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Abrams is Destroying Star Trek like Lucas has Destroyed Star Wars — Page 21


Yeah the big hands thing is like something out of a childrens cartoon.  Reminds me of the big heads code in the arcade game NBA Jam.

But remember who the writers are they wrote transformers and MI3.  They have to be the worst screenwriters i have seen since david koepp or akiva goldsman. 

Which does not seem possible read akiva scripts for lost in space and batman and robin, or koepp's Indiana Jones IV.  Oh yeah thats right the indy IV script was so bad it was never even leaked much less publicly released in book form.

Just like the trek script on JJ's movie will probably never be released.  Or not for a long while.

It will have to be judged based on the movie.

I am waiting to see just what kind of laughable dialogue they came up with for transformers 2, or what they will come up with for star trek 2 JJ abrams.  Remember JJ's new movie is like star trek 1 not star trek 11.  So the next film will really not be star trek 12.

and Trek 2009 is not really even a new movie it is only being released now but has almost been finished for a year.

Yes the big hands is worse than spocks brain, kirok or the singing hippies in the sixties show.

“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.


Well, the odd Star Trek films are always bad, if I remember my rules correctly. (and all I've seen of ST was the first season of TOS and Wrath of Khan)

I find it interesting that you brought up Koepp in this discussion, because he also wrote the lost world, war of the worlds, and the upcoming angels and demons. But I'm not going to see Transformers 2 because I don't really want to subject myself to another Bay film; unfortunately, Transformers to me represents the zeitgeist of our era, despite being hardly a good film.


Well, the odd Star Trek films are always bad, if I remember my rules correctly. (and all I've seen of ST was the first season of TOS and Wrath of Khan)

I find it interesting that you brought up Koepp in this discussion, because he also wrote the lost world, war of the worlds, and the upcoming angels and demons. But I'm not going to see Transformers 2 because I don't really want to subject myself to another Bay film; unfortunately, Transformers to me represents the zeitgeist of our era, despite being hardly a good film.

generalfrevious said:

Transformers to me represents the zeitgeist of our era, despite being hardly a good film.


Really? I don't know. I have never seen it, nor have I any interest in seeing it. And all my friends who have seen it have basically told me to give it a skip. To me it looks nothing more than your typical summer blockbuster, and carries no more or no less hype than typical. I think zeitgeist may be a little exteme of a word to use. The summer blockbuster has been around forever, and will continue to be.

"Every time Warb sighs, an angel falls into a vat of mapel syrup." - Gaffer Tape


I think the style of transformers has its genesis in just about every big movie Lucas or Spielberg ever made.  The film has tons of homages.  But it clearly recalls the prequels type of over the top cgi and i don't think hollywood going to go back to making movies the old school way ever again.

The Lord of the Rings trilogy may be one of the last to use traditional tecniques along with cgi and be shot on film instead of HD video.  I know that other movies like Serenity also did both. 

Trek 2009 like Sky Captain is and the matrix is probably 90%or more designed in a computer.

To me LOTR is the last of the great trilogies i love it second only to the original star wars trilogy.  Every other modern thing is either garbage or entertainment for 2 hours that you never ever watch again.

Maybe some exceptions like Spider Man 1 and 2 and x-men 1 and 2.  I will never watch transformers again, or x-men 3 or spider man 3.

And I would add Batman Begins.  I'm kind of split on the dark knight.  I think the movie was way over rated and over hyped.  Still a good movie.  As for Iron man or the new hulk i don't understand the hype over those crap films.  Iron Man like the upcoming Terminator had great design by the Stan Winston studio but beyond that there is not much else i can say.  Its another blockbuster with rediculous unnecessary over the top cgi.

I'll admit Iron Man has heart, and is better than the fox made marvel films.  Still it is a very silly movie based on a comic book and the cgi takes center stage and the acting is second place.

It does well for its genre and does not pretend to be something that its not.  Unlike say the star wars prequels and indiana jones IV which roped you in with the promise as being as good as the originals and then crapped all over your memories.  The trailers lied and said they were epics and action packed awesome films.  Then you see the finished turd projected on screen.

“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.


You will probably like Del Toro's Hobbit films. He said he's using even LESS cg than Jackson


Well i liked Hellboy, have to see Golden Army have not yet.  Liked his direction on Blade II.

Have yet to see Pan's Labyrinth the subtitles and non english was abit off putting.  Plus the plot was spoiled and i really don't like movies with really down endings.  But not all films have to have a happy ending. 

I am happy Del Toro is keeping Smaug's speech.  Early on the studio wanted to do away with that getting images of that bad movie where sean connery voices a dragon.

Having continuity and same actors for a lot of the roles with the lord of the rings films is awesome.  Filmed in the same locales as lord of the rings.  Peter Jackson as a producer and screenwriter with fran walsh.  Ian Mckellen as gandalf, i hope christopher lee returns as saruman.  I also hope to see Vigo as Aragorn, The dude from pirates of the caribbean as legolas.  I want to see how they pull off Beorn the were bear.  Who they choose to play Bilbo baggins and the dwarves.  The music better be by Howard Shore and the London Philarmonic.

I want to see the first convincing fairy story dragon brought to the screen.  It has not been done before.

Since the story of sigurd the dragon slayer has never been put to film at least with the dragon taunting the hero.  They better do the riddle contest in gollums cave, that chapter riddles in the dark was always one of my favorites.

IS Weta doing the effects ?  is it being shot on super 35mm film like lord of the rings?

“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.


Actually Pan's Labyrinth kind of has an up ending. It is a pretty good movie, and the DVD does actually have an English dub of the film, not sure how good it is though.

I have yet to see Devil's Backbone. I like Del Toro. I am glade he is doing The Hobbit, though I really hope they match PJ's The Lord of the Rings to a fair degree. But even if it doesn't, it is not that big of a deal, in many ways the actual book The Hobbit has a completely different tone and feel to it from LOTRs.

"Every time Warb sighs, an angel falls into a vat of mapel syrup." - Gaffer Tape


Episode I has Jar-Jar with a numb tongue and now The Star Trek Movie has kirk with giant hands and a numb tongue.

Also, what some Trek-fan are saying about the New Star Trek trailers and the build up to the New Star Trek movie reminds me of this:

From http://www.dvdactive.com/editorial/articles/the-ten.html
Seriously, has there ever been a teaser trailer quite as good as the one for Episode I? Has there even been one better than the theatrical trailer?  In the build up to  The Phantom Menace, these two trailers as well as the equally epic Tone Poem TV spots were literally like something from a Galaxy Far, Far Away, promising to bring something special to our big screens. A true event that built a mass excitement that hasn’t been equalled since....




Humor in Star Trek is a fine balance. The heavy humor drivin Trek films ( IV & V) have not been on the top of my list, and I think the silly jokes in VI hurt the over all flow of the film.  With the original series, you had fun joke driven episodes such as "Trouble with Tribbles", that fit into the cannon along side very serious dramatic episodes like "Balance of Terror". This worked only when you keept the over the top corny jokes out of the dramatic episodes, and at the same time did not make the hokey episodes to heavy handed in the drama department.  "Wrath of Khan" kept it's humor on a very low and realistic level. It's the kind of humor most people encounter or use everyday with friends or co-workers.  It's not the "pie in the face" type.

This new film looks to be mixing styles. They seem to want to draw fans of the heavy hitting "Wrath of Khan" type films, but at the same time they are injecting "Row, Row, Row Your Boat", type lame jokes. Not a good mix.  If they want to make a Star Trek parody, they should just do that, and call it that. They should not try and trick people who want a hard hitting adventure into thinking that's what they are going to get.  In 1967, there was a James Bond movie called "Casino Royal". It was a parody, and billed as such. People who took it for what it was, a light hatred spoof, came away satisfied. People wanting a classic Bond adventure, got upset and some even panned the film for using the 007 logo and Bond name as a trick to lure them in (take a look at the Amazon reviews for the DVD).  The 1967 "Casino Royal" did have it's positive reviews, and history shows that the official series of Bond film's producers started to take note, and incorporate more and more corny jokes well into the 1970's and 80's. I am not a fan of that kind of Bond film, and got more and more disappointed viewing the series in order after O.H.M.S.S.






“First feel fear, then get angry. Then go with your life into the fight.” - Bill Mollison

skyjedi2005 said:

Well i liked Hellboy, have to see Golden Army have not yet.  Liked his direction on Blade II.

Have yet to see Pan's Labyrinth the subtitles and non english was abit off putting.  Plus the plot was spoiled and i really don't like movies with really down endings.  But not all films have to have a happy ending. 

I am happy Del Toro is keeping Smaug's speech.  Early on the studio wanted to do away with that getting images of that bad movie where sean connery voices a dragon.

Having continuity and same actors for a lot of the roles with the lord of the rings films is awesome.  Filmed in the same locales as lord of the rings.  Peter Jackson as a producer and screenwriter with fran walsh.  Ian Mckellen as gandalf, i hope christopher lee returns as saruman.  I also hope to see Vigo as Aragorn, The dude from pirates of the caribbean as legolas.  I want to see how they pull off Beorn the were bear.  Who they choose to play Bilbo baggins and the dwarves.  The music better be by Howard Shore and the London Philarmonic.

I want to see the first convincing fairy story dragon brought to the screen.  It has not been done before.

Since the story of sigurd the dragon slayer has never been put to film at least with the dragon taunting the hero.  They better do the riddle contest in gollums cave, that chapter riddles in the dark was always one of my favorites.

IS Weta doing the effects ?  is it being shot on super 35mm film like lord of the rings?

The Golden Army is EXTREMELY visually stunning and a fun movie but it is short on plot and characterization compared to the first one. There is one scene with young Hellboy that is really cringe-inducing but thankfully it's really short and towards the beginning. What's really fascinating is the "making of" documentary on the second disc. it shows Del Toro's real commitment to practical effects.


Pan's Labyrinth is just amazing. Watch it with subtitles it's not really distracting.


I know the new Hobbit movies are being shot in the same aspect ratio as LOTR (rather than Del Toro's signature 1.85:1) neither Del Toro nor Jackson have shot digital before so I doubt they'd start now. Del Toro has said that he plans to use "less cg" than Jackson and wants to combine animatronics and cg in new ways to create interesting creatures. He said all of the locations shown in LOTR (the Shire ect.) will have visual continuity with Jackson's version but new locations may employ his own style. He is redesigning the Wargs to be more like wolves and less like Hyenas. WETA is doing to the effects but Del Toro is bringing in artists like Mike Mignola to work on concepts and such. Gollum will still be cg mocap and probably played by Andy Serkis again to maintain visual continuity.



Hey Hotrod, do you actually get this one around the same time as the rest of the world?

Gonna go see it as [I] intended - with an open mind. If it sucks then it sucks, i can't change that*, But it's 12 bucks i'd just spend on cheeseburgers anyway.


* I'm almost certain that people are planning fanedits without having seen the film yet...

Johnny Ringo said:

* I'm almost certain that people are planning fanedits without having seen the film yet...


I predict it will be a  film that, like the PT movies, will be unfixable via a fan edit. There will just be too much wrong with it.

"Every time Warb sighs, an angel falls into a vat of mapel syrup." - Gaffer Tape


I'll be at Walt Disney World on Thursday night, and have tickets for the digital showing close by.  This should be a fun ride no matter what.

“First feel fear, then get angry. Then go with your life into the fight.” - Bill Mollison


Amazing.  Loved it.

There is no lingerie in space…

C3PX said: Gaffer is like that hot girl in high school that you think you have a chance with even though she is way out of your league because she is sweet and not a stuck up bitch who pretends you don’t exist… then one day you spot her making out with some skinny twerp, only on second glance you realize it is the goth girl who always sits in the back of class; at that moment it dawns on you why she is never seen hanging off the arm of any of the jocks… and you realize, damn, she really is unobtainable after all. Not that that is going to stop you from dreaming… Only in this case, Gaffer is actually a guy.


No rotten reviews, even the greatest films get one or 2 rotten reviews. 

Something is fishy.  Too much like AICN and Trekmovie.com.

I don't believe it until i see the movie.  And they could be tricking us again like they did for revenge of the sith and indiana jones IV being good movies.  Because of that Ebert lost an extreme amount of credibility as well as him liking the mummy curse of the dragon emporer.

He gets my respect for his damning reviews of the clone wars movie and Quantum of Solace.  But even he admitted he likes dumb entertainment cheeseball cinema that is bad filmaking, how else do you excuse him being a Lucas appologist.  I miss Siskel he would have told that the later II prequels sucked doney balls, and that indiana jones IV was a giant stinking turd.

I don't get Indy 4's mostly positive rating on rotten tamatoes.  It is certified fresh.  When it is most certainly rotten.  But in comparison to other modern crap it was good according to these people.  So film has gone so low that crap films of yesteryear are better than todays movies. 

Temple of Doom was better than crystal Skulls never thought i would ever have thought that. It ties up the Raiders threads in a neat little bow but was that really necessary?  Reminds me a bit of Return of the Jedi which i still love by the way,lol.

I think Revenge of the Sith just barely scrapped by with a fresh rating the last time i checked,lol.

“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.


Unfortunately, ROTS has an 80% rating compared to ROTJ, which has a 77% rating

Yeah, when I see Star Trek it will be like going to a funeral I don't care about.

C3PX said:
Johnny Ringo said:

* I'm almost certain that people are planning fanedits without having seen the film yet...


I predict it will be a  film that, like the PT movies, will be unfixable via a fan edit. There will just be too much wrong with it.

Fan edits have always been shit anyways.



The Gene Roddenberry years, when stories might play with questions of science, ideals or philosophy, have been replaced by stories reduced to loud and colorful action. Like so many franchises, it’s more concerned with repeating a successful formula than going boldly where no “Star Trek” has gone before.   - Roger Ebert on Star Trek 2009



Ebert’s history of reviews of TOS based Star Trek movies:

Movie 1.TMP: ***

Movie 2. TWOK: ***

Movie 3. TSFS: ***

Movie 4. TVH: ***1/2

Movie 5. TFF: **

Movie 6. TUC: ***

Movie 11. ST (2009) **1/2