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Post #271810

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Date created
14-Feb-2007, 1:14 PM
Hey Adywan

I dont often post but after reading that e-mail I felt like I had to. Dont listen to it and dont let this guy stop you, one nutcase out of hundreds of people shouldn’t be the reason to stop anything! To send an e-mail like that and to then makes threats are the actions of someone with limited brain capacity or a low mental age.

If he was that bothered he would have to be sending e-mails like that to

1. Anyone who has made an edit
2. Anyone who has made a fan film
3. Anyone who has spoofed Star Wars

Hes got a lot of e-mails to write!!

The only reason he picked your work, after over 6 months of waiting and "biding his time" and not saying anything before is because you release a trailer which was near perfect studio quality.

Change is strange for some people and to be that obsessed over the original Star Wars film and to send this e-mail to you at this particular time is just a sign of JEALOUSY my friend.

Your intention is not to make a profit and you’ve always made that clear, Im sure your production will have a disclaimer stating this. Your intention is a tribute to a brilliant film and if this odd character has a problem with it he should go back to downloading pr0n and harassing small children or whatever odd things he gets up to.

Theres nutters all over the web but that doesn’t mean anyone should actually listen to them!

Keep it up mate and don’t let one moron distract you from an awesome awesome edit.