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Originally posted by: Sluggo
A screen shot might be helpful...


Its not something i'm going to fix. there was probably a sewing kit in the stormtroopers utility belt so she fixed the rip after they escaped the compactor.

Sluggo, did you get my PM?

I've been working hard on the new audio mix. I have to admit that i do think that the "wedge" line fits in better so i think i'm returning to that. Changing that one line wouldn't impact on Biggs' role. It is Wedge after all that is supposed to be coming to Lukes rescue and Luke is getting impatient with him. It just seems to me that he would be wondering where Wedge was and not Biggs at that point.

Its all sounding good so far. This mix is definately made for surround sound. more effects in the rear channels and more ambience instead of just plain music like most of the original mix.




And yes, I gots it. I'll pm ya soon, mate!

Avast! Arrr....
Originally posted by: adywan
Well i have took note of the last few comments and i have done some minor editing and i'm really happy to say that......


Its a bit shorter than i originally intended but this edit does sort out all the niggles that have been said recently by SynchG, beej199, Master Qui-Gon, vbangle, Darksaber & ron2112 about luke, leia, han, chewie & the rest of the stuff and this edit should just what you are looking for now. I'm so glad i have finally managed to complete it and i really hope you will all enjoy it. the DVd version should be along soon but for now i have managed to compress it to a very small xvid file without losing too much quality. It may be small but i assure you this is the full movie.
I can now finally have a well earned rest before i tackle my next project. i may do a version 2 of revisited that might come out towards the end of the year if the interest is still there.
Its uploaded to megaupload so if you need it to be uploaded to rapidshare then just ask.



Can you imagine if that would have been what had shown up in '97 as the SE?
I would have paid real money to see an audience reaction to that on the big screen.



I have a somewhat silly suggestion. In Episode II, when Jango Fett is walking up the ramp into Slave I as it takes off, he bumps his head as he goes in. Rob Coleman says on the commentary that Jango was clumsy and that it was "cloned into the stormtroopers" (whatever that means) and that's why one of the troopers in the death star bumps his head in A New Hope, (I think you know the one I mean). It was just a way to explain away an error in A New Hope, but might it be neat if there was a somewhat muted Temura Morrison"aghh" when the trooper hits his head? Hmmm.
The trailers look absolutely amazing! I'd love to get a copy when its completed (will there be proper DVD covers to download as well by the way?) Oh and it would make a fine addition to my collection. I love the idea that the Imperial March will appear in ANH (I was disapointed that they didn't put it in the 2004 DVDs). I also had certain expectations on the boxset and was quite delighted by the restored and enhanced movies, though there were moments where the gloss faded, and then parts of it looked pretty bad (Luke's lightsaber beam and I was expecting the end battle in IV to be completely remade digitally). But nevertheless I loved the set. Your fan-movie will probably be the best there is. Will there also be a download link in the end (for the completed masterpiece) or will we just have to buy a DVD that'll be sent to our homes (if so, I'm all the way in the UK). Thanks for starting the whole thing, I hope you're having fun in the final stages of putting the movie together into shape. One final thing - will there be some minor editing done to Episode's V and VI (though I think its a good thing they put Hayden Christensen in at the end of VI, they could have made him look about 45 by adding make-up on him).

Father, Husband, Nerd (of Batman and Star Wars mainly)


darth chronus read back through the thread m8 and you'll see ady is in the uk himself
plus there are some interesting points of view that can make you look at some scenes in a new way
you'll also learn that this is a labour of love - ady is asking nothing in return for this amazing project
i expect torrents will be the most common download source for the majority

i have a feeling that once finished and out there this will become THE only version of ANH fans will want to watch
it will spread from those who have been following the progress for many months to the masses that have no idea this is going on
ady will become a legend of the star wars universe of such proportions GL will have to take notice and release it as the new official definitive version

boom! ady gets a job working for LFL with nice medical cover and can bypass the NHS and gets paid properly to "revisit" the other 5 movies

now that's what i'd like to see happen

back to the present - ady which line are you using for the stormtrooper knocking on the door in mos eisley "it's secure" or "the door is locked"?
i always preferred it's secure myself

keep it up m8

figrin d'an and the modal nodes - best band name ever!
How about correcting the spelling of Denis Lawson's name in the end credits?
Emo is the moral destrucion of modern society.
Originally posted by: professa adyfanback to the present - ady which line are you using for the stormtrooper knocking on the door in mos eisley "it's secure" or "the door is locked"?
i always preferred it's secure myself

Well this audio mix, mainly dialogue wise, is going to be based on the mono mix. Thats the mix i always remember as a kid, mainly because it was the version i watched all the time after taping it off the TV, and thats the one i prefer. The 2004 mix contains elements of the mono mix, namely when the stormtroopers stop Luke & co at the mos eisley checkpoint.
the section you mentioned has been returned to the monomix dialogue. this dialogue fits better especially when the trooper says "check
that side of the street. he motions exactly that and a trooper moves to the other side. But in the other mixes he says this side of the street but motions to the other side still. It just doesn't fit what you see onscreen.
Originally posted by: Darth ChronusOne final thing - will there be some minor editing done to Episode's V and VI (though I think its a good thing they put Hayden Christensen in at the end of VI, they could have made him look about 45 by adding make-up on him).

Yes there will be , but not as extensive as ANH. Jedi needs the most work where as Empire just needs a few elements changing as it is a great movie as it stand (except a couple of the SE changes that have to go). So those 2 films will mainly be touching up (unless we get some deleted scenes before i get around to the sequels of course). But Hayden has to go in Jedi. That is one of my most hated change in any of the SE's (Greedo shooting first being my number 1). Sebastian Shaw will be returning for my edit so it will definately be the return of the original jedi. lol

The audio mix is coming along nicely. i have about half the movie complete already. Just finished the cantina. there are more ambient sounds 7 a bit more echo on the music. this now feels to me like you are actually in the cantina as you have sounds coming from all speakers now. this also applies to the Tantive IV battle where the lasers will be coming at you from all directions.



I'd like to see the force ghost of Anakin at the end or ROTJ portrayed by Shaw, But wearing dark coloured robes.

maybe digitally remove his eyebrows for continuity sake
Originally posted by: adywan
Originally posted by: professa adyfanback to the present - ady which line are you using for the stormtrooper knocking on the door in mos eisley "it's secure" or "the door is locked"?
i always preferred it's secure myself

But Hayden has to go in Jedi. That is one of my most hated change in any of the SE's (Greedo shooting first being my number 1). Sebastian Shaw will be returning for my edit so it will definately be the return of the original jedi. lol

Thank you Jesus. I was unsure of your feelings about which head, Hayden or Shaw, should be there......Hayden looks too creepy and out of place. Whew, it looks like we have a lot to look froward too thanks to you Adywan......Thank you for all the countless hours in front of your computer screen, keep up the great job and I wish you well.

I love everybody. Lets all smoke some reefer and chill. Hug and kisses for everybody.

Yes there will be , but not as extensive as ANH. Jedi needs the most work where as Empire just needs a few elements changing as it is a great movie as it stand (except a couple of the SE changes that have to go). So those 2 films will mainly be touching up (unless we get some deleted scenes before i get around to the sequels of course). But Hayden has to go in Jedi. That is one of my most hated change in any of the SE's (Greedo shooting first being my number 1). Sebastian Shaw will be returning for my edit so it will definately be the return of the original jedi. lol

That sounds great! I appreciate the fact that you are such as dedicated Star Wars fan, and the edit(s) should look amzing in the end. I'm sure that you'll end up with an edit that would make even Darth Editious envious (actually I loved his edition of it - but you have more material in yours from the looks of it).

Well I hope you're taking care of yourself and not killing yourself doing it.

I just realised that you, like me, are in the UK, which is pretty cool. I've enjoyed having a look at the comments on this thread of course!

By the way could you let me design a DVD cover for your 'Episode IV' edit, I love designing things like that - oh, and I could have them ready online by late October. Would that be ok?

Well thanks again and take care adywan
May the Force Be With You! Always.

Father, Husband, Nerd (of Batman and Star Wars mainly)


Originally posted by: adywan

where as Empire just needs a few elements changing as it is a great movie as it stand (except a couple of the SE changes that have to go). So those 2 films will mainly be touching up But Hayden has to go in Jedi. Sebastian Shaw will be returning for my edit so it will definately be the return of the original jedi. lol

Thats freaking fantastic, I'm so glad your not going to be reworking ESB too much

"The Empire can't stop us now..now its our turn" -Luke-

Once again, Ady brings justice for Star Wars fans...I am not surprised. Shaw shall be returned to his rightful place.
"I turned it off! I don't wanna talk to her!"
Ady, this may have been mentioned - hell, I could've been the one to ask; but, is it possible for you to get rid of that damned Aurabesh? It pisses me off to no end.

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em

Originally posted by: bkev
Ady, this may have been mentioned - hell, I could've been the one to ask; but, is it possible for you to get rid of that damned Aurabesh? It pisses me off to no end.

sorry but Aurabesh is here to stay. i can't see why you have a problem with it. After all it is set in a galaxy far, far away so naturally their written language would be different. Just look at the diverse amounts of language on our own planet. If you ahte it so much you are going to hate my edit... there's more , a lot more, of it than originally.
Originally posted by: Darth ChronusBy the way could you let me design a DVD cover for your 'Episode IV' edit, I love designing things like that - oh, and I could have them ready online by late October. Would that be ok?

yes that would be brilliant. i have put a couple of requests out for people to start sending me their covers but so far only 1 person has replied. I've seen so many great covers from artists on this site but i guess they are passing my edit by. . Even though i will be doing the official cover i do want to showcase the talents of anyone who can come up with a cover for this edit in the DVD-ROM folder of the finished DVD



It's not the different language part; in fact, I'd bet it's just nostalgia (the original SE kept the english and that's what I grew up on.) Thanks for taking the time to answer Adywan. And I'm not going to hate your edit just because you kept/changed one thing

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em

I know for people who like the Original Orignals, which includes me, this may be hard to get used to, but the Roman Alphabet which is what we are all typing in now does not exist in the Star Wars Universe. Aurabesh is the writing system of most humans. " A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away" is meant to be ambiguous and not set Star Wars in a certain time or place. If the Roman Alphabet writing system is used in the Star Wars universe it ties Star Wars to a certain time on Earth. This takes some of the mystery and magic out of the films.

Also, it is very hard for me to believe that our Roman Alphabet would be used by humans off of earth across the universe. This is a system not even all humans on earth today use. The idea that every human in the Universe will in the future use, what is already an old writing system to us, in the future across the Universe is absurd.

I know this isn't the way the Original Originals are, but it is accurate to the Star Wars universe and is a change I fully support. Adywan, I am glad you are keeping the Aurabesh and including more of it.

I agree with Marvolo. The inclusion of Aurabesh does not detract or dimish the story.
"I turned it off! I don't wanna talk to her!"
Hmm, that's odd. Well I might as well just post it here then. I was just wondering which special edition changes in ESB you don't like? Also, aside from his grin, why don't you like Hayden at the end of ROTJ, and do you think you'll keep the Naboo shot during the celebration?
Originally posted by: Marvolo
I know for people who like the Original Orignals, which includes me, this may be hard to get used to, but the Roman Alphabet which is what we are all typing in now does not exist in the Star Wars Universe. Aurabesh is the writing system of most humans. " A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away" is meant to be ambiguous and not set Star Wars in a certain time or place. If the Roman Alphabet writing system is used in the Star Wars universe it ties Star Wars to a certain time on Earth. This takes some of the mystery and magic out of the films.

Also, it is very hard for me to believe that our Roman Alphabet would be used by humans off of earth across the universe. This is a system not even all humans on earth today use. The idea that every human in the Universe will in the future use, what is already an old writing system to us, in the future across the Universe is absurd.

I know this isn't the way the Original Originals are, but it is accurate to the Star Wars universe and is a change I fully support. Adywan, I am glad you are keeping the Aurabesh and including more of it.

I confess I'm a bit of a Star Wars font snob, so I'll point out that "Aurebesh" was never used in the original Trilogy, not even ROTJ. Aurebesh was created in the early 90s by West End Games. It is very similar to what is seen in ROTJ, but it was based on limited reference material, so many letters are completely different.

I understand that most people don't understand this distinction and probably don't care because Aurebesh is close enough. But Adywan, if this is something you want to possibly fix so that it matches ROTJ, feel free to use my Galactic Basic font (http://www.erikstormtrooper.com/galacticbasic.htm). I spent a long time researching and working on this font, and I think it's the most movie-accurate "Aurebesh-type" font out there.

Here's an example of Galactic Basic:

I've actually thought about bringing this up in the past, but I didn't want to come off as tooting my own horn. Although it would be a tremendous ego boost to see my font in your edit, Adywan, I completely understand if you feel it's not worth the trouble.

You know of the rebellion against the Empire?

Originally posted by: Erikstormtrooper
I spent a long time researching and working on this font, and I think it's the most movie-accurate "Aurebesh-type" font out there.

Fine work there, E. I admire that kind of attention to detail. I don't suppose you have a sample of Aurebesh handy so we laymen can compare?

Avoid infestation. Rotate.

Sure. Here's a little something to compare the text on the tractor beam control.


You'll immediately notice the numbers. Remember that in the Original Trilogy, the numbers were always readable (Death Star viewport, Rebel targeting computers, etc.).

You know of the rebellion against the Empire?

Wow, that's quite a difference. That seems at least as significant as many of the changes on Adywan's original fix list. It'll be interesting to hear from the man on this subject...

Avoid infestation. Rotate.