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Oh yeah!!! Lucas...clueless as ever.
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Date created
16-May-2008, 12:31 PM
Found this on foxnews.com...Lucas is in Cannes and had some stuff to say about Indy and Star Wars. Prepare yourselves. Here's the highlights...and some commentary by yours truly.

George Lucas tells me it’s more than a strong possibility there will be a fifth "Indiana Jones." He says that he and director Steven Spielberg have left the door open for a sequel to "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull."

"I haven’t even told Steven or Harrison this," he said. "But I have an idea to make Shia [LeBeouf] the lead character next time and have Harrison [Ford] come back like Sean Connery did in the last movie. I can see it working out.

Gee, that's a great idea, George!!! Take the one guy out of it who's name is in the TITLE and is part of popular culture. George...you are such an idiot. STOP MAKING MOVIES.....JUST SIT ON YOUR PILE OF MONEY AND DON'T DO ANYTHING. YOU'RE TOO DESTRUCTIVE WHEN YOU DO!!!

Lucas says he’s not concerned about early mixed buzz on "Crystal Skull."

Why should he? He's made more money for Hollywood than anyone. That must mean he's a master filmmaker unlike any before who can do no wrong. He thinks everything he makes is great. Why listen to people who can objectively call your movies dog shit? Go figure.

"This movie is the exact same experience as the other three were. The difference is, the novelty of discovery is gone. I get worried when I hear fans say they’re expecting something different that will change their lives. This is 'Indiana Jones' just as you remember him."

Yeah it would be pretty hard to mess up Indiana Jones, right? But if there's a way that George can fuck up a perfectly good thing, he'll find it and excel at it. Don't believe me? See the prequels. Such a missed opportunity for greatness.

But that’s exactly the gamble Spielberg and Lucas took with reviving their icon. Expectation grows into a frenzy and then no one in that frame of mind can be satisfied.

Okay...wait here....WHAT EXPECTATIONS?!?!?! In a Star Wars movie, we expect force, Jedi, ships, fighting, cool people doing cool things....not midiclorians, Jar Jar, Grevious and Vader screaming "NOOOOOOOOOOOO" like a bitch. I think the the FILMMAKER is trapped by expectations...not the audience. In an Indy movie, I expect a cool treasure hunt, some stunts that are pretty wild, a whip, a fedora, a leather jacket and the Raiders March. Can YOU deliver that George without screwing something up or making look so 5 year old that I want to throw up? Hopefully, Steven and Harrison slapped you in the head when you spewed your stupid childish horseshit!!!

Lucas has been here before, when he revived and extended the "Star Wars" series. The build-up to the release of the fourth installment (aka now Chapter 1), "Phantom Menace," was huge until it reached a fever pitch. Then, almost before it could be absorbed, "Phantom Menace" became the target of scorn from fanatics. Computer-generated character Jar Jar Binks was public enemy No. 1.

What was there to absorb? Shit is shit and you throw shit in the toilet...that's what you do with shit and that's what happened...as it should have. That was a lame movie made by a once great filmmaker who is now lame. And Jar Jar deserved to be public enemy #1. He was a retard...and insulted the audience's intelligence and brought the movie down to kindergarden levels. Why wouldn't that get some scorn???

But "Star Wars" continues to thrive.

Oh how I wish it would die a quick painful death!!! Just to put us out of this misery!!!

In August, Lucas says, he’s releasing an animated 90-minute "Star Wars" movie to theaters via Warner Bros. called "Clone Wars." It will be followed in September by an animated series on the Cartoon Network and TNT.

George, you've gone from THX-1138...to making bad children's cartoons. Congratulations....you're an idiot.

"No one wanted it," he told me. "Every studio rejected it, including Fox, and I’m very loyal to them. They have right of first refusal. Eventually I brought it to Warners. It’s the first time that three components of the studio have acted together. It’s very exciting.

It's very exciting to have the latest milking of the greatest cashcow ever rejected by EVERY FUCKING STUDIO!?!?!?!?!? Gee...I wonder why they rejected it....cuz it sucked or cuz you wanted them to shake your hand and let you put their studio name on your garbage!!! Your problem, George...is you give people shit and you expect thanks. They all said NO THANKS.

"But the story is that everyone said, 'No one gets this. It’s just … 'Star Wars.'' I said, 'That’s right, It’s just 'Star Wars.' Just like this is … 'Indiana Jones.''"

No George....YOU don't get it....cuz YOU don't understand Star Wars or Indiana Jones. Hang it up, George....let go, it's over. You lost the magic. Forget it. Turn it over to someone who has a clue. You certainly don't.