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My Episode III Re-Edit (v 2007) (Completed)


Hey all…

As some of you are aware, I mostly have been posting in the Episode 3 Re-Edit thread… well, I decided to branch off becuase I felt I was really kinda taking over the thread and I felt somewhat bad for this.

I’ve decided to go back to Naboo–er… I mean…

I have decided I’d like to try my hand at re-editing Episode III… the entire film. Most of my edits would be little… if noticed at all.

Perhaps the biggest thing I’d like to change is the revelation of Anakin as Darth Vader (simply for continuity sake). This means changing a few lines here and there… which isn’t difficult… I had throught about uploading it to youtube, but I’m uncomfortable with the idea of uploading the whole movie to YouTube.

Currently, I have a few edits uploaded. So far, I’ve re-edited from “It Can’t Be” through to leaving Yoda’s visions. The final video is being worked on currently, but I also decided recently to try my hand at the Dooku Battle.

First off, I’d like to discuss changes I’d like to make:

  1. Removal of Anakin as Vader (again, mostly minor edits until the end).

  2. I’d like to trim the opening Battle and Bring in some small changes.

  3. I’d like to incorporate a lot of the unused Score as well as certain percussive alternates to the film versions.

  4. I’d like to incorporate some of the deleted scenes, namely the Loyalist/Rebellion underplot… it was entirely unnecessary to the film not only because it makes sense in the story, but also because without it, Padme almost doesn’t exist in the film and being the reason why Anakin turns, I believe it is crucially important that we understand her as well.

  5. The big change is the battle near the end. I’ve already finished these edits.

  6. I’ve played with Yoda Meditating to make it a conversation with Qui-Gon.

  7. I’m creating a shot of the arrival of the Tantive IV to Tatooine dropping off Obi-Wan, and the removal of any mention of Leia.

  8. Most of the other edits would be minor ones to speed up the film and correct pacing.

I’m interested in thoughts or ideas. Has anything been done like this before?

Also, If you’d like to see what I have done, you can view the videos here:

End Battle Re-Edit Part I

End Battle Re-Edit Part II

End Battle Re-Edit Part III

You can also view the dooku edit (what I’ve done so far) here:

Dooku Edit Version 3

Let me know your thoughts!

Is it not sad that in this time, we are more surprised by acts of love than acts of hate?

Hello again. I've been following your progress in the Episode 3 Re-Edit thread, and I'm quite impressed. Though I personally would never remove Vader from Episode 3, I just love how it's been explored in that thread. Because of such exploration there have been some very cool results, and I really like how you've handled the whole end battles thing. Keep up the good work. One question though, what happened to your first re-edit, the "how the fans would have wanted it" thread? Also will this one have an isolated score track, I thought that was a very good idea.

I enjoyed your edit of the Dooku scene, and your cuts are very unnoticable (which, as you've said, is a good thing). I did find that the re-ordering of the Palpatine dialog after the duel was a tad abrupt. The part with Palpatine's laugh was also a little rough, since he's not smiling in the long shot you cut to. If you want to tackle a little rotoscoping, adding a smile to the long shot might be possible.

Do you have any plans to change to battledroid voices?

You know of the rebellion against the Empire?

Hi! A few comments on your planned edit...

1) Removal of Anakin as Vader: This I don't like, simply because for me, the Star Wars Saga is IV-V-VI-I-II-III (and then a reprise of IV-V-VI, actually), but it does look like you'll be able to pull this off as well as it can be.

2) Trimming the opening battle: Yes! Just make sure you remove those pesky Buzz Droids...

3) Unused score: I'm not really sure on this one... More Williams is always good, and I like what I've seen in what you've uploaded, but it might be too much of a good thing... Difficult to say without seeing a complete edit.

4) Deleted scenes: Again, I'm not sure. I was never too fond of the Rebellion subplot, I think it at the very least needs some trimming before being included. I definately suggest you use the "Plot to Destroy the Jedi" deleted scene, as I find this single scene to make Anakin's turn a lot more believable.

5) End battle: This is really good. 'Nuff said.

6) Qui-gon conversation: A really good idea, but hard to pull off. I like your visuals, but the audio just doesn't sit right with me.

7) Removal of Leia: See #1...

As for the Dooku fight, it's just awesome! Although Dooku's execution doesn't really feel like a "spur of the moment" thing (which I think you intended it to be?), I really like how Anakin coolly and deliberately (as it seems to me) snuffs the Count. Palpatine's dialogue afterwards is also perfect, in my opinion.

I'll be looking forward to seeing the finished product, and I have high hopes that it will be a worthy replacement to the travesty that was the official version. Best of luck on your project, GM!
You know, I wondered what happened to my last thread myself... it appears that once it passes the third page mark in this forum it is pruned so lol

As for the changes... I was never sure I wanted to do them myself. I always like the subplot and it irked me it was removed... there's still another scene that was just Padme, Bail and Mothma talking... and it irks me that THAT'S not on the DVD...

What's worse is that ... it seems like they just kinda dumped the sturr on the DVD...

In the other dvd's, they FINISHED the deleted scenes and put them on the dvd... here, they mostly lay unfinished... which kinda annoys me.

As for the removal of Vader, I guess it was something that I was always unsure of...

The fan boy in everyone wanted to see Vader again... but going back and exploring the films and listening to the commentary and reading about the scenes and the inflections and what was going on... I have to say that I've gained a little more insight into what exactly Lucas wanted to capture and if there's one thing, the acting really did suffer in this film.

In the others, a lot of the problems with the acting I'm almost certain came from the fact that the films were re-edited soo much... it removed a lot of the acting and left strange leftovers of acting in parts that made no sense... like Anakin smiling in Episode II when he made Padme uncomfortable. Unless you've read the deleted scene, you don't understand why he should be smiling at all... and by all rights, he shouldn't be in the film edit because there was none of the humor of the filmed scene... but yet you see him smiling and it makes it really weird...

It's a bit annoying.

As far as Vader in this film... I think that removing it works for one big advantage...too much of the end of the film leaves you off where the next one starts... and in removing Vader, you also remove the Death Star... (you also remove the "Nooo!" lol)... you also remove Leia being brought to Alderan... (and since Yoda going to Dagobah is deleted anyways, you loose that as well).

What you're left with is a streamlined ending... that shows padme giving birth, dying, her funeral... and that takes you to Tatooine...and leaves Luke and Obi-Wan there... with none of the rest of that stuff...

It removes a lot of film time, and also alleviates a lot of the "Well, the next film starts right after this" feeling associated with it.

In a way, the deleted footage could almost be turned into another film itself... and in some ways should really be used as such... rather than as an ending sequence to Episode III.

A lot of them would be good to use either that way, or as flashbacks latter in the films... like in ROTJ... not to say I'm going to be doing that... lol but they make FAR more sense there than they do at the end of Episode III.

Is it not sad that in this time, we are more surprised by acts of love than acts of hate?

Hey all...

I did an edit of the End Sequence... and as I did it , some more ideas came to mind so I ended up creating two versions... neither is complete. Both have errors... but both have some good ideas...

I'd like you all to watch parts 1-3, then these videos because these videos are short... and if you watch them alone, sometimes they can feel very short... so watching them in sequence will help give some better ideas of how they'd fit together.

Also, there are a TON of edits in both of these...far too many to mention here. I'd rather you watch and compare them yourselves. Tell me what ideas you like, what you don't. What stick out strong and what sticks out like a sore thumb. There are some errors in the videos...and the music isn't "finalized" but these are the general ideas.

If you have further ideas, let me know.

First off, I'd like you to see the one that is what I had envisioned in my mind (I do recommend watching all of the other three before watching this one):

Part 4 Version 4

This one ends without the final sequence (it would be simliar to whats in the next video). My original idea was to have the tantive 4 cross across the final shot and then either fly towards the planet or be in orbit around Tatooine.

It became too difficult and I wasn't able to do what I wanted with my program so I decided to try another approach with that. (so if you like that idea and can help me, that would be appreciated. My program doesn't have rotoscoping ability. If I could simply completely remove the Tantive 4 from the surround shot of it arriving at Coruscant, I'd be able to do this shot).

In this video, Yoda's visions might need to be re-done as none of the visuals are that important. I'm thinking of maybe throwing some other shots in... perhaps some unused stuff from Episode III or some things from Episode IV.

Some of the shots are ripped from the other films. Two of naboo might need to have a filter added but I'm not sure how to do that on my program yet... I came up with an idea but I havn't tested it. If anyone knows how and could let me know...?

This is the second version, much more like the version I did a while ago, but also has some new ideas and elements. I'd like to hear what you all think.

Please, watch Parts 1-3, then this video as well... and compare this one to the other one... I'd love to get some feedback on the ideas of where to put things.

I say to watch parts 1-3 first because this video is short and it feels to go by really fast and it helps if you watch them in sequence to get an idea of how they fit together.

Anyways, here is the other version:

Part 4 Version 5


Is it not sad that in this time, we are more surprised by acts of love than acts of hate?

Well all, I'm working on another Dooku edit. People really seemed to like what I did before but I've seen some good ideas out there and thought I'd try them.

For one I tried to remove the backflip and simply use him jumping. I also saw someone took the Dooku fight and had added some music from Episode II to it and I thought "Well, that kinda does something interesting for the fight.

I did notice something about the fight... there is just something all around odd about it. It's placement is odd... it's tone is strange... it's on-again-off-again fighting style is REALLY weird...

I added the music but I'm not sure which I prefer more. The other videos I had layered "Entrance of Dooku" lightly underneath just to keep a subtle ambiance... but past that I never put music in the dooku battle.

Anyways, I also thought about that one moment right near the end where the two get push off from each-other...it creates quite the delay... so I have made an edit without those few seconds just to see if I could keep the action going.

Also, to heighten the sense of Anakin's Anger, I placed a couple yells into the fight. two after Dooku says "You have hate, you have anger. But you don't use them." one is a long roar, and the second comes right after it giving it a nice "Raaaa-AH!" sound... as if dooku's lines might have done something...made him tap into the anger....

Also, when he actually severs Dooku's head, I added another yell.

Also, I removed that shot I wasn't happy with right after Palpatines line "It is only natural." Instead, I placed a shot of anakin, and moved the next shot forward. I split the next shot in half. The first half you simply hear under the new angle, and the second half you see and hear.

You'll see...

Anyways let me know what you all think. With or without music? With or without the moans? I also inserted a shot of Palpatine before Dooku force pushes Obi-Wan just to offset it slightly. DOes it work? Any ideas with that?

Here is WITH new music:

Dooku V4 - WITH music

Here is the same thing without the new music:

Dooku V4 v2 - WITHOUT music


I've kinda decided I like it without the music. I think I've finally figured out what's so odd about the first half of the fight... it's not really a fight at all... it's just a way to get them to talk... to state a few things...how things have changed... a set up for the second half of the fight which is the REAL fight... having music over the first half seems... out of place...

I'm also wondering about cuting the line "I sense great fear in you Skywalker." I'm thinking of maybe just having it jump to him saying "You have hate...anger... but you don't use them." I think it will be more powerful that way.

Is it not sad that in this time, we are more surprised by acts of love than acts of hate?

For one I tried to remove the backflip and simply use him jumping.

Works for me. Any disorientation from the lack of the full jump being there is compensated for by the lack of a pointless backflip.

I did notice something about the fight... there is just something all around odd about it. It's placement is odd... it's tone is strange... it's on-again-off-again fighting style is REALLY weird...

It may feel off because of the extensive use of doubles for Christopher Lee; the movement you get out of him isn't consistent across the fight. Gods bless him, he brings the right gravitas to the role, but at eighty or so they really had no choice but to do what they did. Even now the limber moves of his double don't ever completely match with his stiff, careful movement, but I'd rather have him in than out.

Also, to heighten the sense of Anakin's Anger, I placed a couple yells into the fight. two after Dooku says "You have hate, you have anger. But you don't use them." one is a long roar, and the second comes right after it giving it a nice "Raaaa-AH!" sound... as if dooku's lines might have done something...made him tap into the anger....

And it works, I might say.

Also, when he actually severs Dooku's head, I added another yell.

As does that.

Also, I removed that shot I wasn't happy with right after Palpatines line "It is only natural." Instead, I placed a shot of anakin, and moved the next shot forward. I split the next shot in half. The first half you simply hear under the new angle, and the second half you see and hear.

Yeah, that twigged, and works.

Anyways let me know what you all think. With or without music? With or without the moans? I also inserted a shot of Palpatine before Dooku force pushes Obi-Wan just to offset it slightly. Does it work? Any ideas with that?

I think possibly without at the start of the fight. Or maybe use that ambient background sound from Empire Strikes Back which they reused for Attack of the Clones. That noise was heard when Luke was in the carbon chamber on Bespin, and when Obi-Wan was looking down and listening to the Confederacy's little meeting from above. It almost doesn't register, but you get the same tense feeling from the AOTC scene as you do from Bespin.

As for the insertion of the closeup of Palpatine: yeah, that just about gets you there, I think. I've got another suggestion for a Palpatine closeup further down, but this is a good way to get around that continuity problem -- the audience doesn't have time to register where Anakin is because there's a sufficient break in the line of action so the eye doesn't have to follow it. One suggestion: I would've cut a little bit more off the start of Obi-Wan hitting the floor. In its present form I think that sequence of shots still suffers from the viewer saying to himself "Hey, Anakin's still waiting for the camera to get back to him and Dooku before he takes his next strike." The audience already knows Obi-Wan's flying through the air -- I don't think it would need to be given the full glory of the end of his flight. And it also raises plausibility levels a bit -- you can more comfortably accept the next strike coming without a pause. I don't know, give it a try and see...

I'm also wondering about cuting the line "I sense great fear in you Skywalker." I'm thinking of maybe just having it jump to him saying "You have hate...anger... but you don't use them." I think it will be more powerful that way.

I think that's more personal choice. I think frankly it exposes plainly the source of Anakin's weakness: the fear he has of the ones he loves dying. That's what he's been trying to stop for three movies. I would've left it in. Also, you might have problems losing the "you have" out of the "You have anger" bit, because Dooku's lips are visibly moving (if that's what you were trying to do...)

One other suggestion if I may on this otherwise excellent recut. The duplication of shots iof Palpatine in his chair -- the latter one, perhaps, could be substituted for a closeup of Palpatine, or a different one of him in his chair? To my untutored eye I don't think you quite get away with that same shot so soon after the last one...of course, maybe there's not enough to work with ...

6) I've played with Yoda Meditating to make it a conversation with Qui-Gon.

That'd be interesting. Someone else suggested doing 'flashes' of the future films, as a way of breaking up the available shots, and I like that ... even to the point of putting Yoda's visions in the same sort of thing as Anakin's own...

7) I'm creating a shot of the arrival of the Tantive IV to Tatooine dropping off Obi-Wan, and the removal of any mention of Leia.

The Tantive IV's arrival sounds good!

EDIT: Just realised I missed three other things.

(1) This one there probably isn't anything that can be done about short of flipping the entire film, but there's another bug that I couldn't put my finger on -- it's a continuity issue with Obi-Wan getting the walkway dropped on him. Dooku's using the wrong hand. That hand he's using the Force with has his lightsaber in it for the rest of the sequences. I can just about see the looks on Lucasfilm's faces when they saw that one: "Oh. Crap. He's using the wrong hand and we can't flip the shot because Dooku'll be facing the wrong way to the audience. Now what? Reshoot?" "Nah, leave it in. Nobody's gonna notice that."

(2) I might've mentioned this, but please, please, please consider taking out Artoo's flamethrower trick. Please. I hate it, Artoo doesn't use it anywhere else in the OT, and it doesn't make sense for two droids able to withstand short blaster fire to be taken out by a campfire.

(3) Thought about speeding up Anakin and Palpatine's conversation over Obi-Wan? It might sound more like an argument that way?
"My teaching is like a raft used to cross a river. Only a fool would carry the raft around after he reached the other side!"
please consider taking out Artoo's flamethrower trick. Please. I hate it,

I am very much in favor of this suggestion. I mentioned it in your old thread, but I don't think you were into the idea because there was going to be music over it in your version. However, if the music wasn't added it would be an easy edit because there isn't any to begin with. I so hate those "none of his wire jokes" lines and "he's trying". I do feel that it slows down the pacing on the invisible hand. Maybe you could restore some of the deleted scene there. Anyway, just a thought.
I might remove it.... I kinda like it... I know I laughed in the threatre...

It's not a flame thrower btw... it's his rocket boosters. He coated them in oil, and then turned them on to float away, they had the deleterious effect of igniting the oil and setting the two on fire ... which was the intent... heh

I dunno...I always liked it heh... but you are right about slowing down the action...I left it on the beginning of these clips because when I zoom out on my editing program to select a region, I couldn't quite tell if I was getting it all, so I was adding a few seconds before and after the fight lol...

Is it not sad that in this time, we are more surprised by acts of love than acts of hate?

Originally posted by: GoodMusician
I might remove it.... I kinda like it... I know I laughed in the threatre...

It's not a flame thrower btw... it's his rocket boosters. He coated them in oil, and then turned them on to float away, they had the deleterious effect of igniting the oil and setting the two on fire ... which was the intent... heh

I dunno...I always liked it heh... but you are right about slowing down the action...I left it on the beginning of these clips because when I zoom out on my editing program to select a region, I couldn't quite tell if I was getting it all, so I was adding a few seconds before and after the fight lol...

I like the part where he torches the droids, also. It got big laugh from me, and the audience I was with in the theatre. I say keep it, because it makes Artoo look cool. He can take care of himself if he has to.

See, that's the thing.

If you listen to the Audio commentary, Lukas wanted to include something that showed off R2 becuase it was really the first chance that they could do almost anything with him...

They tried to make him look cool, and show he could take care of himself as marvolo said, by doing the scene.

Thinking further on it, it presents a large problem. If I remove that portion, then I'd probably have to remove all the shots to R2 still in the hangar. If I did that, then we might wonder why R2 wasn't responding to Obi-Wans summoning. .. so I may end up leaving it... although I see both of your points about the scene...

I kinda explain in another thread that Episode I is split into three sections.

Part I is most like Episode I in its jovial, good guys being good and happy portion of the film.

Part II is most like Episode II and is about the Love relationship between Anakin and Padme.

Part III is the dark part where Anakin Turns and then setting up the for Episode IV.

As such, some parts in Episode I and Part on of Episode III seem somewhat jovial and this is just that. In the commentary Lukas states that it was really the only time he could do something with R2, which he wanted to do badly and felt the fans would want. He wanted to do something with him before it got dark and the tone changed which would then render it inappropriate.

Is it not sad that in this time, we are more surprised by acts of love than acts of hate?

Nice updates, GM. I agree with your final decision to not have music at the beginning, but it was an interesting test. The added reaction shot of Palpatine breaks up the duel enough to allow of Dooku's Force push of Obi-Wan, and Anakin's grunts and yells work well.

-I like the "Swords" line; it shows Dooku's high class to use such an antiquated term. That's how I see it anyway.
-I understand why you'd think about cutting the "I sense great fear..." line but I wouldn't for a couple of reasons: 1) It's one of Dooku's few lines in the film, and 2) It would break up the great shot of them in their saber lock. The prequels didn't have enough of these sustained, lightsaber locks IMO.
-While I see the merits of Anakin getting carried away and immediately killing Dooku, and your edits for this are done well, I personally think the "Kill him now" and Dooku's stunned look serves as a necessary resolution to Dooku's role as Palpatine's apprentice.

In a nutshell, the more Christopher Lee the better.
Lol... I only thought about cutting his line because I didn't understand it... but it was explained that maybe it was becuase he feared loosing Padme...

I guess that makes sense... if he was dreaming about her dying for a while.... but if it was just that night, the why would he fear loosing her yet?...

I dunno,I'm wondering about that whole thing lol... I'll leave it.

I'm gonna play around with the killing of adooku a but I think... some of the shots are sped up too much and I think it could be a bit better.

The thing I wonder is...WHY is anakin making such a strained face when he kills dooku??

Lightsabers cut through anything...with EASE....and he's using TWO! lol... why does he have to make a strained face at all? It should just but slice... done... walk awaylol..

I guess it's why I wanted to really add that yell there... so that the face connected to something ...something more tangible and...well.. .accurate lol

Is it not sad that in this time, we are more surprised by acts of love than acts of hate?

Btw, some general thoughts on your approach to this edit:

I like what you're doing with concealing Anakin=Vader. This looks like it could work (although it's not something I'd choose to do in an edit).

Concealing Leia=Luke's sister, though, doesn't look like it could work smoothly. The edits to the birth scene are to jarring, IMO.

The Yoda/Qui-Gon scene has the most potential though. Perfect line from Narnia; when I first saw it and heard that line I instantly thought "Episode III fan edit line!" I like how you've made it a conversation between them. I'm certain that more can be made of this using more of Neeson's Batman and Narnia dialogue, but I've yet to figure it all out.
Originally posted by: GoodMusician

I guess it's why I wanted to really add that yell there... so that the face connected to something ...something more tangible and...well.. .accurate lol

Maybe a grunt or a satisfied 'hoo-hah' or something denoting victory for anakin.
hey, Iw as just curious if anyone had watched my edits for the finale of Episode III... no one had commented on them yet and I was curious if anyone had any comments or suggestions.

Is it not sad that in this time, we are more surprised by acts of love than acts of hate?

hey all, just wanted to say I made a new edit of the finale to Episode III. I'd like to get some input. I'm pretty happy with this. I wish I could extend a few moments and fix a few things but I'm curious to see what you all think.

You can download it here:

Part 4 Version 3

Let me know what you all think!

Is it not sad that in this time, we are more surprised by acts of love than acts of hate?

I hate to say it but it feels like a bit of a mess. I do LOVE some of your ideas but it seems like you have tried th cram too much into such a short period of time. Okasy i watched the clip twice. First to take it all in and then to take notes. I'll try to be as constructive as I can.

leaving mustafar

I would say remove the shot of the Naboo starship [or whatever it is] flying towards camera, or reorder the shots. the way it plays feels kinda weird. maybe try show Obiwan and Threepio and then that shot? there have been a lot of clips posted and i cant really remember exactly what each person has tried...

Overall i think i prefer not to wipe from obiwan leaving mustafar to obiwan arriving at polis masa. that might just be me tho.

the birthing

Here's a crazy idea, Why not have obiwan actually say 'Don't give up Padme' at some point?

Overall it works well in a 'trimmed down' fashion although I think the usic should probably be toned down a little towards the end...

the vision montage

the Quigon and Obiwan flashback is a great idea. However given how god damn creepy Yoda looked circa TPM maybe you should use his voice with a visual of something else. maybe young anakin?

I like the hazy effect but it seems a tad too blurry.

I really don't like the Anakin Sith eye shot here because none of them were around to witness it.

And this might just be me but it seems very wierd for yodas voice to be so 'echoed' when it is his own voice in his own flashback. I guess the same with obiwan, but it's really noticable for Yoda. Where he recalls his discussion with Obiwan about Anakin falling to the dark side...

The "don't give up padme" shot seems wierd here too. Unless we tap into the notion that it was not a vision that anakin had of the future but rather something he intercepted [Sidious] - But that's probably too complex to get into without anything to really back it up.

What might be great is if you created a similar shot using footage from actual "birth scene / death scene" . kind of like from a butterfly effect perspective. the future event still happened but played out a little differently due to characters actively trying to prevent / alter a set future.

It just seems very odd for a character to have a flashback to something they did not witness but from a perspective of someone who did. Like tapping into the mind of that person.

the quick shot of Luke in tatooine just doesnt seem to fit well. I like the idea of it. but it just doesn't feel right. Maybe as part of a longer montage, possibly coupled with shots of leia, although as i understand it you are trying to excise her from rots...

Maybe intercut Yoda meditating with the birth. Bail could interupt him with the news of her death. With the birth of Luke Yoda could then sense his presence and 'see' his future briefly. You'd have to trim yoda and bail from the birth scenes tho in that case.

What I'm getting at here is that there are great scenes and maybe theres a better way to bring them into the story and give them context rather than showing them for the sake of seeing them. Keep in mind that in the OT the audience was often moving along with the characters and only finding out things when they did.

All of the Alderaan stuff is fine as it is IMO and wouldn't really need anything more than minor tweaks. overall a fine effort but could do with some polishing.

I'm working on some ideas of my own for ROTS but it's all pretty rough atm. I'm a little out of the loop right now. I might go back and look at all the clips and thing we've all dicussed, try to get up to speed again.

Could you tell me what type of filtering / effects you are using on your flash back scenes? I'd like to experiment myself and i like the style...

well, the idea was to try to extend the birth. By having Yoda going to meditate when they say she's going to die... I thought maybe it would help give the illusion of time passing. The problem then is that Obi-wan leaving Mustafar and arriving at polis mossa have to be right next to eachother.

The visions I want to trim further and some parts are a bit blurry...as for yoda, I think I could probably replace the close up on him, and leave the other shots (the one behind him and the one of him from a slight distance).

as for using Obi-Wan's line... I know of no way because it's burried in the SFX quite well in the vision that Anakin has... it would be all distorted and stuff...

I may flip part of it around to be how it is in the film... but I thought I'd post this... it's definately quite rough... but shows some of the ideas and thoughts I'd had...

I do have to say though that as far as having visions of things they cannot have seen... I don't think that's an issue at all... Obi-Wan could never have seen a thousand people crying out in despair and then suddenly go silent... and yet that's what he says he felt/saw/heard in Episode IV... so I think that it isn't an issue.

as for the filters... I used gausan blur and light rays...

I wish there were a way to make it more dynamic...

Anyways... that's just some ideas...

Is it not sad that in this time, we are more surprised by acts of love than acts of hate?

I finally finished an idea of how I wish Episode III had been edited (the finale sequence).

You can view parts 1-4 here:

Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV


Is it not sad that in this time, we are more surprised by acts of love than acts of hate?

hey all, just wanted to post that I've made a video edit of the opening to Episode III

Landing- Dooku- Going Down

Is it not sad that in this time, we are more surprised by acts of love than acts of hate?



The Mangler Bros. Psycho Dayv Armchaireviews Notes on Suicide

cap lock much? hehe

I thought of that myself but I think it presented an editing problem to keep one line and another without being able to cut away.

I also added in grunts and groans for anakin to heighten his anger as if he lost it after Dooku says he can feel the anger...

Is it not sad that in this time, we are more surprised by acts of love than acts of hate?