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Post #358970

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Abrams is Destroying Star Trek like Lucas has Destroyed Star Wars
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Date created
8-May-2009, 11:04 PM
DarkFather said:

You do realize he had a strong creative influence on TOS?


No, Leonard "I  want of out Star Trek in season two" Nimoy did not had a strong creative influence on TOS and he has bitch about it in past.

Gene Roddenberry, Gene L. Coon and  DC Fontana are the strong creative influence on TOS, not Leonard "I  want out of Star Trek, kill off spock" Nimoy. Robert Bloch, Norman Spinrad, Harlan Ellison and Theodore Sturgeon all had more strong creative influence on TOS, not Leonard "I  do not want to do TMP" Nimoy. 

also Leonard "I am Not Spock" Nimoy has always been a pill.


Leonard "I  want out of Star Trek in season two" Nimoy

Leonard "I  want do not want to do a star trek movie, write out spock" Nimoy

Leonard "I  want out of Star Trek, kill off spock" Nimoy

Leonard "I will return to star trek only if I write and  direct" Nimoy

Leonard "I am Not Spock" Nimoy

Leonard "I'm a dryed out actor who will sellout Spock just for parts on Fringe and in transformers 2" Nimoy