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Post #358652

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Southland Tales: The Cannes Cut (see dark_jedi & ReverendBeastly's posts) (Released)
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Date created
6-May-2009, 6:43 PM
dark_jedi said:
dannydj said:


having stumbled upon this thread a month ago i think its time for my first post.

firstly hello to all !!! around a month ago i caved in and watched southland on sky movies, i had been keeping away from watching it as i wanted to import the blu ray ( still not available here in the UK ) and watch the film in the best available form. after watching it on sky, i imported the blu ray and watched it around a week later.......thats when it hit me, these cuts were totally different!! searching the net i stumbled across this forum and was very happy to see that someone managed to capture the HD feed. it was on sky yesterday and despite advertising the run time 138m, it was indeed the cannes cut - General Teena MacArthur scenes, hand chopping at the beginning, slightly more jon lovitz etc.

with the best my equipment could manage i recorded the film to my sky + box ( your equivalent of tivo ) and recorded it to a DVD-R. obviously this will not be as good as dark jedi's contribution, but it is a hell of an upgrade over the MP4 version. so if anything is to go wrong ( and i pray it doesn't ) with dark jedi's project then i have this copy to distribute...... 




First welcome to the board,and second,it is always nice to have a backup plan LOL,so definitely hang on to your version.

cheers fella !!

wow !! how this thread has grown since my last visit..........you guys are an industrious bunch!! guessing i can delete my SD copy from my HDD now :) really looking forward to having this finally in HD .....thanks a bunch.