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Post #355772

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Abrams is Destroying Star Trek like Lucas has Destroyed Star Wars
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Date created
20-Apr-2009, 7:18 AM
generalfrevious said:      Do you think this will be worse than The Final Frontier?


On some levels, Yes.

On some allot of Levels, the same as The Final Frontier.

On others, the same as Nemesis.

The new movie seems to be past Star Trek movies in a mixer.

The Story is like ST: GEN (only with Spock) and wants to be like TWOK.

The New Movie even has a Orbital Skydiving Kirk Scene like a ST: GEN deleted scene.

Deleted Orbital Skydiving Kirk Sequence from Star trek Generations:


The Main Bad Guy and his ship look like they is ripped from Nemesis.

Nemesis was Star Trek movies in a mixer like this new movie, Nemesis also wanted to be like TWOK like this new movie.

The New Movie reminds me allot of ST:V-The Final Frontier

Hell, The New Movie even has a pointy eared bad guy and Water pipes around inside the Enterprise just like The Final Frontier.

also The New Movie has the birth of spock just like The Final Frontier.

Even Chris Pine's hair look like Shatner's hair in The Final Frontier.

The New Movie's  Enterprise (inside and out) are like The Final Frontier.

and so on...

Just look at The Final Frontier caps:


then look at JJ Abrams Star Trek

The New Movie looks and feels like a Prequel to ST:V-The Final Frontier.
Who would have guess the other universe in the new movie is really the "Shatnerverse"