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Post #295762

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I say forget the OOT on DVD, lets target HD-DVD/Blue Ray Now
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Date created
22-Aug-2007, 10:57 AM
Originally posted by: CO
Originally posted by: RickWJ324
Paramount and Dreamworks just announced exclusivity for HD-DVD! Titles like TRANSFORMERS: THE MOVIE, SHREK, and STAR TREK shows/movies will only be available to HD-DVD.
Both camps have their exclusives, but this is good news for HD-DVD supporters!

I personally have been pulling for HD-DVD, but will not buy either until there is a definite winner!


The problem now is that it will prolong the format year for alot longer as BluRay was winning. Now I am not in one camp, I just want one format so I can finally start buying HD movies, but this is bad news, cause this crap can last for years, and fans like myself just sit there and wait, and won't support either of them cause I don't want to get burned.

I'm with ya! I have tons of money invested in DVD and to date I'm totally content with that format. The 'tech geek' inside me wants to update to hi-def, but I will not spend money on either format knowing that I may not be able to buy a particular movie because it's format specific. I personally hope HD wins, but I really don't care either way. I want the war over and I'll buy into the winner, plain and simple. I think there are lots of other people that feel the same way.