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first of al (like you haven't heard it before)

You are the God of Star Wars fans around the world, finally making the version that was meant to be made!!

I also have a suggestion/queston:

when Vader has cut of luke's hand, there comes a whole speech about "join me, rule the galaxy together and blablabla"

I see two problems in some of the shots there

* Darth Vaders shoulders do not match, they look like the suit is way to big for the person underneath it, just looks like a bad skinny stand in
* when we see a above shot (it's hard to explain), his arm is (i think) supposed to be menacing as he is making his statement with his fist while preaching.
However it just looks stupid, his arm hand is just waving a little in the air, looks more like he's holding his balance then being menacing. It is possible/planned to do something about that?
It's just the angle, the shoulder pads are always that wide, usually his cape covers it.
Savage said:

I would actually like to see a more elaborate reveal of the Death Star II in ROTJ to give it a bigger sense of scale. I don't know how this would be possible, but it's one of the things that I think could be done better in the film

This just came to me: Beginning of RotJ, after the crawl, the camera pans down to the curve of a gray planet with the Executor in the distance. The camera switches to one closer to the Executor as a shuttle flies toward camera (the shot I mocked up a few days ago). The camera pans or switches angles to reveal the shuttle flying towards the massive DSII, taking up much more of the frame than the original shot.

I think they never really show in RotJ that the DSII is huge, maybe you should never be able to see the whole thing in a frame, just pieces of it, never getting the whole picture of what it looks like.

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Adywan - About the 'large, unnatural orange glow' from the little asteroid entering the large 'crater' of the huge 'potato'-shaped asteroid that I flagged up recently -

Having watched this again now, there is a definate 'sound effect' for it, so if you do decide to do something with it, it's probably easiest to just leave the little asteroid and it's shadow, rather than erase it, and just erase the 'glow'.

Also, while I don't really want to talk about 'Jedi' ideas on this thread, with the recent talk of replacing the beginning sequence with a 'different look' to 'A New Hope's' imagery, I'd just like to say that although I love the idea of the 'Executor' being involved instead, that I still hope the actual 'Jedi' overhead shot of the Stardestroyer is kept somewhere, as it is still a great visual, whether with 'shuttles' or not...
adywan said:

Having the original dialogue, or as much as possible, has always been something i wanted to do from the start. The new dialogue is horrible and has to go. If this idea doesn't work then it will stay as "Young Skywalker" because that line still works miles better than how its been changed for the 2004 DVDs

I agree, I remember listening to the Hologram scene for the first time on the 2004 DVDs and thinking, that was completely awful and unnecessary . Its one of my most hated changes to the trilogy and if I could Id like to discuss why.

There was no reason to add this altered dialogue.

Emperor- We have a new enemy, the young rebel who destroyed the death star. I have no doubt this boy is the offspring of Anakin Skywalker
Vader- How is that possible?
Emperor- Search your feelings Lord Vader, you will know it to be true. He could destroy us

It adds absolutely nothing to the story or the scene, it goes nowhere. The conversation worked just fine as it was, I really think it would be worth cutting out those new additions by the emperor and Vader completely and try to recreate the original conversation.

Heres the two versions

Original dialogue

Vader- What is thy biding my master?
Emperor- There is a great disturbance in the force.
Vader- I have felt it.
Emperor- We have a new enemy, Luke Skywalker
Vader- Yes my master
Emperor- He could destroy us
Vader- Hes just a boy, Obi wan can no longer help him
Emperor- The force is strong with him..The son of Skywalker must not become a Jedi
Vader- If he could be turned he would become a powerful ally
Emperor- Yes..Yes he would be a great asset. Can it be done?
Vader- He will join us or die Master

New dialogue

Vader- What is thy biding my master?
Emperor- There is a great disturbance in the force.
Vader- I have felt it
Emperor- We have a new enemy, the young rebel who destroyed the death star. I have no doubt this boy is the offspring of Anakin Skywalker
Vader- How is that possible?
Emperor- Search your feelings Lord Vader, you will know it to be true. He could destroy us
Vader- Hes just a boy, Obi wan can no longer help him
Emperor- The force is strong with him, the son of Skywalker must no become a Jedi
Vader- If he could be turned he would become a powerful ally
Emperor- Yes he would be a great asset. Can it be done?
Vader- He will join us or die Master

Heres links to both in mp3





"The Empire can't stop us now..now its our turn" -Luke-

Over in Darth Editous' ESB thread (or was it his ANH thread?), someone posted a clip of McDiarmid's lines, but changed the 'yes' a bit to match the old audio. The first was stretched a bit, I think. Though it messed up the music in the background, it sounded pretty good. :) It also added in that second yes, of course.

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Wouldn't it be an OK thing to add the Emperor's theme to that scene also?
I like having McDiarmid there as a visual continuity match to the rest of the series, but I can't say I liked his reading. The difference in his delivery between TESB and ROTJ is annoying (though I do understand it; it's been 20 years since he did ROTJ); he sounds like he's half-asleep! And yes, that "enhanced" dialog adds nothing to the scene other than an unnecessary link back to the prequels.

The technical challenge of overhauling this scene while keeping McDiarmid in it (I'm sorry, but I can't see going back to monkey-face) would seem to be insurmountable. If Ady can pull it off, he'll truly be a Ghod Amongst Ghods.
There are 10 types of people in this world: those who understand binary, and those who do not.
I've been lurking here for a few weeks now and thought I'd add a quick suggestion that I don't think has been put forward yet. When the Falcon blasts out of the ice cave/hangar on Hoth, I always thought that the boxes and equipment behind it should get blown all over. Because they don't move at all, I've always felt that that shot doesn't look as real as it could have. Very high regards and thanks to Adywan for giving me (and us) the version of Star Wars that I've always wanted. Yours will be the version of Ep. IV that I play for my son when he's old enough.
Ripplin said:

The ESB Emperor will always be Clive "Monkeyeyes" Oldwoman to me, so anything done with McDiarmid will be fine. Heh.

My thoughts exactly, I dont care about the continuity issue at all Id rather see it the original way anyday

Ripplin said:

I'd like to see someone sync the McDiarmid footage with the Revill audio. Ha!

I was thinking the same thing. Adys already done a great job "shadowing" the emperors hologram, what if you could darken it even further to avoid having a problem with the lips matching the spoken words and just modulate the original speech (pre 2004 DVDs) to make it distorted since it was a hologram transmitting and they were getting disruption from the near by asteroid field. It may be worth a try just to see how it comes out.

"The Empire can't stop us now..now its our turn" -Luke-

That's not a bad idea - use transmission static and video fade to cover up where you need to edit the new video to fit the old audio. Audio static and processing can explain/help hide that it's not McD's voice, or if you really experiment with it, find a way to make the old audio sound MORE like McD, or at least close enough that you can use audio static to cover the difference the rest of the way.

My outlook on life - we’re all on the Hindenburg anyway…no point fighting over the window seat.

Ripplin said:

Yeah, to make the static more of an issue, that line about 'moving the fleet so we can send a clear transmission' could be replaced. Dig this:

PIETT: The Emperor commands you make contact with him.


Or in keeping with the PT dialog standards:

PIETT: The Emperor commands you make contact with him.

VADER: Okee-Dokee.

O.T. or No T., baby!

ANH:R Cover Art

ESB:R Cover Art

Sevb32 said:

Wouldn't it be an OK thing to add the Emperor's theme to that scene also?

I agree with this. In fact, I think I suggested something similar way back. Although a few people agreed with me, I never got to hear ady's response. He did say that he wasn't adding any PT music, but this isn't a PT theme. It's from ROTJ in the OT. And if stretching the audio for the "yes, yes" portion ruins the music, then all the more reason to add the emperor's theme instead.

The key, as many posters suggested, was to do it subtle and not too loud. I think it could work perfectly if done right (and ady has proven himself to have a very good feeling for what's enough and what's too much)
I can't wait to hear what exactly Adywan plans to do with this edit. I feel that his vision for IV was just about perfectly inline with my tastes, although I would have personally included the extended Alderan scene.

I think he is able to bridge the gap fairly well between the keep it the original way, because that is the way it was people, and those of us that don't want to change something just to change it, but are for updating it a bit such as the Ep. IV additions, enable to make it even better than the original. Basicly what Lucas could have done with the official special additions.

Can nobody else admit, yes Empire is a great movie, but some of the effects, scenes, could certainly be freshened up a tad, to bring the movie into the future a little bit? No plot changes, etc, just a refresh/or some might call it a REVISIT?

Adywan, I appreciate that you want to stay close to the original, but don't be afraid to take a few chances with this edit, like you did with IV, because those chances are what makes that movie so amazing and relevant to a whole new generation.

Just my thoughts, and I'm glad it is in your(Adywan's) hands, because some of these suggestions would just ruin the whole reason for an Ep.V REVISITED. They would make it more like Ep.V, the old, old stuff, with color correction.

And unfortunately that would not blow peoples minds and make it a better movie, like IV is now....

I have been thinking about adding a very subtle snippet of the Emperors theme to the hologram scene but the music is so great for that scene as it is it would only be a very short sample.

The FX are going to have a clean-up. I'm hoping to do something with the Matte paintings. the main ones would be the cloud city ones. Some you can really tell that they are paintings. Not sure how to pull it off yet (well i have a few ideas but i'm not going to do any tests just yet) .



I'm sure you've seen one of the snippet Darth Editous put up way back when for the Cloud City duel matte painting. The one with the establishing shot of the control room hanging over the pit (sorry, I don't know what this is called). Anyway, in the movie as is a matte painting was used with some added blinking lights. As the camera zooms in, there is no obvious perspective to the shot. It looks like someone's just zooming in on a painting. DE reworked it a bit and gave some perspective to the existing painting. I'll try to find that link in DE's thread...

edit: Ah, yes. It's the weather vane. That's what it's called. Oh well, the link is dead anyway and Ady commented on it so is aware of it's existence, so there you go.

O.T. or No T., baby!

ANH:R Cover Art

ESB:R Cover Art

While looking through that ancient thread, I came across a suggestion I made way back and would certainly like to see it incorporated here:

One thing I'd like to see corrected is the explosion of the final two TIE fighters in the asteroid trench as the Millenium Falcon escapes them. It's always appeared to me as a badly composited explosion effect. The 'fireballs' (or whatever you want to call them) seem very floaty and don't seem to match well with the camera movement. This may be a hard thing to fix, but would make the explosions seem more real.

DE was doing some great things with his edit. I highly recommend taking a look through his thread again, it may spark some more suggestions and debate.


O.T. or No T., baby!

ANH:R Cover Art

ESB:R Cover Art

It's funny, I just bumped DE's ESB thread this afternoon. Had a hard time finding it, sadly. :P

I agree with the "floaty" TIE explosion, too. It has always looked kinda cool, I think, but quite odd, too. The thing that always bugged me most about ESB were the horrible matte box dealies around the Star Destroyers. They got better with later releases, at least. You would've thought that when the Faces set came out that those problems would be completely gone, but no.

My crazy vinyl LP blog

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adywan said:

I have been thinking about adding a very subtle snippet of the Emperors theme to the hologram scene but the music is so great for that scene as it is it would only be a very short sample.

The FX are going to have a clean-up. I'm hoping to do something with the Matte paintings. the main ones would be the cloud city ones. Some you can really tell that they are paintings. Not sure how to pull it off yet (well i have a few ideas but i'm not going to do any tests just yet) .

Couple thing I wanna say about those paintings, the cloud patterns are the exactly same in some different mid day (non sunset or non sunrise) shots of Cloud City, which of course would be impossible, one is a reverse negative of another shot (The one with the Tibbana Gas refinery added in the SE.
And in a couple of falcon and Slave I platform shots the background buildings/painting clouds are the same.
Sevb32 said:

Couple thing I wanna say about those paintings, the cloud patterns are the exactly same in some different mid day (non sunset or non sunrise) shots of Cloud City, which of course would be impossible, one is a reverse negative of another shot (The one with the Tibbana Gas refinery added in the SE.
And in a couple of falcon and Slave I platform shots the background buildings/painting clouds are the same.

Yeh i noticed that about the platform mattes being the same which is why i need to do some work on them. Also i want to use real clouds to replace those paintings. I just have to go through my movie collection now to find some good above the clouds shots - not going to be an easy task.



Savage said:

Ripplin said:

Yeah, to make the static more of an issue, that line about 'moving the fleet so we can send a clear transmission' could be replaced. Dig this:

PIETT: The Emperor commands you make contact with him.


Or in keeping with the PT dialog standards:

PIETT: The Emperor commands you make contact with him.

VADER: Okee-Dokee.

Or how about:

PIETT: The Emperor commands you make contact with him.

VADER: Okalee-Dokalee Neighborino. Let's just scoot on out of the ol' ASSteroid field...Oh my! I mean, let's skedattle out of the floatin' rock piles! I better wash my tongue with sandpaper after that slip up!


If once you start down the dark path... wear comfortable shoes.