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Originally posted by: Sevb32
I guess it's ok to complain about the flipper thing, which I had no problem with, yet I get raked over the coals when I mention those three other little things!

The difference is that Ady asked for opinions on the flipper, as he decided to change it. Everything else is nit-picking to your own personal preference and not Adys. Same goes for the TIE fighter discussion which should really have ended when Ady said he was happy with it, rather than carrying on to implore him to change it. Go change it yourself I say.

Ady - the 2 or 3 little points that have been 'picked up' are unimportant. You have done an outstanding job and you should be very very proud of yourself. Hell, I'm proud of you and I've never met you! People will always have different opinions on how the film should be - quick answer is they can go edit it themselves if they are that bothered about it.

And I've learnt this from putting my fanfilms online - if you are happy with it, carry on regardless and enjoy it. When I put my last fanfilm up, people from all over the world emailed to thank me for it; to thank me for making something with a true 'Star Wars feel'. That made me glow with pride. People also emailed to tell me how I should be shot for bringing disgrace to the name of Star Wars. So what?! - they are entitled to that opinion - I enjoyed making it and thousands of people enjoyed watching it, so sod em. The same applies here - if YOU have enjoyed it and are pleased with the results (as you bloody should be!) then don't let naysayers stop you from doing it.
Don't let 'em get you down, Ady. (And if anything I contributed came off as bashing, I sincerely apologize.) Yours is unquestionably the ultimate version of ANH. Sure, there's always going to be commentary, there are always going to be those who would respectfully suggest different approaches, and there will be a few who are not so respectful. But at the end of the day, you need to be happy with it. Anyone who threatens to make you unhappy with it... tune 'em out. There's more than enough kudos going around to drown out the few party poopers.

As for the flipper thing... I hereby pledge never to mention it again. Everything that needs to be said about it (and then some) has been said. Whatever you decide to go with is the way it should be.

As for ESB & ROTJ... forget about it. You've had your head so deep in this for so long, it's best for you (and for any SW projects you take on in the future) to just step away from it. If your enthusiasm level revives in time, and you feel like taking on ESB, that's great. And if not, that's fine too. It's not worth doing if you can't relax and have fun with it.

Ron Moses

Avoid infestation. Rotate.

So you point is that people are allowed to make comments that are not always good ones about the flipper, but anything else that are not.

Anyone with comments of other things that could be done will be told to make their own edit. Right?!

Originally posted by: adywan
Originally posted by: ron2112
Ady, are the Death Star interiors somehow more desaturated on the Xvid than they will be on the DVD? I just started noticing this last night on my third viewing (someone else mentioned it pages ago, but I can't find the post). Most of the interior shots appear to be desaturated all the way to grayscale. So it's like a black and white movie in the background with maybe a few faces and panel lights in color. Vader almost always appears in total monochrome, with the exception of his lights.

Now... this could easily be my video card, I could be seeing it wrong. And I didn't notice this at all my first couple of viewings. But once I started seeing it, I had a hard time *not* seeing it in a high percentage of interior shots, and even during the DS battle (which is so awesome I rewound it three times... again!). Are my eyes playing tricks on me?

At least I didn't mention either flippers or TIEs!

Ron Moses

The interiors aren't all the way down to monocrome, there is still a hint of blue, but i always wanted the interiors to be grey .When doing the colour correction i tried bringing the blue down so it would match shot to shot but it created more problems. Some areas were so oversaturated that when i got parts to look the way i wanted there would be blue patches here and there and it also created video noise. Also some shots were almost monocrome when removing the blue tint so i had to set a medium and the only way to get it looking to what i wanted it to was to remove the blue from the walls so no patches existed. So inevitably some of the subtle blue tints were lost ( not that they were even there in the first place in some scenes due to the horrible colouring of the 2004 DVD). I mentioned about this before when i explained about the monocrome cockpits in shots during the Death Star trench run. I like the more monocrome look and thats all that matters to me
Originally posted by: sunday256
Now in a very sick way, Adywan knows how George feels. There's just no way to please everyone.

You got it exactly right there. there seems to be a lot of nit picking going on which totally took the buzz i had for having finished it. the whole flipper debate just became stupid. One thing that really bugged me is that a lot of people slam lucas for using CG for things that could be created using real world items but suddenly there is enthusiasm to use a CG created flipper instead of a real item. i know totally how he feels now. damned if you do, damned if you don't. i need to finish off these dvd's, get them out and forget about star wars for a while (apart from something i'm working on For jambe) otherwise the way i'm feeing at the moment ESB is a dead project. i'm just happy that the majority like what i've done. i knew i'd never be able to please everyone, but come on.. It a bloody edit that was created at home and not a studio job. I'm not a miracle worker and there were bound to be shots that don't look like a true hollywood movie. I only started trying to do Fx work about 14 months ago and i had never even touched After effects until after that. I'm 99% happy with it so i'm not really that bothered is others want to pull it apart. . The constructive criticism i like and its that which has helped me throughout the edit, it s just the plain bashing saying shots look like shit or that have got me to the point i'm at now.

Hi Ady,

Like I've said before, I read the transcript where you said you were working 14 hours a day on this. That's absolutely ridiculous. No pesron should have to do that. But we all love you for it. The fact that people are analyzing this movie as if it were actually a current-day Hollywood release is just a testament to how incredibly professional it looks.

You definitely need to take like half a year off from all of this and enjoy life! It will do wonders. Believe me.



Episode II: Shroud of the Dark Side

Emperor Jar-Jar
“Back when we made Star Wars, we just couldn’t make Palpatine as evil as we intended. Now, thanks to the miracles of technology, it is finally possible. Finally, I’ve created the movies that I originally imagined.” -George Lucas on the 2007 Extra Extra Special HD-DVD Edition

Originally posted by: adywan
Originally posted by: ron2112
Ady, are the Death Star interiors somehow more desaturated on the Xvid than they will be on the DVD? I just started noticing this last night on my third viewing (someone else mentioned it pages ago, but I can't find the post). Most of the interior shots appear to be desaturated all the way to grayscale. So it's like a black and white movie in the background with maybe a few faces and panel lights in color. Vader almost always appears in total monochrome, with the exception of his lights.

Now... this could easily be my video card, I could be seeing it wrong. And I didn't notice this at all my first couple of viewings. But once I started seeing it, I had a hard time *not* seeing it in a high percentage of interior shots, and even during the DS battle (which is so awesome I rewound it three times... again!). Are my eyes playing tricks on me?

At least I didn't mention either flippers or TIEs!

Ron Moses

The interiors aren't all the way down to monocrome, there is still a hint of blue, but i always wanted the interiors to be grey .When doing the colour correction i tried bringing the blue down so it would match shot to shot but it created more problems. Some areas were so oversaturated that when i got parts to look the way i wanted there would be blue patches here and there and it also created video noise. Also some shots were almost monocrome when removing the blue tint so i had to set a medium and the only way to get it looking to what i wanted it to was to remove the blue from the walls so no patches existed. So inevitably some of the subtle blue tints were lost ( not that they were even there in the first place in some scenes due to the horrible colouring of the 2004 DVD). I mentioned about this before when i explained about the monocrome cockpits in shots during the Death Star trench run. I like the more monocrome look and thats all that matters to me
Originally posted by: sunday256
Now in a very sick way, Adywan knows how George feels. There's just no way to please everyone.

You got it exactly right there. there seems to be a lot of nit picking going on which totally took the buzz i had for having finished it. the whole flipper debate just became stupid. One thing that really bugged me is that a lot of people slam lucas for using CG for things that could be created using real world items but suddenly there is enthusiasm to use a CG created flipper instead of a real item. i know totally how he feels now. damned if you do, damned if you don't. i need to finish off these dvd's, get them out and forget about star wars for a while (apart from something i'm working on For jambe) otherwise the way i'm feeing at the moment ESB is a dead project. i'm just happy that the majority like what i've done. i knew i'd never be able to please everyone, but come on.. It a bloody edit that was created at home and not a studio job. I'm not a miracle worker and there were bound to be shots that don't look like a true hollywood movie. I only started trying to do Fx work about 14 months ago and i had never even touched After effects until after that. I'm 99% happy with it so i'm not really that bothered is others want to pull it apart. . The constructive criticism i like and its that which has helped me throughout the edit, it s just the plain bashing saying shots look like shit or that have got me to the point i'm at now.

Now hold on man! I refuse to let any of this get you down. What you have done is nothing short of bringing us to my mind the best revamped version of Star Wars I have ever seen, that's no small accomplishment. Yes the whole "flipper no flipper" thing is stupid. But look at the things that have been said, even the more blunt comments, and then compare it conversations about Lucas' Special scenes when they came out. "Han shooting first", "Badly rendered Jaba, Badly rendered Jaba again!". Put simply, you're not in the same boat with George. Anything cool about the new Special Editions was sadly overshadowed with the feeling of fans thinking "George, WTF are you doing???" In your case, even over the internet I can see the high level of excitement and joy in a way that has NEVER been so expressed before with the Special Editions. Every single one of us, including the people that can't help but knit pick every single fame because they can't help themselves, all of us, are bouncing off the wall with excitement because you've brought Star Wars back to fans in a real way, don't loose sight of that.

Blade Runner: The Complete Collection

Sorry about the rant guys. Just not getting much sleep nowadays (nothing to do with the edit anymore) so i can get a bit cranky.

Sevb32 wasn't making any criticisms or flaming just making points which is what i enjoy replying to.

As for starting a thread about ESB then that is going to be at least 6 months off yet. i don't want to even think about another edit until my head is cleared after doing this one. i need to sit back and start doing my research and start making notes first before i decide which direction to go for ESB.



Every single one of us, including the people that can't help but nit-pick every single frame because they can't help themselves, all of us, are bouncing off the wall with excitement because you've brought Star Wars back to fans in a real way, don't lose sight of that.

Too frickin right!

I second that - OUCH! There I go again - boiiinnggg

Watched this AGAIN last night, and it still wowed me - thanks again Adywan! This is the version I shall show to all my friends/family from here on in.
*EDIT* Now pointless comments removed.

P.S. I vote for the hand! Based on what-we-see (not what-we-know or what-we've-been-told), its the logical choice. But whatever! I'm already fuggin' happy! Tee hee!

What you have done is nothing short of bringing us to my mind the best revamped version of Star Wars I have ever seen.

I second this, I have told friends about it, they are very excited to see it and I'm even more excited to show it to them. This edit has in a way revived Star Wars for a lot of us, please take all the time you need, but reconsider doing this for ESB and especially for ROTJ, in fact if it is possible do ROTJ first, that movie could really use your help.
I wish I had a Kryptonite cross, because then you could keep both Dracula AND Superman away.
I am saying a huge thank you to Ady! I cannot THANK him enough. I want to hit that point home as hard a possible!

I have a question, and remember I know I am an idiot when it come to this stuff, I have some blank DVD-R's setting around and I wanna burn this AVI on to one of them, the movie is a bit longer than the 120 maximum quality allows, but if I wanted to burn the first two hours I could and have the whole movie, but just not all the credits. How can I do that? ( The ending medals ceremony ends at just barely under 2 hours.) I also of course have to convert the AVI.
Originally posted by: Sevb32
I am saying a huge thank you to Ady! I cannot THANK him enough. I want to hit that point home as hard a possible!

I have a question, and remember I know I am an idiot when it come to this stuff, I have some blank DVD-R's setting around and I wanna burn this AVI on to one of them, the movie is a bit longer than the 120 maximum quality allows, but if I wanted to burn the first two hours I could and have the whole movie, but just not all the credits. How can I do that? ( The ending medals ceremony ends at just barely under 2 hours.) I also of course have to convert the AVI.

Well i always use ConvertxtoDVd. Although its not free it gives great results and will encode the whole movie to fit on a DVD-R



would that be the SP setting? You know how they label u can can 2, 4 or 6 hours out of them? Quality going best to worst.
Originally posted by: Sevb32
would that be the SP setting? You know how they label u can can 2, 4 or 6 hours out of them? Quality going best to worst.

No, it doesn't work like that. It used the maximum amount of bitrate for it to fit on a DVD-R. All you ahve to do is load your xvid into it and then click convert. it does everything else for you and the picture quality is great. Of course i wouldn't use this for my edit but converting xvids is perfect



i for one wont change anything in this edit given the chance. ady has put right all that i found wrong and a lot of other stuff to boot. all this i would change this... i would change that rubbish is taking away the AMAZING job that ady and has accomplices done in bringing back the joy and excitement to star wars.
i converted it and gave out 15 copies to fellow star wars friends and workmates complete with the list of changes and the feedback is nothing but "WOW".
star wars mania has come back to me, some friends have even suggested a star wars night here at mine(ive the biggest tv and stereo) to watch it...complete with beer and pizza.
i just want to say a BIG BIG thank you to you adywan.


I love your edit Anywan truely amazing!!! I wached it with my father who's been a Star Wars fan since 1977, and he loved it! It's the only cut of the film he wants to watch now! Him and I thank you! When I have my own children this is the only cut of the film I want to share with them. Please don't get discouraged Adywan!
Absolutely what 1anakin said.

When it comes time to share Star Wars with my kids like my dad did with me, this is the cut I will use. I would rather watch this version on VHS with them than the 2004 SE on Blu-Ray. Thank you so much for making a version of A New Hope that I don't have to worry about if my non-fan friends are going to think the Battle of Yavin is boring. Seriously, this stuff makes the difference.
I am very impressed. I don't think I'll be able to watch any other version of Star Wars from now on!
ADY,..you get Access Hollywood's Ultimate Star Wars Fan's 100% approval!
I have Steve Sansweet's e-mail,..I was thinking about forwarding him info on this edit,..and see what the higher ups at Lucasfilm think,..or do you think they'd try to shut us down?
Jason Collier
- Access Hollywood's Ultimate
Star Wars Fan Winner
So...wait, where are the Rapidshare links for this?

Damn, almost three years on this forum and I'm back to asking the most noob-ish of questions.


The program I used was AVItoDVD.....very similar to the other app. You specify what size of DVD you want and it will coose max bitrate for that size of media.

I have found that the PS3 and XBox360's new codec updates plays this version of the film the best. The re-encode to DVD especially in the High Action scenes gets a little bit of pixilation when upconverted to 1080p. The ps3 and 360 run the XVid at 1080p like a champ. cannot wait for the DVD-9.

Finally got to watch from begining to end in one setting last night and I am still so impressed with every change you decided to make. I love the whole thing. The attention to detail that alot of people do not even notice and probably would not know at all if you had not listed it is absolutely amazing. For the 101th time.....thanks ady for the work and as a the team of poeple that helped with the meshing. My only problem......I can't find GL!!!!!


I finished watching this last night. Words don't really do your effort justice, but I'll say this:


I'd like to nominate you as STAR WARS MAN OF THE YEAR! I really wish I could buy you a couple of beers (or maybe a whole keg) to express my appreciation for what you've done. Thanks. Really.

There are lots of great moments. Here are my thoughts on just some of them:

The TIE approach is great. I like it just the way it is and see no need to change it. I knew you had something special in the works for that, but I was still amazed. I actually said to myself "f*ck yeah" when I saw it, and I'm not someone who usually talks to himself while watching TV.

The color correction is great. I've always felt like an outsider when people complained about the 2004 DVD's color problems. But watching this edit, I began to slowly see that your color palette felt more natural and enjoyable.

The new tactical display that the rebels use to view the Death Star battle is brilliant. I don't know who came up with this idea, but I love it! It makes so much sense.

Ponda Baba's severed arm looks great. But since everyone seems to be talking about it, I'll add my thoughts. I wonder if most casual viewers would look at it and say "What's that thing?" We never really get a good look at his flipper before it's cut off, so this is really more EU continuity than visual continuity. At least with the original, we can tell it's supposed to be a hand. Ever since you posted the human version with the correct sleeve, I'm really starting to think that might be better, and more dramatic.

But for me the best part was something very simple: Luke's reaction to Biggs' death. Something so small, yet so powerful.

One small question: Is there a reason that you decided to leave in the stormtrooper head-bump? I'm not suggesting you change it. I'm just interested to hear your thoughts.

On a sad note, I still haven't found George yet.

Originally posted by: Sevb32

I have a question, and remember I know I am an idiot when it come to this stuff, I have some blank DVD-R's setting around and I wanna burn this AVI on to one of them, the movie is a bit longer than the 120 maximum quality allows, but if I wanted to burn the first two hours I could and have the whole movie, but just not all the credits. How can I do that? ( The ending medals ceremony ends at just barely under 2 hours.) I also of course have to convert the AVI.

I used an old version of the VSO DIVX to DVD Converter. It works great, and the picture quality of the DVD is awesome. I have a 32" tube TV that I sit about 10 feet from, so I like to use my DVD player's zoom feature to get the image to about 16x9 on the screen (Gasp! Cropping! Blasphemy!). My point is, the converted DVD was so good that I was able to zoom in with no noticeable blockiness or jaggies. I can only imagine the kind of quality that the DVD-9 will have. In fact, the conversion DVD is so good, I think I might skip the DVD-5 altogether.

FYI, I'm still seeding this thing for those that need it. I'll try to continue until Adywan comes out with his DVD-5.

You know of the rebellion against the Empire?

Okay I thought I would give a little history on the flipper/hand scene in the Mos Eisley Cantina. If you read the original script or the novelization of ANH you will learn that Kenobi does in fact slice off Evazan's right arm and he kills both Ponda Baba and Kabe (the small rat/bat like alien). They each got cleaved in half from their head to their groin. Lucas used a wolf man's arm for two reasons. 1) because GL couldn't find a mannequin's arm that looked real enough and 2) back in 1977 GL was worried that a human arm might be too graphic and he was concerned the film might get an R rating instead of a PG. Pg-13 wasn't introduced until 1984, thank you Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.
So if you go by the written story Evazan should be the one who loses his arm. But if you want to go by what has appeared on the screen then it's Ponda Baba. I wouldn't mind seeing a human arm, but that's my taste. I'm not picking sides, just wanted to brief you all on a little SW history.
Can I get a PM'ed rapidshare link as well? (long story short - I already have the movie on my home PC but don't have a burner and would like it on this computer as well)

Thanks in advance guys.

I'm in the gradual process of downloading the xvid to tide me over till the DL version is out. Should be sweet.