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Post #355628

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Abrams is Destroying Star Trek like Lucas has Destroyed Star Wars
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Date created
19-Apr-2009, 6:35 AM
skyjedi2005 said:

So trekmovie confirms the planet destroyed in this movie.  It proves the break they are making from continuity.

When I posted The Spoilers, I cross check them with many sources on-line.
Now, trekmovie.com has let the cat out of the bag about Vulcan* in the film.
trekmovie.com did it without a WARNING SPOILERS.
trekmovie.com F#$@-up. Their master "JJ Abrams" is going to be piss off.

once again STAR TREK 2009 SPOILERS:

Nero is determined to destroy all planets in the federation.
Nero wait 25 years for old spock after Spock's ship time jumps from the kelvin event. Nero capture old Spock's ship which in turn gave them the technology needed to destroy planets.
Nero drills a hole into the planet's core and then deposits red matter that creates a singularity from within the planet itself.
Spock's mother, "Amanda" dies. the ground gives way under Amanda and they are unable to keep the transporter lock.
Vulcan is destroyed.*
Pike is tortured by Nero, but is not killed.
Kirk is not really captain.
Spock displays a lot of emotion.
In the End, Spock launches an assault in old Spock's ship, and releases the red matter into the ship causing a singularity to form. Then Kirk blasts the hell out of it after Nero refuses to surrender.
Spock meets old Spock at the end of the movie. Spock wants to leave Starfleet to help rebuild the Vulcan culture, but old Spock talks him out of it as he himself will carry the knowledge to a new colony of Vulcans.
old Spock stays in the 23rd century.
No old kirk in the film.

skyjedi2005 said:

Naval Vessels and submarines in the nineties look far more high tech than what is shown in pictures of this movie.

that is true.

I have been thinking about this Star Trek film and how much it reminds me of early 90's fads.

This Star Trek film reminds me of Poochie on The Simpsons.

This Star Trek film is the Poochie of Star Trek
