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Info & Ideas: ESB and ROTJ Wishlist — Page 7

i was thinking last night about the addition of music in the lightsaber duels, mainly in the PT, and thus how ady has balanced this by including music in ANH.

this may be the wrong thread, but what would the PT lightsaber fights be like without the music? personally i prefered them using the lightsabers themselves as the backing music, and the dialogue being more prominent for the drama, as well as the silence building the tension.

any thoughts? have any talented folk done this already?
Backtracking a little, I find the whole 'Your mother once thought as you do' instead of 'Obi Wan once thought as you do' a very interesting point, and I honestly don't know what to feel about it; I think I'm neutral, and wouldn't mind too much either way with which one went ahead.

I do think that the change to 'mother' would be a logical one though, given what we've seen of Obi Wan and Padme in all six films.

In Sith, Obi Wan calls Anakin 'a very great threat', even going so far as to try and kill him. In A New Hope, Obi Wan says Vader killed Anakin, from a certain point of view, thus implying that he thinks that there is no good left in Vader, emphasised further in Jedi when Obi Wan tells Luke 'He's more machine now than man...twisted and evil'. Heck, from the get go Luke was being trained to eradicate Vader, to destroy the Sith, and return the Jedi. So, it's hard to imagine Obi Wan as ever thinking that Vader was redeemable.

Padme, on the other hand, actively tried to bring Anakin back from the Dark Side on Mustafar, and her last words before she died were 'There's still good in him', so Luke's mother did think along the same lines that Vader was not purely evil.

And having Vader mention for the first time Luke's mother in this scene could serve to highlight his gradual return to the Light Side, which I believe this part of Return of the Jedi seeks to do. Having embraced his lost son and now recalling his wife, the scene could effectively establish further humanity in Vader, building to his redemption and hinting that Vader will become a Jedi once more. The dialogue alteration here could perhaps strucutre Vader's return to grace more effectively, and create a more effective character arc then, making Vader saving his son and throwing Palpy down the shaft less sudden.

But if it were to be changed, it would have to be dealt with very cleverly. Vader wouldn't just recall his wife out of nowhere, and blatantly. So, instead of 'Your mother once thought as you do', it could maybe be inflected 'Your...mother...once thought as you do'. Then, possibly cut to a close up of Luke's face and cue Padme's theme playing very softly in the background. But I don't know if this is at all possible, as I haven't heard the audio source of James Earl Jones saying 'Mother' (if anyone could point me in the direction of it, I would be very interested to hear it).

However, is changing this line changing the original trilogy to fit in with the prequel trilogy? This is a dangerous path to take; surely the Prequels should be changed to fit in with the Originals, if anything.

Hmmmm...Very interesting...
Good points.
Of course, none of this would be an issue if Lucas would have just had Obi-Wan try to talk Anakin out of it in Episode III.

But he did... If I remember correctly Obi-wan tried convincing Anakin to come back to his side during the entire battle on Mustafar...
Well, he did say "Chancellor Palpatine is evil," but to me it seemed more like he had given up and was just lecturing Anakin for making the wrong choice rather than trying to convince him that it's not too late to come back (like he should have been doing according to that ROTJ line)

Agreed, Lucas should have shown more of Obi Wan trying to bring Anakin back to the light side in Sith, then we wouldn't have this sligt niggle with the dialogue here.

After Vader says this line, does he then say 'if only you knew the power of the dark side?' after it? I can't remember that scene all too well at the mo. I was just thinking that if he did, then the change to 'your mother' may not make complete sense, as it would imply that Padme knew a great deal about the Force, which isn't very accurate. Wait, or is it? Lol I just remembered that in Sith she does mention the Dark Side and the Sith to Anakin on Mustafar after she was informed by Obi Wan on Courouscant.

Damn Lucas and his swampy six-film plot!!

Some ROTJ fixes (sorry if they've already been mentioned):

-Original musical number

-Saber burns/wounds on Jabba's henchmen when Luke is kicking ass on the skiff and on the sail barge

-Remove Fett's scream after Solo ignites his jetpack

-Make Fett fire at the Sarlaac tentacle pulling him into the pit

-Fix Fett's jetpack effects (wrong angle currently)

-Saber returning to Vader's hand after he cuts the catwalk out from under Luke

-Ewoks need blinking eyes and mouth movement

-Yub Yub song as an extra


I find your lack of pants disturbing.


I would be happy if Fett wasn't in the movie at all. His appearance is pretty much wasted. I think it would be neat to have him solely as the ESB guy that got Solo. We know it was him who brought Han to Jabba, and it could be like he just moved on to his next bounty. One major job down, onto the next one. ;)

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Ripplin said:

I would be happy if Fett wasn't in the movie at all. His appearance is pretty much wasted. I think it would be neat to have him solely as the ESB guy that got Solo. We know it was him who brought Han to Jabba, and it could be like he just moved on to his next bounty. One major job down, onto the next one. ;)

I don't know how it would be done, but I agree that Fett is a pretty useless character in ROTJ.  Why is he still hanging out with Jabba?  He has no story in ROTJ, no reason to be there.


Episode II: Shroud of the Dark Side

Emperor Jar-Jar
“Back when we made Star Wars, we just couldn’t make Palpatine as evil as we intended. Now, thanks to the miracles of technology, it is finally possible. Finally, I’ve created the movies that I originally imagined.” -George Lucas on the 2007 Extra Extra Special HD-DVD Edition


Hey look who it is agian, I hold on to every post you......post.

Don't leave me for agian.................... Sorry ;]


The person your searching for simply does not exist


Adywan, I was thinking, when you get to ROTJ, there are a ton of continuity errors and things IMO that need to be addressed. Like the Emperor's throne room window. We see the battle with the star destroyers and the rebel fleet happening before the fleet merged together in that window. It would be nice to include Endore in the veiw of the window and subtley moving to work in continuity of the Death Star orbiting the moon. To make Endore an official moon, you should also show another bigger planet in the distance to make Endore an actual moon. I suggest you check imdb.com for continiuty errors listed for the movies on that site before you indulge in you edit of the film. Check the imdb ESB goofs too if you haven't already to make sure you get all of them. There are a lot, so I hope you will be up to the challenge!


My wish list for Jedi.

1) I know Ady was against changing the crawl for ANH and ESB (and why should he have they largely keep the tone of the film) but Jedi's first few minutes really do feel out of place with the other films. ANH starts with, "It is a period of civil war..." ESB has, "It is a dark time the Rebellion" and Jedi has "Luke Skywalker has returned to his home planet of Tatooine in an attempt to rescue his friend Han Solo from the clutches of the vile gangster Jabba The Hutt". The first two are potent tone setters for the film to follow, the third sounds like a cheap soap opera. I suggest that the crawl be reworked to put the threat to the rebels at the front and not just as a tail ender. If It started with "The Rebellion is doomed..." it would capture the urgent nature of this final episode from the beginning.

2) Some evidence of construction vehicles working on the Death Star (this thing is meant to be being built in haste but we see little evidence of it). I was tempted to suggest putting back the idea of having two Death Stars under construction from the early draft script but that would necessitate changing almost every line of dialogue refering to the new danger to the rebellion, shame really because it would make Jedi less like ANH. At the very least Endor needs a parent planet to be the moon of (I'd like to see a blue gas giant like Neptune to make it stand out from Yavin in ANH).

3) Extending the Star Destroyer flyby at the beginning or replacing it with The Executor (why is Vader taking a ride on a conventional Destroyer anyway, if it's to maintain the pretence of keeping Rebel intelligence in the dark about the new Death Star why bother parking The Executor next to the thing later in the film?).

4) Give the hanger sequences a bit more animation (the Stormtroopers are clearly mannikins and/or matte paintings for example and both hangers are clearly the same set even though the first one is meant to be much smaller than the one the Emperor lands in). I'm not too fussed with Vader using a standard shuttle but surely the Emperor should travel in a bit more style? Could he have a fancier version of the one he had in ROTS or at least something more fitting the ruler of the galaxy?

5) Remove the burping jokes.

6) Remove the Greedo lines from ANH.

7) Clip the bit where Lando pulls his mask down, it's obvious to us who he is already without underlining it.

8) The comedy droid torture scenes need to go. In the previous films torture scenes were presented as pure evil (and the practice is evil) but somehow George seems to think that droids don't matter even though he has made six films where two of the principle characters are robots which we are supposed to care about. Do we really need to see the scene at all? By the time we see the droids at work we know what they are doing without the needless exposition.

9) Cut the OTT aspects of the dance number but keep the added Fett footage if possible (Sy's lip close up and what's his face's tonsils really have to go). For the sake of preserving these posts in this thread here is another take on this scene http://originaltrilogy.com/forum/topic.cfm/Return-of-the-Jedi-Jabbas-Palace-Musical-Number-Recut/topic/10709/

10) Cut down Salacious Crumb's laughter (it's funny once but after a while it get's too much).

11) Boushh seems to get into the palace too easily and once he pulls the grenade only Boba Fett pulls a gun on him, the rest just panic (but none of them try to run away) If it is possible to somehow mix up the reactions of the court and have a couple more try to pull a gun too, keep a number quaking in fear, some trying to figure out the situation while a couple make a dash for the doors (it's all a few seconds so a few jump cuts could do it) it would make the situation seem more realistic and the mysterious new bounty hunter a bit more mysterious for the first time viewer.

12) Han's revival looks very poor, Harrison doesn't match up with the Carbonite version of Han very well and the Carbonite thawing effect looks a bit boring. His conversation with Chewie afterwards contains too much of George's dreaded unecessary exposition and cheapens Han's character a bit by breaking the tone. It would be better if the lines about Luke being a Jedi were removed and the focus was placed more on Solo finally thinking his luck has run out and his friends have all been dragged down too trying to save him. And while we are on the subject of horrible exposition could we have clunkers like, "Artoo, look! It's Captain Solo and he's still frozen in Carbonite!" removed? We can see that, we don't need to be told it too.

13) I'm not sure about Luke doing the force choke on the guards it feels a bit too much Sith like than Jedi like. I'd prefer him to pull the same distraction move Obi Wan did on the Stormtroopers in ANH while turning the tractor beam off (this isn't the same as having Greedo shoot first, Han is a hard nosed smuggler, Luke is meant to be a noble knight...his potential for turning to the dark side should only be revealed in the duel with Vader not during a minor confrontation with a couple of green pigs).

14) Jabba and his court need some of the same articulation that Ady gave to the Cantina patrons, while they are more animated than some of the solid masks used in ANH they often look very fake. It's Star Wars so some of the aliens should look on the comedic side of bizarre but it would throw off some of the, "It's just a bunch of Muppets" feeling if more of Jabba's court could be made to look genuinely frightening or at least threatening. The Devil bloke in the Cantina looks really scary but almost all of Jabba's lot look as threatening as a Doctor Who convention in Blackpool. Some glowing eyes, some dangerous looking snarls and the odd mean looking expression could just add the necessary edge to the place (putting in the planned Lightman might be an interesting addition to the court as well). And as much as I like the idea of the weeping Rancor keepers it does break the mood. Luke has just come through a fight for his life armed only with the bones of the Rancor's previous victims and you know that it's going to get worse for our heroes before it gets better but the tension gets broken by the non-robotic Laurel and Hardy of the Star Wars universe.

15) If something can be done with the Tatooine exteriors please do. The compositing still looks very fake and the colours are too vibrant to be taken seriously. The models of the barge and the skiffs look very model like and don't fit with the rather well made life size versions. Thank God they got rid of the felt tip drawn guy from the original version but couldn't the barge have a few more hands on deck (possibly in scale)? The Sarlacc still needs to be more alive (difficult I know it was a stupid idea in the first place) but it might be nice to see it rise out of the sand a little and maybe grab people off the skiff when it tilts (like the squid in "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea") I'm sure I'm going to get it in the neck for this but I'd prefer it if Luke cut Fett's head off than having Han's lucky poke at Fett's backpack sending him to his undignified onscreen end. I don't care if he is in the EU, having Luke remove Boba's head would confirm Luke as a fully trained Jedi and book end the Fett family story. This film is meant to be about a son trying not to suffer the same fate as his father it would foreshadow this theme if Boba who followed in his father's footsteps, met the same fate. George builds up the Fetts in half of the saga as these great secondary characters only to have Boba Fett die in most stupid comedic way possible. The barge explosion is another really fake effects shot that really needs something done to it (perhaps making the explosion so big it bleaches out the over saturated colours might be the way) and I really hate the unecessary shot of the droids being lifted out of the sand, more of George's slapshtick which we could do without. It might help validate R2's flying ability in the prequels if he used this skill in getting himself and Threepio off the barge (it is one of the few instances in the original trilogy where this would come in handy).

16) If there was some way of doing it could we have Luke getting a premonition that all is not well with Yoda? George was determined to wipe the slate with this film and tie up all the loose ends but the moment that Luke decides to go back to Dagobah, the little froggy guy croaks. Not just during the his stay but in the middle of a conversation. It might add to the tension if during the Sail Barge escape Luke got a vision of a clearly unwell Yoda which would add urgency to his going back and continue the out of the frying pan pace of the film. And could we make Ben look a little more ghostly? It's bad enough that he sits his spiritual bum down on a branch to deliver his lines but he could fade in and fade out, for all we know at the end of that scene Obi-wan could have been yapping away for hours like a couple of gossipy neighbours. Having Ben fade away and leaving Luke on his own would add to his uncertain feelings about his eventual confrontation with his father (sadly there is nothing we can do about Leia being Luke's sister which despite what Lucas may say was clearly a last minute thing and makes that big snog in Empire all the more worrying).

17) The set for the rebel conference looks awful. The original designs had these interesting maps and guys on cherry picker style chairs floating about but the final piece looks like some shiny piece of nonsense made out of plywood. And why the hell is 21B there? Some people say he's there to co-ordinate the medical needs of the fleet (I know the Rebels are the good guys but they put a robot in charge?) The truth is more likely they had this expensive prop from the previous film and stuck him in there for no reason other than they needed to fill the space (he should go). The sound seems to be very off in this scene too. In the other films Threepio is there for a reason, couldn't a piece of dialogue be inserted somewhere to explain that the droids are necessary to check or deliver the shuttle's emergency code? Otherwise why are they tagging along anyway? ("Here we go again" indeed). The rebel hanger paintings are really awful, they look nothing less than paintings and really take us out of the moment. The shots of the rebels ships going into hyperspace need to be redone. They don't disappear to the same vanishing point which is odd seeing as they are all going to the same place.

18) I don't know if the scene of Vader choking Jejerrod is out there or what state it's in if it is but Jedi needs to have some Vader being more than a push over scenes. I'm sure that if it is gone for good sending out a call to the fan movie makers out there we could have a passable Vader choking a Royal Guard scene made to fill the missing space in the script. It would be nice if the corridors of The Executor could be taken from Empire and stuck into the Jedi shots to replace the closed door we see in that film. The bridge set feels less spectcular in Jedi because of it.

19) I know it's manditory to have the phrase "I have a bad feeling about this" in every Star Wars film but could we just have one please?

20) Some of the speeder bike shots could do with a redo. And the spinning speeder bike looks awful.

21) Ewoks... perhaps it was inevitable I would get around to these guys but I actually quite like the idea of a large mechanised army being brought down by a bunch of teddy bears with bows and arrows. But do they have to look like little guys dressed as teddy bears? I loved the scene in "Galaxy Quest" where we see what looks like a bunch of cute aliens turn out to be vicious canibalistic sharp toothed monsters. Give the Ewoks some eyelids and some fierce looking facial expressions, hide the obvious moments where the suits look like suits and after a while even the most avid Ewok hater will grow to like them. I do have a problem with Luke levitating Threepio being enough to scare the little buggers into letting our heroes go. For years now the Ewoks would have seen a strange moon growing in their sky, plastic men flying on metal bikes and firing lightning out their hands (laser guns not Sith magic), so would they be so scared of some golden boob floating around on a chair? Couldn't Luke pull off a more effective light show and spare us Threepio acting like Dr Smith in "Lost In Space"? Could we lose Han and Threepio's comedy turn about the supplies in fact I'm rather uncomfortable with Threepio's story telling scene but if we must have it couldn't Artoo add a bit of holographic illustration to wow the natives?

22) The Emperor's slugs, why ILM haven't fixed this yet boggles the mind. It must be the easiest quick fix job on clipboard.

23) Leia remembers Padme...but how? One easy fix could be that when she refers to "images" she produces a locket with a picture of her mother and gives it Luke, something regal that Bail Organa may have given her when she was a little girl. If it fell out while Palpatine was zapping Luke, seeing it and Luke in pain may add a bit more umph to his Return to the light side (just an idea). A variation on the same idea is that Leia gets a strong mental image of Padme when she holds a mysterious pendant that used to belong to her (in ROTS we see Padme with the pendant in her coffin but perhaps she wasn't buried with it. Now that would have a serious impact on Vader if he saw it while Luke is getting handed his arse by the the Emperor). The less labour intensive option would be having the line edited to "No, just images really, feelings.". It would retcon Leia's knowledge of her mother to something even more vague without revealing when she died.

24) When Lando concludes that the shield is still up could we have a few rebels ships not pull up in time and smash into the shield? The Executor crashing into the Death Star is rubbish. A ship the size of a large city, crashing into a station the size of a moon, with all the drama of a paper dart smacking onto a kitchen floor. Once the shield is down the logical way to avoid getting zapped by the super laser would be to have the capital ships move closer to and attack the exposed sections of the Death Star as in this image : http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v200/txkarenr/txkarenr2/txkarenr3/SWPicRebelBombardment.jpg

25) I love the AT-AT on Endor but couldn't we see it enter into the battle? The sight of this metal monster stomping around through the forest being taken down by some trap would add a lot of wow into the ground battle. The dying Ewok should be very dead and there should be more of them (war has it's cost in lives and one moaning Ewok is not enough to show that). The comedy turns of the Ewoks should be cut (Lucas can't stop himself as the Gungans proved in TPM) And please remove the Ewok "Yahoo"s and the Tarzan stylings of Chewie.

26) In an earlier version of the script Jerjerrod realising that everything is going pear shaped turns the Death Star onto Endor and is about to blow it up and most of both fleets in a mad scorched sentry moon move. Could that be put back in? It may make Jedi even more like ANH but it would crank up the tension even more.

27) Kill Lando, blow up the Falcon. Once again I'm going to get it in the neck but : A) The Falcon is Solo's bachelor pad it underlines the Solo in his name, if he's going to be marrying into the Skywalker family he won't be Solo anymore and it gives some power to the line about his "funny feeling" so the sceptical pirate does have proof of a mystical energy field controlling everything, he predicted that the Falcon would go out in a blaze of glory. Solo's arc is completed and screw the EU. B) Lando in my eyes had no need to redeem himself after Empire he had the fates of all the people of Cloud City in his hands and he had to weigh that up against his friendship with Han but that wouldnt stop someone like him from feeling that he still has something to prove and as I said before for the victory to be justified it must come at a cost.

28) Get rid of Mannikin Skywalker and put Seb Shaw back where he belongs. Luke wants to see his father (the man he redeemed) not some child butchering, wife choking, creepy looking weirdo.

29) Silence the Gungan and change the music again. There must be a piece of music that sums up the bitter sweet elation of the end of tragic civil war out there somewhere (especially one without pan pipes).





Bingowings, some nice ideas there. Seeing the AT-AT in the forest would be awesome if it could be worked in.

I watched the 2nd half of Jedi last weekend, and one thing that struck me during the Ewok battle was the lack of laser blasts. Especially in the scene where the Ewoks first surround the stormtroopers and attack. There are arrows flying everywhere, but the stormtroopers only squeeze off a few rounds. If anything can jazz up the battle a little bit, it's hundreds of laser blasts!

And earlier, when Teebo steals the speeder bike and leads away all but one scout from the bunker, we shouldn't need to see what happens to him. As a virtual nobody in the movie, he really doesn't need his own personalized chase scene. Better yet, you could save his antics for later during the ground battle, where he leads the 2 scout troopers on a wild goose chase - he ditches, and then the scouts get taken out by the ewoks waiting with the throat-rope.

Jedi Rocks should be removed in its entirety. It's AWFUL. The song is awful, and the new CG is the one reason that I flat-out refuse to put the SE in my DVD player (for me it's worse than Greedo shooting first). Lapti Nek is much more fitting, although I'd be perfectly happy if the musical number were cut completely.

(It's strange how the humor added to ROTJ seems to parallel the humor in the Last Crusade, especially in the Harrison Ford department. You know, it's like they're trying TOO HARD to be cute and funny. I guess that's the only kind of trilogy-ender that George can cook up. Man, I almost wish Adywan would skip ESB and get right to ROTJ.)

You know of the rebellion against the Empire?


I'm still reading through all of your ideas, but some great comments, Bingowings!

I think we're on a similar page about ROTJ...

Did you check out my thread?


I'd love some feedback from you on what I've done so far...

I'll comment on your stuff soon...I'm heading out the door right now...

SSWR’s YouTube channel

Attack of the Clones: Alternate Timeline Edit Thread:

SomethingStarWarsRelated said:

I'm still reading through all of your ideas, but some great comments, Bingowings!

I think we're on a similar page about ROTJ...

Did you check out my thread?


I'd love some feedback from you on what I've done so far...

I'll comment on your stuff soon...I'm heading out the door right now...

I have read your thread before and it is tempting to start the film that way but the Death Star is a threat to the whole galaxy and specifically the goals of the Rebellion, so it makes sense to start with what matters most.

Rescuing Han almost seems like a selfish act by Luke and Leia. Both are key members of the Alliance and they risk being captured and sold on to the Empire for a friend (and in Leia's case a lover).

Yoda and Obi-Wan warned Luke about such an action (as they warned another pupil of theirs a generation before) but they both go ahead and do it anyway. Bloody Skywalkers!

Lando was a much more responsible leader but Leia in love couldn't see it and stood by as Chewie tried to strangle him.

I do worry about that girl if she did get any Jedi training, she's certainly a chip off her daddy's Japor snippet (forget the bad guys of the EU for a moment and take a good hard look, the heroes of the the original trilogy look ideally set to become the villains of the sequel trilogy which Lucas keeps telling us will never happen).

My bag with the Ewoks isn't that they are there but that they don't live up to their potential.

George rather sensatively equated the Ewoks with the South Vietnamese bringing down the technologically dependent Americans with twigs and gumption...mmm.

As uncomfortable as that sounds he does have a point (to a point).

Most people before that war, if they were aware of the Vietnamese at all, would have thought of them as funny little ethnic stereotypes.

If the Ewoks through clever manipulation and editing could be made to look less like cute merchandising prospects and more like a genuine species with a full range of emotional responses, they would be more believable as a fighting force that could take on the Empire.

As for the song in Jedi I'm not too keen on Jedi Rocks or either version of Lapti Nek (at least it wasn't Jefferson Starship) but I actually like the idea of a song, because it's genuinely rather weird and adds a chaotic and debaunched element to Jabba's court.

Perhaps if someone got all the video elements from Jedi Rocks, Lapti Nek and the Lapti Nek music video, removed the most offensively awful shots of the players and put it to a more alien sounding song it could be made to work and I have no problem with Boba chatting up the singers either.




Trooperman said (about Boba Fett):

He has no story in ROTJ, no reason to be there.

Boba Fett is in ROTJ so that Han Solo can get back at him. Offing him in the way he does it is the ultimate humiliation.

Bingowings said:

2) Some evidence of construction vehicles working on the Death Star (this thing is meant to be being built in haste but we see little evidence of it).

How about some specks in space, near the unconstructed parts of the Death Star. That would do the effect, but not be obtrusive.

8) The comedy droid torture scenes need to go.

Oh yes. I think that most of the scene should be kept. The dialogue is useful, in that it explains why R2-D2 is not present in Jabba's throne room, but the sounds of and exclusive shots of droid torture are not.

Somehow GL seems to think that watching droids and aliens being in pain is amusing to watch. It started with this scene in ROTJ and got taken to the extreme in some parts of TPM ....

Give the Ewoks some eyelids and some fierce looking facial expressions, hide the obvious moments where the suits look like suits and after a while even the most avid Ewok hater will grow to like them.

If the Ewoks through clever manipulation and editing could be made to look less like cute merchandising prospects and more like a genuine species with a full range of emotional responses, they would be more believable as a fighting force that could take on the Empire.


I think it is important to get across that the Ewoks, although primitive by galaxy standards, are both fierce and organized. Not cuddly!

Wipe off their permanent smiles from their faces. Let us see them move their lips instead of just gesturing. Let us see fangs!

Could we lose Han and Threepio's comedy turn about the supplies

No way! I love that!

Mostly, I think that you want to change too much! I believe that this movie would be more work for Adywan than both ANH and ESB combined. It seems like what you want is a whole different movie instead of the same movie improved.


A suggestion that I saw in an unrelated thread on the board:

* If possible, let us see Luke cut off more limbs when he starts slashing on the sail barge. "It looks like he is using a bat, not a lightsaber".



Mostly, I think that you want to change too much! I believe that this movie would be more work for Adywan than both ANH and ESB combined. It seems like what you want is a whole different movie instead of the same movie improved.


If you mean, in an ideal universe I could go back in time, cuff George Lucas to Gary Kurtz and force him get much of the same team who made Empire to produce a more original and satisfying conclusion to the first trilogy, you betchya!

There is a lot that's fine with Jedi but most of that stems from decisions taken years before for the first two films.

The core cast (though not at their best) still managed to generate a unique atmosphere (Jedi feels more like Star Wars than any of the prequels not just because of the nostagic buzz of revisiting old friends but because in casting those actors something magic happened that wasn't there when cast for TPM was assembled). If instead of making the prequels Lucas had made a set of films set after Jedi, with the original cast but with the same frightful lack of attention to story and character development as we saw in the prequels he did make, I imagine they would be rather like Jedi.

The production artists (though not pushed to reach beyond the necessary) still created work from set and model design to musical score which reminded the audience why they fell in love with the feast for the imagination that the Star Wars universe provided.

But Jedi was where Lucas (unwisely) kicked away the checks and balances to his creative processes.

He got in a director he could totally dominate, he surrounded himself with yes men and pushed home the "It'll do" attitude that caused so much friction between himself, Gary Kurtz and Irvin Kershner (who wanted to push the saga beyond that).

In the end Jedi feels like a contractual obligation project rather than a unique work of art.

George is a get it done guy and looking around at what he has done in the various fields he has his digits stuck into is proof of that.

People like Kurtz acted like a pressure valve, slowing that energy down and focusing it until the end results were polished jewels.

If you look at what Kurtz did without someone like George behind him you can see that he was just as lost on his own. The Dark Crystal, Return To Oz and Slipstream are all well intentioned pieces, full of great ideas but lacking the spark of momentum that the first two Star Wars films had.

Lucas after Raiders is all energy without focus or at least the same focus (Jedi and the prequels are more about selling toys than selling magic).

And it starts to really show in Jedi.

So in a sense yes. I do want a different film.

Ady himself has said that Jedi is a big project for him, unlike Empire (where the most of the work is repair and restoration) Jedi was flawed from the start and to get as much out of it will take a bit more than just painting over the cracks in the plaster.

I don't expect all of my suggestions to come to anything, some are possibly impossible.

But the point of this thread is to make wish lists.

Those were my wishes.

I'm not so quixotic to assume that all my dreams will come true.

The point of my putting them out there is that some of them may not have crossed the minds of people like Ady making these projects and if possible and appealling to them some of them will come true.

That said, even if all my suggestions (and the equally valid suggestions of others posting here) were realised in a redux, the story would essentially be the same, it would just fit in better than it currently does with the rest of the trilogy and balance better with the prequels too which seems to be what most people want from projects of this kind made by Ady and others.

There are preservation projects which just correct the colour or present the different theatrical versions but the Revisited series seems to be a different beast.

P.S. My objection to the Han/Threepio comedy routine is that it takes the viewer out of the moment and is inconsistant with the usual style of Threepio/human humour up until that point. In ANH and ESB Threepio is put down or shut up because generally nobody cares what he has to say because he's a droid (even when he is making sense as seen with the hyperdrive in ESB). The scene in Jedi doesn't fit that model it's just a comedy scene for the sake of a comedy scene. Threepio frequently makes (possibly despite himself) very important comments which add to the story. When he points out that no-one cares what happens to a droid in ANH Han points out that droids are disposable and can be pulled to pieces if they step out of line to which he backs down. This is a political message. Droids in the Star Wars universe are slaves and even our heroes maintain this state of affairs (just as the noble Jedi in the Old Republic did nothing about human slavery in places beyond the Republic's borders). ESB also has a couple of moments of irony on this theme, when the constantly put down and ignored slave spots Stormtroopers in Cloud City his first response is to protect his owners who barely give a damn about him when he goes missing. The one person who does go looking for him and tries to put him back together is the same Chewie that Han says will pull his arms off when should he loose at playing a game. Later when R2 (the voiceless pro-active one) notices that the hyperdrive still isn't working, Threepio takes his owners word for gospel and tries to pull rank on R2 (who thankfully as always, pays no attention to him). The exchange in Jedi doesn't as it stands fit that format. I'd want it kept in if Threepio turned the humiliation around for once after all he did save the heroes dozens of times but as it stands, it just doesn't fit.




I know Adywan said he's keeping the SE celebrations at the end of ROTJ, but in my opinon they just don't make sense.


First, the Rebels didn't have their forces spread out around all those locales to liberate them from the Empire, so having all the planets celebrate at the same time seems implausible. One could argue that the Emperor controlled through the dark side all his forced throughout the galaxy, so when he died the imperial forces were easy to defeat, but still seems unlikely.


Second, what does Tatooine have to celebrate? They were ruled by the Hutts, not the empire, and they were ruled by gangsters even when the Republic was in control in the prequel trilogy. What does the defeat of the empire mean to them?


Third, we never really see what impact the Empire has on regular people, so seeing celebrations by anonymous groups other than our protagonists just seems trite.


But if Ady wants to keep 'em, that's OK. I'm sure his version will be better than the SE no matter what.


JohnGreenArt said:

Second, what does Tatooine have to celebrate? They were ruled by the Hutts, not the empire, and they were ruled by gangsters even when the Republic was in control in the prequel trilogy. What does the defeat of the empire mean to them?

Perhaps they're sympathetic of all the planets that are miserable under Imperial control, possibly much worse than they have it with the Hutts? It's like a disease that anyone would be happy to see defeated, right? ;)


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If we want to go by EU, as well, the celebration knocks "Truce at Bakura" totally out of the loop.  Which is, IMO, a decent read.

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em

JohnGreenArt said:

I know Adywan said he's keeping the SE celebrations at the end of ROTJ, but in my opinon they just don't make sense.


First, the Rebels didn't have their forces spread out around all those locales to liberate them from the Empire, so having all the planets celebrate at the same time seems implausible. One could argue that the Emperor controlled through the dark side all his forced throughout the galaxy, so when he died the imperial forces were easy to defeat, but still seems unlikely.


Second, what does Tatooine have to celebrate? They were ruled by the Hutts, not the empire, and they were ruled by gangsters even when the Republic was in control in the prequel trilogy. What does the defeat of the empire mean to them?


Third, we never really see what impact the Empire has on regular people, so seeing celebrations by anonymous groups other than our protagonists just seems trite.


But if Ady wants to keep 'em, that's OK. I'm sure his version will be better than the SE no matter what.


I don't have a problem with the celebrations because I never saw them as happening at exactly the same time as the Endor celebrations.

As for Tatooine they were never part of the Republic but they were clearly swept up in the expansion of the Empire.

It was like a far flung province of the Roman Empire where local kings or chiefs were allowed to remain or placed into power as puppets (ahem) but the Empire still had over all control.

ANH showed Star Destroyers in battle over the planet and Stormtroopers in the streets of Mos Eisley (the Hutts wisely didn't get involved where as they might have done in days of the Republic).

I would have showed more planets and some damage to the buildings showing that the local uprisings weren't so easy.

I'm not sure if the Jedi Temple would be in such a pristine state by the time of Jedi (unless it was being used as a museum dedicated to the treachery of the Jedi in the old regime).

Another radical change to Jedi which might make the piece more believable would be instead of blowing up the shield generator the rebels switched it's focus so it protected a large area of Endor from the devastating effects of a large metal moon blowing up in close orbit.




Has anyone tried to add to the lightsaber fight at the end of jedi, from Returning to jedi documetury, there is added fotage of the lightsaber battle, I wanted to know if it is possible to edut them together?

Clips on youtube here-  Return to jedi, starts at the 1:40 mark

Original I Tried to edit it myself,.... That did not work :/

Im no good.

The Links don't work, just type on youtube, Returning to jedi part 20,

And then Luke Vs Vader.....


The person your searching for simply does not exist


Josh, I don't think that's additional footage so much as it is alternate camera angles... but of course, I could be wrong.

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em


Yes, A diffrent angle it is........ but the original in the film was edited, this shows some of the unedited extra moves, alas like spining and doing some chops!, That would be the only part that should be edited in. Just a Quick shot off it.

Of couse if ady was going to edit it in, the film color would have to be restored, quality, and Blade colors......

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