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Well by the time that you are workning with jedi or TPM the movies will be out on blu-ray. Just sayin


^^ Wow the thought of SW finally on bluray one day excites me - but the thought of it simply being the same versions only in higher Q sucks.

I don't have faith in GL to give the movies the proper care and treatment that Adywan has been doing.


Anyway back on topic............lol......


Well hopefully blu-ray will be the standard format in 5 years. My point is that it might not be that interesting watching DVDs by that time.



Why not doin empire from the HD broadcast? Was is to hard editing those?

DF Shadow said:

^^ Wow the thought of SW finally on bluray one day excites me - but the thought of it simply being the same versions only in higher Q sucks.

I don't have faith in GL to give the movies the proper care and treatment that Adywan has been doing.


Anyway back on topic............lol......

what exactly are you waiting for?

adywan has already released a 1080p color corrected version(with a few fixes) of

'star wars', and 'the empire strikes back' for free...

there's a whole thread about those versions..

there is NO NEWS about any of the movies being released in hi-def or blu-ray...

all you have to do is look, there are plenty of high-defintion versions out there already..




[no GOUT in CED?-> GOUT CED]

DF Shadow said:

but the thought of it simply being the same versions only in higher Q sucks.


"Every time Warb sighs, an angel falls into a vat of mapel syrup." - Gaffer Tape


-1, I figure what DF Shadow was getting at wasn't so much Ady's excellent color correction and whatnot, but the fact that GL has no interest in releasing a proper version of the OUT...which was the original reason for this site's existence, basically. :p As awesome as Ady's 1080p stuff is, it's still slightly-modified SE versions.

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budwhite said:

Well hopefully blu-ray will be the standard format in 5 years. My point is that it might not be that interesting watching DVDs by that time.



Why not doin empire from the HD broadcast? Was is to hard editing those?

I am using the HD broadcast version as a source. it was just impossible to do Revisited in HD because not only do  i need to use SD footage but also the FX work and rendering times was just horrendous, even with a quad core pentium. But the picture will still be sharper than the 2004 dvds with using the HD sources. I'l post some screenshots at some point to show just how different the picture will be.




adywan said:

As for the stardestroyers i won't be changing their colour to match the Executor. The stardestroyers have never had a blue tint to them. If you look at the OUT you'll see that the stardestroyers colouring is now correct.

And i have mentioned before that i won't be adding any form of red tint to Veers AT-AT cockpit. it is red in 1 shot only. All other shots the red tint does not exist. So I'll be removing the red cockpit from that single shot.

I wish you would reconsider (and maybe make a test to see what it look like).  Kinda stinks about the non-red tinting - that would have been pretty cool and maybe even consistent with the TIE cockpit interiors - which may not have had a red tint, but had a lot of red lighting inside (would you consider at least showing people inside the cockpit, at least on the AT-AT head close-ups?).  :<

Maybe if you had red lights behind veers ala the TIE cockpits as opposed to a complete red wash over the image?  That way you could keep the red AT-AT windows and still have more natural colors inside the cockpit shots.  Also, would you consider overlaying graphics on the AT-AT windows when we see the driver perspective shots (ala ANH with the Death Star view screen)?

As far as the SDs go, I was just mentioning how brownish they look.  I understand that they should stand apart from the Executor, I'm just saying that they may be a little too much on the brown side.

Just compare a lot of the SD shots in EMPIRE to the earlier image of JEDI with Vader's shuttle leaving to the Death Star 2 (or the alternate Needa shuttle shots).



 “You people must realize that the public owns you for life, and when you’re dead, you’ll all be in commercials dancing with vacuum cleaners.”

– Homer Simpson

budwhite said:

Well hopefully blu-ray will be the standard format in 5 years. My point is that it might not be that interesting watching DVDs by that time.



Why not doin empire from the HD broadcast? Was is to hard editing those?









pretty much this whole page:


and on..




(OOOPss.........too late, ady answered).





[no GOUT in CED?-> GOUT CED]

negative1 said:
DF Shadow said:

^^ Wow the thought of SW finally on bluray one day excites me - but the thought of it simply being the same versions only in higher Q sucks.

I don't have faith in GL to give the movies the proper care and treatment that Adywan has been doing.


Anyway back on topic............lol......

what exactly are you waiting for?

adywan has already released a 1080p color corrected version(with a few fixes) of

'star wars', and 'the empire strikes back' for free...

there's a whole thread about those versions..

there is NO NEWS about any of the movies being released in hi-def or blu-ray...




Speaking of Star Wars on blu-ray, my guess is that there will be lots of new edits and tweaks. But this time it would be done properly. George and Lucasfilm aren't stupid. With so many good fan edits it would be rather embarrasing not to fix the movies, again. color corection, lightsabers, sound, fx shots etc



You'd be suprised budwhite

The person your searching for simply does not exist


I agree, Josh. ;) As long as Jar Jar is in there, for instance, it will never "be done properly." Haha.

The thing about Lucas is that he can't leave well enough alone. He will never, never, NEVER be completely satisfied with the Star Wars movies, it seems. I can partly understand his motivation, but good gravy...

My crazy vinyl LP blog

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Originally posted by Johnny Ringo:

You mean like in the ROTS end credit music?

I'm not exactly sure what your question is.



Monroville said:
adywan said:

And i have mentioned before that i won't be adding any form of red tint to Veers AT-AT cockpit. it is red in 1 shot only. All other shots the red tint does not exist. So I'll be removing the red cockpit from that single shot.

Also, would you consider overlaying graphics on the AT-AT windows when we see the driver perspective shots (ala ANH with the Death Star view screen)?

I suggested that too but he said No.


My outlook on life - we’re all on the Hindenburg anyway…no point fighting over the window seat.


^Well, it's a viewscreen on the Death Star, but in the AT-AT, it's just a window. Sure, there could be some HUDs, but they have plenty of panels to look at in front of them as it is. And that periscope dealy. :) Would be neat in a way, but not really necessary, I think.

My crazy vinyl LP blog

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Originally posted by Kurgan:

"The new The Clone Wars CGI show gives us an "ion cannon" that is a big purplish ring, something we've never seen before (or since). But I wouldn't let that EU crap effect the look of the OT, no way!"

I think that by calling elements of the EU "crap" you are acting very juevenile and ignorant.  While I will agree that some of the stories from the EU are crap, it is very unjust to ignore the number of compelling and touching tales that have been told by talented writers using the Star Wars universe as their basis.

Originally posted by Monroville

"Well yeah ("We Break For Nobody!"), but I was saying having a scene with someone having to run the whole length of the ship just to get Dark Helmet a diet coke or something.  With the MOD SQUAD theme playing.  The Whole 5 minutes.  Just for Dark Helmet to smack him upside the head and say 'You asshole!  I wanted a Pepsi!'"


Originally posted by ChainsawAsh:

"I'm still of the opinion that Ady's added horns don't work well enough to merit that change.  Although, IIRC, that's when Ady was still working in HD - it may be substantially easier now that he's working in SD, though I'm all for removing the horns entirely in the second shot (or just leaving both as is, which I don't see a problem with, either)."


Originally posted by professa:

"even if you only stick to so called g-level canon (the highest level i believe)..."

The following is from the www.wookiepedia.com article on Star Wars Canon:

Canon in the Holocron continuity database

In 2000, Lucas Licensing appointed Leland Chee to create a continuity-tracking database referred to as the Holocron continuity database. The Holocron follows the canon policy that has been in effect for years, but the capabilities of database software allow for each element of a story, rather than the stories themselves, to be classified on their own merits.

The Holocron's database includes an area for a single-letter (G, T, C, S or N) representing the level of canonicity of that element; these letters have since informally been applied to the levels of canon themselves: G-canon, T-canon, C-canon, S-canon and N-canon. As part of his work with the Holocron, Chee was responsible for the creation of this classification, and he spent the early stages developing and refining them into what they are today.

G, T, C and S together form the overall Star Wars continuity. Each ascending level typically overrides the lower ones; for example, Boba Fett's back story was radically altered with the release of Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones, forcing the retcon of older source material to fall in line with the new G-canon back story. However, this is not always absolute, and the resolution of all contradictions are handled on a case-by-case basis.

  • G-canon is George Lucas Canon; the six Episodes and anything directly provided to Lucas Licensing by Lucas (including unpublished production notes from him or his production department that are never seen by the public). Elements originating with Lucas in the movie novelizations, reference books, and other sources are also G-canon, though anything created by the authors of those sources is C-canon. When the matter of changes between movie versions arises, the most recently released editions are deemed superior to older ones, as they correct mistakes, improve consistency between the two trilogies, and express Lucas's current vision of the Star Wars universe most closely. The deleted scenes included on the DVDs are also considered G-canon (when they're not in conflict with the movie).[1]
  • C-canon is Continuity Canon, consisting of all recent works (and many older works) released under the name of Star Wars: books, comics, games, cartoons, non-theatrical films, and more. Games are a special case, as generally only the stories are C-canon, while things like stats and gameplay may not be;[7] they also offer non-canonical options to the player, such as choosing female gender for a canonically male character. C-canon elements have been known to appear in the movies, thus making them G-canon; examples include the name "Coruscant," swoop bikes, Quinlan Vos, Aayla Secura, YT-2400 freighters and Action VI transports.
  • S-canon is Secondary Canon; the materials are available to be used or ignored as needed by current authors. This includes mostly older works, such as much of the Marvel Star Wars comics, that predate a consistent effort to maintain continuity; it also contains certain elements of a few otherwise N-canon stories, and other things that "may not fit just right." Many formerly S-canon elements have been elevated to C-canon through their inclusion in more recent works by continuity-minded authors, while many other older works (such as The Han Solo Adventures) were accounted for in continuity from the start despite their age, and thus were always C-canon.
  • N is Non-Canon. What-if stories (such as stories published under the Infinities label) and anything else directly and irreconcilably contradicted by higher canon ends up here. N is the only level that is not considered canon by Lucasfilm. Information cut from canon, deleted scenes, or from canceled Star Wars works falls into this category as well, unless another canonical work references it and it is declared canon.

Originally posted by Adywan:

"So in ROTS you will not have Anakin named as Vader or even see him don the costume. The last we see of Anakin is being led away in the life support chamber after it leaves the shuttle."

Does this mean that you are not one who believes that the entire Star Wars saga is about the downfall and redemption of Anakin Skywalker?
Also, doesn't not having Anakin in the suit conflict with Obi-Wan's line: "A young Jedi named Darth Vader, who was a pupil of mine until he turned to evil..."?  How will you get around that?

Originally posted by Ripplin

"Really? I thought the movie was the basically the first episode[s] of the series. I guess not. Maybe I should look into this series if you like it... I haven't watched a second of it yet."

The movie is actually the first three episodes of the series combined into a feature length piece, like the Family Guy DVD Stewie Griffin: The Untold Story.  Lucas did not decide to release them as a feature film until very close to the premiere date of the series.  And, yes, The Clone Wars does just about everything better than the PT.  It fleshes out things such as the relationships between the Jedi and the clone troopers - making their eventual betrayal all the more resonant - and even does General Grieveous justice.  Watch it.



Rhikter said:

Originally posted by Adywan:

"So in ROTS you will not have Anakin named as Vader or even see him don the costume. The last we see of Anakin is being led away in the life support chamber after it leaves the shuttle."

Does this mean that you are not one who believes that the entire Star Wars saga is about the downfall and redemption of Anakin Skywalker?
Also, doesn't not having Anakin in the suit conflict with Obi-Wan's line: "A young Jedi named Darth Vader, who was a pupil of mine until he turned to evil..."?  How will you get around that?




Yeah Ady, you may want to reconsider that one.



Originally posted by DarthRayne:

Rhikter said:

Originally posted by Adywan:

"So in ROTS you will not have Anakin named as Vader or even see him don the costume. The last we see of Anakin is being led away in the life support chamber after it leaves the shuttle."

Does this mean that you are not one who believes that the entire Star Wars saga is about the downfall and redemption of Anakin Skywalker?
Also, doesn't not having Anakin in the suit conflict with Obi-Wan's line: "A young Jedi named Darth Vader, who was a pupil of mine until he turned to evil..."?  How will you get around that?


 Yeah Ady, you may want to reconsider that one.

Perhaps the solution would be to, not so much omit, but rather downplay certain aspects in a manner similar to what the Phantom Editor did with midi-chlorians.  Regardless, this will be a difficult thing to do, especially in a way that is smooth and doesn't conflict with the pacing of the rest of the saga. "To a dark place this line of thought will take us. Great care we must take."

EDIT: I wanted to point out this article that I just read: http://www.cbc.ca/arts/story/2005/06/10/lucas050610.html

In it GL openly admits to not being the greatest writer in the world, in fact being a rather bad one in terms of dialogue.

I bring this up because, for all the flack that both myself and others give GL, I beleive that there is "still good in him" so to speak.  While, yes, I do believe he made some very poor choices when producing the PT, GL is, as someone said earlier and as evidenced by the article, not a stupid person.  So, instead of we the fans continuously badgering and berating the man's name to the point that one day we dishearten him to the point that he shamefully retires his mantle, we should be offering forms of constructive criticism in hopes that GL will one day retain that level of greatness we once associated him with.



DarthRayne said:
Rhikter said:

Originally posted by Adywan:

"So in ROTS you will not have Anakin named as Vader or even see him don the costume. The last we see of Anakin is being led away in the life support chamber after it leaves the shuttle."

Does this mean that you are not one who believes that the entire Star Wars saga is about the downfall and redemption of Anakin Skywalker?
Also, doesn't not having Anakin in the suit conflict with Obi-Wan's line: "A young Jedi named Darth Vader, who was a pupil of mine until he turned to evil..."?  How will you get around that?


Yeah Ady, you may want to reconsider that one.


That always bugged me since JEDI: how is it that Luke Skywalker was sent to Tatooine to hide out from his dad (who you think would have force sensed Luke in the first movie, much less on the Death Star on multiple occasions OTHER than "the force is strong with this one.. wait just a minute... HOLY CRAP, THAT'S MY KID! ... did those things just go in?... Oh crap) and yet whoever hid him was stupid enough to use his real name?!  I always thought that maybe Vader was the real name and Skywalker was the alias.  Darth could still be a title (like Duke), but Vader wouldn't have to change his name whereas Luke would (being in hiding).

And I still think the sister gag has to go.  Darth being the dad is enough without things going into CRACKED magazine territory...

Leia: "So , are we going to get married now?"
Han: "I don't know.  I could be your uncle."  (or maybe your DAD considering Harrison Ford was 40 and Carrie Fisher was 21 when EMPIRE was made... and yes, Harry was boning the Princess).



Um, are they going to eat Yoda?!


 “You people must realize that the public owns you for life, and when you’re dead, you’ll all be in commercials dancing with vacuum cleaners.”

– Homer Simpson


Also, doesn't not having Anakin in the suit conflict with Obi-Wan's line: "A young Jedi named Darth Vader, who was a pupil of mine until he turned to evil..."?  How will you get around that?

it will work
you need to look at it from the point of view of a first time viewer

the viewer would know obi-wan isn't telling the truth anyway, what's he supposed to say "yeah luke, i killed your dad. you must come with me to alderaan"

they would assume obi-wan is passing the blame onto vader to cover his own tracks and make vader luke's no. 1 enemy

figrin d'an and the modal nodes - best band name ever!

Originally posted by Monroville:

"...who you think would have force sensed Luke in the first movie..."

I think that Vader was so consumed by his rage and determination to finally kill Obi-Wan that he was blinded/ignored everything else going on around him until after the job was done and he'd basked in his victory for a while.  "This will be a day long remembered.  It has seen the end of Kenobi.  It will soon see the end of the rebellion."


Originally posted by professa:

"it will work
you need to look at it from the point of view of a first time viewer

the viewer would know obi-wan isn't telling the truth anyway, what's he supposed to say 'yeah luke, i killed your dad. you must come with me to alderaan'"

I think that that is a little to much credit to give to an audience.  Especially a first time audience who would be watching the films in chronological order as Adywan intends.  The sad fact is that a lot of people are dumb.  Once they encounter that "A young Jedi named Darth Vader" point in ANH after having watched the PT, they would know that something was wrong but would not put in the extra mental effort to come to the conclusion that Obi-Wan is telling a little fib.



Rhikter said:

Originally posted by Monroville:

"...who you think would have force sensed Luke in the first movie..."

I think that Vader was so consumed by his rage and determination to finally kill Obi-Wan that he was blinded/ignored everything else going on around him until after the job was done and he'd basked in his victory for a while.  "This will be a day long remembered.  It has seen the end of Kenobi.  It will soon see the end of the rebellion."

Uhh, Darth was over Tatooine in the beginning of the movie!  Even if he couldn't force sense either Luke nor Obi-Wan due to distance (maybe his long distance Force bill wasn't paid yet or he didn't have any "bars"), he WAS able to force sense Obi on the Death Star (being that he was on the MF just a few yards away).  Granted, he may not have recognized it until later, but if he could pick up Obi he could pick up Luke, especially since EMPIRE and JEDI amped the Force sense thing to 100,000 mile+ distances!

Let's not also forget that Darth Vader kinda GREW UP on Tatooine, built C3P0 and knew what R2-D2 looked like among other things.  I mean, if we are to pretend that the Prequels exist as part of the real STAR WARS universe (which I don't), then NONE of this makes sense: would Ben be so stupid as to hide Vader's kid on the same planet Vader grew up on?!  And in the same exact TOWN?!?  And again, if Vader could pick up Luke from a shield generator image a few light years away, I think he could pick him up a few FEET away on the MF after it arrived on the Death Star I, not to mention when he was SHOOTING AT HIS OWN KID in the Death Star trench!

And let's not even talk about Vader NOT knowing Leia was his daughter when he was interrogating her with a MIND PROBE!  Sure, she could have hidden her knowledge of the Death Star tape whereabouts, but everything else would have been an open book, especially with his super sith force powers.

Besides, Vader wasn't consumed by rage or determination or anything.  When he said the whole "day long remembered" it was just a speech.  He wasn't doing a Nuremburg Hitler thing nor a Gary Oldman THE PROFESSIONAL thing either.  THAT would be consumed by rage and determination,

as seen here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k08A0aVs8OI

and here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Q-6H4xOUrs

notice the animated movement and extremely loud voices - hence, consumed.


 “You people must realize that the public owns you for life, and when you’re dead, you’ll all be in commercials dancing with vacuum cleaners.”

– Homer Simpson


I think I'm more or less in agreement with Rhikter and Rayne. Without altering Ben's dialogue in Ep IV, it's going to be very difficult to do Ep III in such a way that both the hut scene makes sense to a first-time viewer and you save the reveal in Ep V. Personally, I don't mind that being shown in Ep III. I still see the two reveals in Ep V as major plot points, and the Yoda one is still a surprise — you think "Obi-Wan's sent him to Yoda, which makes sense, but he obviously didn't know that Yoda had gone batshit insane during his years of exile", which makes the revelation that he is [still] Yoda still a revelation of sorts. As for Vader's immortal line, I see it no longer as a "holy SHIT" moment but an "oh, you Utter Bastard" moment. Some of Alec Guinness' reactions in Ep IV, although (despite what Lucas may claim) they were not intended this way, work very well if we know that he's keeping Luke's true legacy a secret (most obviously the small pause before "a young Jedi named Darth Vader..." and the wary nod after "I want to become a Jedi like my father").

I thought InfoDroid and TJ Davis' Reborn project was the best way to tell the whole story and keeping the surprises. I think if you're going to have it in chronological order you have to sacrifice something.

My other point is: What would *we*, as fans, have thought if Lucas had gone and made the prequels and NEVER shown Darth Vader even in Episode III, as Ady's planning to do? Most of us were looking forward to seeing him stop angsting, get on with it, and kick some major Jedi butt. He becomes evil with half a movie to go and becomes the Darth Vader we remember with barely ten minutes to go. And some of us whined almost as much as Anakin. I think if Lucas had tried to pull that we'd have declared it the worst film of the series.

All that said, however, if anyone can pull it off, it's Adywan.

Monroville posted while I was writing this, and I have a couple responses to him: Tatooine was the perfect hiding place for Luke, because it was where Anakin Skywalker grew up. It would remind Vader of everything Anakin had once been, and so he would never return there. I forget where I read that explanation at first, but it makes enough sense for me. In addition, I don't think Anakin will build C-3PO in Adywan's version, and there are squillions of 'droids built of the same parts as both him and R2-D2. His introduction of R2 as his "counterpart" indicates it's not uncommon for 3PO-types and R2-types to be paired together.

In addition, Luke is not very attuned to the Force until he's trained with Yoda. Vader may be able to pick up something, but the Force might not be able to tell him anything about the nature of the individual, much less his genetics. We've never once seen in any of the films that the Force can tell anyone anything about someone's genealogy. Vader only knows Luke is his son when he discovers his name is Skywalker. I expect that the midichlorians will also be excised from Adywan's edits.

The Hobbit: Roadshow Edition


And let's not even talk about Vader NOT knowing Leia was his daughter when he was interrogating her with a MIND PROBE!  Sure, she could have hidden her knowledge of the Death Star tape whereabouts, but everything else would have been an open book, especially with his super sith force powers.

Yeah, but Leia does not know Vader is her father, so I assume Vader can't feel that she's his daughter. Even on the Death Star trench he just sens that the Force is strong with Luke, but that's all.

I suppose that, after the battle of Yavin, the name of Luke Skywalker became quite famous in the galaxie for being one of the leaders of the rebellion. So that's why the Emperor and Vader knows his name in ESB.