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Info & Ideas: ESB and ROTJ Wishlist — Page 48

doubleofive said:
Monroville said:

I don't know why Ady is against the idea, but there is nothing saying that someone can't revisit EMPIRE:R and add them themselves.

I think its because its hard enough to believe 3 TIEs could miss the Falcon so many times, let alone a dozen or more.  But your point about making your own is very valid, and something some people should consider.

Not if said TIE pilots were given the orders not to destroy the Falcon.  Remember, in both situations (the asteroid belt and Bespin), they are being HERDED.  It is no different with all of those WHEN POLICE CARS ATTACK! shows when there is a high-speed car chase; it is a lot easier for the cops to corner someone when there or MORE cop cars, not less chasing after the bad guy.

You also have other factors:
(1) They ARE still storm troopers, after all - and when was the last time they could hit the broadside of a barn, even when they WANTED to kill?
(2) even if you had 8 TIEs pounding on the Falcon, the Falcon has shields. All they would have to do is hit the Falcon in bursts on different areas of the ship, which would allow the previously hit shield to regenerate - thus, they make it convincing without destroying the ship.
(3) again, orders.  It makes it more palatble if they miss if there is a purpose to it and it shows that the Empire has some brains for once.



 “You people must realize that the public owns you for life, and when you’re dead, you’ll all be in commercials dancing with vacuum cleaners.”

– Homer Simpson


posted this in wrong thread :P in responce to balancing out the volume of very alien heavy PT, and les so OT in active rolls beyond drinking in bars.


ben_danger said:

yeah, there were aliens in jedi, but not far beyond nien numb and ackbars lot. id like to see aliens in starfigters, and eventhough it is too late, snowspeeders, as soldiers, maybe a couple on endor in the strike force. (i know there are the eyepatch guys, but you hardly see them.


i dont know what ady plans to do with PT aliens, but maybe some muuns, neimodians and other newly introduced ones just to tie the trilogys together more?




Thanks To AxiaEuxine who provide me the screencaps from ROTJ menus.

Still i thought after  finishing  the replace of shuttle that it needs to change the position of landing shuttle  so to show an elevator where the pylons are( so it will explain how vader goes down etc etc)

Also if ady want to remade the shot with new elements i suggest that the shot needs reframing because of all that black around it.





Wouldn't the shuttle land in the middle of the circles?  Why are they there if not to land on?

Sluggo said:

Wouldn't the shuttle land in the middle of the circles?  Why are they there if not to land on?


Good point! Pity that the circles will gone for sure because in the closeup there is no circles in the ground.




Davnes007 said:

Here's a couple of ideas in progress.

This one features the "Force Kick"...with a surprise for Fett fans.

A weird/radical edit of the Emporer's arrival to the Deathstar.

Any suggestions, comments, and harsh criticisms are more than welcome.

There is the beginning of a potentially great idea with the extended Emperor's arrival. Obviously there needs to be a lot more ships, a TIE Fighter honour flight and the shuttle has to go in the right bay (I also doubt if they would bother checking on his clearence code) as he would let it known that it was him by turning up with a huge fleet and just being his wrinkly and hooded dark side imbued self (that sort of thing would be hard to fake...somebody trying to fake it would have made a good storyline if they hadn't killed off ole prune face in this one...maybe an Episode VII storyline, Dark Empire without the cloning could go that way).



This has probably already been brought up, beat down, destroyed, and rebuilt, only to be beat down again, but...

... I would really love it if R2-D2's beeps were changed to fit in with the rest of the Star Wars saga!!!!!

Even the PT got the beeps right. What the hell is up with R2's beeps in ROTJ? That has always bugged me, even when I was a little kid.

“Lifes a song you don’t get to rehearse, and every single verse can make it that much worse”

oh_riginal said:

This has probably already been brought up, beat down, destroyed, and rebuilt, only to be beat down again, but...

... I would really love it if R2-D2's beeps were changed to fit in with the rest of the Star Wars saga!!!!!

Even the PT got the beeps right. What the hell is up with R2's beeps in ROTJ? That has always bugged me, even when I was a little kid.


To quote C-3PO: I heartily agree with you, sir.

R2's beeps suck in ROTJ, and it has bothered me for some time. I know it will be time-consuming, but I hope ady corrects this.

Chrille said:
oh_riginal said:

This has probably already been brought up, beat down, destroyed, and rebuilt, only to be beat down again, but...

... I would really love it if R2-D2's beeps were changed to fit in with the rest of the Star Wars saga!!!!!

Even the PT got the beeps right. What the hell is up with R2's beeps in ROTJ? That has always bugged me, even when I was a little kid.


To quote C-3PO: I heartily agree with you, sir.

R2's beeps suck in ROTJ, and it has bothered me for some time. I know it will be time-consuming, but I hope ady corrects this.

To be honest I never noticed Artoo's beeps being off in ROTJ but in ROTS they were really all over the place (the Tellytubbyish "uh-oh" being a partically ugly utterance...even Artoo got a rubbish script on that gig).

I'll have to listen again.


Bingowings said:
Chrille said:
oh_riginal said:

This has probably already been brought up, beat down, destroyed, and rebuilt, only to be beat down again, but...

... I would really love it if R2-D2's beeps were changed to fit in with the rest of the Star Wars saga!!!!!

Even the PT got the beeps right. What the hell is up with R2's beeps in ROTJ? That has always bugged me, even when I was a little kid.


To quote C-3PO: I heartily agree with you, sir.

R2's beeps suck in ROTJ, and it has bothered me for some time. I know it will be time-consuming, but I hope ady corrects this.

To be honest I never noticed Artoo's beeps being off in ROTJ but in ROTS they were really all over the place (the Tellytubbyish "uh-oh" being a partically ugly utterance...even Artoo got a rubbish script on that gig).

I'll have to listen again.

Me too.  I thought RotJ had a lot of reused R2 "lines", but what can do you do?  Its not like its Klingon with a translation.  Heaven help those who want to make a real binary language.

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress

ben_danger said:

blow pipes would be cool to give that pygmy image.


did anyone think anything of having stuff carved into trees, and grizzly charms hanging from the branches?

A few details like this face carved into a living tree might be nice:

Living Carving


Here's a thought.

If I recall right, the new Battlestar Galactica had a bunch of battles that took place in an Endor-esque forest. (actually, I think every exterior in the shows first three seasons was the same copse of trees).

Maybe some of that, trees with explosions and things, could be tweaked and dropped into the Endor battle.

Or heck, anyone have stome Storm Trooper armor? You and me can drive to Northern California and we can spend a weekend filming you dying in all sorts of ways in the same redwoods they shot ROTJ in.

TheBoost said:

Here's a thought.

If I recall right, the new Battlestar Galactica had a bunch of battles that took place in an Endor-esque forest. (actually, I think every exterior in the shows first three seasons was the same copse of trees).

Maybe some of that, trees with explosions and things, could be tweaked and dropped into the Endor battle.

Or heck, anyone have stome Storm Trooper armor? You and me can drive to Northern California and we can spend a weekend filming you dying in all sorts of ways in the same redwoods they shot ROTJ in.

The 501 st legion can help.





You know what else might help the Endor battle?

When the Stormtrooper gets hit by sling rocks, if the rocks seemed bigger, maybe left dents, and sounded more imapactful.


TheBoost said:

Here's a thought.

If I recall right, the new Battlestar Galactica had a bunch of battles that took place in an Endor-esque forest. (actually, I think every exterior in the shows first three seasons was the same copse of trees).

Maybe some of that, trees with explosions and things, could be tweaked and dropped into the Endor battle.

Yes, this is true.  And most of the battle shots don't have anything in them due to centurians being so expensive to animate.  However, they are only DVD quality (so far), and Ady will be working from a 1080 source.

Star Wars Revisited Wordpress

Star Wars Visual Comparisons WordPress

vaderios said:
TheBoost said:

Here's a thought.

If I recall right, the new Battlestar Galactica had a bunch of battles that took place in an Endor-esque forest. (actually, I think every exterior in the shows first three seasons was the same copse of trees).

Maybe some of that, trees with explosions and things, could be tweaked and dropped into the Endor battle.

Or heck, anyone have stome Storm Trooper armor? You and me can drive to Northern California and we can spend a weekend filming you dying in all sorts of ways in the same redwoods they shot ROTJ in.

The 501 st legion can help.





"The other versions will disappear. Even the 35 million tapes of Star Wars out there won’t last more than 30 or 40 years. A hundred years from now, the only version of the movie that anyone will remember will be the DVD version [of the Special Edition], and you’ll be able to project it on a 20’ by 40’ screen with perfect quality. I think it’s the director’s prerogative, not the studio’s to go back and reinvent a movie." - George Lucas

<span> </span>

ChainsawAsh said:

What's wrong about them?  I've never noticed.


How could you NOT notice how different R2 sounded in ROTJ compared to ANH, ESB, TPM, AOTC, and ROTS?

“Lifes a song you don’t get to rehearse, and every single verse can make it that much worse”

TheBoost said:

You know what else might help the Endor battle?

When the Stormtrooper gets hit by sling rocks, if the rocks seemed bigger, maybe left dents, and sounded more imapactful.


Or make the rocks explosive (like the Eden episode of the old STAR TREK show)!



 “You people must realize that the public owns you for life, and when you’re dead, you’ll all be in commercials dancing with vacuum cleaners.”

– Homer Simpson