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Post #325315

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Info Wanted: a Fan Restoration of the uncut 'who framed roger rabbit' - using the new remastered dvd and the 1988 laserdisc - has one ever been done?
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Date created
29-Jul-2008, 7:47 PM
negative1 said:

i'm curious also, i really liked the movie , and saw it opening day..

so i was happy to have it on laserdisc, and then on dvd..

i would never have noticed anything missing, until you mentioned

it, and even now, i really can't tell the difference???





You wouldn't be able to tell.  These were such tiny, tiny differences as to be imperceptible to the human eye... which is how the animators got away with it (the nudity, for example) until laserdisk came out and some, ahem, perv scanned through the frames and found the naughtiness.


All that would really be needed would be capture of some specific scenes from the now OOP laserdisk.

