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Adywan, This is a great gift you’ve given us fans! This, again, I feel has gone above and beyond what I ever expected!
Oh! And thanks for the credit! I like the idea that I contributed to this awesome edit!

It’s taken me a week to download this thing(slow and limited connection)…I've watched the movie, but there is no audio...
Would anyone care to help me? These are all of the files I've download to get this thing...
Am I missing the audio file? How do I link the video and audio together?
Thanks in advance!

SSWR’s YouTube channel

Attack of the Clones: Alternate Timeline Edit Thread:

I had the same problem, no you are not missing the audio file, it's embedded in the AVI. I think the problem is the AC3 codec, if I recall correctly installing the AC3 codec didn't immediately work, but afterwards I installed ffdshow to identify that this was indeed the correct codec and somehow this fixed the audio for me. Failing that you can burn it to a DVD and watch it in your PS3 no problem so long as you have the latest update.

“I love Darth Editous and I’m not ashamed to admit it.” ~ADigitalMan

OK watched this today, very good. Particulary like the falcon/tie approaching the death star, obi wan/vader fight and of course the final battle scene, which now is in a more logical progression. From the dog fighting for 'air' supremecy over the death star to the 3 attempts at dropping the torpedoes down that damn hole.

Agree about the severed limb looks too flat and unreal, and the final death star explosion scene, although good in concept the planet seems to overpower the scene and distracts away from the explosion.

All in all a Very good effort.
Originally posted by: focuspuller
Originally posted by: Trooperman
Originally posted by: corellian77

Originally posted by: OBtwosy
not all that comes out of Hollywood is "good" simply because it comes out of Hollywood.

I'd go so far as to say most of what comes out of Hollywood isn't good.

I agree. Not that it's Mojo's fault, of course. I'm just not impressed with the people in Hollywood now-doesn't mean anything to me. They're just not turning out good stuff now. Completely brainless trash. And then on the opposite end of the spectrum, you have these "art house", pseudo-intellectual films nobody wants to watch. They're just as bad, but bad in a different way.

Sorry for going off-topic...

Whether or not something is good or bad when it comes to film, literature, and art all a matter of subjective OPINION, not fact?

Let's not get carried away. Poorly written poor quality work does greatly out number the truly good, or great. But the fact is that has always been the case. But let's not say there is NO quality in Hollywood because I can tell you there is, even if, of course it's not as talked about, if talked about at all. But there is a huge world of film and television beyond the world of Hollywood, and that's just the English language. There's a lot of good stuff out there. And don't knock "art house" cinema, even the bad. Because without it all you would have is main stream projects, and that would not be a better world to live in.

Getting back on topic, the easiest way to spot a wanker (in any industry) is when he throws around his job title with flash comments about "how great it is to work in the biz, and "I like it and believe I know what I'm talking about." Real professionals don't talk like that. It's just something I'm not a fan of and take offence to.

Originally posted by: Mojo_LA

I like most of what Ady did, but my friends and I were horrified at the music added to the saber fight in ANH. It doesn't belong there and is a far worse change than anything Lucas ever did. I'll take a 100 Greedos firing first over THAT.

Hamfistedly laying music behind it doesn't appreciably change it or make it better, so why not just leave it be?

Most of what Ady has done to his cut DOES help it, but I think in a few spots he suffers from "kid with a new toy" syndrome and is finding every last change he can make just for the sake of it.

Wow. That's spiteful. Not enough just to say "I didn't agree with that particular change" huh?
If you'd prefer Greedo missing a shot at point blank range to adding a bit of music to harken back to Obi-Wan/Vader's previous encounter, then just watch the 2004 trilogy DVD's instead.
I'm sure Adywan is very sorry for making you suffer through his travesty like that.
Adding slapstick droids, giant creatures moving in front of the camera and blocking out what's going on, and adding the Jabba scene where he basically repeats everything Greedo already said are examples of "kid with a new toy syndrome."
I didn't notice anything Adywan did that said "hey, look what I can do."
Anyone can add music to footage, so that can't be what the "kid with a new toy" was referring to. So what exactly was that comment targeted at?

Originally posted by: Bobocop
Originally posted by: Mojo_LA

I like most of what Ady did, but my friends and I were horrified at the music added to the saber fight in ANH. It doesn't belong there and is a far worse change than anything Lucas ever did. I'll take a 100 Greedos firing first over THAT.

Hamfistedly laying music behind it doesn't appreciably change it or make it better, so why not just leave it be?

Most of what Ady has done to his cut DOES help it, but I think in a few spots he suffers from "kid with a new toy" syndrome and is finding every last change he can make just for the sake of it.

Wow. That's spiteful. Not enough just to say "I didn't agree with that particular change" huh?
If you'd prefer Greedo missing a shot at point blank range to adding a bit of music to harken back to Obi-Wan/Vader's previous encounter, then just watch the 2004 trilogy DVD's instead.
I'm sure Adywan is very sorry for making you suffer through his travesty like that.
Adding slapstick droids, giant creatures moving in front of the camera and blocking out what's going on, and adding the Jabba scene where he basically repeats everything Greedo already said are examples of "kid with a new toy syndrome."
I didn't notice anything Adywan did that said "hey, look what I can do."
Anyone can add music to footage, so that can't be what the "kid with a new toy" was referring to. So what exactly was that comment targeted at?

Took the words right out of my mouth.

Blade Runner: The Complete Collection

Here is a Preview of Possible Cover Work for Adywan's Work


any suggestions would be great

thank you

Thank god i bought a box of tissues today... as looks like i will need them u cruel cruel world

Ady I just wanted to say that my son watched this today,he is 4,and has watched the SE and the OOT versions(we watch the OOT versions more obviously) and he was amazed by this.His reaction to the new establishing shot of the Death Star before the briefing room and the new battle of Yavin were really something!I wish you could have seen his face when he saw the Death Star with all the star destroyers and the TIE's swooping in.If you could have seen his reaction Mojo's nonsense would really mean nothing.
Anyway just thought I would pass that onto you and PLEASE do ESB and ROTJ somewhere down the road.My son sends his thanks!

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Original Star Wars Props and Production Material

Originally posted by: ravensp
any suggestions would be great

thank you


How about removing the "sample" so we can actually see what's on the cover

Originally posted by: ravensp
Here is a Preview of Possible Cover Work for Adywan's Work

any suggestions would be great

thank you

I, personally, am not really into the hyper dramatic lighting of the X-Wing you have there; although I guess it is a different approach from many of the others so why not at least try it, right?

And it is difficult to see your cover with that particular image, as DarthBo said, so I'll refrain from more comments until we have an uncovering of sorts.

LightWave = fun times with gfx for me 😃

Hi Ady!

OMG! I absolutely love the movie, I downloaded the XviD...I had a lack of audio, apparently....but I know its embedded whin the AVI file so I'm trying to get it at this moment in time


Wow! Thanks for adding my nickname in the special thanks And I'm right near the legendary Darth Editious too, though I suppose that's down to the alphabetical listing, which is quite convenient

I'll wait for the DVD-9 as well, that should be fun And it'll be fine since it'll be playable in the PAL region

I'll post my cover on here by mid-February, I have to make it look ace!

Thanks again, you're a dedicated Star Wars fan and a great person

May the Force Be With You!

Father, Husband, Nerd (of Batman and Star Wars mainly)


You guys don't have to bag on Mojo so bad, I mean really - he just made an analogy. His points make sense, but he didn't word it right; I wouldn't see it as a personal attack, or at least not from the sidelines.

...Or am I too late and just bringing back a flame war?

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em

Originally posted by: bkev
You guys don't have to bag on Mojo so bad, I mean really - he just made an analogy. His points make sense, but he didn't word it right; I wouldn't see it as a personal attack, or at least not from the sidelines.

...Or am I too late and just bringing back a flame war?

Well, I disagree with your analysis as he was clearly being an ass about things, but yes it's probably best to let it go at this point and move forward with the thread.
When i saw the trailer for this on youtube long ago, I didn't get what the big deal was, but this is really something. The most impressive shot to me is actually the one in mos eisley ("how long have you had these droids?) where original 77 material has been reinstated, apparently without a loss of quality! Wow!I think that's a pretty major accomplishment (especially for the "preservation" part of this forum). The falcon's extra "few maneuvers" was really cool too.
I think SW REVISTED needs an Star Wars wiki entry (wookieepedia)! Anyone up for doing that? I don't know how. Other fan films have entries on there, so because it's not CANON or EU doesn't meant it cannot be listed. (It's CANON in my eyes!)
hey can someone either let me know where the George Lucas cameo is or put up a screen shot
Maybe that can still remain a mystery. I personally don't want to know yet.

It people want to PM that info that is one thing, but don't wreck it for us who are still looking to find Lucas.
Sorry, I forgot to turn on my PM. Know someone can pm the link to rapidshare to me.


I'm game, somebody please PM me where exactly (time mark and area of frame) the George Lucas cameo is!

My PM's are on...
Originally posted by: Kurgan
I'm game, somebody please PM me where exactly (time mark and area of frame) the George Lucas cameo is!

My PM's are on...

^^^ ditto ^^^

Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness - Chinese proverb