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Post #304048

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Info & Ideas: ESB and ROTJ Wishlist
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Date created
17-Dec-2007, 3:37 PM
Again, a couple more ideas:

- when R2D2 shoots the lightsaber into the air, and Luke is waiting with his hand in the air for it, this could be shortened just a little bit, so it would seem even more synchronized, a real Jedi move.
- of course, in the Vader-Emperor dialog in ESB, Vader must already know about being Luke's father! The actual dialog will normally depend on the available sources to use in the scene.
- now a bolder suggestion: emperor's minions could perhaps (if technically possible) changed from humans to neimoidians. There is plenty of neimoidian footage in the PT. This would be really a minor change since emperor's minions play no real role in the OT, but as neimoidian opportunistic nature suggests, they stay close to the ruling party - the emperor.