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Abrams is Destroying Star Trek like Lucas has Destroyed Star Wars — Page 19


Damn it Anchorhead, You beat me to it.


How about turning The Classic Enterprise into a Deformed ship with an i-mac Bridge.

Actually, I can't argue that one. The other classic looking ship [the Kelvin?] looks great - a nice blend of the classic look and adequate detailing. I'm assuming there's a plot reason for the Enterprise looking so advanced but it still does look a little ridiculous to my eyes.




Based on all of the information gleaned so far, we already know that Nero went back in time (as explained in the "Countdown" comic) and wiped out the USS Kelvin, an event which altered the timeline.  Not drastically, but enough.  When Starfleet finds out about the Kelvin, they assume that they're facing a Really Big Bad (I'm pretty confident that Nero lays low for now) and go on a technology upgrade tear to fact this new threat.  Hence, the alternate USS Enterprise looking a lot more technically sophisticated than the prime USS Enterprise.

(As I said, it's only a theory.  I'm just glad to see that we'll be getting some good Trek to take that horrid Nemesis taste out of our mouths...)

There are 10 types of people in this world: those who understand binary, and those who do not.
Anchorhead said:
Hunter6 said:

How about having Sulu do jumping around sword-fighting....

Yeah, that feels completely out of charac.......

oh...wait a minute




Don't cut off my point.

How about having Sulu do jumping around sword-fighting like the jedi in the prequels. (The thing is Sulu does not have powers like an jedi)

Also remember TOS Sulu was not a Sword-Fighter. He did not know know to handle Sword and even poke his thumb with the blade.

Also He did not use a Ninja Sword like the sulu in the movie.
Also TOS Sulu was under the affect of a illness when he was doing the sword playing around .

The Point that scene from TOS is that it is completely out of character for Sulu.

Hunter6 said:

(The thing is Sulu does not have powers like an jedi)



Worth pointing out, by the way, is the fact that the trailer doesn't show Sulu having Jedi powers.

Forum Moderator
MJPollard said:


Based on all of the information gleaned so far, we already know that Nero went back in time (as explained in the "Countdown" comic) and wiped out the USS Kelvin, an event which altered the timeline.  Not drastically, but enough.  When Starfleet finds out about the Kelvin, they assume that they're facing a Really Big Bad (I'm pretty confident that Nero lays low for now) and go on a technology upgrade tear to fact this new threat.  Hence, the alternate USS Enterprise looking a lot more technically sophisticated than the prime USS Enterprise.


How does one changed event affects so much to the point all the characters are different?

the Wipe out of the USS Kelvin is one event which affects Kirk's life, but how are Bones, Spock, Sulu, The Enterprise and so on affected too.

Why do I feel that this movie will not go into those details.


a technology upgrade tear to fact this new threat

Yeah, but upgrading the technology to 24th cen. like technology is too far.



Anchorhead said:
Hunter6 said:

(The thing is Sulu does not have powers like an jedi)



Worth pointing, by the way, is the fact that the trailer doesn't show Sulu having Jedi powers.


Watch it again, Sulu is jumping around like jedi.

Now JJ has said He is making Star Trek more Real.

Well I have trained in Sword fighting back in my school days, jumping doing flips is not real.

A person can not jump around like Sulu is doing in the trailer and especially in a real Sword fight.  

also a Katana Sword weights alot, so no one would be jumping around with it. 

You would need Jedi powers or be in the matrix to do and things Sulu is doing in the trailer.


Jedi shouldn't be able to jump 100 feet in the air in the first place whenever they feel like it.

I rescind my last comment; a film this bad I gotta see.

Hunter6 said:

...jumping doing flips is not real.

Neither are 99% of the things that have taken place in all things Star Trek over the last 43 years. 

It's science fiction.


Forum Moderator

I just wanted to say, that - as a mild Trekkie who hasn't been following the thread or the movie's development - I love Anchorman's posts.  His blend of occasional sarchasm and level-headed arguments are always entertaining, and allow me to see both sides of the issue.

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em


Hopefully in the context of the film the story changes in the timeline, why things look different and the jokey dialogue will be given some sense and context outside of the couple of minutes of clips released.

In a head to head match of which film will make more money this or Wolverine i wonder if trek will wipe the floor with the competition.  Remember Nemesis outside of being a horrible film that people did not go to see, people were more excited to see PJ's second rings installment.

The film was also poorly edited and a poor man's rehash cliff notes version of wrath of khan.

The Remans looked like the Morlocks from the remake of the time machine which Logan also worked on.

The casting for Patrick Stewart's double was also incompetent casting.  Either Stewart should have played both roles or they should have gotten someone equal to his acting ability.

“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.

Anchorhead said:
Hunter6 said:

...jumping doing flips is not real.

Neither are 99% of the things that have taken place in all things Star Trek over the last 43 years. 

It's science fiction.

No sh**, it is science fiction, but the HUMAN characters in Star Trek for the last 43 years have moved like HUMANS, not like a cartoon characters. One of the points of Star Trek is it is about REAL HUMANS like you or me, not some human-looking alien race who live Far, Far Away. The CGI made jumping around sword fighting is just that "CGI made".  It is not even a real person doing it. The Only characters you do see doing things like that in the Star Trek world for over the last 43 years are some of the ALIEN races.  

It's science fiction, but show me one thing of science fiction which has humans from earth without superpower or a matrix or cybernetics or without something aiding them doing jumping around like Sulu in the movie.

Name just one.


The new tv commercial looks awful.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xAot3sC2xjE


I laughed out loud and cringed at the same time When it says "this is not your father's star trek"  Well my Fathers Star Trek was a classic that starred William Shatner and had 2 good seasons and 1 bad one, not too sure what to say about this 200 million dollar turd.

The shaky cam and the lens flares from the preview clips = fail.  Unless it was their mission to have the theater issue barf bags to its patrons.

“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.


No sh**, it is science fiction, but the HUMAN characters in Star Trek for the last 43 years have moved like HUMANS, not like a cartoon characters. One of the points of Star Trek is it is about REAL HUMANS like you or me, not some human-looking alien race who live Far, Far Away.


No, one of the points about Star Trek is that it stopped being a successful franchise. The well is dry, the horse is dead. This is purely an attempt at starting over, picking out a few things that worked before and trying to get this heart beating again.

Whether the movie is good or bad is yet to be determined.


Hunter6 said:

TrekMovie.com Review of JJ Abrams’ ‘Star Trek’



Too bad the guy didn't go into a little more detail.  



Interesting review.

This quote worries me;

 "The camera is constantly in motion... the editing is rapid-fire...."


The only thing I can say for sure I will have a problem with (and it's been alluded to before with Trek09)  is the current trend for two-images-a-second editing and shaky-cam.  I hate that shit.  It's the reason Bourne 2 & 3 were once-only viewings, as was Quantum Of Solace. It's also the reason I don't own DVDs of those films either.  Interesting stories, but entirely too much work to watch them.

I'm not part of the short-attention-span generation.  Hold the fucking camera still if you want me to give a damn about the story, go see it more than once, or buy the DVD. Leave the documentary style camera work to actual documentaries.

I won't chase the image all over the screen or attempt to refocus on it every second.  As I did with Bourne 2 & 3, as well as Quantum - if it gets ridiculously shaky, I'll spend a few moments looking at the exit signs, surround speakers, or the carpet on the walls - but I won't work for the product I already paid for.

Because Abrams has a history of using this style of cinematography, I have to say - I've been very concerned that this will also be a once-only viewing for me.


See, and you guys thought I couldn't have a pre-viewing go-off.


Forum Moderator

Exactly Abrams chose the style of Cloverfield though he gave the directing chores to someone else since  he was already signed on to helm trek.

Remember the lens flares and shaky cam from Cloverfield and all the motion sick complaints of theater patrons or epilepsy problems.

Dude anybody who has Epilepsy goes to see this will be very sick and have to leave.

The quick flashing lights like a christmas tree on the i-prise bridge.

And that is just for the regular version those seeing in it Imax who have sensitivity will be barfing the night away,lol.

Me i have no health issues but find the shaky cam annoying and the lense flares distracting.  Especially in that Clip with Spock grilling kirk and scotty.  Your focus should be on the actors and them delivering their lines not a flashy fucking light, unbelievable. Imagine if Pine and Quinto give oscar worthy performances and it is all ruined with the fucking blinking lights.

I have not seen the film but it had better be a chracter piece for Kirk, MCcoy and Spock.  Harve Bennett called it the "trinity" or trio of trek. 

I will see this in theaters i lied, but if it stinks like the prequels or Indy 4 i will bash it on the internet,lol.

“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.

skyjedi2005 said:

i lied, but if it stinks like the prequels or Indy 4 i will bash it on the internet,lol.


And no doubt you will bash it if it's decent too.

War does not make one great.


Don't tell me you think the star wars prequels or Indiana Jones IV were decent films?

Return of the Jedi and , Willow, The Last Crusade were probably his last decent films Lucas will ever put out.

Notice he did not direct any of these films.  He did not direct Indy IV either but there Spielberg is as much to blame as Lucas.  I never imagined that one day Lucas and Spielberg would both be such lackluster disspointing directors.

When was the last good non serious film Spielberg did? I was dissapointed with both his war of the worlds and indy 4.  Never saw munich and don't really intend to.  In fact the only serious film of his i have seen is Schindlers List.  These political films and serious films are really not my thing.  I more like the Speilberg who made the original indy trilogy, Jaws, E.T. And Close Encounters. 

The Lucas i admire pretty much was gone after the original star wars trilogy was finished, though Last Crusade was almost a return to form for him.  Even the Young Indiana Jones series was good.  But the prequels or indy 4 hell no,lol.

Everything about that fourth in the series film was dissasterous.  If i was the producer i could have found a better writer and script, done better casting, and hired a competent director.  The original films would be where the benchmark would be set.  Old fashioned stunts, shooting on location, models and real set pieces and matte paintings not created in a  computer for gods sake.

I mean look the script writing was better on young indy, they actually had location shooting, the cgi was used to augment and not completely ruin the experience.  Joel Mcneely's score was inspired and not phoned in like williams fourth entry.

  Even the casting was better Corry Carrier better than JAke Lloyd, Sean Patrick Flannery better than Hayden.  Better scriptwriters like Frank Darabount etc.


Yes a lot of the prequels problems stem from the Same crew who did Young Indy. What happened to them in the years between 1994 and 1999?  I mean it is only five frickin years folks and they ruined the prequels.

“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.

skyjedi2005 said:

Don't tell me you think ..... Indiana Jones IV (was a) decent film...?


I did, but I'm not going to get in a fucking dick-size contest about it, particularly on this board.  It's so anti-Lucas here that there is no point in even attempting a civil conversation. Besides, this is the internet - no one is ever wrong. They just re-state their insults continuously until they wear down people who have differing opinions. 

In the case of Kingdom, the Star Wars prequel hate & haters just found a new outlet.  Nowhere near worth the headache.  I don't like 5 of the 6 Star Wars films, but that dislike doesn't transcend everything Lucas is involved in.  I have no need to shit-mouth the guy at every opportunity.

Kingdom very much keeps to the spirit & style of the previous films.  To me, it is a very worthy addition to the story.  Not the least of reasons is because Spielberg and Ford were involved.  Although, truth is, Lucas kept Spielberg from getting too silly. But that's more reading than the average troll\baiter wants to put into a topic. 

This will be the only time I address the subject.

Forum Moderator

This will be my last point on this because i don't want to further derail this thread.  But that saying i was going to hate the 4th Indy from the start is completely false.  I saw Last Crusade in theaters twice and loved the film, and waited since that one was released to ask for the next one.

 A Mayan/Aztec or whatever temple transforming into an alien spaceship?  Trans-dimension beings this is not stargate or star trek. 

The surviving a nuclear blast in a fridge and riding it through the air for 3 miles. The cgi gophers.prairie dogs, shia and the monkeys winging like tarzan after the Russians. 

Falling down three waterfalls in a jeep.  This stuff was was more ridiculous to me than any of the previous 3 films. 

The stuff in the previous films was made to fit into the context of the Indiana Jones world.  Not shoehorn bad ripoffs of the ripoffs like the mummy or national treasure into the movie, or add x-files into it too.

When the Temple became a spaceship i exclaimed audibly in the theater "wtf?  Lucas"  and almost walked out of the movie.  I have never in my life been more embarrassed in seeing such a worthless piece of Hollywood garbage put there on the silver screen  before my very eyes. 

This was a new low actually way worse than episode 1, 2 and 3 of star wars.  Because i actually cared about the character Harrison Ford plays.  It would have been like if lucas made episode 7 of star wars with hamill, fisher and ford and crapped all over the original trilogy with over the top cgi nonsense and antics.

I had no established connection to Christensen or Portman and could give a shit less if lucas ruins those characters edits or adds cgi to the movies, crap on them whatever.

But the original original trilogy needs to be left the fuck alone and not shit upon like it is.

As it is there is 1 ruined Indiana Jones movie, ruined with overwrought and uncessary cartoon esque looney tunes cgi.  and All six star wars films ruined with Cgi.  Not a single one left untouched, even the originals.  And we got them in a laserdisc transfer in non anamorphic.  It was like " Sorry we ruined your favorite movies here you can watch them as bonus discs in shitty bootleg non anamorphic quality.  You should be thankfull we destroyed those classic films and made you buy the lucas approved 2004 DVD twice to get to see them."

“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.

skyjedi2005 said:

Don't tell me you think the star wars prequels or Indiana Jones IV were decent films?

No, I think they sucks balls - badly.

But the more good reviews I hear about this trek the keener I am to see it.


War does not make one great.

Hunter6 said:
Anchorhead said:
Hunter6 said:

...jumping doing flips is not real.

Neither are 99% of the things that have taken place in all things Star Trek over the last 43 years. 

It's science fiction.

No sh**, it is science fiction, but the HUMAN characters in Star Trek for the last 43 years have moved like HUMANS, not like a cartoon characters. One of the points of Star Trek is it is about REAL HUMANS like you or me, not some human-looking alien race who live Far, Far Away. The CGI made jumping around sword fighting is just that "CGI made".  It is not even a real person doing it. The Only characters you do see doing things like that in the Star Trek world for over the last 43 years are some of the ALIEN races.  

It's science fiction, but show me one thing of science fiction which has humans from earth without superpower or a matrix or cybernetics or without something aiding them doing jumping around like Sulu in the movie.

Name just one.



The Mangler Bros. Psycho Dayv Armchaireviews Notes on Suicide


Because its probably a fake rubber or plastic stunt sword and does not have the heft and weight of a Japanese samurai sword.

Still asian made swords whether Chinese, Japanese or any other weigh less than there their european Knight counterparts carried.

Sulu being Japanese and having a samurai sword is consistent with his ethnicity where in the old series episode being drunk he started thinking he was the leader of the three musketeers and had a french style fencing sword. Which is just plain silly.  In real life you can be trained in body and mind in arcane martial disciplines and weapons training, so why not a samurai? 

I mean this series is pure fantasy anyway just like star wars.  Even though set our primary universe the science of trek is laughably implausible if not outright impossible. Trek is just as much space western, space opera/ fantasy as star wars.  Just not sword and sorcery, and bad episodes with black cats and black magic crossed that line.

I mean how is Sulu swinging around a samurai sword any more silly than kirks karate chop and fake kicks and punches, or Worf's swinging around a batlith or however it is spelled.

Sure it is a lot more credible when a gymnast trained in kendo like Ray Park who played darth Maul in the phantom menace is swinging around a sword when he clearly knows how to do so.  Unlike actors getting a crash course like Mark Hamill on the old trilogy being trained by Bob Anderson, and on the new trilogy people like Hayden Christensen trained by Nick Guillard. Park was great as maul in star wars,toad in x-men.  and as snake eyes in gi joe will being awesome. 

As for John Cho from Harold and Kumar who is entirely miscast for this role being a swordsmen is laughable.

I mean he got slammed for not even being Japanese in the beginning, but i just only picture him as that dumbass from those 2 stoner movies.  I mean it is not Harold and Kumar help spock excape from Guantanamo bay,lol.  Or Sulu and Kirk go to white castle.

Then again Simon Pegg as Scotty though his scottish accent is real is awful on all levels.  Quinto aka sylar as spock is a joke.  a sexed up uhura played by saldana does not give respect to the role nichelle created. Urban is almost believable as a charicature of deforrest kelley, and pine nowhere excudes the coolness of Shatner as kirk.

“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.


Playmates Week (Day 3): Review Of Star Trek Roleplay Toys: Phaser, Tricorder & Communicator


Phaser, Tricorder & Communicator

The Tricorder is OK, but the Phaser & Communicator are a joke.
The Sounds of the New Phaser are funny.
What is really funny is Chris Pine's and Zachary Quinto's Voice coming out of the Communicator.
They are NO Kirk and Spock. More like Punk and Sissy.


Well considering Ben Burtt created the new phaser sounds.  The sounds of the enterprise engines, warp, doors opening and closing on the bridge i am not that suprised you hate it.

I mean he is the guy after all who made the sounds for star wars.  This is the first time they brought a sound designer in from a rival franchise to do the work.  Though on the special effects end ILM has been connected to the franchise in one way or another since day one.  Richard Edlund did uncredited effects work on the original series.  John Dykstra formerly of Ilm worked on the motion picture.  Then When Star Trek 2 was made ILM was involved in an official capacity.  They worked on III and IV.  Did not do V.  Worked on 6.  Worked on Generations and first contact.  Did not work on Insurrection or Nemesis.  They did the pilot for star trek the next generation and built the first model for the enterprise D.

Oh and the score samples for the soundtrack i am not at all impressed sounds too much like a tv score and not Epic enough like Goldsmith or Horner.  In fact it reminds me of the clone wars soundtrack and not in a good way.

Everything about this movie other than Casting a hottie like Zoe Saldana to be Uhura is an epic fail on a grand scale.  From the tv director who was crap on MI:III.  To the tv composer.  I can think of plenty of people i would have rather scored and directed this movie.

I listened to the incredibles score at someone on this boards suggestion and was not at all impressed.  Complete and absolute crap that might work for a cartoon, kids movie but not what star trek needs.

God how i miss Jerry Goldsmith and his Epic music from the main theme to the motion picture especially not being in this movie.  And their own version of Alexander Courage tv theme is pathetically done as bad as Kiners quoting of williams main star wars theme. Giacchino's scores for Alias were like elevator music and just plain bad, his lost stuff was okay but nothing to exactly recommend to those who buy soundtracks.

“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.