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Awesome news addy! Can't wait till it's released.
Hi Ady

You can still get MP3 downloads of the McNeely Shadows of the Empire Album. They're all on www.dockingbay101.com and each track is free to download (you can find the music easily by looking in the music sections). The quality seems to be fine.

Will you still be adding the Imperial March to the film? That'd be great

By the way on YouTube I'm grandjedimaster7860 (I have loads of Star Wars music videos), and I made a video quite recently with edited clips from A New Hope - http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=7i_LLE0UTcA

Basically I've added the Imperial March to 3 clips. I have 2 snippets of Joel McNeely's music, I've used an instance of the Imperial March from the ROTS Music CD (from the track 'Enter Lord Vader'); and also a slowed down version of the Imperial March from TESB.

Well it is a tiny bit crude in places (i.e. you'll hear some of the original track underneath what I have added), but other than that I hope its worth a look at.

And good luck Ady...the Force will be with you...always.

Father, Husband, Nerd (of Batman and Star Wars mainly)


Originally posted by: adywan
but i may be posting a new clip pretty soon.

So... how's that coming ^_^
I think that the new clip might be coming for Christmas, but that is just my educated guess... : )

Originally posted by: JediBorota
I think that the new clip might be coming for Christmas, but that is just my educated guess... : )

And you would be correct

Well some good news... i added a couple fo extra shots to the new Death Star TIE battle sequence and the music suddenly fits into place so it definitely making it into the final edit. I'm so pleased with this sequence so it would have been heartbreaking to have to leave it out just because of the music.
Some not so good news. I thought i was down to my last 5 shots to do so i did a quick complete render to see how its looking and i noticed that there is actually about 30 more shots to do. Luckily most are just quick fixes but a few are going to be a bit more work. So it is lucky i have postponed the release until January, but there may be an XVID version available before Xmas



I've read all 112 pages of this thread and as many have said before, Adywan, thank you!!! I am totally for the revision of the OT, but done right. And I think you are doing it right. If it were for me I would update all displays which shouldn't be to hard to do, and some other electronic devices, as those things look most outdated compared to the PT. And as Mojo_LA (i think) said, if you cannot do a scene perfectly or if a scene has not real purpose, leave it out. And please do take your time, and do it as it should be done.

So the DVD will have the 720 x 576 standard PAL DVD resolution? What about the XVID? The same resolution?

PS. When I read the list of changes, I was so happy to see the interrogation probe altered, but when I saw the clip, despite the 'improved' syringe, it still looks outdated, because you have only changed the needle, not the whole syringe. Would this be to hard to do? The really stands out for me - hyperspace, light sabers, and an old-fashioned syringe. It is just outdated.
Adywan, you are working so hard and asking for nothing in return. I hope the old adage of "what goes around comes around" becomes true for you....you deserve so much more than our thanks. I hope you have an enjoyable Christmas and new year. Thank you Adywan for everything.

I love everybody. Lets all smoke some reefer and chill. Hug and kisses for everybody.

Well, he did get at least one free hard drive!

Pity I won't be watching this with my family at Christmas...

Instead, use it to celebrate the start of my last semester?

I'm kinda sad they took down the "R2D2" costume from the mailbox on the corner a few blocks from my apartment a couple weeks ago. I guess the celebration is officially over.
Can't wait to see the new clip, Adywan! Thanks for all your hard work bringing this to other fans!
Just curious ady, The sabres sound tiny in the origional trilogy when in action, wear as the sabres in the prequels sound full and massive with deep bass in the swings ( close to the camera of course ). Did you by any chance ( if it's possible ) add some bass to the original sabres during the duels? This is not a request, I'm just curious if you have allready done it or considered doing it?

Venerable member of the “Red Eye” Knights

Nice for the anal-retentive fan anywhere! I appreciate the efforts, I believe a high percentage of them are fine, but some are overblown or not necessary. Someone stated all the screen graphics in ANH need to redone, (I mean on the computer displays such as targeting computers, etc) I disagree because if you see the targeting computers on the Jedi fighters in ROTS, they look just like the targeting computer displays on the Tie Fighters in ANH, and of course on the EP3 Star Destroyer bridge the computers look the same as they did in ESB/ROTJ.

Someone complained about there being a window in Vaders Tie Fighter but the outside does not show it, but I read on a technical commentary that Vader's fighter had a view screen behind him that simulated a window, as he had some camera device on the outside.

I do appreciate the effort made here, although I have yet to see any of the clips as the links I've tried no longer have the clips.

If anyone can post them somewhere I'd appreciate it! I hope someday maybe we can have a DVD of this made!
Originally posted by: Sevb32
Nice for the anal-retentive fan anywhere!
Curious. Are you referring to yourself?

I love everybody. Lets all smoke some reefer and chill. Hug and kisses for everybody.

Yeah myself and anyone else like me. I wasn't bashing this great work. This could be done with practically any movie ever made, continuity errors corrected, gliches, etc. I am very thankful for this effort, I just wish I could see some of it in clips!
Well, the screen graphics update was just a suggestion, but I did mean just small improvements, because otherwise it would stand out.

Adywan, about the interrogating probe, is what you have shown one one of the clips the final version? The syringe and the shaking of the probe really bugs me

BTW, the DS battle sequence is superb!
I don't see how exactly a syringe absolutely makes something out of date. It's more to do with aesthetics than technology, I don't see it as anymore out of date than AT-AT's having legs when in the SW Universe you have the ability to hover or fly. It's like the hairstyles in ANH, they have nothing to do with technology. Sideburns were popular in the seventies but they were not in the 40s or 50s, which could represent the prequels era, if you understand what I mean.

Wow! What an amazing trailer! I wish I could see even more! What are the chances of me having a DVD copy of this entire movie by next summer? I really want one!
A quick question. I read that Vader's ANH chest box had blinking lights added, yet in the trailer I didn't see any. Maybe it's the lower res quality keeping me from seeing. Also, did you remove "You father wanted you to have this when you were old enough." Or just the first part of the line? Technically you could probably make the line, "I wanted you to have this when you were old enough." I believe you could take Guinness saying "I" from another part of the films.
Originally posted by: Sevb32
A quick question. I read that Vader's ANH chest box had blinking lights added, yet in the trailer I didn't see any. Maybe it's the lower res quality keeping me from seeing. Also, did you remove "You father wanted you to have this when you were old enough." Or just the first part of the line? Technically you could probably make the line, "I wanted you to have this when you were old enough." I believe you could take Guinness saying "I" from another part of the films.

The blinking chest plate is definitely in there. Honestly, it looks so natural, I forget that he even made that change.
Hey ady, any chance you are doing something to the Death Star Explosion? I always thought it would look cool to have it explode similar to the way the trader federation control ship did. Also any chance you could post so new screen shots?
Another thing I didn't see mentioned in this entire thread, unless I missed it somehow. Jon Knoll mentioned that ILM forgot to make Luke's leading RED 5 X-WING have 5 RED stripes on each wing, as all have just 2 stripes in that scene. Is it possible to do anything with this?
I know that Tellan is keenly aware of the look of the X-wings for his edit. He is doing extensive work in making the shots match up correctly with the stripes on the X-wings.

And Ady did do some work on the stripes for the parked X-wings in the Yavin base. I'm not sure if he did more than that.
Any chance my idea about having a photo of Padme in skimpy gear stuck to Vaders tie fighter console?

You could make it like an old WW2 photo with writing saying something akin to; "to my sexy husband Anakin"

and then have some maniacal red line through the Anakin with VADER written below it. I think that would be the icing on the cake. Lucas would be totally pissed off he never thought of that.
What did I do that needs chilling out? I've dished out a lot of praise!