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Question about 6-channel audio editing

I've been following the instructions located in the "Ranch" thread to rip and start re-editing The Phantom Menace for my personal enjoyment. I've done editing work in older versions of Premiere before, but I've got a couple of questions.

I've ended up with a .m2v video file - do newer versions of Premiere support this?

I also ripped the AC3 sound mix to play around with. If I break it apart to 6 mono WAV files for editing in SoundForge or something like that, how do I recombine it so that I can add the sound file into Premiere - also do newer versions of Premiere support AC3 files? The older version I have I think only takes .WAV files.

Thanks for any help!
George Lucas, October 1979: There are essentially nine films in a series of three trilogies. I have story treatments on all nine.
George Lucas, February 1999: I never had a story for the sequels.
You should be able to recombine it using Vegas Video at the least.
Bah. Another program to find and learn. I'm familiar with Premiere so was hoping I could do it in there. If not, I guess I'll have to learn how to use Vegas.
George Lucas, October 1979: There are essentially nine films in a series of three trilogies. I have story treatments on all nine.
George Lucas, February 1999: I never had a story for the sequels.
FWIW, I got a copy of Premiere Pro working and it can indeed edit M2V files. It cannot import .AC3 audio files (though apparently can export them). I haven't quite figured it out yet, I need to do a bit more reading, but apparently it builds a 5.1 channel "submix" from other sound sources so if I split the .AC3 file I've got to 6 mono sound files I should be laughing, once I learn how to build the "submix".
George Lucas, October 1979: There are essentially nine films in a series of three trilogies. I have story treatments on all nine.
George Lucas, February 1999: I never had a story for the sequels.
I'm doing this right now in my edit of Episode II. I split the 6-channel ac3 into six mono files, then imported all the tracks into premiere and put them on the timeline. I named the different tracks after what channel the file represented (LS, L, C, R, RS & LFE). If you then open the 5.1 Audio Monitor you can specify what channel the track belongs to, which'll make it sound right when editing, and then when you're done you can encode an ac3 from this, making the audio sound just right.
Sweet, thanks! I'll hopefully be able to give that a go next week. I was planning on watching the rest of TPM to note what cuts I want to make by the end of this week but as it's already Friday and I'm only an hour in (and have plans for the rest of the weekend) I'm doubting that's going to happen. So...next week it is!
George Lucas, October 1979: There are essentially nine films in a series of three trilogies. I have story treatments on all nine.
George Lucas, February 1999: I never had a story for the sequels.
How do you guys split the 6 channel track into Mono?