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Post #314174

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Date created
20-Mar-2008, 12:24 PM
You're right, ady; ROTJ will surely be hell to edit, and you totally deserve a break and something a bit less demanding for a while. ESB is as you said a nearly flawless movie as it is, and most channges would simply be about removing some SE additions. For instance the wampa snow creature. Although I can't say that I really care about this scene one way or the other. The sequence only gets better for me after Luke staggers out into the cold and Han risks his life to find him.

I know its your edit ady and your desision, but I would suggest not removing too many of the SE windows. The OT is a little too cramped at times, and I liked how they opened the place up. Since you specifically mentioned the escape, perhaps you can keep the windows in the "Lando gives a grand tour" segment and only remove them in the escape sequence?

And finally, not to be repetetive but I would still advocate for a very subtle Emperor's theme in his scene. I've heard versions of this that are so quite that they are barely audible, but it still gievs a perfectly eerie feel and would IMO improve the scene and it connects so closely to the character, like some other posters agreed. But if you decide against it, I won't mention it again. It's totally your call, and I don't wanna get annoying. I only mentioned again because you didn't comment on that particular thin and I got curious.