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Originally posted by: InfoDroid
I disagree, Darthbeej, the Death Star was not operational at that time. The fleet was there guarding it as it was being completed.

See your point, although we could end up in the same debate the generals in the room have ;-)

Depends on whether you think the Empires arrogance as displayed in the meeting room scene meant they left it ungaurded


Whether they had a fleet of star destroyers guarding it

To be honest I reckon it was 99% complete and wouldnt need guarding as the generals seem failry arrogant about its capability. However, nothing wrong with a few star destroyers I just think they need to be hanging around for a reason i.e as they are near a docking station or part of an armarda or orbiting Coruscant.
You would think that they would have their new toy surrounded by a fleet , but then where is the fleet when the rebels attack? If that sort of fleet was available then the rebels would have been toasted.
I think it then makes the finale seem less believable if you show that sort of firepower in ANH.

I don't think there is even a need for the planet at all, it looks very very cool but I liked the idea that the DS was off in deep space hidden from the eyes of the world(s).
Also those conversations feel more real to me if they are taking place out in deep space rather than while kicking around in orbit - don't know why but they do.
Just to play devil's advocate here, in a way, the conference room dialogue actually justifies the presence of a fleet. "Dangerous to your starfleet, Commander. NOT to this battle station."

And I would think, maybe the fleet was stationed at the planet, similar to the Endor moon scenario, for security, ferrying supplies and so forth.

When they set course for the Alderaan system, the Death Star presumably travels at a different speed than star destroyers are capable of, so whether it was over-confidence or simply for technical reasons they left the fleet behind at the construction site.

Originally posted by: darthbeej
Think the idea is great however some changes I would make...........

1) Slow the movement of the planet / camera / death star / star destroyer down a bit

- it appears to race by quite quickly and shows a bit too much "sliding" of objects rather than giving the impression of static solid objects in space - (best way I can describe it)

Due to the elements used to create this sequence a static shot was impossible and also while i wanted the theme of the Death Star was constructed above a planet to mirror ROTJ a static shot would have been too similar. The shots used have been slowed down from their original speed about as much as would be possible without affecting the footage too bad. I always felt that the the first time we get to see Death Star needed a bigger reveal than it had. After all, in Empire, there is a large reveal for the Superstardestroyer, so why not for the Death Star. After all its supposed to be their ultimate weapon, but all we got had was a quick shot of a single stardestroyer heading towards it. Its one thing that always bugged me after seeing Empire.

2) Lose the star destroyers in the background if not all together, there wasnt much need for a fleet as they had a Death Star!?

- The fleet appeared on a large scale in ESB in a Battlestar Galactica type of manner IMHO, including them makes you wonder what happended to them when the rebels attack later in the film!? Wouldnt the Empire have used them as frontline of defense if they were hovering by the Death Star when the rebels xwing fighters appear??. If they are there for show then the planet needs to be something worth hovering over....see next point

This sequence is set at the opening of the conference scene. the officers would have been summoned to the Death Star for this meeting. In my way of thinking for this scene they would have arrived by stardestroyer so it would be logical that there would be more stardestroyers by the death star for this scene. Plus, as infoDroid pointed out, it was not yet opertional so there would have had to have been a fleet presence to guard the Death Star. Once the meeting was over they would have returned to their sectors and only a minimum stardestroyer presence would have been required the closer the Death Star was to being operational. Also when the Death Star leaves for Alderaan then there wouldn't have been the need for any stardestroyers as it was about to be fully operational. The Empires arrogance, as noted in the conference room scene, was its downfall. They believed that the station was the ultimate power in the universe and that nothing could touch it so the Stardestroyers would have been ordered to stay behind and therefore when the battle of Yavin occurs there would have been no stardestoyers.

3) Change the colour of the planet - blue implies Alderaan which we dont see for another 30 mins (roughly!)

- Could the planet be Coruscant in the background rather than hovering over a blue unidentified planet in orbit, would this give the destoyers a reason to be there.

I'm still not convinced that having a blue planet would make people jump to the conclusion that it would be Alderaan when watched in context with the movie. After all, as i stated before, the similarity between the appearence of Alderaan and Yavin 4 never caused confusion because we knew that Alderaan was destroyed. This planet is a water planet and contains no land mass whereas Alderaan has a lot of land mass and Tarking gives an order to set course for Alderaan so we know that they are not orbiting Alderaan. But, after saying all that, i really do like the idea of it orbiting a grey moon or dead planet.

dumb_kid, I like the look of the planet in the pic you posted. Do you have a hi-res pic that you could forward to me please so i can have a play with it? Toning the puple down and bringing it to more of a grey moon look will possibly work for this sequence because the moon looks pretty natural and not CG. I've checked out www.nasa.gov and, apart from our moon and the Earth shots, the other planets look a little too Cg to me and would also need to be a lot higher-res for me to be able to use them because they are all a full planet shot and not horizon shots like in the sequence.



Andywan do you have photoshop? I could post stuff with all the layers intact so you'd have better control. I might not have time tonight to do this but definitely over the weekend.
Originally posted by: dumb_kid
Andywan do you have photoshop? I could post stuff with all the layers intact so you'd have better control. I might not have time tonight to do this but definitely over the weekend.
Yes i have photoshop CS2. Theres no rush, i can work on other shots for now.

I've decided to change the title of me version to REVISITED instead of REVAMPED. I just think that the new title has a better feel to it. I'm also in the process of setting up a myspace site for this edit which will have more screenshots and clips. its gonna take a while but once its finished i'll let you all know. I'm even thinking about doing a regular podcast sort of thing with regular updates and maybe even some "making of.." clips, but thats just in the idea stage at the moment.

Originally posted by: InfoDroid

Do you have a Paypal account? I'd be interested in contributing some money toward a new hard drive. And if anyone else can or would like to help out, please do.

I'd hate to see this project delayed over something as simple as hard drive space.


I do have a paypal account but i'd probably feel a little too guilty taking money off people towards a new hard drive. Its a very welcome gesture and if i can't find another way of raising the funds for it then i may have to go down this route. I guess its more to do with the fact that i am doing this edit because of my love for the movies and i enjoy sharing my edits of the movies that i do with everyone. If i were to take donations toward the drive wouldn't that mean that i am profiting in some way from this release? Whats does everyone else think about this?



Originally posted by: Laserman
You would think that they would have their new toy surrounded by a fleet , but then where is the fleet when the rebels attack? If that sort of fleet was available then the rebels would have been toasted.
I think it then makes the finale seem less believable if you show that sort of firepower in ANH.

This is a good point. But I bet Adywan has already thought of it. Besides, we don't really know if Adywan has anything special planned for the attack on the Death Star. He did say he wanted to keep the "surprise" of this edit from us if possible. So I suggest we not push the issue too much, because I want all the sweet surprises!

BTW, this planet could be Endor. Maybe that's the official "secret" construction site of all Death Stars.

EDIT: I didn't see Adywan's last two responses before posting this.

You know of the rebellion against the Empire?

Originally posted by: Erikstormtrooper
Originally posted by: Laserman
You would think that they would have their new toy surrounded by a fleet , but then where is the fleet when the rebels attack? If that sort of fleet was available then the rebels would have been toasted.
I think it then makes the finale seem less believable if you show that sort of firepower in ANH.

This is a good point. But I bet Adywan has already thought of it. Besides, we don't really know if Adywan has anything special planned for the attack on the Death Star. He did say he wanted to keep the "surprise" of this edit from us if possible. So I suggest we not push the issue too much, because I want all the sweet surprises!.

Well there won't be any stardestroyers at the battle of Yavin but there will be more visual action of ships battling in the background to give the attack more depth. After all the TIE's arrive but there isn't much of a battle going on. where do they all suddenly go? and what happens to all of the other rebel ships that aren't doing the trench run? But you'll have to wait and see the outcome of this.



adywan you're doing an amazing 'REVISITED' ANH edit, agree with you about the first time we see DS, ties, destroyers around it, etc..the shot is good with all the elements, it shows the power of the imperial forces (perhaps the upper part tie fighter from left to right is too much=>ESB), what do u do with vader's voice ? that's great ! and it will be really cool to have some MakeOF clips
(scuze my english)

I just downloaded the clip and I must admit I'm completely in awe of what you've done so far with this edit. I'm almost as excited about seeing this as I've been about anything in a long time. I can't wait for the final product and I commend you on such fantastic work.
Originally posted by: adywan

I do have a paypal account but i'd probably feel a little too guilty taking money off people towards a new hard drive. Its a very welcome gesture and if i can't find another way of raising the funds for it then i may have to go down this route. I guess its more to do with the fact that i am doing this edit because of my love for the movies and i enjoy sharing my edits of the movies that i do with everyone. If i were to take donations toward the drive wouldn't that mean that i am profiting in some way from this release? Whats does everyone else think about this?

Personally, Adywan, I don't think you should consider it "profiting" by any means. This forum has traditionally been a very close-knit community. There have been numerous cases of collections being taken up for various reasons. That's just how we are on here, we help each other. Those who want to participate can, and those who don't, don't have to. But I know I'm not the only one who wouldn't mind donating a little money to ensure this project isn't shelved for several months over something as silly as hard drive space.

Let me know.


Well here's your link....


The atmosphere layer is a little tricky since it uses PS's internal layer options.. so you'll notice that the atmospheric glow goes around the entire circumference of the layer. So what you need to do is find the atmosphere setting you like, create an additional blank layer, hide all layers except for this extra one and the atmosphere layer. Merge those two layers and remove or paint out the unwanted "atmosphere" on the bottom and sides. Set the merged layer's blend method to"Screen"

Also included the flat base map as well. if want any additional help let me know..

how do you all feel about the gunner sequence in ANH after they escape the death star? I always thought it was padding in the movie and didn't make sense in the empires plot to track the Falcon. The movie would pace much better if after they escaped we go straight to Luke mourning over OB1, then cut to Vader and Tarkin's conversation then omit all the cockpit dialogue by cutting straight to the Falcon arriving at Yavin.
"Easy? You call that easy?"

If they hadn't sent the TIEs, Leia would know for sure that something was up.

Originally posted by: InfoDroid
Originally posted by: adywan

I do have a paypal account but i'd probably feel a little too guilty taking money off people towards a new hard drive... If i were to take donations toward the drive wouldn't that mean that i am profiting in some way from this release? Whats does everyone else think about this?

Personally, Adywan, I don't think you should consider it "profiting" by any means. This forum has traditionally been a very close-knit community...we help each other. Those who want to participate can, and those who don't, don't have to.

This would not be profiting from the release at all. First, there is a clear objective in collecting money (new hard drive) as opposed to the vague "for my time and services" reason that I've sadly seen from others. Second, when/if the new hard drive is paid for, you say so and then reject any pending PayPal payments. Clean conscience, easy as that!

Pink Floyd -- First in Space

I would be willing to contribute to the Adywan fund as well. Just say the word.

Eros: I am of the same mind when it comes to the gunport sequence; it's slow, unecessary, and dare I say, boring. However, it does establish that Luke can hold his own in space combat, which I think was one of the intentions of the scene (that and to have some space action before all the exposition preceeding the final battle). This is one of the most memorable sequnces in ANH, even if it is a bit dissapointing when compared to the space battles of ESB, RotJ, and the PT, and would be a difficult thing to cut. I don't know what Adywan has planned for this, but just making the Falcon move instead of standing still in space would greatly improve the sequence.
That's one scene that i was really disappointed that they didn't do anything to make it more exciting when the Special Editions came out in '97. I won't be getting rid of the scene but it does need work doing to it. I'm planning on redoing almost all (if not all) the effects shots for this scene, making the falcon move and not just sit there and give it more of an impact. "Easy? You call that easy?" well it would have been a lot easier if they didn't just sit there.

I'd like to thank everyone that has offered to donate towards the new hard drive. It's looking more likely that i will have to go down this route so i can continue because it will be february at least before i would be able to afford a decent sized drive. I never thought that i'd run out of space so fast but with an edit like this, and having to keep every element until it is finished just incase any shot needs tweaking, GB's soon disappear. Problem is i wouldn't have the first clue how to set up a donation system. If anyone can help with instructions how i can do this then please could you PM me. Thanks. i really didn't want people to think that i'm doing this edit for any sort of profit other than the satisfaction of seeing my dream edit come alive ( plus i'm having hell of a lot of fun doing it, even though some parts are a bloody knightmare. lol)

I've just redone the death star sequence with a better planet. I've mixed 3 seperate elements ( thanks dumb_kid the map cane in very handy for one of the elements) to create a better looking planet.




Originally posted by: adywan
I'd like to thank everyone that has offered to donate towards the new hard drive. It's looking more likely that i will have to go down this route...i really didn't want people to think that i'm doing this edit for any sort of profit other than the satisfaction of seeing my dream edit come alive.
Surely nobody will get the wrong impression given that this decision comes four months into the announcement of your project.

Originally posted by: adywan
I've just redone the death star sequence with a better planet.

YES! It looks like a desolate world. Perfect for the situation.

Pink Floyd -- First in Space

The new planet looks great Ady. I agree that a lot of the impact during the gun-port scene is lost due to the stationary Falcon. If you could make this scene more action paced and real it would be awesome.
Now that's more like it! A great mix between the rocky moon and the water planet. Fantastic work!
" I was a professional twice over: a therapist and and an analyst. I was the world's first "analrapist."

"There's a reason why you were almost arrested for giving out those cards"
I was skeptical that a suitable replacement would work for the blue one, but this new planet is really cool.

I'm also down for helpin in the hard drive dept.

The new planet looks cool.

I have a small nitpick. In ANH, the TIEs are white/light gray. In ESB and ROTJ, they are light blue. You're using blue ESB TIEs in this shot. Did you have plans to address this in some way?

You know of the rebellion against the Empire?

yep, that's it, the planet is pretty very cool..euh waht's the name by the way : adywania
(scuze my english)
Originally posted by: Erikstormtrooper

The new planet looks cool.

I have a small nitpick. In ANH, the TIEs are white/light gray. In ESB and ROTJ, they are light blue. You're using blue ESB TIEs in this shot. Did you have plans to address this in some way?

Thanks for spotting that. That one just passed me straight by . I've fixed it now. I've "bleached" the Empire TIE's to match the ANH ones now.



Also up for helping out with the hard drive!