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Revenge of the sith is the shite and the flies upon it

What is with this close to universal lauding of this frankenstein of a movie?!

Shitty movies fascinate me, but i cannot conjure up any sort of fascination for this one. Yet I can for the people that genuinly love revenge of the sith. I've often seen it appear above The empire strikes back and a new hope on personal lists and everytime it feels like my heart is being eaten by a whore.

Come on, let's put our hate into something constructive and figure out what's everybody's obsession with this supposesly redeemable part of the prequel trilogy. Begin figgerin' please.


It beats AOTC is all I can say about it.
*hasn't seen it since original theatrical run*

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em

It beats AOTC is all I can say about it.

I dunno. They're both pretty awful. Tbh, I think Phantom menace is the best of the three, because it was a little mellow and didn't take itself so damn seriously, but it's still very far from being good. Oh, and all the designs in these movies suck. all the ships, all the buildings, all the traffic in the air, all the creatures.
Speaking of the design, the arena on Geonosis (in AOTC) is a shameless copy of an arena that appears in the french comic L'incal (part IV) by Moebius

I actually have only seen Attack of the clones once, and that was in the cinema. I don't remember too much of it. What i did remember was finding it strange that even christopher lee sucked in the movie. He's been in a fair share of sucky movies, but He never sucked. That says a lot about the movie itself. Well, and bad dialogue, rolling in sand and DEATHSTICKS bwhahah...
I thought Lee was the best part of AOTC and ROTS is about as bad as ROTJ, which is dissapointing considering what came before and what could have been but overall watchable and with some compelling moments. Its certainly much better than that train wreck called Attack of the Clones.
Originally posted by: Major fatal Moebius
it feels like my heart is being eaten by a whore.

Whoa, that must be one funky feeling, I can't even imagine it.

"Every time Warb sighs, an angel falls into a vat of mapel syrup." - Gaffer Tape

Whoa, that must be one funky feeling, I can't even imagine it.

Comes pretty damn close to watching revenge of the sith.
There is a simple reason why a fan of the PT loves ROTS: It has everything that we all wanted in the PT. So if you accept the first two movies, you will love it, and if you don't accept the first two movies, you will hate it, or not think it is that great.

ROTS is a not a well made movie, it is just a series of cuts and edits that doesn't develop any scene in any fashion, but it is just a greatest hits checklist of all the stuff we wanted to see since 1983. Just think of all things we wanted to see before the PT came out in 1999:

-The duel
-The turn
-The building of Darth Vader
-The force ghost issue
-The extinction of the jedi
-The birth of the twins and where they end up at
-Yoda vs The Emperor
-The rise of the Empire

THIS IS ALL IN THE LAST HOUR OF THE MOVIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So in a sense, it is pretty entertaining cause it is the pure redmeat of the PT, yet it is laughable, cause it is executed so poorly from a movie making point of view. I will stand by this statement that ROTS SHOULD HAVE BEEN THE PT!! ROTS should have been all 3 movies, with certain plot points from TPM/AOTC, and the ROTS story should have been fleshed out to 6 hours instead of the last hour.

Trust me, the ROTS lovers love the plot points that are in the movie no matter how Lucas made, they don't love the movie. There was nothing ingenious about showing Leia flying to Alderran and being held by Mother & Father Organa, anyone of us could have filmed that scene, the movie is loved for its images, not the quality.
Originally posted by: Major fatal Moebius
What is with this close to universal lauding of this frankenstein of a movie?!

Shitty movies fascinate me, but i cannot conjure up any sort of fascination for this one. Yet I can for the people that genuinly love revenge of the sith. I've often seen it appear above The empire strikes back and a new hope on personal lists and everytime it feels like my heart is being eaten by a whore.

Come on, let's put our hate into something constructive and figure out what's everybody's obsession with this supposesly redeemable part of the prequel trilogy. Begin figgerin' please.


Please tell me that the glory days of PT bashing are back. Please.
I was with the guy until the last line. Bashing "the other 5" just means he hates Star Wars in general. Henceforth, he shall be known as Darth ... Fucktard.
I am fluent in over six million forms of procrastination.
Originally posted by: ADigitalMan
I was with the guy until the last line. Bashing "the other 5" just means he hates Star Wars in general. Henceforth, he shall be known as Darth ... Fucktard.

Yeah, same for me.

"Every time Warb sighs, an angel falls into a vat of mapel syrup." - Gaffer Tape

I think that ROTS is just as bad as the other two prequels. The only way it seems a little better maybe is it *almost* (and i say almost because it didn't do it) gets dark. it only approached dark...like ROTJ. I agree with some others that as lame as it was TPM was the best prequel actually. George Lucas save for the SEs hadn't yet made a fully horrible Star Wars film. This was his first chance to completely mess it up. There were problems with Jedi, but still. Yeah ROTS sucks hard.
I don't get the chance to hang out here much anymore, but believe me I am ready to bash the prequels hard any day. There's way too many idiots on the internet who think the prequels are good, and don't understand Star Wars. They are wasting their time.
AotC is the worst PT movie and TPM was the best in my opinion (since I can withstand the Jar-jar factor). Otherwise, RotS is nowhere near as good of a movie as RotJ. Return of the Jedi may have its faults, but it's still a great film in my mind.

"Now all Lucas has to do is make a cgi version of himself.  It will be better than the original and fit his original vision." - skyjedi2005

-The duel
-The turn
-The building of Darth Vader
-The force ghost issue
-The extinction of the jedi
-The birth of the twins and where they end up at
-Yoda vs The Emperor
-The rise of the Empire


And they we're all poorly done:

The duel: incredibly cheesy. with the excessive amount of lava and whatnot, poorly misjuged dialogue, two jedi going at it like an out of control videogame, the high ground outcome (lawl- they've been jumping super high for ages and now he can't jump over one little man?)

The turn: I still don't know what happened there. 'I'll do everything you ask master?' Sure, sure...

The building of Darth Vader- The No- line doesn't bother me, and i actually like the 'Where is padme' line, but i do not like the way they portrayed the scene. It's a little clumsy, quick and cute. And the cutting between Padme breathing and Anakin breathing was so BLAH. But it'll do for some i guess.

-The force ghost issue: Well, never really cared about that. I always took those things for granted in the original trilogy and i don't remember how they solved the issue in revenge of the sith. But like all other things in the prequels George lucas probably de-mythologized (lol)it gravely.

-The extinction of the jedi- Cheesy montage, with cheesy music, with cheesy landscapes ( what was that, a FLOWER LAND or something? This is star wars, not mario bros.) also, younglings, and the dumb grin on anakin's face when he's about to kill them hah Wow, I'm anakin"s actor, look at my evil face! This is what my face looks like under my evil mask!

-The birth of the twins and where they end up at: All I remember is a cheesy sunset copy of the original. And in the original it wasn't cheesy .
-Yoda vs The Emperor- I never thought the idea of yoda fighting was a good one and this is why. It looks mightily silly, even more so because they have this sincere, bombastic music going on in the background and whatnot. I just can't take it seriously.

-The rise of the Empire: What rise? All you see are some dudes staring out of a window.

How can people look behind the execution, it's the most important thing of a production! It's like saying a 3 year old's drawing is awesome, because the intention behind it was good! Fuck that.

ha ha ha... I love how you describe the duel at the end...

If you want to dig for a reason why kids like Rots. They're kids. It's that simple. When they become smarter, they'll see it for what it is I guess. I used to love power rangers and grew out of that. They'll grow out of rots.

As for older fans who love rots, I blame Nostalgia. It's the most nostalgic prequel movie for me, since it has the emperor, vader, luke, leia, chewie. it's almost an ot movie except for it being so badly written.
He big in nothing important in good elephant.

"Miss you, I will, Original Trilogy..."

"Your midichlorians are weak, Old man." -Darth Vader 2007 super deluxe extra special dipped in chocolate sauce edition.

Originally posted by: CO
I will stand by this statement that ROTS SHOULD HAVE BEEN THE PT!! ROTS should have been all 3 movies, with certain plot points from TPM/AOTC, and the ROTS story should have been fleshed out to 6 hours instead of the last hour.

Yup, agreed

George Lucas was seduced by the dark side. The OOT ceased to exist in his mind and became the Special Editions...." "They're more maching now than movies. Twisted and evil."
If you want to dig for a reason why kids like Rots. They're kids. It's that simple.

I can understand kids liking it, but grown men! I can understand Tom Hanks in Big liking it. I could even understand a sound man diggin' it for all the wrong reasons, like one would dig the wicker man remake with nicolas 'i'm a cop, see my badge!' cage, putting the Ed Wood spin on it, but fuck man. Personal opinions are not even an issue here, it's as plain as the nose on a greek's face that revenge of the sith isn't good! And I know it shouldn't bother me that other people like it, but it does, to a certain, perverse degree, i just can't help it.
For a comprehensive look at what was wrong with ROTS, watch Karate Kid 3. The way Ralph Macchio 'turns evil' in that film is remarkably similar in pace and clumsiness to the way Anakin turns to the dark side.

VADER: Let me look on you with my own eyes...

LUKE: Dad, where are your eyebrows?

Originally posted by: Wesyeed...except for it being so badly written.

That's the puppy right there - the root of all cinematic evil is bad writing.

Consider this gem:

Obi-Wan Kenobi: I have failed you, Anakin. I have failed you.
Anakin Skywalker: I should have known the Jedi were plotting to take over!
Obi-Wan Kenobi: Anakin, Chancellor Palpatine is evil!
Anakin Skywalker: From my point of view, the Jedi are evil!
Obi-Wan Kenobi: Well, then you are lost!

An unmitigated hairy bag of ass.

Lol @ the above quotes!

So...who here actually likes Revenge of the sith?

I confess to liking Phantom Menace a lil' bit, because it's somewhat more down to earth than its sequel prequels.
I must admit I'm a little baffled at how people can think TPM is a better film that AOTC or ROTS. How anyone can sit there with a straight face and say that a film in which any one character had as much screen presence as a turnip, and which featured a developmentally delayed, sickly-looking alien rabbit and fart jokes, was good?

Admittedly, I was more excited about seeing Menace than the other two, but it was the first Star Wars movie in 16 years, and the hype it generated was something that the sequels would have been hard pressed to match. In the end, I think TPM was fun but much too childish for a Star Wars film, not to mention poorly acted. It was also, quite simply, unnecessary in terms of exposition; character introductions and the establishment of setting and conflict could have been set up within 30 minutes. A feature length film was not necessary to accomplish this, and in fact I felt that the story was stretched too thin as a result.

While the other two prequels definitely have their flaws, at least there was some meat to the story. AOTC offers up an assassination plot, a mystery, an (attempted) love story, and the outbreak of war. Then, with ROTS (in my opinion the best of the PT), you have a story that truly adheres to the classic definition of a tragedy: our protagonist (Anakin) undergoes a change from happiness to suffering (Anakin to Vader; married to isolated), often involving the death of others (Padme) as well as the main characters (the Jedi; Anakin himself in an Obi-Wan Kenobi-ish kinda way), resulting from both the protagonist's actions (Anakin deciding to save Padme at all costs; killing the Jedi) and the inescapable limits of the human condition (Anakin's fear of isolation; greed; his need for control).

Like I said, it's hard to defend any of the PT, as it just didn't have the same magic of the OT (or at least ANH and ESB), but to say that TPM was good or better than the other two is a bit hard to swallow.

“It’s a lot of fun… it’s a lot of fun to watch Star Wars.” – Bill Moyers

Originally posted by: corellian77
While the other two prequels definitely have their flaws, at least there was some meat to the story. AOTC offers up an assassination plot, a mystery, an (attempted) love story, and the outbreak of war. Then, with ROTS (in my opinion the best of the PT), you have a story that truly adheres to the classic definition of a tragedy: our protagonist (Anakin) undergoes a change from happiness to suffering (Anakin to Vader; married to isolated), often involving the death of others (Padme) as well as the main characters (the Jedi; Anakin himself in an Obi-Wan Kenobi-ish kinda way), resulting from both the protagonist's actions (Anakin deciding to save Padme at all costs; killing the Jedi) and the inescapable limits of the human condition (Anakin's fear of isolation; greed; his need for control).

In a way, I think you just described why I dislike the second two films a lot more, especially Sith. They include/attempt a lot more meaty ideas... and fail, to varying degrees of awfulness, at all of them - ESPECIALLY the most important ones. That, to me, makes them vastly more painful to watch. They put on parade exactly how terrible at storytelling they are. And many of those moments are classic plot points (a checklist of things we have been waiting for, as an earlier poster put it), which I would much rather not see at all, than see butchered. The Phantom Menace, meanwhile, aims lower, and comes out cleaner for it. It might not be better made, or have more "artistic" value to it, but at least it's not pretentious.