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Star Wars on Blu-ray? — Page 2


I am also hoping their is a ultimate saga blu-ray release with all the verisons of the flims as well as dolby ture hd audio. And also some blu-ray extras like BD live and all the extras if it's possable from the laser discs and the dvds.


Don't ask for something from the Laserdiscs, or you will get it in Laserdisc quality...


kenkraly2007 said:

I know Return of the Jedi was called Revenge Of The Jedi before it came out  lordjedi I know my star wars history.

Uh, dude, that wasn't me that posted that.


F Scale score - 3.3333333333333335

You are disciplined but tolerant; a true American.

Pissing off Rob since August 2007.

well it looks like the clone wars film will be the first ever star wars blu-ray

I also hope to buy the saga on blu-ray someday when GL & LFL deside to

release them on 1080p Hi-Def.



§ JxF §


I could've sworn I read Lucas preferred the Blu-Ray format.

"Fuck you. All the star wars movies were excellent. none of them sucked. Also, revenge of the sith is the best."

- DarthZorgon (YouTube)

JangoxFett said:

well it looks like the clone wars film will be the first ever star wars blu-ray


Oooo......good! Let's all not buy it. LOL! :-P



I'd buy Indy 4 before I bought that.

"Fuck you. All the star wars movies were excellent. none of them sucked. Also, revenge of the sith is the best."

- DarthZorgon (YouTube)



Wake me up in 2-3 years when the OT is released. Even then it will only be an updated SE.

I won't be buying Indy 4 or Clone Wars in any format.

"Well here's a big bag of rock salt" - Patton Oswalt

JangoxFett said:

well it looks like the clone wars film will be the first ever star wars blu-ray

I also hope to buy the saga on blu-ray someday when GL & LFL deside to

release them on 1080p Hi-Def.



Hey cool, another thing I will NEVER BUY! LOL

I would imagine this is coming to BR so quickly because it is the first SW release with Warner vs. the typical crappy Fox.



If I were LFL, I would do this:

Put the 3D versions on track to be finished by the end of next year and get a trailer out with the 3D release of Jim Cameron's Avatar in December of '09. I'm baffled by how they'd get all six movies into the theaters, but if things are particularly slow in January and February, get it out then. It would be like '97 all over again. Then get the blu-ray on track to street by the end of 2010. It would be awesome if they included as many versions as possible, but if I could at least watch all six films in their original versions in 1080p24, I'll be happy. The live action show apparently isn't hitting until 2011 at the earliest now, so they could slap ads for the show on the blu-ray.

Of course, this is only what I would do in LFL's shoes.


The only versions that NEED to be available are the OOT/OUT and whatever the current incarnation of SE is at the time.  All those other versions people are listing are minor in-between steps that only die-hards like us would be able to tell the difference.  Joe Q. Public is going to wonder why there's 6 versions of the same film.

My outlook on life - we’re all on the Hindenburg anyway…no point fighting over the window seat.


It should be like the close encounters and Blade Runner boxsets which included restored versions of the theatrical cuts in Anamorphic Widescreen.

Personally I would prefer just a boxset of the oot fully restored and anamorphic at this point, in decent quality and i would settle for it barebones as much as i want deleted scenes.

But Lucas will never pay to restore the originals he said so through his spokesperson Lynn Hale.  So i will never buy another thing from Lucas again especially after the debacles that are the special editions, the prequels, the clone wars movie Force Unleashed and Indiana Jones IV.  Unless it be fully restored theatrical Versions of the original Indiana Jones Trilogy and Star Wars trilogy.

You Could not Give Me those turds Clone Wars and Indiana Jones IV for free on blu ray i would throw them right in the trash where they belong, sell them or give them away.

“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.


It would need to be somewhere between the CE3K and Blade Runner sets in terms of size. You would need two discs per film, you couldn't seamlessly branch both versions onto the same disc since there are at least a hundred differences between the two. Then there's the color differences that we've all gone over at length. So one disc for the original version and one disc for the latest version would be just fine. If they really wanted to go all out, they could wedge a third disc in between the other two with the '97 version.

By the way, despite all this speculation of there being even further changes, I have a feeling the '04 versions are the end of the line. Getting Lowry to scrub the picture and adding TPM Jabba, Temuera's voice, Ian and Hayden are really all there is to it. I dunno, I just think that if Lucas was going to go ahead and make those additional changes back in '04 with Episode III (the final prequel) right around the corner, he would've made all of them at that time. The same goes for the dvd versions of AOTC and ROTS. TPM is the only one I'm still curious about.


Agreed.  That puppet is the most likely candidate for replacement.


I hope the movies never come out on Blu-Ray! It isn't as if we are ever going to get our OOT restored in High Def anyway!


So the Godfather restoration was released on Blu Ray and Dvd Restored by Robert Harris and nobody on these forums had anything to say about it much less review the set.

Lucas should pay Harris to overhaul the oneg for star wars and restore it back to its 77 incarnation.

Never going to happen.  Which is too damn bad i guess.

So despite the traffic on this site for adywans super duper special editions to make Lucas green with envy, this site has all but been dead since the gout was released in 2006.  There used to be a lot of preservation projects, that were awesome.  a Couple are in the works here but not that much compared to yesteryear.  This site has become a faneditors like forum where people make their own home brew special editions when the original idea for this site was a properly remastered dvd release of the originals in anamorphic.

2 projects i am interested in Puggo grande, and Jambe Davdar's star wars documentary.

Other than those 2 the most promising was the X-0 Project which is now dead, though the thread gets revived like an undead Zombie.  and people keep beating that old dead horse like vbangle.

“Always loved Vader’s wordless self sacrifice. Another shitty, clueless, revision like Greedo and young Anakin’s ghost. What a fucking shame.” -Simon Pegg.


Um the Godfather set just came out and I know I personally haven't had a chance to purchase it.

Besides there is thread on that in the off topic section. The Godfather review at dvdtalk.com is very good. I'd suggest you read that if you already haven't.

Oh and by the way I'm going to hold off my purchase of the R1 Godfather dvd set, as the bonus discs are apparently messed up. Disc 5 is labeled disc 4 and vice versa. I'm going to wait and see how this is handled as I want a correct set.

"Well here's a big bag of rock salt" - Patton Oswalt

skyjedi2005 said:

So despite the traffic on this site for adywans super duper special editions to make Lucas green with envy, this site has all but been dead since the gout was released in 2006. There used to be a lot of preservation projects, that were awesome. a Couple are in the works here but not that much compared to yesteryear. This site has become a faneditors like forum where people make their own home brew special editions when the original idea for this site was a properly remastered dvd release of the originals in anamorphic.

2 projects i am interested in Puggo grande, and Jambe Davdar's star wars documentary.

Other than those 2 the most promising was the X-0 Project which is now dead, though the thread gets revived like an undead Zombie. and people keep beating that old dead horse like vbangle.

i take it you don't care for the 35mm restorations of star wars, and the empire

strikes back, or the CED trilogy, or any of the other ones in the works?

wow...... i guess i was mistaken in thinking you were interested in the originals..


exactly how many times do you want the laserdiscs

restored, or the GOUTS altered? don't you think there's

only so much you can do going that route?




[no GOUT in CED?-> GOUT CED]

negative1 said:

i take it you don't care for the 35mm restorations of star wars, and the empire

strikes back, or the CED trilogy, or any of the other ones in the works?


You mean the threads that are now gone because you guys decided to "go dark"?  How are we suppose to be excited about something when we don't know how things are progressing?


F Scale score - 3.3333333333333335

You are disciplined but tolerant; a true American.

Pissing off Rob since August 2007.
negative1 said:

exactly how many times do you want the laserdiscs

restored, or the GOUTS altered? don't you think there's

only so much you can do going that route?





Puggo Grande and Jambe's documentary that Sky mentioned being excited about have nothing to do with any the LD transfer. As of right now, the LD transfer is the best we have and the best we are going to get, everything that could have been done with it, was done with it long ago. (At least the LD is the best we are ever going to get unless your prohect is successful, which would be awesome, but as lj mentioned, there is no way for any of us to know how that is going, and thus hard to be super excited about. In our neck of the woods, typically no news is very bad news.

"Every time Warb sighs, an angel falls into a vat of mapel syrup." - Gaffer Tape

C3PX said: 

Puggo Grande and Jambe's documentary that Sky mentioned being excited about have nothing to do with any the LD transfer. As of right now, the LD transfer is the best we have and the best we are going to get, everything that could have been done with it, was done with it long ago. (At least the LD is the best we are ever going to get unless your prohect is successful, which would be awesome, but as lj mentioned, there is no way for any of us to know how that is going, and thus hard to be super excited about. In our neck of the woods, typically no news is very bad news.

 lordjedi, this is for you also..

please read this : http://originaltrilogy.com/forum/topic.cfm/Making-our-own-35mm-preservation-my-crazy-proposal/post/330884/#post330884

and then this  : http://originaltrilogy.com/forum/topic.cfm/Making-our-own-35mm-preservation-my-crazy-proposal/post/331871/#post331871


and then ask me any questions concerning their status..




[no GOUT in CED?-> GOUT CED]

negative1 said:

i take it you don't care for the 35mm restorations of star wars, and the empire

strikes back, or the CED trilogy, or any of the other ones in the works?

Where on earth did skyjedi say anything like that? Heh, the more and more you post the more and more you cement yourself as a self-righteous jerk. I'm quite frankly surprised that so many people seriously respond to your posts. Anyone who'd invent the silly accusations you throw at people isn't worth anything measured.

"Now all Lucas has to do is make a cgi version of himself.  It will be better than the original and fit his original vision." - skyjedi2005

negative1 said:
C3PX said: 

Puggo Grande and Jambe's documentary that Sky mentioned being excited about have nothing to do with any the LD transfer. As of right now, the LD transfer is the best we have and the best we are going to get, everything that could have been done with it, was done with it long ago. (At least the LD is the best we are ever going to get unless your prohect is successful, which would be awesome, but as lj mentioned, there is no way for any of us to know how that is going, and thus hard to be super excited about. In our neck of the woods, typically no news is very bad news.

 lordjedi, this is for you also..

please read this : http://originaltrilogy.com/forum/topic.cfm/Making-our-own-35mm-preservation-my-crazy-proposal/post/330884/#post330884

and then this  : http://originaltrilogy.com/forum/topic.cfm/Making-our-own-35mm-preservation-my-crazy-proposal/post/331871/#post331871


and then ask me any questions concerning their status..




Actually, I read those right after making that post.  I was kind of excited at first, but now I'm left wondering if anything successful will come from it.  Sure, you're slowly getting all the reels to a 35mm print of Star Wars.  But it looks like the scans are coming out pink from the other comments.  Are you going to be able to color correct a pink tint out of the scanned images?


F Scale score - 3.3333333333333335

You are disciplined but tolerant; a true American.

Pissing off Rob since August 2007.
Tiptup said:
negative1 said:

i take it you don't care for the 35mm restorations of star wars, and the empire

strikes back, or the CED trilogy, or any of the other ones in the works?

Where on earth did skyjedi say anything like that? Heh, the more and more you post the more and more you cement yourself as a self-righteous jerk. I'm quite frankly surprised that so many people seriously respond to your posts. Anyone who'd invent the silly accusations you throw at people isn't worth anything measured.



please don't be so hostile, maybe skyjedi didn't say it directly, but he's

never mentioned them, good or bad..


so i just wanted to remind people that there are other efforts going on to

that should be supported... i'm not asking for money, just moral support.

maybe people respond seriously, because they're the ones that came up with the idea.


i didn't think about it. i told you, i'm new to the whole idea presented here,

because i personally don't have a problem with the SE, the PT, or the dvd's,

since i have them all on laserdisc, high definition, etc, etc.......    someone thought it would

be a good idea to get it on film, and go from there... i'm trying to follow that up..


if it works out, great, we all benefit, even you will ... if it doesn't we'll find another

approach ..... didn't you support the Xo project? or the 8mm transfers? or any of

the other ones? didn't you think they were worthwhile, or did you just criticize them,

and make them think they weren't appreciated ...  i don't know what really happened,

but i was sad to see that they might not be completed..


i'm just starting out, i've been on this board for years, but have only been active for

a few months ..   so if you think that any effort that i'm going to make with my own

time, and thousands of dollars is a waste of time ..   fine , you're entitled to your

own opinion   ..   but why don't you be more constructive, and support some of

the projects that are actually trying to do what this board set out in the first place,

to get the originals remastered in a decent format....


you're welcome to keep tabs on this project, when the time comes,

the board will be open to ALL members here, even the critical ones ...

it's not ready yet, but when it is, i'll let everyone know, and that

way it will be easier to keep track of it.


i know its frustrating when you don't hear much, and its frustrating at

times for me also, but sometimes when you're patient good things will

come out if it.




[no GOUT in CED?-> GOUT CED]

negative1 said:

didn't you support the Xo project? or the 8mm transfers? or any of the other ones?

Depending on what you mean by "support", since you mention X0, 8mm, and support all in the same sentence, I am compelled to make sure that things are clear:  Unlike the X0, the 8mm Puggo project did not solicit or receive any financial or material support of any kind - (unless you count Boba loaning me the films).

"Close the blast doors!"
Puggo’s website | Rescuing Star Wars