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Rent it from netflix and buy next years boxset.
Yeah I have a source. Buying Lucasfilm products long enough tells you everything you need to know. As soon as the press release for these editions came out I knew next year would be the big one.
Originally posted by: Vigo
I mean, isn´t it pathetic to what extend some fanboys go to defend this release?

…anamorphic DVD´s and new digital transfers have become a ->STANDARD<- in the industry
Yes, anamorphic is the standard. Yes, the current standard and the format Lucas decided to use for this release of Star Wars are not the same. Someone accepting the format (regardless of the pretzel logic behind Lucas’ decision to use it) is NOT the same as defending it.

What exactly is it that you want people to do?
If someone doesn’t have a copy of the original version to watch and they would like to see it, this is the version they get to buy legally. It’s all Lucas is offering now – no matter how wrong that is.

Everyone would like the picture quality to be higher, but this is where we are now. No matter how much you want the people who bought this release to appear as uninformed fans “blindly following” everything Lucas does – that’s simply not the case. They’ve just decided to accept what’s currently available and not spend all day on the internet bad-mouthing Lucas and boycotting everything other than a bootleg. They’ve chosen to watch the movies instead.

Originally posted by: Vigo
George, you should really have thought about creating a religion of Star Wars, since your fans show the same signs of denial and blind following …

The point I´m trying to make is how Lucas has managed to mobilize the sheer ignorance of his blind followers…

Originally posted by: Vigo
I never said that "people who are happy to get the O-OT on DVD in any format" are "blind followers"

Of course not. I wonder how anyone got that idea.

Originally posted by: Vigo
We are not in the year 1993 anymore,

We’re not in the year 1986 anymore either. The Beastie Boys aren’t the >standard< for teenage angst. Get a new mantra.

Originally posted by: Vigo
…learn reading.

The verb you’re looking for would be read. As in, learn to read. By adding ing to the end of read, it became a noun. You can’t learn a noun.

Forum Moderator
Aren't you forgetting that the website said this is the first and only time these will be available? And the fact that this is a limited edition?

If it doesn't come out next May, I am going to laugh my ass off at everyone who's convinced we'll see it then......
We’re not in the year 1986 anymore either. The Beastie Boys aren’t the >standard< for teenage angst. Get a new mantra.

Dude....why you bustin' on the Beastie Boys, man? You wanna fight??? Why you frontin' in ma hood, man???

You wanna throw down, A-A-A-Anchorhead?!?!?

Let everyone sing....

All you have to do is look at George Lucas's past marketing history for Star Wars and you already have your answer. Read between the lines. This is a limited edition release because next years release is going to outdo it. It will be digitally remastered and anamorphic. Thus it will not be the original with all the scratches, dirt and grime on the print. My theory was correct in the begining but nobody wants to listen to me because they think I am defending the fact that this is not an anamorphic digitally remastered transfer. IT's a MARKETING GAME... Thats all it is. This "limited edition" is funding next years clean pristine perfectly anamorphic transfer. Lucasfilm did this because fans want the original unaltered trilogy. Next year we will also see the final craptacular versions too. The digital tinkering all ends with the 2007 "The Circle is now Complete" DVD boxset.
Originally posted by: Wesyeed
Originally posted by: Go-Mer-Tonic
Originally posted by: Wesyeed
good grief, that PT lover Go-mer-whatever from TFN posts here too?

why? It's as if every star wars forum I join, I find you at. And I can't believe... I've known of you and your pt-loving for an unbelievable 7 years of my life. Damn.

Who are you?


Hey Wesyeed! I remember you from TFN!
"Among many things I have to be thankful for are you, the fans. I know that some of you haven't liked every single thing that I've done with the saga, and that you have a strong sense of ownership over all things Star Wars. But take that passion and devotion and channel it into a creative project of your own."
-George Lucas
Originally posted by: Anchorhead
Originally posted by: Vigo
I mean, isn´t it pathetic to what extend some fanboys go to defend this release?

…anamorphic DVD´s and new digital transfers have become a ->STANDARD<- in the industry
Yes, anamorphic is the standard. Yes, the current standard and the format Lucas decided to use for this release of Star Wars are not the same. Someone accepting the format (regardless of the pretzel logic behind Lucas’ decision to use it) is NOT the same as defending it.

What exactly is it that you want people to do?

Stop finding silly (and just plain wrong) excuses for themselves and others because they personally want to buy the DVD´s. But you probably would have found that out yourself if you had read my post entirely, not some portions of it to make an attempt to bust my balls here.

If they want to buy it, because they don´t care about anamorphic anhancement or other quality issues: fine with me.

But spreading some utter shit like "anamorphic changes movies" to "sweet-mouth" this release is the same as spreading "masturbating makes blind" to prevent people using cheaper methods to gain joy in life...

If someone doesn’t have a copy of the original version to watch and they would like to see it, this is the version they get to buy legally. It’s all Lucas is offering now – no matter how wrong that is.

Well said, but It is totally missing the point I was originally making. I already explained it a few times in other posts, I wonder why you, after 3 pages, are NOW waking up, trying to refer to my original post.

Everyone would like the picture quality to be higher, but this is where we are now. No matter how much you want the people who bought this release to appear as uninformed fans “blindly following” everything Lucas does

More titty twisting words going on here! Where do I say that "people, who bought this release are uninformed fans, "blindly following" everything Lucas does".

– that’s simply not the case. They’ve just decided to accept what’s currently available and not spend all day on the internet bad-mouthing Lucas and boycotting everything other than a bootleg. They’ve chosen to watch the movies instead.

Again, well said and a very heroic speech attempt, but it is totally not referring to the point I was originally making.

Originally posted by: Vigo
George, you should really have thought about creating a religion of Star Wars, since your fans show the same signs of denial and blind following …

The point I´m trying to make is how Lucas has managed to mobilize the sheer ignorance of his blind followers…

Originally posted by: Vigo
I never said that "people who are happy to get the O-OT on DVD in any format" are "blind followers"

Of course not. I wonder how anyone got that idea.

Yes. Now where is the problem? Where does it say that "people who are happy to get the O-OT on DVD in any format" are "blind followers""? Only preconcieved opinions and laying words into my mouth lead to that conclusion. Lame attempt to prove me wrong.

Originally posted by: Vigo
We are not in the year 1993 anymore,

We’re not in the year 1986 anymore either. The Beastie Boys aren’t the >standard< for teenage angst. Get a new mantra.

Ah, yes? Good to know!

Originally posted by: Vigo
…learn reading.

The verb you’re looking for would be read. As in, learn to read. By adding ing to the end of read, it became a noun. You can’t learn a noun.


Well, you got me hombre!

Aber ich bin mir jedoch ziemlich sicher, dass Du nicht mal ansatzweise so gut meine Sprache sprechen kannst, wie ich Deine!

So plies exkuse som mistäkes due tu mai pour englissh practiccing here.

Originally posted by: Vigo

12 for me, I'm using up two watching Star Wars again.

Forum Moderator

"Aber ich bin mir jedoch ziemlich sicher, dass Du nicht mal ansatzweise so gut meine Sprache sprechen kannst, wie ich Deine!"


"But I am me however rather surely that you cannot speak times ansatzweise so well my language, how I yours!"

It's not a matter of accepting or not accepting non-anamorphic DVDs, the fact is right now we don't have a choice! Would I rather have the DVDs anamorphic? HELL YES! But I'm sorry, if my only choice is to watch VHS, laserdisc, a bootleg fan edit -OR- a set of official, letterboxed DVDs made from the laserdisc masters, I'm going with the DVDs.

Why do I have a feeling that the majority of people who are critical of those who've purchased the DVDs, have not actually seen the DVDs for themselves? I think a lot of this is people "protesting too much" and trying to talk themselves out of buying the DVDs.

Originally posted by: Mielr
Why do I have a feeling that the majority of people who are critical of those who've purchased the DVDs, have not actually seen the DVDs for themselves? I think a lot of this is people "protesting too much" and trying to talk themselves out of buying the DVDs.

I have been waiting for this statement, and now I have to confess:


Some aspecs of the transfer are nice, compared to the fan preservations. Like natural grain and enhanced horizontal resolution. And the colours are again how I remembered Star Wars.

But most aspects are unquestionable ridiculous. The "double line" artifacts on this release clearly makes it ->totally<- unacceptable.

If some people can live with this, fine. Let them enjoy these DVD´s.

But these are, and this is a not deniable fact, worse than about 90% of the DVD´s I own in my posession (386).

Flash Gordon, my favourite example of a movie which is apparently more important than the OOT, looks like a brand new movie compared to this shoddy release! Well, the European Kinowelt release does. Imagine, a very small (compared to Fox and Lucasfilm) German label manages to bring this really trashy movie in a nearly pristine quality to DVD!

Nope, this OOT release is NOT of good quality. There is , from my point of view, ABSOLUTELY no argument against this. You simply can not defend this release without trying to lie about the facts, or deliberately badmouthing those who rightfully oppose this release.
It's not a matter of accepting or not accepting non-anamorphic DVDs, the fact is right now we don't have a choice!

No, Mielr. You always have a choice. But people tend to lose their brains when it comes to Star Wars and forget this fundamental truth of the human situation. A rational person would say, "This is the best choice," or, "This is not the best choice," or, "I cannot determine which choice is best." Irrational people deny even the possibility of choice*. To your credit, you seem to believe that the GOUT is the best choice, but you also make the mistake of saying it's the only choice. (That is, no choice at all.)

Personally, I think the GOUT is neither the only choice nor the best choice. I also think buying into it limits future choices by providing a disincentive against creating quality products may retard the progress of the art and science of home video. But I tend to get philosophical and zealous about such things. Call it the Rebel in me.

* I am referring, of course, to situations in which decisions are made, in which the choosing faculty or will is exercised. Not to situations where there legitimately is no choice because will is irrelevant; you cannot choose to negate gravity, for instance.
"It's the stoned movie you don't have to be stoned for." -- Tom Shales on Star Wars
Scruffy's gonna die the way he lived.
Originally posted by: Raul2106
All you have to do is look at George Lucas's past marketing history for Star Wars and you already have your answer. Read between the lines. This is a limited edition release because next years release is going to outdo it. It will be digitally remastered and anamorphic. Thus it will not be the original with all the scratches, dirt and grime on the print. My theory was correct in the begining but nobody wants to listen to me because they think I am defending the fact that this is not an anamorphic digitally remastered transfer. IT's a MARKETING GAME... Thats all it is. This "limited edition" is funding next years clean pristine perfectly anamorphic transfer. Lucasfilm did this because fans want the original unaltered trilogy. Next year we will also see the final craptacular versions too. The digital tinkering all ends with the 2007 "The Circle is now Complete" DVD boxset.

I agree. For a very brief second, I bought into the whole "First and Only time" crap, and I made my feelings known in this thread., saying that I thought it was a play on words and we will see it again, just not on DVD and on the next format. Now I think we WILL see it again on DVD, and this is another perfect example of LFL's makerting games. So why would Lucas do this? Well because of what Raul2106 said for one. But I also think because of the following reasons:

1. If Lucas put the OUT into next years' uber-release, people would definitely be up in arms and screaming about the fact that Lucas "forced" people to buy an expensive release and one with all of the movies in it, which they may not want, just to get the OUT. Lucas is nipping that in the bud now by giving people the option to buy just the OUTs. Yes, the SEs are in it too, but that is a double benefit for him (see #2).

Fans: "But we have to now buy the boxed set to get the OUT, anamorphic and cleaned up!"

Lucas: "Hey wait a minute, you don't 'have to' buy anything! I gave the OUT to you last year...for many people, this was more than good enough."

Again, MARKETING GAMES! LFL has said numerous times that this is for the "casual fan". Many people said they didn't understand that statement because people who want the OUT are typically far from the casual fan. So where's the trick? In the fact that they know darn well that the serious fans are 9 times out of 10 also tech heads and want the best technology they can have. So they didn't lie, this release really WAS for the causual fans! And they win yet again, because now they just turned a whole group of people on to the OUT and they will probably want future versions too.

2. He is giving people the option to buy these individually now, and like I said many times before, it is also clearing SE stock. Once next year hits and the SE comes out w/ even more changes, these discs will be usless and Lucas wouldn't have been able to do a thing with them.

I'm sorry, but with each passing day, I find it harder and harder to believe that they included (created?) a new [old] SW opening crawl, transferred the OUT to DVD, show anamorphic seens in EOD, etc., just to toss all of that work aside and never use it again.
I see your reasons for thinking that, but just don't act like Lucas promised you the O-OT in next year's box set if it doesn't happen.
Your focus determines your reality.
Originally posted by: Scruffy
It's not a matter of accepting or not accepting non-anamorphic DVDs, the fact is right now we don't have a choice!

No, Mielr. You always have a choice. But people tend to lose their brains when it comes to Star Wars and forget this fundamental truth of the human situation. A rational person would say, "This is the best choice," or, "This is not the best choice," or, "I cannot determine which choice is best." Irrational people deny even the possibility of choice*. To your credit, you seem to believe that the GOUT is the best choice, but you also make the mistake of saying it's the only choice. (That is, no choice at all.)
Of course there's a choice. My point is that we don't have a set of anamorphic and a set of non-anamorphic DVDs sitting on store shelves, so in that regard - we have no choice.

I choose to watch the highest quality version of the OOT available- which are the DVDs. Others may choose to watch inferior releases such as vhs, LD or bootlegs out of principle, and that's their choice.

Originally posted by: Go-Mer-Tonic
I see your reasons for thinking that, but just don't act like Lucas promised you the O-OT in next year's box set if it doesn't happen.

I never would. If I am wrong I am wrong, so be it, and the choice to gamble on the possibility of a future release was all mine...
"The Circle Is Now Complete" - STAR WARS SAGA DVD 30th Anniversary Boxset 2007. Do not believe that the OOT will not be cleaned up, anamorphic and included in that set. Believe in the fact that LFL has fucked us all over before to get us to purchase the same movies repeatedly. I will be buying the boxset and keeping all the obsolete editions to teach my childrens children about great marketing scams.
ooooh, a $20 gamble that there might not be a future release, or it might be a long, long time till one. Sheesh, I spend more than that on lunch.

In the meantime, as poorly as the DVD looks in comparison to how it could, it nonetheless IS the currently best picture quality legally available.

You can whine all day about non-anamorphic and a shoddy restoration of a questionable master print. It doesn't change the fact that a film released a bunch of times over the decades has tended to get better-looking with each release. This release is no exception to that pattern.

The future may, and likely will, hold even better-looking releases of Star Wars and its sequels. But my $20 was well-spent ... even if that better-looking release comes as early as the 30th-anniversary next May.
Originally posted by: THX
Yeah I am wondering that too. What the heck is that?!?

I will be buying the boxset and keeping all the obsolete editions to teach my childrens children about great marketing scams.

Originally posted by: Raul2106

Can you dig it?

The FUCK is that?!?!?!

More info please....

You know what when the 30th Anniversary set comes out it will be interesting to see what it will look like.