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adywan said: well i did it because only in ANH & ESB does the starfield rotate when you see a ship entering hyperspace. i all other movies it remains static (check out when the fleet jump to hyperspace in ROTJ). Also if the starfieilds rotate like that then doesn't that mean that the ship has to spin to get into hyperspace?


I believe I already mentioned the RotJ rotation as a "cheat" in my earlier post, but the reason why we don't see the rotating Star Field in the prequels is because there is no inner cockpit shot of the starfield stretching, and the camera angle not directly behind the ship at a close proximity when it goes into warp. 

Also if the starfieilds rotate like that then doesn't that mean that the ship has to spin to get into hyperspace?

Not really. I always looked at that sequence as just an effect that happens when you're directly behind something that goes into Hyperspace. You know? Camera tricks. Star Wars has plenty of those.

You might also note that even though the rest of the Star Wars movies don't have the spinning star field effect, that doesn't mean other Star Wars material out there doesn't use it either. Take Knights of the Old Republic for instance. They have a shot with an inner cockpit set up with the stars stretching and than it cuts to them going into warp with the star field spinning. That was an awesome moment because they were taking visual elements from the original trilogy and not the prequel trilogy. Not everything visual wise in Star Wars has to make sense.

I actually asked the Star Wars website about why the prequels didn't feature any inner cockpit shots of the starfield stretching and Lucas actually responded saying that he wanted to keep the thrill of going into Hyperspace in the Millennium Falcon more exciting since he expects people to watch the movies in chronological order and that was a defining hyperspace moment. 

And if you can't trust visual continuity, maybe it was the camera spinning on it's own. Now you'll probably ask "Than why doesn't the ship rotate as well?", and I would say that 'light' is a very complicated thing. They're moving faster than the speed of light, so the visual sight of them leaving will always be straight while the stars move around you. It's hokey, I know. But it's fun when you try to think up stuff when it comes to visuals like that. That's what makes Star Wars cool for me.


Adywan,  did you ever give any thought to fixing the cockpit windows on the TIEs?  I'm sure you've noticed that the internal and external views of the window frame don't match...




Galvatron, I was concerned that you thought he could still fix it, but I realize now that you were asking if he thought about it.  Nevermind then. :-)

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My memory is a bit hazy on this one... are we talking the starfield spinning inside our outside the ship POV? Because if it's outside, maybe you could explain it as the "camera" getting jostled by the ship's hyperspace engine wash or something. ;)



Edit: Wow, nevermind... three people posted as I was composing this!


Btw, I was thinking... I hope you don't add any lense flares to this release (I hate 'em anyway, they just draw attention to the fact that this is a movie... they only make sense realistically if it's in a scene where the character is looking through glass or something), but if you do, what do you think about the suggestions people made about the proper anamorphic lense (the oval, rather than round effect)?


Adywan and friends thanks for your work, I just found out about your edit a week ago and had previously never made dvd  from the internet so it took a couple of days to figure it out. Now I have the NTSC DVD9 version and I have watched it several times. I am amazed by the sound and picture quaility to say the least. I cant say enough about what you've  done, hell I even shed a couple tears watching it.  I would like to have the PAL DVD9 since it is a higher rez version but cant find it. I plane on building a high end home theater in the future so the extra rez version would help on a 120-130in  2:40 aspect ratio  screen. I plane on spending a fortune on it so I can watch my STAR WARS in the best enviroment possible . I used  utorrent and roxio to make my dvd I am too computer eliterate to figure out all the a.b. STAR WARS stuff, but I do love STAR WARS any suggestioons on getting a the PAL DVD9 version. I am willing to PIF or B&P with anybody. Also I used Sony DVD+RDL disc and they seem to work well so for anybody haveing trouble with other brands those may be an option.


Thanks you have truely made Episode IV timeless,  keep up the good work.

adywan said:

Galvatron said:

Adywan, did you ever give any thought to fixing the cockpit windows on the TIEs? I'm sure you've noticed that the internal and external views of the window frame don't match...

yeh i noticed that but without clean background plates to work with i couldn't do anything about it.


You couldn't have rotated the outer window to line up with the inner?

Kurgan said:


Btw, I was thinking... I hope you don't add any lense flares to this release (I hate 'em anyway, they just draw attention to the fact that this is a movie... they only make sense realistically if it's in a scene where the character is looking through glass or something), but if you do, what do you think about the suggestions people made about the proper anamorphic lense (the oval, rather than round effect)?

Galvatron said:

adywan said:

Galvatron said:

Adywan, did you ever give any thought to fixing the cockpit windows on the TIEs? I'm sure you've noticed that the internal and external views of the window frame don't match...

yeh i noticed that but without clean background plates to work with i couldn't do anything about it.


You couldn't have rotated the outer window to line up with the inner?


This edit is finished. Done. Finito. Everybody understand? Adywan won't be taking suggestions from anybody....so please stop.

I love everybody. Lets all smoke some reefer and chill. Hug and kisses for everybody.

vbangle said:

Kurgan said:

Btw, I was thinking... I hope you don't add any lense flares to this release (I hate 'em anyway, they just draw attention to the fact that this is a movie... they only make sense realistically if it's in a scene where the character is looking through glass or something), but if you do, what do you think about the suggestions people made about the proper anamorphic lense (the oval, rather than round effect)?


This edit is finished. Done. Finito. Everybody understand? Adywan won't be taking suggestions from anybody....lol


What? Surely you're joking...


No. I'm not. Please read the thread.

I love everybody. Lets all smoke some reefer and chill. Hug and kisses for everybody.

vbangle said:

This edit is finished. Done. Finito. Everybody understand? Adywan won't be taking suggestions from anybody....so please stop.


I wasn't making a suggestion.  I understand the edit is finished.  So please stop.

Galvatron said:

vbangle said:

This edit is finished. Done. Finito. Everybody understand? Adywan won't be taking suggestions from anybody....so please stop.


I wasn't making a suggestion. I understand the edit is finished. So please stop.


Wonderful. So you nit pick Adywan's edit , rather than let him work on his next edit....Good for you.

I love everybody. Lets all smoke some reefer and chill. Hug and kisses for everybody.


Who's nitpicking?  I asked a couple of simple questions.  I wasn't passing judgment on his work.

Galvatron said:

adywan said:

Galvatron said:

Adywan, did you ever give any thought to fixing the cockpit windows on the TIEs? I'm sure you've noticed that the internal and external views of the window frame don't match...

yeh i noticed that but without clean background plates to work with i couldn't do anything about it.


You couldn't have rotated the outer window to line up with the inner?

no because the original window would still be part of the background. I tried various ways of fixing this but it was only possible in some shots in the trench run so i left it as it was.


wow what's with all the hostility. calm down guys. lol

i understood that it was a question. i don't think he was making any suggestions that i should fix it.




So I guess you'd have to re-create the scene with new elements to do it properly right? So too much work in other words... though I figure it would be easier to modify the external model than the internet "1st person" pov.


vbangle said:

Galvatron said:

vbangle said:

This edit is finished. Done. Finito. Everybody understand? Adywan won't be taking suggestions from anybody....so please stop.


I wasn't making a suggestion. I understand the edit is finished. So please stop.


Wonderful. So you nit pick Adywan's edit , rather than let him work on his next edit....Good for you.


What are you, Ady's lawyer now... maybe his Secret Service Agent? ;)


Seriously, Adywan doesn't have to take anyone's suggestions if he doesn't want to. Heck, he doesn't even have to READ them. There's no call for you to shut people down because you think this will slow down ESB:R. It's not like he's some kind of soft flower that you have to coddle or he'll run screaming from the room and you won't get your precious edit.

Reality check, this is probably going to take TWO YEARS give or take, just like the last one did. Even if he spends a whole week doing nothing but reading people's suggestions on here, it's not going to make much difference in the long run when it comes to a release date. Or he could quit tomorrow and there'd be nothing anyone here could do about it (other than make their own project of course). Feedback on SW:R can only contribute to making ESB:R and ROTJ:R better, even if he never ever looks back at the first edit again. PLUS, if anyone ever wants to use his edit as a base for their own edits, this feedback becomes even more useful.

See? So it's all constructive, chill out.


So I decided to watch Adywan's edition first. :) It was great looked very great very clear the lasers were very defined I enjoyed it very much. Thanks Adywan I can't wait till the Empire Strikes Back I might even hold off watching ESB all together (I have never seen it before) till your version comes out even though I have already bought the 2 dvd set.

adywan said:

no because the original window would still be part of the background. I tried various ways of fixing this but it was only possible in some shots in the trench run so i left it as it was.


That makes sense to me.  I can live with it.  After all, it's ILM's fault, not yours.


Another question: did you add the scrolling starfield to the Falcon's gunnery windows for effect or realism?  Because I don't think it's actually more realistic.  After all, we don't see the stars scroll by that fast when looking up at the sky from a fast-moving vehicle on Earth.  If you did it for effect, that makes sense.  It actually looks better, but it didn't dawn on me that it detracted from the realism until today.  Then again, so do the sound effects in space, but I wouldn't suggest removing those.

classicrock1169 said:

So I decided to watch Adywan's edition first. :) It was great looked very great very clear the lasers were very defined I enjoyed it very much. Thanks Adywan I can't wait till the Empire Strikes Back I might even hold off watching ESB all together (I have never seen it before) till your version comes out even though I have already bought the 2 dvd set.


Just so you know... generally speaking... Empire is thought to be THE best of the entire saga...


Generally speaking...


;' )

A Man With Far Too Much Time On His Hands

Unfortunately, everything that came after it treated us like arse.

Covenant said:

classicrock1169 said:

So I decided to watch Adywan's edition first. :) It was great looked very great very clear the lasers were very defined I enjoyed it very much. Thanks Adywan I can't wait till the Empire Strikes Back I might even hold off watching ESB all together (I have never seen it before) till your version comes out even though I have already bought the 2 dvd set.


Just so you know... generally speaking... Empire is thought to be THE best of the entire saga...


Generally speaking...


;' )

So do you think I should wait till adywan releases his version or should I just go ahead and watch the version I have. I might be expecting to much if I don't what do you think.

Galvatron said:

Another question: did you add the scrolling starfield to the Falcon's gunnery windows for effect or realism? Because I don't think it's actually more realistic. After all, we don't see the stars scroll by that fast when looking up at the sky from a fast-moving vehicle on Earth. If you did it for effect, that makes sense. It actually looks better, but it didn't dawn on me that it detracted from the realism until today. Then again, so do the sound effects in space, but I wouldn't suggest removing those.

it was added for effect. The Falcon always looked like it was just sitting there during the attack so, by adding a faster moving starfield, it gives the effect that they are moving at speed.



classicrock1169 said:

Covenant said:

classicrock1169 said:

So I decided to watch Adywan's edition first. :) It was great looked very great very clear the lasers were very defined I enjoyed it very much. Thanks Adywan I can't wait till the Empire Strikes Back I might even hold off watching ESB all together (I have never seen it before) till your version comes out even though I have already bought the 2 dvd set.


Just so you know... generally speaking... Empire is thought to be THE best of the entire saga...


Generally speaking...


;' )

So do you think I should wait till adywan releases his version or should I just go ahead and watch the version I have. I might be expecting to much if I don't what do you think.

Even in SE form, ESB is the least messed up of the three. Even Adywan has said it is already a nearly perfect movie (which it is) and his edit will be much more cosmetic than Star Wars was. So, by all means, DON'T WAIT! ;) You'll kick yourself if you do.

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I just watched your Star Wars Ep IV - Revisited 2008 (Purist Edition) and all I can say is WOW!

My favorite edit that you did was giving the aliens facial expressions! That was such a great touch to the movie!

THIS is how Star Wars should be, thank you so much for doing this and I can't wait to see what you do in Empire Strikes Back.


Thank you,


Ripplin said:

classicrock1169 said:

Covenant said:

classicrock1169 said:

So I decided to watch Adywan's edition first. :) It was great looked very great very clear the lasers were very defined I enjoyed it very much. Thanks Adywan I can't wait till the Empire Strikes Back I might even hold off watching ESB all together (I have never seen it before) till your version comes out even though I have already bought the 2 dvd set.


Just so you know... generally speaking... Empire is thought to be THE best of the entire saga...


Generally speaking...


;' )

So do you think I should wait till adywan releases his version or should I just go ahead and watch the version I have. I might be expecting to much if I don't what do you think.

Even in SE form, ESB is the least messed up of the three. Even Adywan has said it is already a nearly perfect movie (which it is) and his edit will be much more cosmetic than Star Wars was. So, by all means, DON'T WAIT! ;) You'll kick yourself if you do.

If he's watched the prequels then none of the big surprises will be surprises in ESB, so I'm not sure the movie will have the same impact it did on those who saw the originals when they first came out. If you've seen Episodes I-III, you've pretty much been spoiled for ESB.

But it is still a great movie!


Personally, I've advised certain various friends and their brats who hadn't yet seen any of the Star Wars saga, to start with 'A New Hope' (Adywan's version of course) and the rest of the Original Trilogy, before seeing the Prequels, regardless of the numerical order....  :)