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Post #257968

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Episode II: Shroud of the Dark Side (the TM edit) (Released)
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Date created
21-Nov-2006, 5:29 PM
I think any criticism has been constructive, to be honest there hasnt been much...I guess the more feedback TM gets the better the output.

Sometimes you get so involved with something you can lose a little perspective and its good to have people challenge ideas to put you back on track. I doubt trained actors are required, that really is overkill, the voice sounds fine. A little more TLC with the voiceovers to match the scenes in sound quality (i.e. not sounding really dubbed) and matching the voice to the face/lips and IMHO its going to turn out really well.

Still think you share a passing resemblence to Hayden but with a deeper voice, which is a positive in my books as if it didnt, I think it would be too much of a leap for most people to mentally adjust their ears too ...(if you can mentally adjust your ears, but you know what I mean!)