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Post #337056

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The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread
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Date created
19-Nov-2008, 12:48 PM

Originally posted by ben_danger:

"my point was to make the clone/storm troopers consistant.:P

so id just make the clone troopers blank."

It's funny.  I just made a post in the ESB:R forum that pretty much sums up my feelings towards this proposal:

Originally posted by Rhikter:

"Yesterday, I was thinking about a complaint I had read some time ago.  Someone was arguing against the elaborately choreographed saber duels in the PT because they were not as passive as the ones in the OT.  This reminded me of a comment about "Artistic License" I made some time ago.

I bring this up because some people need to seriously consider exactly what it is they're talking about when they make arguments like this "Saber Duel" one.  We cannot think about forms of art - especially film - in a purely logical manner.  As layman as it may sound, the fact is that, if we did, movies would be extremely boring and unoriginal.  You must have a harmony between your artistic and logical vision.  Yes, the battles in the PT could have be done similarly to those in the OT, but that would not have been artistically reflective of the world GL was trying to create for the PT; that is a world where the Jedi order is thriving and at it's highest.  The elegance of the PT duels reflects this, just as the passive battles of the OT reflect a dark oppresive world where Luke received his training from an elderly Kenobi and Yoda, and Vader has asthma."

I wouldn't want to change the Clone Troopers to all white because that use of color is reflective of the all inclusive, diverse Republic as opposed to the monotony of the tyrannically fascist Empire.