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Info & Ideas: ESB and ROTJ Wishlist — Page 50


The issue I have with Yoda's voice is that his speech problem, if you can call it that lol, seems more natural in TESB and ROTJ. In the PT he is simply talking backwards, and to an exaggerated degree which is annoying.

I seem to remember his speech being largely okay in TPM, but not in the others. Imagine OT Yoda delivering this line: "around the survivors a perimeter create". Haha, Lucas really took the backwards talk a bit too far there me thinks.


If hed went that far in the OT yoda would say. Vader Confront You Must in ROTJ.

"The other versions will disappear. Even the 35 million tapes of Star Wars out there won’t last more than 30 or 40 years. A hundred years from now, the only version of the movie that anyone will remember will be the DVD version [of the Special Edition], and you’ll be able to project it on a 20’ by 40’ screen with perfect quality. I think it’s the director’s prerogative, not the studio’s to go back and reinvent a movie." - George Lucas

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i dunno. i'm just use to hearing him say stuff backwards. i tried doing that for a day myself. my parents freaked out and threatened to ground me. lol. :)


What would it look like if we changed the lighting so the main attack happens at dusk to night time?  Is there any way to take the mid-noonish daytime shots and redo the lighting to make it "day-for-night"?  Even if not full on night time, what about making it just a bit darker (around 6:00pm EST to 8:00pm EST)?


 “You people must realize that the public owns you for life, and when you’re dead, you’ll all be in commercials dancing with vacuum cleaners.”

– Homer Simpson

Monroville said:

[Change] the lighting...to make it "day-for-night"? ...making it just a bit darker (around 6:00pm EST to 8:00pm EST)?

Day-for-Night alway looks fake, and would make it hard to see things sometimes (although that may help a bit, lol). The main problem would be making it right for every cut - Different area, angle, perspective, etc..

...But, I think making look like 6:00pm PST would be much better...;)


Star Wars Episode XXX: Erica Strikes Back

         Davnes007 LogoCanadian Flag

          If you want Nice, go to France


- Imperial rank insignia ( I bet you Adywan goes ahead and fixes this by the time all is said and done. )
- Darth Vader's super-shiny suit ( New suit, why wouldnt he update, change his armor? Would you wear the same thing for years on end? )
- Darth Vader's lightsaber hilt ( Built a new saber. Hell Id do this even if I didnt need to. )
- C-3PO's midsection wiring ( Updated, replaced etc etc )
- Boba Fett's armor ( etc etc )

That being said it's time for another Star Wars Axia edition moment...and this bugged me before the prequels were a glint in anyone's eye so its not a case of making the OT fit the PT. Its a case of a Jedi not carrying his lightsaber...he would build a new one.

"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect." - Mark Twain.
"A myth is a religion in which no one any longer believes"...James Feibleman (1904-1987)
www . axia . ws/axia

AxiaEuxine said:


That being said it's time for another Star Wars Axia edition moment...and this bugged me before the prequels were a glint in anyone's eye so its not a case of making the OT fit the PT. Its a case of a Jedi not carrying his lightsaber...he would build a new one.

I really don't think it's an issue. Yoda (like every other Jedi) wears his lightsaber beneath his robe, so you wouldn't see it anyway.

And if he lost it in ROTS... how would he build a new one on a swamp planet?


I had always assumed (before the PT) that Yoda, like the Emperor, had reached a point with the force where he didn't need a lightsaber.

vaderios said:

Also i have the idea when the shuttle going to land and we see the establishing shot of the forest i though to make a new matte that is little more interesting. Meaning maybe more big trees, the generator in the distance, lakes maybe..


vaderios also said:

Here a more...morning shot. I added the missing AT-AT.


I know these ideas were mentioned a LONG time ago...on a page far, far away......

...but I had nothing better to do last night. ;)


Star Wars Episode XXX: Erica Strikes Back

         Davnes007 LogoCanadian Flag

          If you want Nice, go to France


My feeling about the Vader suits is that a good case could have been made for Vader updating his suit between films if the suit in ROTS had looked quite a bit more retro than the one he wore in ANH. (see the Radical Prequel Redux Thread for details).

Instead we got a very tidy hybrid of all the OT suits which looked more advanced than the one he wore in ANH, which like so many of George's decisions creates more problems than were there before hand.

If someone fixed the ROTS suit the updating theory would automatically correct any continuity issues with Vader in the OT.

Bingowings said:

My feeling about the Vader suits is that a good case could have been made for Vader updating his suit between films if the suit in ROTS had looked quite a bit more retro than the one he wore in ANH. (see the Radical Prequel Redux Thread for details).

Instead we got a very tidy hybrid of all the OT suits which looked more advanced than the one he wore in ANH, which like so many of George's decisions creates more problems than were there before hand.

If someone fixed the ROTS suit the updating theory would automatically correct any continuity issues with Vader in the OT.

Someone else came up with the idea of not even showing Vader in his suit in ROTS; the idea being that if you were to design the Prequels to fit with the Originals (so you could watch all 6 in order and not give away any surprises), then you would have to have Anakin called "Anakin" throughout the entire Ep I-III run and the last we see is him burning up. 

That way when Vader makes his entrance in A NEW HOPE, you have no idea he is the same person until EMPIRE and JEDI.  It would also help the "helmetless scene" in EMPIRE turn into a clue as to who Darth really is even before he makes his reveal to Luke at the end.

This would also mean that you couldn't show Obi-Wan on Tatooine giving Luke to Owen either, though it could be more dramatic to simply show a ship flying away with Padme's unnamed son, fate uncertain (if the Padme Organa idea is used, Leia would stay behind to continue the family line)

There is a Gary Kurtz interview link on the EMPIRE:R thread that I think everyone should read (as far as what JEDI "could" have been):

Key points:
(1) Vader was continuing in his quest to have Luke join him to destroy and replace the Emperor, but not so much out of conquest so much as a means of atonement.
(2) Leia was to be crowned Queen, as Luke wandered off to find his sister and become a full-fledged Jedi Knight (which would have been the impetus for the next 3 movies)


Full interview at:





 “You people must realize that the public owns you for life, and when you’re dead, you’ll all be in commercials dancing with vacuum cleaners.”

– Homer Simpson


Yes Yes Yes. Have anikan supposedly die in the fire. Hell yes it is perfect. And remove some of the emperors join the darkside tones and then it would work perfect. If we absolutely had to we could just add a shot of vader on a ship thinking and going against my hating flashbacks have a flash back of the emperor getting darth from the flames of course it would be before the emperor arrived in ROTJ but absolutely has to be after the I am your father part or even after yoda and obi telling luke vader is his father. or we could show the scenes with obi wan saying vader was suduced by the dark side and luke and leia were hidden from him while showing the last bits of ROTS it would totally work. coz obi wan and luke sitting on the stump is boring add the clips of course thats just my extension of bingowings words.

"The other versions will disappear. Even the 35 million tapes of Star Wars out there won’t last more than 30 or 40 years. A hundred years from now, the only version of the movie that anyone will remember will be the DVD version [of the Special Edition], and you’ll be able to project it on a 20’ by 40’ screen with perfect quality. I think it’s the director’s prerogative, not the studio’s to go back and reinvent a movie." - George Lucas

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EyeShotFirst said:

Yes Yes Yes. Have anikan supposedly die in the fire. Hell yes it is perfect. And remove some of the emperors join the darkside tones and then it would work perfect. If we absolutely had to we could just add a shot of vader on a ship thinking and going against my hating flashbacks have a flash back of the emperor getting darth from the flames of course it would be before the emperor arrived in ROTJ but absolutely has to be after the I am your father part or even after yoda and obi telling luke vader is his father. or we could show the scenes with obi wan saying vader was suduced by the dark side and luke and leia were hidden from him while showing the last bits of ROTS it would totally work. coz obi wan and luke sitting on the stump is boring add the clips of course thats just my extension of bingowings words.

It would be much better to have Anakin appear to die defending Mace.

And a masked Sith Lord called Darth Vader fall into the flames.



The problem comes when Obi-Wan calls Vader his pupil, and says that Vader killed Luke's father. A prequel viewer would know that Obi-Wan never had a student called Vader, and that indeed Anakin was his only student. Wouldn't that make the viewer figure out Vader's identity?

Chrille said:

The problem comes when Obi-Wan calls Vader his pupil, and says that Vader killed Luke's father. A prequel viewer would know that Obi-Wan never had a student called Vader, and that indeed Anakin was his only student. Wouldn't that make the viewer figure out Vader's identity?

When we meet Anakin in ROTS he is a Jedi Knight, Obi-Wan could have had other pupils after Anakin and a few bread crumbs could be left at the scene like having Palpatine refer to Vader before Anakin's fall (because Palpatine has already decided that's what his new apprentice will be called before he has fallen).




what if anakin keeps on having dreams of being murdered by Vader? perhaps that is what he is chasing enstead of padmes death, or maybe he sees vader kill her too, and then slay an epIII aged obiwan, then slay a baby.


could be in that weird slow motion like the cave on dagoba

ben_danger said:

what if anakin keeps on having dreams of being murdered by Vader? perhaps that is what he is chasing enstead of padmes death, or maybe he sees vader kill her too, and then slay an epIII aged obiwan, then slay a baby.


could be in that weird slow motion like the cave on dagoba

That could work, it would certainly blur the line between Vader and Anakin but only if it was done ESB style and not in the ROTS style.

We could just see a darkened gloved hand and hear Padme call out for Anakin as she gasped for breath but then we have the problem of why is she there if not try to save her husband (she could still be trying to do that but it would have to be something that only clicked into place for the first time viewer when they watched ESB)?

Perhaps the Seperatists contacted her to beg for an armistice (Nute Gunray can be over-dubbed) only to be killed by Darth Vader before she gets there.



the dream could be something vaguely touched on in II, then fully revealed in III. in clone wars series II (the older one) anakin has a similar revelation, culminating in him killing padme, and her screaming 'anakinnn!', if the dream ends with that, then maybe when palpy frying luke could end with the same padme-crying-'anakinn!' when vader decides to chuck him.


Ewok Battle Thoughts-

Take Ewokeese from the Ewok TV movies, and have more threatening sounds over some of the 'cuter' moments of Ewoks cheering, or falling.

When Chewie chucks the guy out of the ATST, speed it up. It looks like he pics him up and gingerly tosses him. A scream would help too.

THeres a moment a bunch of Ewoks jump over a log (screen cap soon). Adding a blasterbolt hitting one of them and a scream would be cool.


The Idea of just ending ROTS with anikan burning in the flames is just too good. We dont really need flashbacks but it would help tie in the PT to the OT. But still how do we remedy the whole vader was a pupil of mine and was suduced by the darkside thing. If we did dreams with anikan. We could just add shots of vader swinging his saber about through the home of padme. and add screams. But leave the anikan padme scream out of return of the jedi. Their is enough tension in that scene alone and plus we by that time know what is going through his mind and we know what happened to him by the simple line. Noooo I am your father. that already clears it all up. But still that scene in A New Hope were Obi Wan said vader was a pupil of mine until he was suduced by the darkside. We could though look at it from the shakespeare aspect of irony in which you know what the character doesnt know. for instance Luke does not know that vader is his father and obi is hiding that from him but YOU know it. Hell if romeo and juliet can pull that off and be one of the masterpieces of all time then why not. So you know who vader is obi wan knows who vader is but luke does not know who vader REALLY IS until he reveals with the line "I am your father" you see and luke really doesnt know it. Even obi wan admits in ROTJ that he lied to protect Luke and Leia from the Emperor and Vader. It works and still makes sense. But ROTS ending with anikan in the flames really pumps things up with a what is gonna happen next and A New Hope you find out hes mean and in a black suit.

"The other versions will disappear. Even the 35 million tapes of Star Wars out there won’t last more than 30 or 40 years. A hundred years from now, the only version of the movie that anyone will remember will be the DVD version [of the Special Edition], and you’ll be able to project it on a 20’ by 40’ screen with perfect quality. I think it’s the director’s prerogative, not the studio’s to go back and reinvent a movie." - George Lucas

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EyeShotFirst said:

The Idea of just ending ROTS with anikan burning in the flames is just too good. We dont really need flashbacks but it would help tie in the PT to the OT. But still how do we remedy the whole vader was a pupil of mine and was suduced by the darkside thing. If we did dreams with anikan. We could just add shots of vader swinging his saber about through the home of padme. and add screams. But leave the anikan padme scream out of return of the jedi. Their is enough tension in that scene alone and plus we by that time know what is going through his mind and we know what happened to him by the simple line. Noooo I am your father. that already clears it all up. But still that scene in A New Hope were Obi Wan said vader was a pupil of mine until he was suduced by the darkside. We could though look at it from the shakespeare aspect of irony in which you know what the character doesnt know. for instance Luke does not know that vader is his father and obi is hiding that from him but YOU know it. Hell if romeo and juliet can pull that off and be one of the masterpieces of all time then why not. So you know who vader is obi wan knows who vader is but luke does not know who vader REALLY IS until he reveals with the line "I am your father" you see and luke really doesnt know it. Even obi wan admits in ROTJ that he lied to protect Luke and Leia from the Emperor and Vader. It works and still makes sense. But ROTS ending with anikan in the flames really pumps things up with a what is gonna happen next and A New Hope you find out hes mean and in a black suit.

i think flashbacks would be cool. when i watch that scene, i just think back on how sweet a kid he used to be and how that little boy could become something so evil. and i got teary eyed when the ewok died. i don't wanna see anymore of that. :(

rcb said:
EyeShotFirst said:

The Idea of just ending ROTS with anikan burning in the flames is just too good. We dont really need flashbacks but it would help tie in the PT to the OT. But still how do we remedy the whole vader was a pupil of mine and was suduced by the darkside thing. If we did dreams with anikan. We could just add shots of vader swinging his saber about through the home of padme. and add screams. But leave the anikan padme scream out of return of the jedi. Their is enough tension in that scene alone and plus we by that time know what is going through his mind and we know what happened to him by the simple line. Noooo I am your father. that already clears it all up. But still that scene in A New Hope were Obi Wan said vader was a pupil of mine until he was suduced by the darkside. We could though look at it from the shakespeare aspect of irony in which you know what the character doesnt know. for instance Luke does not know that vader is his father and obi is hiding that from him but YOU know it. Hell if romeo and juliet can pull that off and be one of the masterpieces of all time then why not. So you know who vader is obi wan knows who vader is but luke does not know who vader REALLY IS until he reveals with the line "I am your father" you see and luke really doesnt know it. Even obi wan admits in ROTJ that he lied to protect Luke and Leia from the Emperor and Vader. It works and still makes sense. But ROTS ending with anikan in the flames really pumps things up with a what is gonna happen next and A New Hope you find out hes mean and in a black suit.

i think flashbacks would be cool. when i watch that scene, i just think back on how sweet a kid he used to be and how that little boy could become something so evil. and i got teary eyed when the ewok died. i don't wanna see anymore of that. :(

It's not even certain that Corpsey actually dies and we should feel upset when people get killed in battles.

The problem with ROTJ is that it tries so hard to be a happy jolly upbeat ending with all the loose ends tied off that it feels fake.

No victory is ever complete, not all the good guys win, not all the bad guys lose.

Star Wars is a fantasy but even myths have a bitter sweetness to their endings, Arthur must be taken to Avalon, Robin Hood must die, Lando and the Falcon should go bang.


Chrille said:

The problem comes when Obi-Wan calls Vader his pupil, and says that Vader killed Luke's father. A prequel viewer would know that Obi-Wan never had a student called Vader, and that indeed Anakin was his only student. Wouldn't that make the viewer figure out Vader's identity?

Well, yeah... okay, that still makes a mess of things.  The only thing I can think of then is.. crap!  Lucas, you dumb bastard!

It "could" still work, in that Obi-Wan blames Vader for killing his father... the thing is (if ROTS was edited per my suggestions), you wouldn't know that Anakin was Luke's father, since the baby boy is sent off into hiding at the end of ROTS without a name (and you don't show the Tatooine scene - just a ship flying away with the baby), and Owen was established as Ben's brother even during A NEW HOPE days, it would be conceivable that - off screen - Kenobi created a name for the baby when he gave him to Owen ala Merlin in EXCALIBUR when he was walking off with Uther's kid.

That way, when Kenobi gives his speech to Luke, we just met Darth Vader in the beginning of A NEW HOPE and who knows how many people Vader has killed since ROTS.  Thus, Luke's father COULD be Anakin (due to the Prequels focusing on the 2 of them), but (1) Kenobi never says his father's FIRST name until JEDI and (2) Kenobi could have taken a second (or more) pupil(s), who was/were then "killed" by Vader.

Granted, most people (without ever having seen ANY of the STAR WARS movies... HA, HA... I know... good luck on that one) would go, "Wait a minute... Darth Vader killed his father?  Could it be that whiney guy in those earlier movies?  Hmm...", then EMPIRE would come along and they would see his head and go, "Wait a minute!  That looks just like the scar on that whiney dude's head in ROTS!  Is that the same guy?!"

So by the time he has Luke trapped on Bespin and made his reveal, it wouldn't be a total punch to the gut, but I could still see some people who, even if they've figured it out nearly all the way, just to have Vader actually say it will still have some impact.

The whole point is to TRY to develop some continuity with these things as best as possible, which is kinda hard with how HOWARD THE DUCK Lucas got with the Prequels.

Now THERE'S an idea!  Replace Jar-Jar with Howard the Duck!



 “You people must realize that the public owns you for life, and when you’re dead, you’ll all be in commercials dancing with vacuum cleaners.”

– Homer Simpson

Bingowings said:
rcb said:
EyeShotFirst said:

The Idea of just ending ROTS with anikan burning in the flames is just too good. We dont really need flashbacks but it would help tie in the PT to the OT. But still how do we remedy the whole vader was a pupil of mine and was suduced by the darkside thing. If we did dreams with anikan. We could just add shots of vader swinging his saber about through the home of padme. and add screams. But leave the anikan padme scream out of return of the jedi. Their is enough tension in that scene alone and plus we by that time know what is going through his mind and we know what happened to him by the simple line. Noooo I am your father. that already clears it all up. But still that scene in A New Hope were Obi Wan said vader was a pupil of mine until he was suduced by the darkside. We could though look at it from the shakespeare aspect of irony in which you know what the character doesnt know. for instance Luke does not know that vader is his father and obi is hiding that from him but YOU know it. Hell if romeo and juliet can pull that off and be one of the masterpieces of all time then why not. So you know who vader is obi wan knows who vader is but luke does not know who vader REALLY IS until he reveals with the line "I am your father" you see and luke really doesnt know it. Even obi wan admits in ROTJ that he lied to protect Luke and Leia from the Emperor and Vader. It works and still makes sense. But ROTS ending with anikan in the flames really pumps things up with a what is gonna happen next and A New Hope you find out hes mean and in a black suit.

i think flashbacks would be cool. when i watch that scene, i just think back on how sweet a kid he used to be and how that little boy could become something so evil. and i got teary eyed when the ewok died. i don't wanna see anymore of that. :(

It's not even certain that Corpsey actually dies and we should feel upset when people get killed in battles.

The problem with ROTJ is that it tries so hard to be a happy jolly upbeat ending with all the loose ends tied off that it feels fake.

No victory is ever complete, not all the good guys win, not all the bad guys lose.

Star Wars is a fantasy but even myths have a bitter sweetness to their endings, Arthur must be taken to Avalon, Robin Hood must die, Lando and the Falcon should go bang.


hey. corpsey and those other ewoks are cute and its sad. its like a big teddy bear for a pet. how would u feel if that was ur dog, uh?