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New Star Wars Movie... — Page 2

If it were announced today how could it possibly not have been reported and headlined all over the place by now? Even though I despised the prequel trilogy I would enjoy making a deal over going to see a new one with some friends. It'd be fun, even tho It'd most likely disappoint as a SW film.
Maybe Lucas messed up what he was trying to say and meant to comment on a new video game that's being shown at the anniversary?

Either way, I guess there's still this:
Not the movie announcment I was hoping for seeing as it will cover events, and people that are not so well known in the movie universe. Really, it can have some prequel people, and yoda. Not many more. I wanna see a star wars project where Mark Hammill reprises his role as an older Luke Skywalker.
Originally posted by: INv8r_ZIM
Peter Jackson? Oh, Jeesus, no. That's just what the world needs - another bloated, overlong, self-indulgent, self-important series of movies from a man who seems to have purged the word "edit suite" from his vocabulary.

Now now, it's not his fault that he was sold cameras that seemed to be stuck capturing film at 200fps...

Was it just me, or was that entire trilogy in fucking slow motion!??
VADER: Let me look on you with my own eyes...

LUKE: Dad, where are your eyebrows?

Originally posted by: Zebonka
Originally posted by: INv8r_ZIM
Peter Jackson? Oh, Jeesus, no. That's just what the world needs - another bloated, overlong, self-indulgent, self-important series of movies from a man who seems to have purged the word "edit suite" from his vocabulary.

Now now, it's not his fault that he was sold cameras that seemed to be stuck capturing film at 200fps...

Was it just me, or was that entire trilogy in fucking slow motion!??

Not just you. The trilogy could have been edited down to one great movie.
Originally posted by: 20th Century Mark
Originally posted by: Zebonka
Originally posted by: INv8r_ZIM
Peter Jackson? Oh, Jeesus, no. That's just what the world needs - another bloated, overlong, self-indulgent, self-important series of movies from a man who seems to have purged the word "edit suite" from his vocabulary.

Now now, it's not his fault that he was sold cameras that seemed to be stuck capturing film at 200fps...

Was it just me, or was that entire trilogy in fucking slow motion!??

Not just you. The trilogy could have been edited down to one great movie.

"Could" have been When the Extended Edition came along, they upsized it to a freakin' sextology. (Or whatever the correct designation is).
VADER: Let me look on you with my own eyes...

LUKE: Dad, where are your eyebrows?
