Originally posted by: skyjedi2005
Does anyone know what the director's and cinematographers intentions were and were these followed by Lowry During restoration?
Does anyone know what the director's and cinematographers intentions were and were these followed by Lowry During restoration?
Definitely not. The movies have been "updated" to mordern audiencies. That means that a lot of contrast levels and coloros were "corrected" to look "real", wich gets rid with the original intentions of the cinematographers. The sound effects have been updated as well, like the gun shots and explosions. Ted Moore's characteristic photography consisted in very saturated coloros, wich was not the case on some Ultimate Editions. And, some scenes are really messed up, with some bad errors, like when Thunderball: The scene when Quist is thrown in the pool, there's a shot of the water becoming red with his blood On the first releases of the UE, the "red" have been removed, due a misinterpretation of the software responsible for "color correction". And so on the other editions. The most surprising edition is Goldeneye, wich became worse with the remastering: the picture were cropped and the image is very dark. But, the remastering work of the first four movies were great.
I have some videos with some comparision shots between the Special Editions and Ultimate Editions, if it's not forbidden to post, I give the link:
Dr. No
PS: Credits to 007magazine.co.uk