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adywan said:

My new ending of ROTJ will have a larger fleet attacking the Death Star, including a few more pilots but also it will tie up the question why there are so many celebrations around the galaxy so quickly after the Emperors death when there would be such a large Imperial presence left in the Galaxy. But you'll have to wait for this because i'm not giving up any hints of the ending until ROTJ:R is released. I want the battle to put the opening ROTS one to shame for scale. that alone is going to cost me a fortune to pull off because i need to build new models and a few full size cockpit sets as well as a few creatures and costumes 


OMG!  As if the anticipation for 'Empire:R' isn't enough as it is....

Unbelievably cool revelations there, but that's for another day / year.


adywan said:

Again, this isn't a finished shot because i am still working on this shot as you can see here:

Image Hosted by ImageShack.us


Okay, seeing as no-one else mentioned it yet, I'd just like to say that I love the new background to this particular brief shot! :)

Considering how good the new background looks in the ION Cannon shot too, I just wonder what the final look of some of the shots of the AT-AT battle might also show....


ImperialFighter said:

Considering how good the new background looks in the ION Cannon shot too, I just wonder what the final look of some of the shots of the AT-AT battle might also show....

I double hope for that ;) Considering the continuous Sky/weather/Sun changing.

Fingers Crossed :)





vaderios said:

I double hope for that ;) Considering the continuous Sky/weather/Sun changing.

Fingers Crossed :)


 To be honest, the discrepancies during the current AT-AT battle backgrounds never bothered me too much (apart from that 'destroyed turret' shot which now looks great), and still wouldn't, since I know a lot of the actual AT-AT / Snowspeeder / turret action etc. is going to be ramped-up even more now.

But considering that the existing SE background in the 'Han's taun-taun running' shot was always fine to me, and wasn't something that HAD to be changed, then I'm cautiously beginning to believe, that Adywan doesn't intend to stop there, where a lot of the backdrops are concerned....  :)

vaderios said:
ImperialFighter said:

Considering how good the new background looks in the ION Cannon shot too, I just wonder what the final look of some of the shots of the AT-AT battle might also show....

I double hope for that ;) Considering the continuous Sky/weather/Sun changing.

Fingers Crossed :)




I've got my fingers crossed for a few more AT-STs (seeing them back in 1980 was super cool) I know they only appeared from the side in two shots but it made the Empire seem a bit bigger (like the Tie Bombers) because they had a few items in their armoury which they only broke out for specific jobs (in this case scouting around).

Part of the let down of ROTJ for me was the Emperor's crack suicide squad was equipped entirely with scout equipment, scout walkers, scout bikers (only a few troops) no air support and at least one AT-AT which doesn't appear in the battle even when it's going really bad for them.

But in ESB the AT-ST made sense, it could nip through the battle at a bit more of a pace than the larger walkers, break through enemy lines and pick targets, we just didn't get to see it/them much.


oh_riginal said:
TheBoost said:
oh_riginal said:

What could be cool (though unnecessary to add, admittingly) would be to see the monitor in the Falcon's cockpit when Han and Leia are figuring out where to go, as they eventually decide on Bespin as their destination.

A good reference for what the image might look like would be when Obi Wan was looking at the monitor on Amidala's ship in TPM, when he pointed out Tatooine was close enough to travel to without lightspeed.

But yeah, this wouldn't be a necessary change, but could be cool if done right. Just saying.

I don't know. That moment and when Luke's Xwing leave Dagobah and the camera stays on Yoda are perfect examples as to why ESB is the best... the film focuses on the subtlety of an actors performance instead of some special effect.


Well I definitely wouldn't want to change the Yoda moment. But just a slight bit of intercutting of the monitor and Han and Leia looking upon it could be cool. But as I already said, its not necessary. Just something I thought of earlier.


Here's a cheap, rough example of what I mean. I don't feel it takes too much from the scene at all, since its only a few seconds taken from Han and Leia's screentime in the scene.

Note: The monitor footage was taken from AOTC, so yes, I know the background doesn't match up with what is SUPPOSED to be outside the Falcon, but the monitor itself was just what I was thinking of.


Also, the monitor shown in TPM is more of how I would imagine it to look, but that monitor's image wasn't shown up close like the one in AOTC, otherwise I would have used that image as a better example. Sorry.

Again, just an experiment I wanted to try, to see how it would feel. I'm not suggesting it be used for ESB:R, but it's an alternate way to see the scene.

“Lifes a song you don’t get to rehearse, and every single verse can make it that much worse”


adywan said:
IMy new ending of ROTJ will have a larger fleet attacking the Death Star, including a few more pilots  ...*snip*... I want the battle to put the opening ROTS one to shame for scale. that alone is going to cost me a fortune to pull off because i need to build new models and a few full size cockpit sets as well as a few creatures and costumes.

Ady I noticed Pink 5 was mentioned earlier, why not get in contact with those guys for pointers, there green screen work is spotless for the first ep (all cockpit based for those that dont know), it would save you a small fortune on set building.

Bingowings said: Do you want to see the project finished as a playable film or a flick book?


Was watching ESB:GOUT tonight and made a new observation.

If you look outside the base doors as they’re being closed, it’s very dark outside (you can see twilight on the horizon), but in the next scene (Luke’s vision and Han finding him) it’s still daylight. The distance between the two locations would not be sufficient to explain the difference in light levels; it’d have to be at least a few hundred miles on an Earth-sized planet. If we take the idea that only equatorial Hoth is habitable (borne out in the EU but also by a simple consideration of the basic physics involved), that minimum stretches to 1000 miles. Darkening the second scene would help continuity and also (in my opinion) add tension. Should be quite simple to achieve compared to the rest of what Adywan’s doing for this film. Your thoughts, Ady?

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RoccondilRinon said:


Was watching ESB:GOUT tonight and made a new observation.

If you look outside the base doors as they’re being closed, it’s very dark outside (you can see twilight on the horizon), but in the next scene (Luke’s vision and Han finding him) it’s still daylight. The distance between the two locations would not be sufficient to explain the difference in light levels; it’d have to be at least a few hundred miles on an Earth-sized planet. If we take the idea that only equatorial Hoth is habitable (borne out in the EU but also by a simple consideration of the basic physics involved), that minimum stretches to 1000 miles. Darkening the second scene would help continuity and also (in my opinion) add tension. Should be quite simple to achieve compared to the rest of what Adywan’s doing for this film. Your thoughts, Ady?



Also when Luke collapses before seeing Kenobi's spirit, I hate how the amount of snow on Luke changes from shot to shot. From a lot to a little and back.

adywan said: I want the battle to put the opening ROTS one to shame for scale. that alone is going to cost me a fortune to pull off because i need to build new models and a few full size cockpit sets as well as a few creatures and costumes

If it would save you money, ady, maybe you could tone down the battle in Reveng of the Sith a bit when you get to that edit? I always felt that the ROTS one was too cluttered, there is so much going on at once it's making me disy, and it's hard to even make out who's firing at whom. By decluttering it you could hopefully save a little money in ROTJ:RV, and sort of allow ROTJ and ROTS to meet in the middle, to borrow a phrase from ben dancer.


Hi Adywan,

Been following this forum for some time as i was amazed by your star wars ep4 revisited its now my favorite version of the movie. From the clips you have uploaded so far for empire I now can't wait to see what the final version is going to be like.

Whats totally mind boggling to me is that you have out done lucasfilm at their own game! - I am wondering if your job is tv/film media related? - not that it makes much difference.

Good work :)


PS. I am aware that this next thought doesnt really belong in this thread, but as there have been a few thoughts about the prequel trilogy - I just NEEDED! to get out things that have been on my mind! (sorry) I agree that the on the matter of continuity between the 2 trilogies, the PT should be edited to match the OT - not the other way around - which was lucasfilms main mistake i think. Hence a few things that bother me mostly when i think about people with no prior knowledge of star wars watching the 6 films in order of episode 1 - 6.

With the movies the way they are, it seems to me to get maximum enjoyment and the surprise/shock factor of the revelations in the OT (which is what i think made the movies so captivating) it makes sense to watch ep4-6 and then 1-3.

I would prefer to watch the movies in episode order 1- 6, but to do that and not ruin the (i suppose you could call it..) punchline that "makes" the original triliogy. I was thinking that Yoda should not be in the PT - he might be referred to by other characters but you never see or hear him talking. On the subject of Anakin's fall to the Sith, in a similar way - in episode 3 leave anakin's fate more of a mystery (a cliffhanger). So that the audience is left unsure exatly what has happened to anakin possibly that all the Jedi are wiped out including Obi Wan (hence uncle owen's comment at the dinner table in ep4). Padme is pregnant and alive at the end of the movie - but no talk of twins, its not necessary that she dies at the end of the movie or that you see her giving birth, as Leia's line in ROTJ resolves that part - when luke questions her about her mother. References to Bail having a wife in ep3 can be edited out - thereby the mystery of Padme also remains a mystery - did she die at the end of episode 3 or did Bail end up marrying her sometime after the events of episode 3. As episode 4 begins - her fate is irelevent to the story of Luke Skywalker.

If necessary footage of Anakin's fall to the dark side, Padme's birth of the twins and her death and palpatines "order 66" could be incorporated as a flashback/big reveal sequence in return of the Jedi after Luke questions the ghost of Obi Wan about the "Truth".

I think editing Return of the jedi for this reason would be acceptable, but not sure if you need to actually see Anakin's fall to the dark side or the fight with Obi wan - I think Ben's revelation to Luke (and yoda's) about the truth of his father - ups the mystery factor surrounding his fall from grace and the emotional impact of the whole saga.


I'm gonna stop there! sorry this became bit of an essay....








You can never go home again, but i guess you can shop there.


Incorporating flashbacks in ROTJ (and this is a bit off-topic yes) would PTize the OT (which is not the goal), and I doubt this is really helpful to add footage like that in the movie. The Star Wars movies aren't movies with flashbacks and all, I think it'd be a bit out of place to incorporate footage from ROTS in ROTJ.

At least that's my opinion :D


I wouldn't mind someone doing a cut with flashbacks, but that could be seperate project.


I agree adding Flashbacks would just suck!


I hate the nightmare scenes in RotS as they are completely out of place with the other movies, 


adding subtle audio clips in the right spot on the other hand could do wonders

Bingowings said: Do you want to see the project finished as a playable film or a flick book?


I think it's best to imagine what Vader-Anakin is thinking at this very moment, rather than throwing us explicit things in the face.


And anyway, lat's back to ESB:R.


And anyway, let's go back to ESB:R. But I don't have any suggestions for now :P


Good point. forget what i said about putting the flashback in ROTJ, I liked the way others put it "to edit the PT to fit the OT not the otherway around".

For years I had been wondering what episodes 1 -3 would be like long before they actually made them. I would have gone in a different direction in the end. I certainly wouldnt have made anything that ruins the surprises/shocks of the original movies, but adds to the mystery/suspense leading up to the next trilogy.

But i am not a movie maker at the end of the day...




You can never go home again, but i guess you can shop there.


Nice to hear that Ady is planning something huge for RotJ.  It needs it in a big way.

I'm glad that Hoth backgrounds are being modified.  They are too blurry overall for my tastes, even when there's not a snowstorm to explain it.

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cutnshut said:

I was thinking that Yoda should not be in the PT - he might be referred to by other characters but you never see or hear him talking. On the subject of Anakin's fall to the Sith, in a similar way - in episode 3 leave anakin's fate more of a mystery (a cliffhanger). So that the audience is left unsure exatly what has happened to anakin possibly that all the Jedi are wiped out including Obi Wan (hence uncle owen's comment at the dinner table in ep4). Padme is pregnant and alive at the end of the movie - but no talk of twins, its not necessary that she dies at the end of the movie or that you see her giving birth, as Leia's line in ROTJ resolves that part - when luke questions her about her mother. References to Bail having a wife in ep3 can be edited out - thereby the mystery of Padme also remains a mystery - did she die at the end of episode 3 or did Bail end up marrying her sometime after the events of episode 3. As episode 4 begins - her fate is irelevent to the story of Luke Skywalker.

If necessary footage of Anakin's fall to the dark side, Padme's birth of the twins and her death and palpatines "order 66" could be incorporated as a flashback/big reveal sequence in return of the Jedi after Luke questions the ghost of Obi Wan about the "Truth".

Great points all.  Ideally for me, there would be no Yoda, no Jabba, no "Jedi University", and no reveal of Anakin's fate until possibly at the end of Ep III.  In my ideal versions, Anakin is in his early twenties in Ep.I, has his epic battle with Obi-Wan in EP.II and is presumed dead, then Ep.III features this badass new villain named Vader who is plotting against the Republic and the Jedi.  Only late into the episode is it revealed that he IS Anakin, but it is too late as the Republic's fate is sealed.

To tie this in with ESB :) , I would also have Boba Fett (no Jango) featured in one of the episodes where he comes in, kicks ass, wins, and leaves.  Just like ESB.  SO when watching in order, the audience will see him again in ESB and know there's a real threat for our heroes from witnessing his actions in the prequels.

Ah, to dream....

Oh, and nay I say to flashbacks or dream sequences.  They weren't in 5 of the 6 films and don't need to be in ANY of them.

O.T. or No T., baby!

ANH:R Cover Art

ESB:R Cover Art

Savage said:
cutnshut said:

I was thinking that Yoda should not be in the PT - he might be referred to by other characters but you never see or hear him talking. On the subject of Anakin's fall to the Sith, in a similar way - in episode 3 leave anakin's fate more of a mystery (a cliffhanger). So that the audience is left unsure exatly what has happened to anakin possibly that all the Jedi are wiped out including Obi Wan (hence uncle owen's comment at the dinner table in ep4). Padme is pregnant and alive at the end of the movie - but no talk of twins, its not necessary that she dies at the end of the movie or that you see her giving birth, as Leia's line in ROTJ resolves that part - when luke questions her about her mother. References to Bail having a wife in ep3 can be edited out - thereby the mystery of Padme also remains a mystery - did she die at the end of episode 3 or did Bail end up marrying her sometime after the events of episode 3. As episode 4 begins - her fate is irelevent to the story of Luke Skywalker.

If necessary footage of Anakin's fall to the dark side, Padme's birth of the twins and her death and palpatines "order 66" could be incorporated as a flashback/big reveal sequence in return of the Jedi after Luke questions the ghost of Obi Wan about the "Truth".

Great points all. Ideally for me, there would be no Yoda, no Jabba, no "Jedi University", and no reveal of Anakin's fate until possibly at the end of Ep III. In my ideal versions, Anakin is in his early twenties in Ep.I, has his epic battle with Obi-Wan in EP.II and is presumed dead, then Ep.III features this badass new villain named Vader who is plotting against the Republic and the Jedi. Only late into the episode is it revealed that he IS Anakin, but it is too late as the Republic's fate is sealed.

To tie this in with ESB :) , I would also have Boba Fett (no Jango) featured in one of the episodes where he comes in, kicks ass, wins, and leaves. Just like ESB. SO when watching in order, the audience will see him again in ESB and know there's a real threat for our heroes from witnessing his actions in the prequels.

Ah, to dream....

Oh, and nay I say to flashbacks or dream sequences. They weren't in 5 of the 6 films and don't need to be in ANY of them.

Look everyone wanted their own imaginations to be the prequels. I guess that's what happens when you make parts 4-6 first and give people almost 20 years to think about it before you release part 1. There are thousands or even millions of "My way"s.



Well what is supposed to be the climax is vader fighting himself to throw the emperor through the reactor shaft, A flash back doesnt add anything but rather takes away from the edge of seat moment. If george lucas wants flash backs im sure hell put em in

"The other versions will disappear. Even the 35 million tapes of Star Wars out there won’t last more than 30 or 40 years. A hundred years from now, the only version of the movie that anyone will remember will be the DVD version [of the Special Edition], and you’ll be able to project it on a 20’ by 40’ screen with perfect quality. I think it’s the director’s prerogative, not the studio’s to go back and reinvent a movie." - George Lucas

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