time, glad to see he is still at it.

You do realize he had a strong creative influence on TOS?

"Fuck you. All the star wars movies were excellent. none of them sucked. Also, revenge of the sith is the best."

- DarthZorgon (YouTube)

C3PX said:

Also not sure why they changed the look of the Romulans. I always kind of liked the way they looked before.

I wanted to chime in on this.

It's explained in the "Countdown" comic (I know, I know) that they looked just like any other Romulans, but when Romulus was destroyed Nero and his crew shaved their heads and tattooed themselves in mourning.  You can see when Nero shows Pike the hologram of his wife that she has hair and no tattoos.

The real-world explanation was to differentiate them from the Vulcans for new audiences.  But my point is that there's a canon explanation as well.

ChainsawAsh said:
when Romulus was destroyed Nero and his crew shaved their heads and tattooed themselves in mourning. 

Same thing happened to Mike Tyson.


Harrison Ford Has Pretty Much Given Up on His Son. Here's Why


So when is they raped star trek episode of south park coming out?

Lol.  Sorry i just had to say it.

“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.

DarkFather said:

You do realize he had a strong creative influence on TOS?


No, Leonard "I  want of out Star Trek in season two" Nimoy did not had a strong creative influence on TOS and he has bitch about it in past.

Gene Roddenberry, Gene L. Coon and  DC Fontana are the strong creative influence on TOS, not Leonard "I  want out of Star Trek, kill off spock" Nimoy. Robert Bloch, Norman Spinrad, Harlan Ellison and Theodore Sturgeon all had more strong creative influence on TOS, not Leonard "I  do not want to do TMP" Nimoy. 

also Leonard "I am Not Spock" Nimoy has always been a pill.


Leonard "I  want out of Star Trek in season two" Nimoy

Leonard "I  want do not want to do a star trek movie, write out spock" Nimoy

Leonard "I  want out of Star Trek, kill off spock" Nimoy

Leonard "I will return to star trek only if I write and  direct" Nimoy

Leonard "I am Not Spock" Nimoy

Leonard "I'm a dryed out actor who will sellout Spock just for parts on Fringe and in transformers 2" Nimoy



My Thoughts on Star Trek (2009):

So I had two free movie passes and used them on this film.

First I am going to talk about the classic TOS Star Trek.
When I first watched TOS, I saw it like most people which is only the surface.
I had the the Star Trek stereotype vision just like most people. I thought Kirk had slept with the Orion green skin chick, Kirk was a womanizer who slept every woman he came across, Spock had no emotions, that kirk had a shoot to kill lust, Only the Red Shirt died, it was a dumb show and so on. Then I started the watch TOS more, My views of TOS changed because I started to see things clearer and not just on the surface. I started to see that the Star Trek stereotype was a lie (The same thing happened with Star Wars: OOT). What I saw was TOS for what it really is.
Kirk never jump in bed with an Orion green skin chick, Kirk was not a womanizer who slept every woman he came across but was more like a spy seducing a person to get information, Spock did have emotions which were deeply painful, that kirk did not have a shoot to kill lust, Not only the Red Shirt died and so on....

Now enters Star Trek (2009) which is the Star Trek stereotype vision of TOS. Now in this dumb-down version of TOS in which the old myths of TOS play out like Kirk slept with the Orion green skin chick, Kirk was a womanizer who slept every woman he came across, that kirk had a shoot to kill lust, Only the Red Shirt died and so on. Because of this film just having Star Trek stereotype vision it truly becomes just a dumb show filled with more Plot holes then all the Episodes of TOS' Plot holes put together.
Now to show to a star wars fan just how this film feels to an TOS fan.
   Picture this, A Star Wars Film in which Emperor Roan Fel in a World Devastator travels back in time and kills Luke Skywalker's father before Luke is born. This one action changes the time-line. Now 25 years later, Luke Skywalker and Leia Skywalker grows up on Tatooine with his mother and step father Lando Calrissian. Luke Skywalker has grow up to become a rebel like Lando Calrissian. Emperor Roan Fel attacks Tatooine and Leia Skywalker dies in the attack. Luke Skywalker, his mother and Lando Calrissian escapes Tatooine with the help of Republic Alliance captain Han Solo on his (redesign) Millennium Falcon. Tatooine is then Destroyed by Emperor Roan Fel. Emperor Roan Fel then heads for the Republic Alliance death star. Han Solo sick of Luke Skywalker's rebel ways kicks him off the Millennium Falcon and on to the ice world of Dagobah. On the ice world of Dagobah, Luke just happens to met an old Han Solo from the future (play by Harrison Ford who is the only one from the OT to be in the movie) and Chewbacca. Old Han Solo aids Luke and tells him how to piss off his younger self. Luke, Old Han Solo and Chewbacca leaves the ice world of Dagobah on a (redesign) x-wing. They board on Millennium Falcon which is goes thru hyperspace. Luke piss off Young solo and takes command of the Millennium Falcon. Luke leads the Millennium Falcon to save the Republic Alliance death star from Emperor Roan Fel. Luke and the Younger Solo becomes friend and work together to defeat Emperor Roan Fel. 
Now let say is new Star Wars did not feel or did not have as good of writing as the OT had or that this new Star Wars is the only future for Star Wars.

The New Star Trek Film is Star Trek version of the Star Wars prequels.
The New Star Trek Film has the same affect on Trek-fans just like The Star Wars prequels had on Star Wars fans.
Some think it great like the most of people on TF.n feel about The Star Wars prequels and Some think it is a horrible nightmare like most of the people on OT.c feel about The Star Wars prequels.


You can make all the smartass "clever" comments you want, fact is he had a strong creative influence.

"Fuck you. All the star wars movies were excellent. none of them sucked. Also, revenge of the sith is the best."

- DarthZorgon (YouTube)